
389 строки
15 KiB
Executable File

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
// This script retrieves stats comparing flash versions in hangs and crashes.
// *** non-commandline handling ***
if (php_sapi_name() != 'cli') {
// not commandline, assume apache and output own source
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf8');
// *** script settings ***
// turn on error reporting in the script output
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
// make sure new files are set to -rw-r--r-- permissions
// set default time zone - right now, always the one the server is in!
// *** data gathering variables ***
// reports to gather. fields:
// product - product name
// version - empty is all versions
$reports = array(array('product'=>'Firefox',
// for how many days back to get the data
$backlog_days = 7;
// *** URLs ***
$on_moz_server = file_exists('/mnt/crashanalysis/rkaiser/');
$url_csvbase = $on_moz_server?'/mnt/crashanalysis/crash_analysis/'
if ($on_moz_server) { chdir('/mnt/crashanalysis/rkaiser/'); }
else { chdir('/mnt/mozilla/projects/socorro/'); }
// *** code start ***
// get current day
$curtime = time();
foreach ($reports as $rep) {
$ver = $rep['version'];
$dashver = strlen($ver)?'-'.$ver:$ver;
$dotver = strlen($ver)?'.'.$ver:$ver;
$spcver = strlen($ver)?' '.(isset($rep['version_display'])?$rep['version_display']:$ver):$ver;
$prd = strtolower($rep['product']);
$prdshort = ($prd == 'firefox')?'ff':(($prd == 'fennec')?'fn':$prd);
$fdfile = $prdshort.$dashver.'.flashhang.json';
$fwebsum = $prd.$dotver.'.flashsummary.html';
if (file_exists($fdfile)) {
print('Read stored data'."\n");
$flashdata = json_decode(file_get_contents($fdfile), true);
else {
$flashdata = array();
for ($daysback = $backlog_days + 1; $daysback > 0; $daysback--) {
$anatime = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $curtime).' -'.$daysback.' day');
$anadir = date('Y-m-d', $anatime);
print('Looking at data for '.$anadir."\n");
if (!file_exists($anadir)) { mkdir($anadir); }
$fcsv = date('Ymd', $anatime).'-pub-crashdata.csv';
$frawdata = $prdshort.$dashver.'-flashhangs-raw.csv';
$fhangdata = $prdshort.$dashver.'-flashhangs.csv';
$fweb = $anadir.'.'.$prd.$dotver.'.flashhangs.html';
if (!array_key_exists($anadir, $flashdata) || !file_exists($anadir.'/'.$fhangdata)) {
// make sure we have the crashdata csv
if ($on_moz_server) {
$anafcsvgz = $'Ymd', $anatime).'/'.$fcsv.'.gz';
if (!file_exists($anafcsvgz)) { break; }
else {
$anafcsv = $anadir.'/'.$fcsv;
if (!file_exists($anafcsv)) {
print('Fetching '.$anafcsv.' from the web'."\n");
$webcsvgz = $'Ymd', $anatime).'/'.$fcsv.'.gz';
if (copy($webcsvgz, $anafcsv.'.gz')) { shell_exec('gzip -d '.$anafcsv.'.gz'); }
if (!file_exists($anafcsv)) { break; }
// get flash hang data for the product
$anafrawdata = $anadir.'/'.$frawdata;
if (!file_exists($anafrawdata)) {
print('Getting raw '.$rep['product'].$spcver.' Flash/hang data'."\n");
// simplified from
// some parts from that split into total and crashcount blocks, though
// $7 is product, $8 is version, $22 is flash version, $23 is hang id
$cmd = 'awk \'-F\t\' \'$7 ~ /^'.$rep['product'].'$/'
.(strlen($ver)?' && $8 ~ /^'.(isset($rep['version_regex'])?$rep['version_regex']:awk_quote($ver, '/')).'$/':'')
.' {printf "\t%s;%s\n",($23!="\\\\N"),$22}\'';
if ($on_moz_server) {
shell_exec('gunzip --stdout '.$anafcsvgz.' | '.$cmd.' > '.$anafrawdata);
else {
shell_exec($cmd.' '.$anafcsv.' > '.$anafrawdata);
// get summarized list with counts per flash version and hang/crash
$anafhangdata = $anadir.'/'.$fhangdata;
if (!file_exists($anafhangdata)) {
print('Getting a summary data list'."\n");
$cmd = 'cat '.$anafrawdata.' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr > '.$anafhangdata;
// fill data array with summarized data
print('Generating sums and structuring data'."\n");
$anaflashdata = explode("\n", file_get_contents($anafhangdata));
$fd = array('total' => array('hang' => 0, 'crash' => 0),
'total_flash' => array('hang' => 0, 'crash' => 0),
'full' => array('hang' => array(), 'crash' => array()),
'main' => array('hang' => array(), 'crash' => array()));
foreach ($anaflashdata as $flashline) {
if (preg_match('/^\s*(\d+)\s+(.*);(.*)$/', $flashline, $regs)) {
$htype = $regs[2]?'hang':'crash';
$fver = intval($regs[3])?$regs[3]:'';
if (preg_match('/^(\d+\.\d+)/', $fver, $fvregs)) {
$fvshort = $fvregs[1];
else {
$fvshort = $fver;
if (array_key_exists($fver, $fd['full'][$htype])) {
$fd['full'][$htype][$fver] += $regs[1];
else {
$fd['full'][$htype][$fver] = $regs[1];
if (array_key_exists($fvshort, $fd['main'][$htype])) {
$fd['main'][$htype][$fvshort] += $regs[1];
else {
$fd['main'][$htype][$fvshort] = $regs[1];
$fd['total'][$htype] += $regs[1];
if (strlen($fver)) { $fd['total_flash'][$htype] += $regs[1]; }
$flashdata[$anadir] = $fd;
ksort($flashdata); // sort by date (key), ascending
file_put_contents($fdfile, json_encode($flashdata));
$anafweb = $anadir.'/'.$fweb;
if (!file_exists($anafweb) && $flashdata[$anadir]['total_flash']['hang']) {
// create out an HTML page
print('Writing HTML output'."\n");
$doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$doc->formatOutput = true; // we want a nice output
$root = $doc->appendChild($doc->createElement('html'));
$head = $root->appendChild($doc->createElement('head'));
$title = $head->appendChild($doc->createElement('title',
$anadir.' '.$rep['product'].$spcver.' Flash Hang Report'));
$body = $root->appendChild($doc->createElement('body'));
$h1 = $body->appendChild($doc->createElement('h1',
$anadir.' '.$rep['product'].$spcver.' Flash Hang Report'));
$fd = $flashdata[$anadir];
// description
$para = $body->appendChild($doc->createElement('p',
'All Flash versions reported in hangs '
.' on '.$rep['product'].$spcver.','
.' compared to how often that Flash version appears in crashes.'));
$para = $body->appendChild($doc->createElement('p',
$fd['total_flash']['hang'].' ('
.sprintf('%.1f', 100 *
$fd['total_flash']['hang'] /
$fd['total']['hang']).'%) '
.' of all hangs and '
.$flashdata[$anadir]['total_flash']['crash'].' ('
.sprintf('%.1f', 100 *
$fd['total_flash']['crash'] /
$fd['total']['crash']).'%) '
.' of all crashes have a Flash version reported, '
.' only those are included in the report.'));
foreach (array('main' => 'Grouped Versions',
'full' => 'Full Versions')
as $fvertype=>$title) {
$h2 = $body->appendChild($doc->createElement('h2', $title));
$table = $body->appendChild($doc->createElement('table'));
$table->setAttribute('border', '1');
// table head
$tr = $table->appendChild($doc->createElement('tr'));
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', 'Version'));
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', 'Hangs'));
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', '+/-'));
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', 'Crashes'));
foreach ($fd[$fvertype]['hang'] as $fver=>$num) {
if (strlen($fver)) {
$hang_rate = $fd['total_flash']['hang']?
$num / $fd['total_flash']['hang']:0;
$cnum = intval(@$fd[$fvertype]['crash'][$fver]);
$crash_rate = $fd['total_flash']['crash']?
$cnum / $fd['total_flash']['crash']:0;
$tr = $table->appendChild($doc->createElement('tr'));
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td', $fver));
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td',
sprintf('%.1f', 100 * $hang_rate).'%'));
$td->setAttribute('align', 'right');
$td->setAttribute('title', $num.' hangs');
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td',
sprintf('%+.1f', 100 * ($hang_rate - $crash_rate)).'%'));
$td->setAttribute('align', 'right');
if ($hang_rate > $crash_rate + .02) {
$td->setAttribute('style', 'color: red;');
elseif ($hang_rate > $crash_rate - .02) {
$td->setAttribute('style', 'color: gray;');
else {
$td->setAttribute('style', 'color: black;');
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td',
sprintf('%.1f', 100 * $crash_rate).'%'));
$td->setAttribute('align', 'right');
$td->setAttribute('title', $cnum.' crashes');
foreach ($fd[$fvertype]['crash'] as $fver=>$cnum) {
$crash_rate = $fd['total_flash']['crash']?
$cnum / $fd['total_flash']['crash']:0;
if (!intval(@$fd[$fvertype]['hang'][$fver]) && $crash_rate > 0.0005) {
$tr = $table->appendChild($doc->createElement('tr'));
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td', $fver));
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td', '&nbsp;'));
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td', '&nbsp;'));
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td',
sprintf('%.1f', 100 * $crash_rate).'%'));
$td->setAttribute('align', 'right');
$td->setAttribute('title', $cnum.' crashes');
// debug only line
// print_r($flashdata);
if (count($flashdata) &&
(!file_exists($fwebsum) || (filemtime($fwebsum) < filemtime($fdfile)))) {
// create out an HTML page
print('Writing HTML output'."\n");
$doc = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$doc->formatOutput = true; // we want a nice output
$root = $doc->appendChild($doc->createElement('html'));
$head = $root->appendChild($doc->createElement('head'));
$title = $head->appendChild($doc->createElement('title',
$rep['product'].$spcver.' Flash Summary Report'));
$body = $root->appendChild($doc->createElement('body'));
$h1 = $body->appendChild($doc->createElement('h1',
$rep['product'].$spcver.' Flash Summary Report'));
// description
$para = $body->appendChild($doc->createElement('p',
'Daily sums of crash and hang reports on '.$rep['product'].$spcver.','
.' that contain a Flash version, compared to daily total reports.'));
$para = $body->appendChild($doc->createElement('p',
'Columns: Flash hangs and crashes in absolute numbers and % of total'
.' hangs/crashes, sum of both as percentage of total sum of reports.'
.' For hangs, half of all reports are 100% as reports come in pairs.'));
$table = $body->appendChild($doc->createElement('table'));
$table->setAttribute('border', '1');
// table head
$tr = $table->appendChild($doc->createElement('tr'));
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', 'Date'));
$th->setAttribute('rowspan', '2');
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', 'Hangs'));
$th->setAttribute('colspan', '2');
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', 'Crashes'));
$th->setAttribute('colspan', '2');
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', 'Sum'));
$tr = $table->appendChild($doc->createElement('tr'));
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', 'absoute'));
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', '% of hangs'));
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', 'absolute'));
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', '% of crashes'));
$th = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('th', '% of total'));
foreach (array_reverse($flashdata) as $date=>$fd) {
$total_hang_pairs = $fd['total']['hang'] / 2;
$hang_rate = $fd['total']['hang']
? $fd['total_flash']['hang'] / $total_hang_pairs
: 0;
$crash_rate = $fd['total']['crash']
? $fd['total_flash']['crash'] / $fd['total']['crash']
: 0;
$total_rate = $fd['total']['crash'] + $total_hang_pairs
? ($fd['total_flash']['crash'] + $fd['total_flash']['hang'])
/ ($fd['total']['crash'] + $total_hang_pairs)
: 0;
if ($total_rate) {
$tr = $table->appendChild($doc->createElement('tr'));
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td', $date));
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td',
$td->setAttribute('style', 'text-align:right;');
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td',
sprintf('%.1f', 100 * $hang_rate).'%'));
$td->setAttribute('style', 'text-align:right;');
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td',
$td->setAttribute('style', 'text-align:right;');
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td',
sprintf('%.1f', 100 * $crash_rate).'%'));
$td->setAttribute('style', 'text-align:right;');
$td = $tr->appendChild($doc->createElement('td',
sprintf('%.1f', 100 * $total_rate).'%'));
$td->setAttribute('style', 'text-align:right;');
// *** helper functions ***