## Open questions * Are register_signals and update_badges the right idea in badges.py? ## TODO ### Inbox * Better display of awards on user profile * Better display of recent awards on a badge detail * BUG: Caching is too aggressive on demo site * Set up BrowserID on demo site * Upgrade demo site to post-funfactory playdoh * Implement nominations * Implement straight multiplayer award creation * Add images to Badge and Award feeds * Badge deletion * Disallow if awards have been issued; require all awards be revoked first * Captchas? * On nomination submit, award issue forms ### Core * Badge expiration datetime * Notifications * Email? Inbox on site? Other channel? * Accept nominations from anyone * Auto-approve all nominations * Awards available to claim * Templates * jinja helpers * django templatetags? * Activity streams - JSON and Atom * Re-work feeds to be AS compliant * Come up with some templates that aren't totally ugly * Option in update_badges management command to overwrite existing. * Badge delegates * List of users managed by badge creator who can * Issue awards * Approve nominations ### Multiplayer * Nomination - create, delete, update, approve, reject * Conditional nominations * Models * Condition definition * Uplift more logic into progress model * Badge properties * Auto-approve all nominations * Expires after x time * User badge preferences * User requires nominations first instead of auto-awards, so she has a change to approve/disapprove the award. * Permissions * Site-wide permissions and preferences * Open vs closed badge creation * Open vs closed badge award nomination * Nomination with claim code * Claim optionally triggers approval * Could be expressed as QR code ### API * REST API * Might be better as a separate package? ### Misc * Notifications? * not central to django-badger * badge awards can be caught with signal subscriptions * but, should it still be up to a project to handle that? * Localization of badges in DB? * django-modeltranslation - http://code.google.com/p/django-modeltranslation/ * Adds per-locale columns to existing model * transdb - http://code.google.com/p/transdb/ * Needs modification / subclass of model * Adds a blob column with JSON structure containing translations