# Bramble is based on Brackets
Brackets is a modern open-source code editor for HTML, CSS
and JavaScript that's *built* in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Brackets is at 1.0 and we're not stopping there. We have many feature ideas on our
[trello board](http://bit.ly/BracketsTrelloBoard) that we're anxious to add and other
innovative web development workflows that we're planning to build into Brackets.
So take Brackets out for a spin and let us know how we can make it your favorite editor.
You can see some
[screenshots of Brackets](https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Brackets-Screenshots)
on the wiki, [intro videos](http://www.youtube.com/user/CodeBrackets) on YouTube, and news on the [Brackets blog](http://blog.brackets.io/).
The text editor inside Brackets is based on
[CodeMirror](http://github.com/codemirror/CodeMirror)—thanks to Marijn for
taking our pull requests, implementing feature requests and fixing bugs! See
[Notes on CodeMirror](https://github.com/adobe/brackets/wiki/Notes-on-CodeMirror)
for info on how we're using CodeMirror.
# How to setup Bramble (Brackets) in your local machine
Step 1: Make sure you fork and clone [Bramble](https://github.com/mozilla/brackets).
$ git clone https://github.com/[yourusername]/brackets --recursive
Step 2: Install its dependencies
Navigate to the root of the directory you cloned and run:
$ npm install
Step 3: run the build
You can build Bramble by running the npm build task:
$ npm run build
Step 4: Run Bramble:
The easiest way to run Bramble is to simply use:
$ npm start
This starts an `http-server` session on port 8000 for you to work with.
However, if you wish to run your own static server, there are several options available:
* [Apache Webserver](http://www.apache.org/)
* Host on [github pages](https://help.github.com/articles/what-are-github-pages)
* [Python WebServer](https://docs.python.org/2/library/simplehttpserver.html)
Assuming you have Bramble running on port `8000`. Now you can visit [http://localhost:8000/src](http://localhost:8000/src).
**NOTE 1:** Bramble expects to be run in an iframe, which hosts its filesystem. For local
development, use `src/hosted.html` instead of `src/index.html`. To see how the remote end
should host Bramble's iframe, see `src/hosted.js`.
**NOTE 2:** Using `npm run build` will overwrite contents in the `src/nls` folder. These changes are necessary if you access Bramble using [http://localhost:8000/src](http://localhost:8000/src). After using Bramble, you can undo the changes by running `npm run unlocalize`.
**NOTE 3:** To use Bramble in a production setting locally, you can run `npm run production` and access Bramble at [http://localhost:8000/dist](http://localhost:8000/dist)
# Optional Extension Loading
Bramble supports enabling and disabling various extensions via the URL and query params.
A standard set of default extensions are always turned on:
* CSSCodeHints
* HTMLCodeHints
* JavaScriptCodeHints
* InlineColorEditor
* JavaScriptQuickEdit
* QuickOpenCSS
* QuickOpenHTML
* QuickOpenJavaScript
* QuickView
* UrlCodeHints
* brackets-paste-and-indent
* BrambleUrlCodeHints
* Autosave
* UploadFiles
* WebPlatformDocs
* CodeFolding
* bramble-move-file
You could disable QuickView and CSSCodeHints by loading Bramble with `?disableExtensions=QuickView,CSSCodeHints`
on the URL.
In addition, you can enable other extra extensions:
* SVGCodeHints
* HtmlEntityCodeHints
* LESSSupport
* CloseOthers
* InlineTimingFunctionEditor
* JSLint
* QuickOpenCSS
* RecentProjects
* brackets-cdn-suggestions
* HTMLHinter
* MdnDocs
You could enable JSLint and LESSSupport by loading Bramble with `?enableExtensions=JSLint,LESSSupport`
on the URL
NOTE: you can combine `disableExtensions` and `enableExtensions` to mix loading/disabling extensions.
You should check src/utils/BrambleExtensionLoader.js for the most up-to-date version of these
extension lists.
## After installation
After you have everything setup, you can now run the server you chose in the root of your local Bramble directory and see it in action by visiting [http://localhost:8000/src](http://localhost:8000/src).
# Bramble IFrame API
Bramble is desinged to be run in an iframe, and the hosting web app to communicate with it
via `postMessage` and `MessageChannel`. In order to simplify this, a convenience API exists
for creating and managing the iframe, as well as providing JavaScript functions for interacting
with the editor, preview, etc.
## Loading the API
The hosting app must include the Bramble IFrame API (i.e., `dist/bramble.js`). Note: in
development you can use `src/hosted.html`, which does this). This script can either be used as
an AMD module, or as a browser global:
## Bramble
The Bramble module has a number of methods, properties, and events. During its lifetime,
Bramble goes through a number of states, including:
* `Bramble.ERROR` - Bramble is in an error state
* `Bramble.NOT_LOADED` - Initial state, `Bramble.load()` has not been called
* `Bramble.LOADING` - `Bramble.load()` has been called, loading resources has begun
* `Bramble.MOUNTABLE` - Loading is done and `Bramble.mount()` can be begin, or is safe to start
* `Bramble.MOUNTING` - `Bramble.mount()` is being called, mounting is in process
* `Bramble.READY` - `Bramble.mount()` has finished, Bramble is fully ready
The current state of Bramble can be obtained by calling `Bramble.getReadyState()`. There are
also a number of events you can listen for (i.e., `Bramble` is an [`EventEmitter`](https://github.com/Wolfy87/EventEmitter/)):
Bramble.once("ready", function(bramble) {
// bramble is the Bramble proxy instance, see below.
Bramble.on("error", function(err) {
// Bramble is in an error state, and `err` is the error.
Bramble.on("readyStateChange", function(previous, current) {
// Bramble's readyState changed from `previous` to `current`
NOTE: in some browsers (e.g., Firefox) when the user is in "Private Browsing"
mode, the filesystem (i.e., IndexedDB) will be inaccessible, and an error
will be sent via the `error` event (i.e., `err.code === "EFILESYSTEMERROR"`). This
is the same error that occurs when the filesystem is corrupt (see `autoRecoverFileSystem` below).
## Bramble.getFileSystem()
The FileSystem is owned by the hosting application, and can be obtained at any time by calling:
var fs = Bramble.getFileSystem();
This `fs` instance can be used to setup the filesystem for the Bramble editor prior to
loading. You can access things like `Path` and `Buffer` via `Bramble.Filer.*`.
## Bramble.formatFileSystem(callback)
WARNING: this **will** destroy data, and is meant to be used in the case that
the filesystem is corrupted (`err.code === "EFILESYSTEMERROR"`), or for when an
app wants to allow a user to wipe their disk.
Bramble.on("error", function(err) {
if(err.code === "EFILESYSTEMERROR") {
Bramble.formatFileSystem(function(err) {
if(err) {
// Unable to create filesystem, fatal (and highly unlikely) error
} else {
// filesystem is now clean and empty, use Bramble.getFileSystem() to obtain instance
NOTE: you can turn this recovery behaviour on automatically by passing `autoRecoverFileSystem: true`
in the options to `Bramble.load()`.
## Bramble.load(elem[, options])
Once you have a reference to the `Bramble` object, you use it to starting loading the editor:
// Start loading Bramble
Bramble.once("error", function(err) {
console.error("Bramble error", err);
The `elem` argument specifies which element in the DOM should be used to hold the iframe.
This element's contents will be replaced by the iframe. You can pass a selector, a reference
to an actual DOM element, or leave it blank, and `document.body` will be used.
The `options` object allows you to configure Bramble:
* `url`: `` a URL to use when loading the Bramble iframe (defaults to prod)
* `locale`: `` the locale Brackets should use
* `useLocationSearch`: `` whether to copy the window's location.search string to the iframe's url
* `extensions:` `