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175 строки
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Copyright (C) 2005-2008 The Android Open Source Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
<project default="-obfuscate">
<property name="verbose" value="false" />
<property name="out.dir" location="${OUT_DIR}" />
<!-- Output directories -->
<property name="out.dir" value="bin" />
<property name="out.absolute.dir" location="${out.dir}" />
<property name="out.classes.absolute.dir" location="${out.dir}/classes" />
<property name="out.manifest.abs.file" location="${out.dir}/AndroidManifest.xml" />
<!-- tools location -->
<property name="sdk.dir" location="${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT}"/>
<property name="android.tools.dir" location="${sdk.dir}/tools" />
<property name="project.target.android.jar" location="${ANDROID_SDK_JAR}" />
<path id="project.target.class.path">
<pathelement location="${project.target.android.jar}" />
<!-- jar file from where the tasks are loaded -->
<path id="android.antlibs">
<pathelement path="${sdk.dir}/tools/lib/ant-tasks.jar" />
<!-- Custom tasks -->
<taskdef resource="anttasks.properties" classpathref="android.antlibs" />
<!-- Classpath for javac -->
<path id="javac.custom.classpath">
<filelist files="${INPUT_JARS_PATHS}"/>
<condition property="project.is.testapp" value="true" else="false">
<equals arg1="${IS_TEST_APK}" arg2="1" />
<property name="proguard.enabled" value="${PROGUARD_ENABLED}" />
<property name="proguard.config" value="${PROGUARD_FLAGS}" />
<!-- Obfuscate target
This is only active in release builds when proguard.config is defined
in default.properties.
Override obfuscate target to pass javac.custom.classpath to Proguard. SDK tools do not provide
any way to pass custom class paths to Proguard.
<target name="-obfuscate">
<if condition="${project.is.testapp}">
<!-- get the project manifest package -->
<xpath input="${out.manifest.abs.file}"
expression="/manifest/@package" output="project.app.package" />
<loadresource property="project.app.packagepath">
<propertyresource name="project.app.package"/>
<replacestring from="." to="/"/>
<property name="create.test.jar.exclusions" value="${project.app.packagepath}/R.class ${project.app.packagepath}/R$*.class ${project.app.packagepath}/Manifest.class ${project.app.packagepath}/Manifest$*.class ${project.app.packagepath}/BuildConfig.class"/>
<jar destfile="${TEST_JAR_PATH}"
<name name="**/*.class"/>
<path refid="javac.custom.classpath"/>
<fileset dir="${out.dir}/classes"/>
<istrue value="${proguard.enabled}"/>
<equals arg1="${CONFIGURATION_NAME}" arg2="Release"/>
<property name="obfuscate.absolute.dir" location="${out.absolute.dir}/proguard"/>
<property name="preobfuscate.jar.file" value="${obfuscate.absolute.dir}/original.jar"/>
<property name="obfuscated.jar.file" value="${OBFUSCATED_JAR_PATH}"/>
<property name="obfuscated.jar.abs.file" location="${obfuscated.jar.file}"/>
<!-- Add Proguard Tasks -->
<property name="proguard.jar" location="${android.tools.dir}/proguard/lib/proguard.jar"/>
<taskdef name="proguard" classname="proguard.ant.ProGuardTask" classpath="${proguard.jar}"/>
<!-- Set the android classpath Path object into a single property. It'll be
all the jar files separated by a platform path-separator.
Each path must be quoted if it contains spaces.
<pathconvert property="project.target.classpath.value" refid="project.target.class.path">
<regexpmapper from='^([^ ]*)( .*)$$' to='"\1\2"'/>
<!-- Build a path object with all the jar files that must be obfuscated.
This include the project compiled source code and any 3rd party jar
files. -->
<path id="project.all.classes.path">
<pathelement location="${preobfuscate.jar.file}"/>
<!-- Pass javac.custom.classpath for apks. -->
<path refid="javac.custom.classpath"/>
<!-- Set the project jar files Path object into a single property. It'll be
all the jar files separated by a platform path-separator.
Each path must be quoted if it contains spaces.
<pathconvert property="project.all.classes.value" refid="project.all.classes.path">
<regexpmapper from='^([^ ]*)( .*)$$' to='"\1\2"'/>
<!-- Turn the path property ${proguard.config} from an A:B:C property
into a series of includes: -include A -include B -include C
suitable for processing by the ProGuard task. Note - this does
not include the leading '-include "' or the closing '"'; those
are added under the <proguard> call below.
<path id="proguard.configpath">
<filelist files="${proguard.config}"/>
<pathconvert pathsep='" -include "' property="proguard.configcmd"
<mkdir dir="${obfuscate.absolute.dir}"/>
<delete file="${preobfuscate.jar.file}"/>
<delete file="${obfuscated.jar.abs.file}"/>
<jar basedir="${out.classes.absolute.dir}"
-include "${proguard.configcmd}"
-include "${out.absolute.dir}/proguard.txt"
-injars ${project.all.classes.value}
-outjars "${obfuscated.jar.abs.file}"
-libraryjars ${project.target.classpath.value}
-dump "${obfuscate.absolute.dir}/dump.txt"
-printseeds "${obfuscate.absolute.dir}/seeds.txt"
-printusage "${obfuscate.absolute.dir}/usage.txt"
-printmapping "${obfuscate.absolute.dir}/mapping.txt"
<touch file="${STAMP}" />