First stab at building a PDF for printable claim labels

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Les Orchard 2012-04-22 18:20:14 -04:00
Родитель 62456ca5e8
Коммит 5422ae73eb
3 изменённых файлов: 152 добавлений и 1 удалений

badger/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""Quick and dirty render-to-PDF for badge award claim codes"""
import logging
import urllib
import urllib2
from cStringIO import cStringIO as StringIO
except ImportError:
from StringIO import StringIO
from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
from reportlab.lib import pagesizes
from reportlab.lib.units import inch
from reportlab.platypus import (
SimpleDocTemplate, BaseDocTemplate, Paragraph, Spacer, PageBreak,
Frame, FrameBreak, PageTemplate, Image, Table)
from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet, ParagraphStyle
from reportlab.rl_config import defaultPageSize
from reportlab.lib.units import inch
from reportlab.lib.enums import TA_LEFT, TA_CENTER
from reportlab.lib import colors
from django.http import (HttpResponseRedirect, HttpResponse,
HttpResponseForbidden, HttpResponseNotFound)
from django.utils.html import conditional_escape
# Constants hard-coded to print onto Avery 5630 or Avery 5260 labels
# TODO: Make formats / templates switchable
top_margin = (0.5 * inch)
left_margin = (0.1875 * inch)
width = 2.52 * inch
height = 1.0 * inch
vertical_spacing = 0 * inch
horizontal_spacing = 0.10 * inch
columns = 3
rows = 10
def render_claims_to_pdf(request, slug, claim_group, deferred_awards):
response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf; charset=utf-8')
response['Content-Disposition'] = ('attachment; filename="%s-%s.pdf"' %
(slug.encode('utf-8', 'replace'), claim_group))
doc = BaseDocTemplate(response, pageSize=pagesizes.letter,
topMargin=top_margin, leftMargin=left_margin)
debug = (request.GET.get('debug', False) is not False)
# TODO: Turn off the boundaries, once we're done tweaking the layout to
# match label sheets
# if debug: show_boundary = 1
# else: show_boundary = 0
show_boundary = 1
# Build frames for labels in the template
frames = []
for r_idx in range(0, rows):
for c_idx in range(0, columns):
left_margin + (c_idx * (width + horizontal_spacing)),
doc.height - (r_idx * (height + vertical_spacing)),
width, height,
leftPadding=0, rightPadding=0,
bottomPadding=0, topPadding=0,
# Add the template to the page.
template = PageTemplate(frames=frames)
# Build some common styles
style = ParagraphStyle(name='normal', alignment=TA_CENTER,
fontName='Helvetica', fontSize=9, leading=9)
code_style = ParagraphStyle(name='code', alignment=TA_CENTER,
fontName='Courier', fontSize=9.5, leading=9.5)
# Fill out the template with claim codes.
items = []
for da in deferred_awards:
badge = da.badge
award_url = request.build_absolute_uri(da.get_claim_url())
badge_img = StringIO(
# TODO: Stop abusing the Google Charts API and get our own QR code
# baking on premises.
qr_url = ("" %
urllib.urlencode({'chs':'%sx%s' % (250, 250),
'cht':'qr', 'chl':award_url, 'choe':'UTF-8'}))
qr_img = StringIO(urllib2.urlopen(qr_url).read())
except Exception, e:
return HttpResponse('QR code generation failed: %s' % e,
# Build the badge label out as a table...
table_data = (
Image(badge_img, 0.6 * inch, 0.6 * inch),
Image(qr_img, 0.6 * inch, 0.6 * inch)
# Use resize_para to shrink the font size as title gets longer.
max_width=0.85 * inch),
Paragraph(da.claim_code.upper(), code_style),
table_style = (
('ALIGN', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'CENTER'),
if debug:
table_style = table_style + (
('GRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 1,,
items.append(Table(table_data, style=table_style))
return response
def resize_para(str, max_size=11.0, min_size=2.0, max_width=(0.3125*inch),
font_name='Helvetica', alignment=TA_CENTER):
size = max_size
while size > min_size:
para = Paragraph(str, ParagraphStyle(name='Size %s' % size,
alignment=alignment, fontName=font_name, fontSize=size,
if para.minWidth() <= max_width:
size -= 0.125
return para

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@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ urlpatterns = patterns('badger.views',
url(r'^badge/(?P<slug>[^/]+)/claims/?$', 'manage_claims',
url(r'^badge/(?P<slug>[^/]+)/claims/(?P<claim_group>.+)\.pdf$', 'claims_list',
url(r'^badge/(?P<slug>[^/]+)/claims/(?P<claim_group>[^/]+)/?$', 'claims_list',
url(r'^claim/(?P<claim_code>[^/]+)/?$', 'claim_deferred_award',

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@ -216,13 +216,18 @@ def claim_deferred_award(request, claim_code=None):
@require_http_methods(['GET', 'POST'])
def claims_list(request, slug, claim_group):
def claims_list(request, slug, claim_group, format="html"):
badge = get_object_or_404(Badge, slug=slug)
if not badge.allows_manage_deferred_awards_by(request.user):
return HttpResponseForbidden()
deferred_awards = badge.get_claim_group(claim_group)
if format == "pdf":
from badger.printing import render_claims_to_pdf
return render_claims_to_pdf(request, slug, claim_group,
return render_to_response('badger/claims_list.html', dict(
badge=badge, claim_group=claim_group,