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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
import threading
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
from bugbug_http.readthrough_cache import ReadthroughTTLCache
time_change_event = threading.Event()
class MockDatetime:
def __init__(self, mock_now):
self.mock_now = mock_now
def now(self):
return self.mock_now
def set_now(self, new_mock_now):
self.mock_now = new_mock_now
class MockSleep:
def __init__(self, mock_datetime):
self.mock_datetime = mock_datetime
self.wakeups_count = 0
# count variable used to ensure that context switch into
# thread calling sleep occurred
def sleep(self, sleep_seconds):
self.wakeup_time = self.mock_datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=sleep_seconds)
while self.mock_datetime.now() < self.wakeup_time:
self.wakeups_count += 1
class PurgeCountCache(ReadthroughTTLCache):
def __init__(self, ttl, load_item_function):
super().__init__(ttl, load_item_function)
self.purge_count = 0
def purge_then_increment(purge):
self.purge_count += 1
super().purge_expired_entries = purge_then_increment(
def test_doesnt_cache_unless_accessed_within_ttl():
mockdatetime = MockDatetime(datetime(2019, 4, 1, 10))
cache = ReadthroughTTLCache(timedelta(hours=4), lambda x: "payload")
with patch("datetime.datetime", mockdatetime):
# after one hour
mockdatetime.set_now(datetime(2019, 4, 1, 11))
assert "key_a" not in cache
# after two hours
mockdatetime.set_now(datetime(2019, 4, 1, 12))
# after three hours
mockdatetime.set_now(datetime(2019, 4, 1, 13))
assert "key_a" in cache
def test_cache_purges_after_ttl():
mockdatetime = MockDatetime(datetime(2019, 4, 1, 10))
cache = ReadthroughTTLCache(timedelta(hours=2), lambda x: "payload")
with patch("datetime.datetime", mockdatetime):
cache.get("key_a", force_store=True)
# after one hour
mockdatetime.set_now(datetime(2019, 4, 1, 11))
assert "key_a" in cache
# after two hours one minute
mockdatetime.set_now(datetime(2019, 4, 1, 12, 1))
assert "key_a" not in cache
def test_cache_ttl_refreshes_after_get():
mockdatetime = MockDatetime(datetime(2019, 4, 1, 10))
cache = ReadthroughTTLCache(timedelta(hours=2), lambda x: "payload")
with patch("datetime.datetime", mockdatetime):
cache.get("key_a", force_store=True)
# after one hour
mockdatetime.set_now(datetime(2019, 4, 1, 11))
assert "key_a" in cache
assert cache.get("key_a") == "payload"
# after three hours
mockdatetime.set_now(datetime(2019, 4, 1, 13))
assert "key_a" in cache
# after three hours one minute
mockdatetime.set_now(datetime(2019, 4, 1, 13, 1))
assert "key_a" not in cache
def test_force_store():
def with_spied_storage(cache):
cache.storage_access_count = 0
cache_getitem = cache.items_storage.__getitem__
def spy_getitem(key):
cache.storage_access_count += 1
return cache_getitem(key)
mock_items_storage = MagicMock()
mock_items_storage.__getitem__.side_effect = spy_getitem
mock_items_storage.__setitem__.side_effect = cache.items_storage.__setitem__
mock_items_storage.__contains__.side_effect = cache.items_storage.__contains__
cache.items_storage = mock_items_storage
return cache
cache = with_spied_storage(
ReadthroughTTLCache(timedelta(hours=2), lambda x: "payload")
cache.get("key_a", force_store=True)
assert "key_a" in cache
assert cache.get("key_a") == "payload"
assert cache.storage_access_count == 1
def test_cache_thread():
purged_event = threading.Event()
def cache_with_purge_count(cache):
cache.purge_count = 0
purge = cache.purge_expired_entries
def purge_then_increment():
cache.purge_count += 1
cache.purge_expired_entries = purge_then_increment
return cache
mockdatetime = MockDatetime(datetime(2019, 4, 1, 10))
cache = cache_with_purge_count(
ReadthroughTTLCache(timedelta(hours=2), lambda x: "payload")
mocksleep = MockSleep(mockdatetime)
with patch("datetime.datetime", mockdatetime):
with patch("time.sleep", mocksleep.sleep):
cache.get("key_a", force_store=True)
# after one hour
mockdatetime.set_now(datetime(2019, 4, 1, 11))
assert cache.purge_count == 0
assert "key_a" in cache
assert mocksleep.wakeups_count == 0
# after two hours one minute
mockdatetime.set_now(datetime(2019, 4, 1, 12, 1))
assert cache.purge_count == 1
assert "key_a" not in cache
assert mocksleep.wakeups_count == 1