- Added prerequisites ManyToManyField on Badge model
- check_prerequisites() method on Badge
- award_to() method calls check_prerequisites() on all Badges pointing
to the Badge just awarded as a prerequisite
- badger.utils.update_badges() accepts 'prequisites' as a key in
initialization data, a list of slugs or Badge instances
- added percentage-based progress with auto-award on 100%
- playing with set-based progress, auto-award on badge set completion
- tweaks to JSONField (is this a good idea?)
- implemented signals for badge award, nominations
- simplified convenience API a bit more
- Checking the progress counter more in the test
- Progress record deleted on award
- Getting a fresh progress record doesn't result in a save, right away.
So, checking a recently deleted progress counter doesn't result in a
new zero counter row.
- Progress model with a counter to increment & decrement
- Progress also has a JSONField for arbitrary note-keeping
- Added some convenience API methods to __init__.py
- Trying out badge creation in code
- Switching titles of some badges used in other tests, because the
from-fixture and from-code badges get created for all of them.
- misc pep8 reformattings
- update_badges management command to load badges from per-app fixture
and programmatically
- badger.autodiscover to register signals for badge awards
- creator on an award can be Null, for system-awarded badges
- more fleshed-out badger_test app