зеркало из https://github.com/mozilla/dinobuildr.git
176 строки
6.6 KiB
Executable File
176 строки
6.6 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
import os
import hashlib
import json
import urllib2
import re
from collections import OrderedDict
# local_dir - the local directory we will use to cache packages for
# hashing/testing
# org - the org that is hosting the build repository
# repo - the repo that is hosting the build
# branch - the branch that we are using. useful to change this if developing /
# testing
local_dir = 'build-temp'
org = "mozilla"
repo = "dinobuildr"
branch = "master"
# lfs_url - the generic LFS url structure that github uses
# raw_url - the generic RAW url structure that github uses
lfs_url = "https://github.com/%s/%s.git/info/lfs/objects/batch" % (org, repo)
raw_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/%s/%s/%s/" % (org, repo, branch)
# the downloader function accepts three arguments: the url of the file you are
# downloading, the filename (path) of the file you are downloading and an
# optional password if the download requires Basic authentication. the
# downloader reads the Content-Length portion of the header of the incoming
# file and determines the expected file size then reads the incoming file in
# chunks of 8192 bytes and displays the currently read bytes and percentage
# complete.
def downloader(url, file_path):
if not os.path.exists(local_dir):
download = urllib2.urlopen(url)
meta = download.info()
file_size = int(meta.getheaders("Content-Length")[0])
print "%s is %s bytes." % (file_path, file_size)
with open(file_path, 'wb') as code:
chunk_size = 8192
bytes_read = 0
while True:
data = download.read(chunk_size)
bytes_read += len(data)
status = r"%10d [%3.2f%%]" % (bytes_read, bytes_read * 100 / file_size)
status = status + chr(8) * (len(status) + 1)
print "\r", status,
if len(data) < chunk_size:
# this function hashes a file and returns the hash value
def hash_file(filename):
hash = hashlib.sha256()
with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
for chunk in iter(lambda: file.read(4096), b""):
return hash.hexdigest()
# the pointer_to_json function accepts the url of the file in the github repo
# the pointer file is read from github then parsed and the "oid sha256" and
# "size" are extracted from the pointer. an object is returned that contains a
# json request for the file that the pointer is associated with.
def pointer_to_json(dl_url):
content_req = urllib2.Request(dl_url)
content_result = urllib2.urlopen(content_req)
output = content_result.read()
oid = (re.search('(?m)^oid sha256:([a-z0-9]+)$', output)).group(1)
size = (re.search('(?m)^size ([0-9]+)$', output)).group(1)
json_data = (
'{"operation": "download", '
'"transfers": ["basic"], '
'"objects": [{"oid": "%s", "size": %s}]}' % (oid, size))
return json_data
# the get_lfs_url function makes a request the the lfs API of the github repo,
# receives a JSON response then gets the download URL from the JSON response
# and returns it.
def get_lfs_url(json_input, lfs_url):
req = urllib2.Request(lfs_url, json_input)
req.add_header("Accept", "application/vnd.git-lfs+json")
req.add_header("Content-Type", "application/vnd.git-lfs+json")
result = urllib2.urlopen(req)
results_python = json.load(result)
file_url = results_python['objects'][0]['actions']['download']['href']
return file_url
# where the action happens - for more details, see config.py. this section
# should be identical, save for the part the executes stuff.
if os.path.isfile('manifest.json'):
with open('manifest.json', 'r') as outfile:
manifest = json.load(outfile, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
for item in manifest['packages']:
if item['filename'] != "":
file_name = item['filename']
file_name = (
item['url'].replace('${version}', item['version'])
).rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
local_path = "%s/%s" % (local_dir, file_name)
if item['type'] == "pkg-lfs":
pointer_url = raw_url + item['url']
lfs_return = pointer_to_json(pointer_url)
dl_url = get_lfs_url(lfs_return, lfs_url)
if item['type'] == "shell":
dl_url = raw_url + item['url']
if item['type'] == "dmg":
if item['url'] == '':
print "No URL specified for %s" % item['item']
if item['dmg-installer'] == '' and item['dmg-advanced'] == '':
print "No installer or install command specified for %s" % item['item']
dl_url = item['url'].replace('${version}', item['version'])
if item['type'] == "file-lfs":
if item['url'] == '':
print "No URL specified for %s" % item['item']
pointer_url = raw_url + item['url']
lfs_return = pointer_to_json(pointer_url)
dl_url = get_lfs_url(lfs_return, lfs_url)
print "Downloading:", item['item']
downloader(dl_url, local_path)
item['hash'] = hash_file(local_path)
print "Creating a manifest.json..."
manifest = {}
manifest['packages'] = []
if os.path.isfile("order.txt"):
with open('order.txt', 'r') as orderfile:
for item in orderfile:
item_name = item.rstrip()
['item', item_name],
['version', ""],
['url', ""],
['filename', ""],
['dmg-installer', ""],
['dmg-advanced', ""],
['hash', ""],
['type', ""]
print "order.txt file required to generate a manifest."
with open('manifest.json', 'w') as outfile:
json.dump(manifest, outfile, indent=4, sort_keys=False, separators=(',', ': '))
manifest_hash = hash_file('manifest.json')
print "File created. The manifest has a hash of:", manifest_hash