122 строки
4.2 KiB
Executable File
122 строки
4.2 KiB
Executable File
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
set -e
# The script is to install Android SDK, NDK for build chromium on Android, and
# doesn't need to run as root.
# Using Android 3.2, API Level: 13 (Honeycomb). The SDK package is about 30M.
# Using "ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/tools/android list targets" to get the matching target
# id which will be loaded in simulator for testing.
# For example: the output of the listed the target could be below, and the
# 'android-13' is the SDK_TARGET_ID in this case.
# id: 9 or "android-13"
# Name: Android 3.2
# Type: Platform
# API level: 13
# Revision: 1
# Skins: WXGA (default)
# Using NDK r6b; The package is about 44M.
# The temporary directory used to store the downloaded file.
TEMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
cleanup() {
local status=${?}
trap - EXIT
rm -rf "${TEMPDIR}"
exit ${status}
trap cleanup EXIT
# Download and install a tgz package by wget and tar -xvf.
# The current directory is changed in this function.
# Arguments:
# local_file_name, the name of downloaded file.
# download_url, the url to download the package.
# md5, the package's md5 which could be found in download page.
# install_path, where the package should be installed.
# Returns:
# None
install_dev_kit() {
local local_file_name="${1}"
local download_url="${2}"
local md5="${3}"
local install_path="${4}"
cd "${TEMPDIR}"
wget "${download_url}"
local computed_md5=$(md5sum "${local_file_name}" | cut -d' ' -f1)
if [[ "${computed_md5}" != "${md5}" ]]; then
echo "Downloaded ${local_file_name} has bad md5sum, which is expected" >& 2
echo "to be ${md5} but was ${computed_md5}" >& 2
exit 1
echo "Install ${local_file_name}"
mv "${local_file_name}" "${install_path}"
cd "${install_path}"
tar -xvf "${local_file_name}"
if [[ -z "${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}" ]]; then
echo "Please set ANDROID_SDK_ROOT to where they should installed to." >& 2
echo "For example: /usr/local/android-sdk-linux_x86" >& 2
exit 1
if [[ -z "${ANDROID_NDK_ROOT}" ]]; then
echo "Please set ANDROID_NDK_ROOT to where they should installed to." >& 2
echo "For example: /usr/local/android-ndk-r6b" >& 2
exit 1
# Install Android SDK if it doesn't exist.
if [[ ! -d "${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}" ]]; then
echo 'Install ANDROID SDK ...'
(install_dev_kit "${SDK_FILE_NAME}" "${SDK_DOWNLOAD_URL}" "${SDK_MD5SUM}" \
$(dirname "${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}"))
# Install the target if it doesn't exist. The package installed above contains
# no platform, platform-tool or tool, all those should be installed by
# ${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/tools/android.
if [[ ! $("${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/tools/android" list targets \
| grep -q "${SDK_TARGET_ID}") ]]; then
# Updates the SDK by installing the necessary components.
# From current configuration, all android platforms will be installed.
# This will take a little bit long time.
echo "Install platform, platform-tool and tool ..."
"${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}"/tools/android update sdk --no-ui \
--filter platform,platform-tool,tool
# Create a Android Virtual Device named 'buildbot' with default hardware
# configuration and override the existing one, since there is no easy way to
# check whether current AVD has correct configuration and it takes almost no
# time to create a new one.
"${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}/tools/android" --silent create avd --name buildbot \
--target ${SDK_TARGET_ID} --force <<< "no"
# Install Android NDK if it doesn't exist.
if [[ ! -d "${ANDROID_NDK_ROOT}" ]]; then
echo 'Install ANDROID NDK ...'
(install_dev_kit "${NDK_FILE_NAME}" "${NDK_DOWNLOAD_URL}" "${NDK_MD5SUM}" \
$(dirname "${ANDROID_NDK_ROOT}"))