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## The following messages are brand and should be kept entirely in English
## unless otherwise indicated.
-product-name = Firefox Monitor
-product-name-nowrap = <span class="nowrap">{-product-name}</span>
-product-short-name = Monitor
-brand-name = Firefox
-brand-Mozilla = Mozilla
-brand-HIBP = Have I Been Pwned
-brand-fxa = Firefox Account
-brand-pocket = Pocket
-brand-lockwise = Firefox Lockwise
-brand-send = Firefox Send
-brand-fpn = Firefox Private Network
terms-and-privacy = Terms & Privacy
GitHub-link-title = GitHub
error-scan-page-token = You tried to scan too many email addresses in a short time period. For security reasons, weve temporarily blocked you from new searches. Youll be able to try again later.
error-could-not-add-email = Could not add email address to database.
error-not-subscribed = This email address is not subscribed to {-product-name}.
error-hibp-throttled = Too many connections to {-brand-HIBP}.
error-hibp-connect = Error connecting to {-brand-HIBP}.
error-hibp-load-breaches = Could not load breaches.
error-must-be-signed-in = You must be signed in to your {-brand-fxa}.
error-to-finish-verifying = To finish verifying this email for {-product-name}, you must be signed in under your primary account email.
home-title = {-product-name}
home-not-found = Page not found.
oauth-invalid-session = Invalid session
scan-title = {-product-name} : Scan Results
user-add-invalid-email = Invalid Email
user-add-too-many-emails = You are monitoring the maximum number of email addresses.
user-add-email-verify-subject = Verify your subscription to {-product-name}.
user-add-duplicate-email = This email has already been added to {-product-name}.
user-add-duplicate-email-part-2 = Visit your { $preferencesLink } to check the status of { $userEmail }.
error-headline = Error
user-verify-token-error = Verification token is required.
user-verify-email-report-subject = Your {-product-name} report
user-unsubscribe-token-error = Unsubscribing requires a token.
user-unsubscribe-token-email-error = Unsubscribing requires a token and emailHash.
user-unsubscribe-title = {-product-name} : Unsubscribe
pwt-section-headline = Stronger Passwords = Better Protection
landing-headline = Your right to be safe from hackers starts here.
scan-placeholder = Enter Email Address
scan-submit = Search Your Email
scan-error = Must be a valid email.
download-firefox-banner-button = Download {-brand-name}
# Appears after Firefox Monitor has sent a verification email to a new user.
signup-modal-sent = Sent!
sign-up = Sign Up
form-signup-error = Must be a valid email
# breach-date = the calendar date a particular data theft occurred.
breach-date = Breach date:
# compromised accounts = the total number of user accounts exposed in data breach
compromised-accounts = Compromised accounts:
# compromised-data = the kind of user data exposed to hackers in data breach.
compromised-data = Compromised data:
unsub-headline = Unsubscribe from {-product-name-nowrap}
unsub-blurb = This will remove your email from the {-product-name-nowrap} list and you will no longer receive alerts when new breaches are announced.
unsub-button = Unsubscribe
# Breach data provided by Have I Been Pwned.
hibp-attribution = Breach data provided by { $hibp-link }
share-twitter = Most people have about 100 online accounts. Have any of yours been exposed in a data breach? Find out.
share-facebook-headline = Find out if youve been part of a data breach
share-facebook-blurb = Have your online accounts been exposed in a data breach?
og-site-description = Find out if youve been part of a data breach with {-product-name}. Sign up for alerts about future breaches and get tips to keep your accounts safe.
show-all = Show All
fxa-scan-another-email = Want to check another email?
= Sign In
sign-out = Sign Out
# Manage Firefox Account, link to page where account holders can change their account settings.
manage-fxa = Manage {-brand-fxa}
have-an-account = Have an account?
fxa-pwt-summary-2 =
Short, single-word passwords are easy for hackers to guess.
Use at least two words and a combination of letters, digits, and special characters.
fxa-pwt-summary-4 =
Password managers like 1Password, LastPass, Dashlane, and Bitwarden store your
passwords and fill them in to websites for you. Theyll even help you make strong passwords.
fxa-pwt-summary-6 =
Data breaches are on the rise. If your personal info appears in a new data breach,
{-product-name} sends you an alert — so you can take action and protect your accounts.
fxa-what-to-do-blurb-1 =
If you cant log in, contact the website to ask how to update it.
See an account you dont recognize? Your data could have been sold
or redistributed. This could also be an account you forgot you
created or a company that changed names.
fxa-what-to-do-subhead-2 = Stop using the exposed password, and change it everywhere youve used it.
fxa-wtd-blurb-2 =
Hackers may try to use that same password and your email to get in to other accounts.
Create a different and unique password for every account, especially for your bank account,
email, and other websites where you save personal information.
fxa-what-to-do-blurb-3 =
Most breaches only expose emails and passwords, but some do include sensitive financial information.
If your bank account or credit card numbers were exposed, alert your bank to possible fraud.
Monitor statements for charges you dont recognize.
fxa-what-to-do-subhead-4 = Get help remembering all your passwords and keeping them safe.
fxa-what-to-do-blurb-4 =
Password managers like 1Password, LastPass, Dashlane, and Bitwarden store your
passwords securely and fill them into websites for you. Use a password manager
on your phone and computer so you dont have to remember them all.
# Alerts is a noun
sign-up-for-alerts = Sign up for Alerts
# Link title
frequently-asked-questions = Frequently Asked Questions
about-firefox-monitor = About {-product-name}
# Link title
preferences = Preferences
# Link title
home = Home
# Link title
breaches = Breaches
# Link title
security-tips = Security Tips
fxa-account = {-brand-fxa}
# Aria button message to open menu. "Open Firefox Account Navigation"
open-fxa-menu = Open {-brand-fxa} navigation
# Appears above a snippet about the breach most recently reported to Firefox Monitor.
latest-breach = LATEST BREACH ADDED
# Link title
more-about-this-breach = More about this breach
take-control = Take back control of your personal data.
cant-stop-hackers = You cant stop hackers from hacking. But you can avoid bad habits that make their work easy.
read-more-tips = Read More Security Tips
how-hackers-work = Understand how hackers work
monitor-your-online-accounts = Sign up for breach monitoring with a {-brand-fxa}.
stay-alert = Stay alert to new breaches
if-your-info = If your information surfaces in a new data breach, well send you an alert.
search-all-emails = Search all your email addresses for breaches and get alerts about new threats.
monitor-several-emails = Monitor several emails
take-action = Take action to protect your accounts
keep-your-data-safe = Find out what you need to do to keep your data safe from cyber criminals.
website-breach = Website Breach
sensitive-breach = Sensitive Website Breach
data-aggregator-breach = Data Aggregator Breach
unverified-breach = Unverified Breach
spam-list-breach = Spam List Breach
website-breach-plural = Website Breaches
sensitive-breach-plural = Sensitive Breaches
data-aggregator-breach-plural = Data Aggregator Breaches
unverified-breach-plural = Unverified Breaches
spam-list-breach-plural = Spam List Breaches
what-data = What data was compromised:
sensitive-sites = How does {-product-name} treat sensitive sites?
sensitive-sites-copy = {-product-name} only reveals accounts associated with these
types of breaches after an email address has been verified. This means youre the
only person who can see if your information was in this breach (unless someone
else has access to your email account).
delayed-reporting-headline = Why did it take so long to report this breach?
delayed-reporting-copy = It can sometimes take months or years for credentials exposed
in a data breach to appear on the dark web. Breaches get added to our database as
soon as they have been discovered and verified.
about-fxm-headline = About {-product-name}
about-fxm-blurb = {-product-name} warns if your online accounts were involved in a
data breach. Find out if youve been in a data breach, get alerts about new breaches,
and take steps to protect your online accounts. {-product-name} is provided
by {-brand-Mozilla}.
fxm-warns-you = {-product-name} warns you if your email address has been exposed
in an online data breach. See if your information has been exposed, learn how
to better protect your online accounts, and get alerted if your email address
appears in a new breach.
# How Firefox Monitor works
how-fxm-works = How {-product-name} works
how-fxm-1-headline = Conduct a basic search
how-fxm-1-blurb = Search for your email address in public data breaches going
back to 2007. This basic search will surface most data breaches, but not
ones that contain sensitive personal information.
how-fxm-2-headline = Sign up for breach monitoring
how-fxm-2-blurb = Create a {-brand-fxa} to monitor your email for ongoing breaches.
Once youve verified your email, youll also receive a full report of past breaches,
including sensitive breaches.
how-fxm-3-headline = Get notifications in your browser
how-fxm-3-blurb = If you use {-brand-name}, youll receive a notification if you visit a
site thats been breached. Find out right away if you were part of that breach
and what you can do about it.
wtd-after-website = What to do after a website breach:
wtd-after-data-agg = What to do after a data aggregator breach:
what-is-data-agg = What is a data aggregator?
what-is-data-agg-blurb = Data aggregators, or data brokers, collect information from public
records and buy it from other companies. They compile this data to sell it to companies
for marketing purposes. Victims of these breaches are less likely to experience financial
fraud, but hackers could use this data to impersonate or profile them.
protect-your-privacy = Protect your online privacy
no-pw-to-change = Unlike a website breach, theres no password to change.
avoid-personal-info = Avoid using personal info in passwords
avoid-personal-info-blurb = Its easy to find birthdays, addresses, and family member names online. Keep these words out of your passwords.
## What to do after data breach tips
change-pw = Change your password
change-pw-site = Change password for this site
even-for-old = Even for old accounts, its important to update your password.
make-new-pw-unique = Make the new password different and unique
strength-of-your-pw = The strength of your passwords directly impacts your online security.
create-strong-passwords = How to create strong passwords
stop-reusing-pw = Stop reusing the same passwords
create-unique-pw = Create unique passwords and save them somewhere safe, like a password manager.
five-myths = 5 myths about password managers
create-a-fxa = Create a {-brand-fxa} for your full report of breaches and to get alerts.
feat-security-tips = Security tips to protect your accounts
feat-sensitive = Advanced search in sensitive breaches
feat-enroll-multiple = Enroll multiple emails in breach monitoring
# This string is shown beneath each of the users email addresses to indicate
# how many known breaches that email address was found in.
appears-in-x-breaches =
{ $breachCount ->
[one] Appears in { $breachCount } known breach.
*[other] Appears in { $breachCount } known breaches.
check-for-breaches = Check for Breaches
find-out-what-hackers-know = Find out what hackers already know about you. Learn how to stay a step ahead of them.
search-for-your-email = Search for your email address in public data breaches going back to 2007.
back-to-top = Back to Top
comm-opt-0 = Email me if one of my email addresses below appears in a data breach.
comm-opt-1 = Send all breach alerts to { $primaryEmail }.
stop-monitoring-this = Stop monitoring this email.
resend-verification = Resend verification email
add-new-email = Add a new email address
send-verification = Send Verification Link
# This string is a header on the user preferences page and
# appears above a check-box list of user options which allow
# the user to choose whether or not they want to receive breach
# alerts for all of their monitored email addresses to a single
# email address.
breach-summary = Breach Summary
show-breaches-for-this-email = Show all breaches for this email.
link-change-primary = Change Primary Email Address
remove-fxm = Remove {-product-name}
remove-fxm-blurb = Turn off {-product-name} alerts. Your {-brand-fxa} will remain active, and you may receive
other account-related communications.
# Button title
manage-email-addresses = Manage Email Addresses
# Link title
latest-breach-link = See if you were in this breach
welcome-back = Welcome back, { $userName }!
welcome-user = Welcome, { $userName }!
breach-alert-subject = {-product-name} found your email in a new data breach
your-info-was-discovered-headline = Your information was discovered in a new data breach.
your-info-was-discovered-blurb = Youre signed up to receive {-product-name} alerts
when your email appears in a data breach. Heres what we know about this breach.
what-to-do-after-breach = What to do after a data breach
ba-next-step-1 = Change your password to a strong, unique password.
ba-next-step-blurb-1 =
A strong password uses a combination of upper and lowercase letters,
special characters, and numbers. It doesnt contain personal info like
your address, birthday, or family names.
ba-next-step-2 = Stop using that exposed password entirely.
ba-next-step-blurb-2 =
Cyber criminals could find your password on the dark web and use it
to log in to your other accounts. The best way to protect your accounts
is to use unique passwords for each one.
ba-next-step-3 = Get help creating better passwords and keeping them safe.
ba-next-step-blurb-3 =
Use a password manager to create strong, unique passwords. Password managers securely store all your
logins so you can access them across all your devices.
faq1 = I dont recognize this company or website. Why am I in this breach?
faq2 = Why did it take so long to notify me of this breach?
faq3 = How do I know this is a legitimate email from {-product-name}?
new-breaches-found =
{ $breachCount ->
*[one] { $breachCount } NEW BREACH FOUND
[other] { $breachCount } NEW BREACHES FOUND
sign-up-headline-1 = Get ongoing alerts with a {-brand-fxa}.
account-not-required = {-brand-name} browser not required for a {-brand-fxa}. You may receive info about {-brand-Mozilla} services.
was-your-info-exposed = Was your info exposed in the { $breachName } data breach?
find-out-if = Find out if your data was exposed in this breach.
fb-not-comp = This email did not appear in the { $breachName } breach.
other-breaches-found =
{ $breachCount ->
[one] However, it did appear in { $breachCount } other breach.
*[other] However, it did appear in { $breachCount } other breaches.
fb-comp-only = This email appeared in the { $breachName } breach.
fb-comp-and-others =
{ $breachCount ->
*[other] This email appeared in { $breachCount } known data breaches, including { $breachName }.
no-other-breaches-found = No other breaches found from a basic search.
no-results-blurb = Sorry, that breach is not in our database.
all-breaches-headline = All breaches in {-product-name}
search-breaches = Search Breaches
# "Appears in-page as: Showing: All Breaches"
currently-showing = Showing:
## Updated error messages
error-bot-headline = Searches temporarily suspended
error-bot-blurb = Were worried you might be a bot because you searched
several email addresses in a short time period. For now, youre blocked
from new searches. You can try again later.
error-csrf-headline = Session timed out
error-csrf-blurb = Select your browsers back button, reload the page, and try again.
error-invalid-unsub = How to unsubscribe from {-product-name} alerts
error-invalid-unsub-blurb = Youll need to unsubscribe from one of the
emails {-product-name} sent you. Check your inbox for messages from
{-brand-team-email}. Select the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.
# This string is displayed under a large numeral that indicates the total number
# of email address a user has signed up for monitoring. Dont add $emails to
# your localization, because it would result in the number showing twice.
email-addresses-being-monitored =
{ $emails ->
*[one] Email address being monitored
[other] Email addresses being monitored
# This string is displayed under a large numeral that indicates the total number
# of data breaches that exposed a users password. Dont add $passwords to
# your localization, because it would result in the number showing twice.
passwords-exposed =
{ $passwords ->
[one] Password exposed across all breaches
*[other] Passwords exposed across all breaches
# This string is displayed under a large numeral that indicates the total number
# of data breaches that have exposed the users information. Dont add $breaches to
# your localization, because it would result in the number showing twice.
known-data-breaches-exposed =
{ $breaches ->
[one] Known data breach has exposed your info
*[other] Known data breaches have exposed your info
# Button
see-additional-breaches = See Additional Breaches
scan-results-known-breaches =
{ $breachCount ->
[one] This email appeared in 1 known data breach.
*[other] This email appeared in { $breachCount } known data breaches.
# This string is shown at the top of the scan results page and is followed
# by the email address that the user searched.
# In page, it reads "Results for:"
results-for = Results for: { $userEmail }
other-monitored-emails = Other Monitored Emails
email-verification-required = Email Verification Required
fxa-primary-email = {-brand-fxa} Email - Primary
what-is-a-website-breach = What is a website breach?
website-breach-blurb = A website data breach happens when cyber criminals steal, copy, or expose personal information from online accounts. Its usually a result of hackers finding a weak spot in the websites security. Breaches can also happen when account information gets leaked by accident.
security-tips-headline = Security tips to protect yourself from hackers
steps-to-protect = Steps to take to protect your online identity
take-further-steps = Take further steps to protect your identity
alert-about-new-breaches = Alert me about new breaches
see-if-youve-been-part = See if youve been part of an online data breach.
get-ongoing-breach-monitoring = Get ongoing breach monitoring for multiple email addresses.
# This is a button and follows a headline reading "Was your info exposed in the ___ breach?"
find-out = Find Out
new-unsub-error = Youll need to unsubscribe from one of the emails {-product-name} sent.
other-known-breaches-found =
{ $breachCount ->
[one] However, it did appear in { $breachCount } other known breach.
*[other] However, it did appear in { $breachCount } other known breaches.
# This string appears on breach detail pages and is followed by a list
# of data classes that the breach exposed.
additional-information-including = Additional information, including:
# Title
email-addresses-title = Email Addresses
# This is a section headline on the breach detail page that appears above
# a short summary about the breach.
breach-overview-title = Overview
# This is a standardized breach overview blurb that appears on all breach detail pages.
# $breachTitle is the name of the breached company or website.
# $breachDate and $addedDate are calendar dates.
breach-overview-new = On { $breachDate }, { $breachTitle } was breached. Once the breach was discovered and verified, it was added to our database on { $addedDate }.
# Title appearing on the Preferences dashboard.
monitor-preferences = {-product-short-name} Preferences
# When a user is signed in, this appears in the drop down menu
# and is followed by the user's primary Firefox Account email.
signed-in-as = Signed in as: { $userEmail }
# Appears on the All Breaches page and is followed by a list of filter options
# that a user can filter the visible breaches by.
filter-by = Filter by Category:
# Title that appears in the mobile menu bar and opens the mobile menu when clicked.
menu = Menu
to-affected-email = Send breach alerts to the affected email address
# This string appears in a banner at the top of each page and is followed by a "Learn More" link.
join-firefox = There is a way to protect your privacy. Join {-brand-name}.
# Link title
learn-more-link = Learn more.
email-sent = Email Sent!
# Form title
want-to-add = Want to add another email?
# This is part of a confirmation message that appears after a user has submitted
# the form to add an additional email to Firefox Monitor.
verify-the-link = Verify the link sent to { $userEmail } to add it to {-product-name}.
## These are part of a confirmation page that appears after a user has verified
## an additional email to Firefox Monitor.
email-verified = Email Successfully Verified!
email-added-to-subscription = Well alert you if { $email } appears in a data breach.
# This message is displayed after the user has verified their email address.
# { $nestedSignInLink } is replaced by a link, using sign-in-nested as text ("sign in" for English).
email-verified-view-dashboard = To see and manage all emails youve signed up for breach monitoring, { $nestedSignInLink }.
# This message is used as a text for the subscribe link in email-verified-view-dashboard
-nested = sign in
# This is part of a confirmation message that appears after a user has submited the
# form to add an additional email to Firefox Monitor. { $preferencesLink } is a link
# to the Preferences page. The code and text for the link is generated elsewhere
# using the { preferences } string.
manage-all-emails = Manage all email addresses in { $preferencesLink }.
# This string is a header on the user preferences page and
# appears above a check-box list of user options which allow
# the user to choose whether or not they want to receive breach
# alerts for all of their monitored email addresses to a single
# email address.
breach-alert-notifications = Breach Alert Notifications
# This string is a label for the calendar date a breach is added to the database
# and is followed by that date.
breach-added-label = Breach added:
how-hackers-work-desc = Protect your passwords from cyber criminals, since thats what they care about most.
what-to-do-after-breach-desc = Lock down your accounts to keep your information out of the wrong hands.
create-strong-passwords-desc = Make your passwords strong, secure, and hard to guess.
steps-to-protect-desc = Understand the most common threats and know what to look out for.
five-myths-desc = Learn how to avoid bad password habits that make a hackers work easy.
take-further-steps-desc = Find out how to mitigate the risks of identity theft to prevent financial loss.
# This message appears after a user has successfully updated their communication settings.
changes-saved = Changes saved!
# Section headline
rec-section-headline = What to do for this breach
rec-section-subhead = We recommend you take these steps to keep your personal info safe and protect your digital identity.
# Section headline
rec-section-headline-no-pw = What to do to protect your personal info
rec-section-subhead-no-pw = Though passwords werent exposed in this breach, there are still steps you can take to better protect your personal info.
# Button
see-additional-recs = See Additional Recommendations
## This string contains nested markup that becomes a link later in the code.
## Please do not modify or remove "<a>" and "</a>".
resolve-top-notification = { $affectedEmail } appeared in this breach. <a>What to do next</a>
resolve-top-notification-plural =
{ $numAffectedEmails ->
*[other] { $numAffectedEmails } of your email addresses appeared in this breach. <a>What to do next</a>
marking-this-subhead = Marking this breach as resolved
# This string contains nested markup that is later used to style the text inside of it.
# Please do not modify or remove "<span>" and "</span>".
marking-this-body =
<span>Once youve taken the steps you can to address this breach</span>,
you can mark it as resolved. You can still access details about the breach
from your dashboard at any time.
mark-as-resolve-button = Mark as Resolved
marked-as-resolved-label = Marked as Resolved
undo-button = Undo
confirmation-1-subhead = Nice! Youve just resolved your first breach.
confirmation-1-body = Keep up the momentum. Check your dashboard to see if theres more to do.
confirmation-2-subhead = Take that, hackers!
confirmation-2-body = Youre taking important steps towards protecting your online accounts.
confirmation-3-subhead = Another one down. Nice work!
# This string contains nested markup that becomes a link later in the code.
# Please do not modify or remove "<a>" and "</a>".
confirmation-3-body = Is your new password unique, strong, and hard to guess? <a>Find out</a>
generic-confirmation-subhead = This breach has been marked as resolved
generic-confirmation-message =
{ $numUnresolvedBreaches ->
[one] To see the remaining breach, go to your dashboard.
*[other] To see all remaining breaches, go to your dashboard.
return-to-breach-details-link = Return to breach details
go-to-dashboard-link = Go to Dashboard
# This string appears above a breach resolution progress bar and indicates
# the percentage of breaches a user has resolved. For instance, "27% complete".
progress-percent-complete = { $percentComplete }% complete
# This string appears in the purple callouts at the top of the user dashboard and shows
# the total number of breaches a user has resolved. For instance, "5 Resolved".
num-resolved =
{ $numResolvedBreaches ->
*[other] { $numResolvedBreaches } Resolved
progress-intro-subhead = New in { -product-name }: Mark breaches as resolved
progress-intro-message =
After reviewing the details about a breach and taking steps to protect
your personal info, you can mark breaches as resolved.
progress-status =
{ $numTotalBreaches ->
*[other] { $numResolvedBreaches} out of { $numTotalBreaches } breaches marked as resolved
progress-complete = All known breaches have been marked as resolved
## These strings contain nested markup that is later used to style the text inside of it.
## Please do not modify or remove "<span>" and "</span>".
progress-message-1 =
<span>Youre off to a great start!</span> Check out the remaining breaches to learn
what steps to take.
progress-message-2 =
<span>Keep it up!</span> Small changes like updating passwords have a big impact on
keeping your personal info safe.
progress-message-3 = <span>Nice work resolving those breaches!</span> Keep it up. Youve got a few more to go.
progress-message-4 = <span>Almost done!</span> Youre nearly to the finish line.
progress-complete-message =
<span>Feels good, right?</span> If you want to keep going, this is a good time to
update other logins with stronger passwords.
resolve-this-breach-link = Resolve this breach
# This string appears in resolved breach cards and is followed by
# the date the user marked the breach as resolved.
marked-resolved = Marked resolved:
hide-resolved-button = Hide Resolved
show-resolved-button = Show Resolved
unresolved-passwords-exposed =
{ $numPasswords ->
[one] Password exposed in unresolved breaches
*[other] Passwords exposed in unresolved breaches
known-data-breaches-resolved =
{ $numResolvedBreaches ->
[one] Known data breach marked as resolved
*[other] Known data breaches marked as resolved
# A status indicator that appears in the top right corner of new breach cards
new-breach = New