482 строки
18 KiB
Executable File
482 строки
18 KiB
Executable File
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
// This script creates reports on startup crashes.
<smooney> KaiRo: is there a way to flag a signature if it has over 50% startup crashes. Also, can we get a count of the total startup crashes - I wanted to get a % of total crashes.
<smooney> Just tell me if I am asking for too much stuff :-)
<KaiRo> smooney: flagging a signature for over 50% isn't easy in how I'm gathering info
<smooney> that's fine...forget that
<KaiRo> smooney: totals should be possible
<smooney> The % would be nice if that's doable...the way we show for flash issues
// *** non-commandline handling ***
if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') {
// not commandline, assume apache and output own source
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf8');
// *** script settings ***
// turn on error reporting in the script output
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
// make sure new files are set to -rw-r--r-- permissions
// set default time zone - right now, always the one the server is in!
// *** data gathering variables ***
// reports to gather. fields:
// product - product name
// version - empty is all versions
$reports = array(array('product'=>'Firefox',
'version_display'=>'24 ESR',
// maximum uptime that is counted as startup (seconds)
$max_uptime = 60;
// for how many days back to get the data
$backlog_days = 7;
// *** URLs ***
$on_moz_server = file_exists('/mnt/crashanalysis/rkaiser/');
$url_siglinkbase = 'https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/list?signature=';
$url_nullsiglink = 'https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/list?missing_sig=EMPTY_STRING';
// File storing the DB access data - including password!
$fdbsecret = '/home/rkaiser/.socorro-prod-dbsecret.json';
if ($on_moz_server) { chdir('/mnt/crashanalysis/rkaiser/'); }
else { chdir('/mnt/mozilla/projects/socorro/'); }
// *** code start ***
// get current day
$curtime = time();
if (file_exists($fdbsecret)) {
$dbsecret = json_decode(file_get_contents($fdbsecret), true);
if (!is_array($dbsecret) || !count($dbsecret)) {
print('ERROR: No DB secrets found, aborting!'."\n");
$db_conn = pg_pconnect('host='.$dbsecret['host']
.' port='.$dbsecret['port']
.' dbname=breakpad'
.' user='.$dbsecret['user']
.' password='.$dbsecret['password']);
if (!$db_conn) {
print('ERROR: DB connection failed, aborting!'."\n");
// For info on what data can be accessed, see also
// http://socorro.readthedocs.org/en/latest/databasetabledesc.html
// For the DB schema, see
// https://github.com/mozilla/socorro/blob/master/sql/schema.sql
else {
// Won't work! (Set just for documenting what fields are in the file.)
$dbsecret = array('host' => 'host.m.c', 'port' => '6432',
'user' => 'analyst', 'password' => 'foo');
print('ERROR: No DB secrets found, aborting!'."\n");
foreach ($reports as $rep) {
$channel = array_key_exists('channel', $rep)?$rep['channel']:'';
$ver = array_key_exists('version', $rep)?$rep['version']:'';
$prd = strtolower($rep['product']);
$prdvershort = (($prd == 'firefox')?'ff':(($prd == 'fennec')?'fn':(($prd == 'fennecandroid')?'fna':$prd)))
$prdverfile = $prd
$prdverdisplay = $rep['product']
.(strlen($channel)?' '.ucfirst($channel):'')
.(strlen($ver)?' '.(isset($rep['version_display'])?$rep['version_display']:$ver):'');
$sdfile = $prdvershort.'.startup.json';
$fsumpages = 'summarypages.json';
$fwebsum = $prdverfile.'.startupsummary.html';
$max_build_age = getMaxBuildAge($channel, true);
if (file_exists($sdfile)) {
print('Read stored data'."\n");
$startupdata = json_decode(file_get_contents($sdfile), true);
else {
$startupdata = array();
for ($daysback = $backlog_days + 1; $daysback > 0; $daysback--) {
$anatime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $curtime).' -'.$daysback.' day');
$anadir = date('Y-m-d', $anatime);
print('Startup: Looking at data for '.$anadir."\n");
if (!file_exists($anadir)) { mkdir($anadir); }
$ftotal = $prdvershort.'-total.csv';
$fdata = $prdvershort.'-startup.json';
$fpages = 'pages.json';
$fweb = $anadir.'.'.$prdverfile.'.startup.html';
// get startup data for the product
$anafdata = $anadir.'/'.$fdata;
if (!file_exists($anafdata)) {
print('Getting '.$prdverdisplay.' startup data'."\n");
$rep_query =
'SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt, process_type, signature '
.'FROM reports_clean LEFT JOIN signatures'
.' ON (reports_clean.signature_id=signatures.signature_id) '
.'WHERE product_version_id IN ('
.'SELECT product_version_id '
.'FROM product_versions '
."WHERE product_name = '".$rep['product']."'"
?' AND release_version '.(isset($rep['version_regex'])
?"~ '^".$rep['version_regex']."$'"
:"= '".$ver."'")
:" AND (product_versions.build_date + interval '".$max_build_age."') > '".$anadir."'")
.(strlen($channel)?" AND build_type = '".ucfirst($channel)."'":'')
.') '
." AND utc_day_is(date_processed, '".$anadir."')"
.' AND EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM uptime) <= '.$max_uptime.' '
.'GROUP BY process_type, signature '
.'ORDER BY cnt DESC;';
$rep_result = pg_query($db_conn, $rep_query);
if (!$rep_result) {
print('--- ERROR: Reports/signatures query failed!'."\n");
$scrashes = array('all' => 0);
$anacrashes = array();
while ($rep_row = pg_fetch_array($rep_result)) {
$ptype = strtolower($rep_row['process_type']);
$anacrashes[] = array('sig' => $rep_row['signature'],
'process_type' => $ptype,
'count' => $rep_row['cnt']);
if (!in_array($ptype, array_keys($scrashes))) {
$scrashes[$ptype] = 0;
$scrashes[$ptype] += $rep_row['cnt'];
else {
print('Read stored '.$prdverdisplay.' startup data'."\n");
$sdata = json_decode(file_get_contents($anafdata), true);
$anacrashes = $sdata['anacrashes'];
$scrashes = $sdata['scrashes'];
if (!array_key_exists($anadir, $startupdata) || (filemtime($sdfile) < filemtime($anafdata))) {
// get total crash count
$anaftotal = $anadir.'/'.$ftotal;
if (!file_exists($anaftotal)) {
print('Getting total crash count'."\n");
$total_query =
'SELECT COUNT(*) as cnt '
.'FROM reports_clean '
.'WHERE product_version_id IN ('
.'SELECT product_version_id '
.'FROM product_versions '
."WHERE product_name = '".$rep['product']."'"
?' AND release_version '.(isset($rep['version_regex'])
?"~ '^".$rep['version_regex']."$'"
:"= '".$ver."'")
:" AND (product_versions.build_date + interval '".$max_build_age."') > '".$anadir."'")
.(strlen($channel)?" AND build_type = '".ucfirst($channel)."'":'')
.') '
." AND utc_day_is(date_processed, '".$anadir."');";
$total_result = pg_query($db_conn, $total_query);
if (!$total_result) {
print('--- ERROR: Total query failed!'."\n");
$total_row = pg_fetch_array($total_result);
$anatotal = $total_row['cnt'];
file_put_contents($anaftotal, $anatotal);
else {
$anatotal = intval(file_get_contents($anaftotal));
$startupdata[$anadir] = array('startup' => $scrashes,
'total' => $anatotal);
ksort($startupdata); // sort by date (key), ascending
file_put_contents($sdfile, json_encode($startupdata));
$anafweb = $anadir.'/'.$fweb;
if (!file_exists($anafweb) && count($anacrashes)) {
// create out an HTML page
print('Writing HTML output'."\n");
$doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$doc->formatOutput = true; // we want a nice output
$root = $doc->appendChild($doc->createElement('html'));
$head = $root->appendChild($doc->createElement('head'));
$title = $head->appendChild($doc->createElement('title',
$anadir.' '.$prdverdisplay.' Startup Crash Report'));
$style = $head->appendChild($doc->createElement('style'));
$style->setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
'.sig {'."\n"
.' font-size: small;'."\n"
.'.num, .pct {'."\n"
.' text-align: right;'."\n"
.'.cent {'."\n"
.' text-align: center;'."\n"
.'.light {'."\n"
.' color: #808080;'."\n"
$body = $root->appendChild($doc->createElement('body'));
$h1 = $body->appendChild($doc->createElement('h1',
$anadir.' '.$prdverdisplay.' Startup Crash Report'));
// description
$para = $body->appendChild($doc->createElement('p',
'All signatures of crashes occurring less than '.$max_uptime
.' seconds after launch on '.$prdverdisplay.'.'));
$table = $body->appendChild($doc->createElement('table'));
$table->setAttribute('border', '1');
// table head
$tr = $table->appendChild($doc->createElement('tr'));
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', 'Signature'));
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', 'Process'));
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', 'Count'));
// signatures rows
foreach ($anacrashes as $anacrash) {
$tr = $table->appendChild($doc->createElement('tr'));
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td'));
if (!strlen($anacrash['sig'])) {
$link = $td->appendChild($doc->createElement('a', '(empty signature)'));
$link->setAttribute('href', $url_nullsiglink);
elseif ($anacrash['sig'] == '\N') {
$td->appendChild($doc->createTextNode('(processing failure - "'.$anacrash['sig'].'")'));
else {
// common case, useful signature
$link = $td->appendChild($doc->createElement('a',
htmlentities($anacrash['sig'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8')));
$link->setAttribute('href', $url_siglinkbase.rawurlencode($anacrash['sig']));
$td->setAttribute('class', 'sig');
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td', $anacrash['process_type']));
if ($anacrash['process_type'] == 'browser') {
$td->setAttribute('class', 'cent');
else {
$td->setAttribute('class', 'light cent');
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td', $anacrash['count']));
$td->setAttribute('class', 'num');
// add the page to the pages index
$anafpages = $anadir.'/'.$fpages;
if (file_exists($anafpages)) {
$pages = json_decode(file_get_contents($anafpages), true);
else {
$pages = array();
$pages[$fweb] =
array('product' => $rep['product'],
'channel' => $channel,
'version' => $ver,
'report' => 'startup',
'report_sub' => null,
'display_ver' => $prdverdisplay,
'display_rep' => 'Startup Crash Report');
file_put_contents($anafpages, json_encode($pages));
// debug only line
// print_r($anacrashes);
if (count($startupdata) &&
(!file_exists($fwebsum) || (filemtime($fwebsum) < filemtime($sdfile)))) {
// create out an HTML page
print('Writing HTML output'."\n");
$doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$doc->formatOutput = true; // we want a nice output
$root = $doc->appendChild($doc->createElement('html'));
$head = $root->appendChild($doc->createElement('head'));
$title = $head->appendChild($doc->createElement('title',
$prdverdisplay.' Startup Summary Report'));
$style = $head->appendChild($doc->createElement('style'));
$style->setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
'.num, .pct {'."\n"
.' text-align: right;'."\n"
$body = $root->appendChild($doc->createElement('body'));
$h1 = $body->appendChild($doc->createElement('h1',
$prdverdisplay.' Startup Summary Report'));
// description
$para = $body->appendChild($doc->createElement('p',
'Daily sums of browser and other process startup crash reports '
.'(and percentage of total daily crashes) on '.$prdverdisplay.','
.' where crashes occurring less than '.$max_uptime
.' seconds after launch are considered startup.'));
$table = $body->appendChild($doc->createElement('table'));
$table->setAttribute('border', '1');
// table head
$tr = $table->appendChild($doc->createElement('tr'));
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', 'Date'));
$th->setAttribute('rowspan', '2');
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', 'Browser Process'));
$th->setAttribute('colspan', '2');
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', 'Other Processes'));
$th->setAttribute('colspan', '2');
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', 'All'));
$th->setAttribute('colspan', '2');
$tr = $table->appendChild($doc->createElement('tr'));
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', 'absoute'));
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', '% of total'));
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', 'absolute'));
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', '% of total'));
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', 'absolute'));
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', '% of total'));
$lastdate = null;
foreach (array_reverse($startupdata) as $date=>$sd) {
if (is_null($lastdate) || ($date > $lastdate)) { $lastdate = $date; }
$all_count = array_sum($sd['startup']);
$browser_count = intval(@$sd['startup']['browser']);
$other_count = $all_count - $browser_count;
$browser_rate = $sd['total'] ? $browser_count / $sd['total'] : 0;
$other_rate = $sd['total'] ? $other_count / $sd['total'] : 0;
$all_rate = $sd['total'] ? $all_count / $sd['total'] : 0;
$tr = $table->appendChild($doc->createElement('tr'));
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td', $date));
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td', $browser_count));
$td->setAttribute('class', 'num');
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td',
sprintf('%.1f', 100 * $browser_rate).'%'));
$td->setAttribute('class', 'pct');
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td', $other_count));
$td->setAttribute('class', 'num');
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td',
sprintf('%.1f', 100 * $other_rate).'%'));
$td->setAttribute('class', 'pct');
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td', $all_count));
$td->setAttribute('class', 'num');
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td',
sprintf('%.1f', 100 * $all_rate).'%'));
$td->setAttribute('class', 'pct');
// add the page to the summary pages index
if (file_exists($fsumpages)) {
$sumpages = json_decode(file_get_contents($fsumpages), true);
else {
$sumpages = array();
$sumpages[$fwebsum] =
array('product' => $rep['product'],
'channel' => $channel,
'version' => $ver,
'report' => 'startup',
'report_sub' => null,
'last_date' => $lastdate,
'display_ver' => $prdverdisplay,
'display_rep' => 'Startup Summary Report');
file_put_contents($fsumpages, json_encode($sumpages));
// *** helper functions ***