* It would save time if we push the docker build layers from circleci to dockerhub to reuse locally
This commit
* Uses the new buildkit --cache-from flag to pull in build layers from dockerhub when applicable
* Builds all stages and pushes them with their layers to dockerhub on every merge to main
* Configures local builds to pull those layers from dockerhub
* Removes the build circle stage since each circle task will now be able to pull from dockerhub rather than the local circle docker cache
* It would be nice to run the storybook publishing in parallel, and
* It would be nice to have a published storybook for a PR even if it hasn't yet got passing tests or complete test coverage
This commit
* Moves storybook publishing to a separate circle ci task
* I changed the layout of the docker containers to have separate dev/build/deploy stages
This commit
* Update the circle task to build the deploy image
* We split the docker image into two images, one for local dev and one for deploying to prod so that the prod one would be small ~100mb
* We should find some way to test that the deploy image is working correctly
* A good candidate is to run the integration tests against it
This commit
* Adds a new make up_prod command that sets up an environment that more closely mirrors prod ie
- Use the prod image
- Disable all the yarn watchers
* Reorganizes the dockerfile to move frontend asset building out of the dev container to increase docker cache hits for local dev
* We want to shrink the size of the deployable Docker image down from its current 2.71gb(1gb compressed)
This commit
* Adds a second stage to our Dockerfile for a deploy image which is a much more reasonable 480mb(133mb compressed)
* Use deploy image for Django container in local dev compose
* We want to publish Storybook builds to demo and preview component work
in nimbus-ui
This commit
* Integrates mozilla-fxa/storybook-gcp-publisher into the CircleCI flow
so that Storybooks are built and published to a Google Cloud static
site for every test run
* Change to continuous deployment fixes#2401
* Formatting improvements
* Can't embed numbered lists I guess
* A little more explicit about what type of deployments we use