Update merge_duty.rst
This commit is contained in:
@ -387,14 +387,13 @@ Follow these steps to bump the nightly version and release dates in ShipIt:
1. ``git clone git@github.com:mozilla-releng/shipit.git``
2. ``git checkout -b nightly_version_bump_${version}``
3. Edit FIREFOX_NIGHTLY's major version in `api/src/shipit_api/common/config.py <https://github.com/mozilla-releng/shipit/blob/f3d45d1dd1cc08cc466865f7d39305f1b2edbcf7/api/src/shipit_api/common/config.py#L49>`__
4. Edit the `LAST` and `NEXT` known dates (all 6 of them) in `api/src/shipit_api/common/config.py <https://github.com/mozilla-releng/shipit/blob/f3d45d1dd1cc08cc466865f7d39305f1b2edbcf7/api/src/shipit_api/common/config.py#L54-L59>`__ (the release dates can be found on `the whaittrainisitnow website <https://whattrainisitnow.com/calendar/>`__)
5. Commit, then submit a pull request
6. Someone on the Thunderbird team should open a similar PR in ShipIt the same day to bump the Thunderbird version.
4. Commit, then submit a pull request
5. Someone on the Thunderbird team should open a similar PR in ShipIt the same day to bump the Thunderbird version.
If there hasn't been a Thunderbird PR put up for review yet, please ping `#tbdrivers <https://matrix.to/#/#tbdrivers:mozilla.org>`__
7. Merge the Firefox and Thunderbird pull requests onto main
8. Push ShipIt's ``main`` branch to ``production``
9. Log into ShipIt, click the gear icon on the top right, then click on "Rebuild product-details"
10. Monitor the versions info page for `firefox <https://product-details.mozilla.org/1.0/firefox_versions.json>`__ and `thunderbird <https://product-details.mozilla.org/1.0/thunderbird_versions.json>`__ to make sure they are up to date
6. Merge the Firefox and Thunderbird pull requests onto main
7. Push ShipIt's ``main`` branch to ``production``
8. Log into ShipIt, click the gear icon on the top right, then click on "Rebuild product-details"
9. Monitor the versions info page for `firefox <https://product-details.mozilla.org/1.0/firefox_versions.json>`__ and `thunderbird <https://product-details.mozilla.org/1.0/thunderbird_versions.json>`__ to make sure they are up to date
Release Merge Day - part III - release day
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