SHELL = /bin/bash WAIT_FOR_DB = /experimenter/bin/ -t 30 db:5432 && WAIT_FOR_RUNSERVER = /experimenter/bin/ -t 30 localhost:7001 && COMPOSE_CIRRUS = [[ -n $$CIRRUS ]] && echo "-f docker-compose-cirrus.yml" COMPOSE = docker compose -f docker-compose.yml $$(${COMPOSE_CIRRUS}) COMPOSE_LEGACY = ${COMPOSE} -f docker-compose-legacy.yml COMPOSE_TEST = docker compose -f docker-compose-test.yml COMPOSE_PROD = docker compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml $$(${COMPOSE_CIRRUS}) COMPOSE_INTEGRATION = ${COMPOSE_PROD} -f docker-compose-integration-test.yml $$(${COMPOSE_CIRRUS}) DOCKER_BUILD = docker buildx build JOBS = 4 PARALLEL = parallel --halt now,fail=1 --jobs ${JOBS} {} ::: NOCOLOR= \033[0m RED = \033[0;31m GREEN = \033[0;32m PAD = -------------------------------------------------\n COLOR_CHECK = && echo "${GREEN}${PAD}All Checks Passed\n${PAD}${NOCOLOR}" || (echo "${RED}${PAD}Some Checks Failed\n${PAD}${NOCOLOR}";exit 1) PYTHON_TEST = pytest --cov --cov-report term-missing PYTHON_TYPECHECK = pyright experimenter/ PYTHON_CHECK_MIGRATIONS = python makemigrations --check --dry-run --noinput PYTHON_MIGRATE = python migrate ESLINT_LEGACY = yarn workspace @experimenter/core lint ESLINT_FIX_CORE = yarn workspace @experimenter/core lint-fix ESLINT_NIMBUS_UI = yarn workspace @experimenter/nimbus-ui lint ESLINT_FIX_NIMBUS_UI = yarn workspace @experimenter/nimbus-ui lint-fix ESLINT_NIMBUS_UI_NEW = yarn workspace @experimenter/nimbus_ui_new lint ESLINT_FIX_NIMBUS_UI_NEW = yarn workspace @experimenter/nimbus_ui_new format TYPECHECK_NIMBUS_UI = yarn workspace @experimenter/nimbus-ui lint:tsc DJLINT_CHECK = djlint --check experimenter/nimbus_ui_new/ DJLINT_FIX = djlint --reformat experimenter/nimbus_ui_new/ JS_TEST_LEGACY = yarn workspace @experimenter/core test JS_TEST_NIMBUS_UI = DEBUG_PRINT_LIMIT=999999 CI=yes yarn workspace @experimenter/nimbus-ui test:cov NIMBUS_SCHEMA_CHECK = python graphql_schema --out experimenter/nimbus-ui/test_schema.graphql&&diff experimenter/nimbus-ui/test_schema.graphql experimenter/nimbus-ui/schema.graphql || (echo GraphQL Schema is out of sync please run make generate_types;exit 1) NIMBUS_TYPES_GENERATE = python graphql_schema --out experimenter/nimbus-ui/schema.graphql&&yarn workspace @experimenter/nimbus-ui generate-types RUFF_CHECK = ruff check experimenter/ tests/ RUFF_FIX = ruff check --fix experimenter/ tests/ BLACK_CHECK = black -l 90 --check --diff . --exclude node_modules BLACK_FIX = black -l 90 . --exclude node_modules CHECK_DOCS = python generate_docs --check=true GENERATE_DOCS = python generate_docs LOAD_COUNTRIES = python loaddata ./experimenter/base/fixtures/countries.json LOAD_LOCALES = python loaddata ./experimenter/base/fixtures/locales.json LOAD_LANGUAGES = python loaddata ./experimenter/base/fixtures/languages.json LOAD_FEATURES = python load_feature_configs LOAD_DUMMY_EXPERIMENTS = [[ -z $$SKIP_DUMMY ]] && python load_dummy_experiments || python load_dummy_projects JETSTREAM_CONFIG_URL = CLI_DIR = experimenter/experimenter/features/manifests/application-services CLI_INSTALLER = $(CLI_DIR)/ NIMBUS_CLI = $(CLI_DIR)/nimbus-cli help: @echo "Please use 'make ' where is one of the following commands." @echo @grep -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' Makefile | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' @echo @echo "Check the Makefile to know exactly what each target is doing." ssl: nginx/key.pem nginx/cert.pem ## Generate all SSL certificates nginx/key.pem: openssl genrsa -out nginx/key.pem 4096 nginx/cert.pem: nginx/key.pem openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha256 -key nginx/key.pem \ -subj "/C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/O=Mozilla/CN=experiment_local" \ > nginx/cert.pem secretkey: ## Generate random key openssl rand -hex 24 auth_gcloud: ## Login to GCloud gcloud auth login --update-adc jetstream_config: curl -LJ -o experimenter/experimenter/outcomes/ $(JETSTREAM_CONFIG_URL) unzip -o -d experimenter/experimenter/outcomes experimenter/experimenter/outcomes/ rm -Rf experimenter/experimenter/outcomes/metric-hub-main/.script/ unzip -o -d experimenter/experimenter/segments experimenter/experimenter/outcomes/ rm -Rf experimenter/experimenter/segments/metric-hub-main/.script/ feature_manifests: build_dev $(COMPOSE) run -e GITHUB_BEARER_TOKEN=$(GITHUB_BEARER_TOKEN) experimenter /experimenter/bin/ fetch $(FETCH_ARGS) install_nimbus_cli: ## Install Nimbus client mkdir -p $(CLI_DIR) curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf > "$(CLI_INSTALLER)" $(SHELL) $(CLI_INSTALLER) --directory "$(CLI_DIR)" fetch_external_resources: jetstream_config install_nimbus_cli feature_manifests ## Fetch all external resources echo "External Resources Fetched" update_kinto: ## Update latest Kinto/Remote Settings container docker pull mozilla/kinto-dist:latest compose_build: ## Build containers $(COMPOSE) build build_megazords: $(DOCKER_BUILD) -f application-services/Dockerfile -t experimenter:megazords application-services/ update_application_services: build_megazords docker run \ -v ./application-services/application-services.env:/application-services/application-services.env \ experimenter:megazords \ /application-services/ build_dev: ssl build_megazords $(DOCKER_BUILD) --target dev -f experimenter/Dockerfile -t experimenter:dev experimenter/ build_integration_test: ssl build_megazords $(DOCKER_BUILD) -f experimenter/tests/integration/Dockerfile -t experimenter:integration-tests experimenter/ build_test: ssl build_megazords $(DOCKER_BUILD) --target test -f experimenter/Dockerfile -t experimenter:test experimenter/ build_ui: ssl $(DOCKER_BUILD) --target ui -f experimenter/Dockerfile -t experimenter:ui experimenter/ build_prod: ssl build_megazords $(DOCKER_BUILD) --target deploy -f experimenter/Dockerfile -t experimenter:deploy experimenter/ compose_stop: $(COMPOSE) kill || true $(COMPOSE_INTEGRATION) kill || true $(COMPOSE_PROD) kill || true compose_rm: $(COMPOSE) rm -f -v || true $(COMPOSE_INTEGRATION) rm -f -v || true $(COMPOSE_PROD) rm -f -v || true docker_prune: docker container prune -f docker image prune -f docker volume prune -f docker volume rm $$(docker volume ls -qf dangling=true) || true static_rm: ## Remove statically generated files rm -Rf experimenter/node_modules rm -Rf experimenter/experimenter/legacy/legacy-ui/core/node_modules/ rm -Rf experimenter/experimenter/nimbus-ui/node_modules/ rm -Rf experimenter/experimenter/legacy/legacy-ui/assets/ rm -Rf experimenter/experimenter/nimbus-ui/build/ kill: compose_stop compose_rm docker_prune ## Stop, remove, and prune containers echo "All containers removed!" lint: build_test ## Running linting on source code $(COMPOSE_TEST) run experimenter sh -c '$(WAIT_FOR_DB) (${PARALLEL} "$(NIMBUS_SCHEMA_CHECK)" "$(PYTHON_CHECK_MIGRATIONS)" "$(CHECK_DOCS)" "$(BLACK_CHECK)" "$(RUFF_CHECK)" "$(DJLINT_CHECK)" "$(ESLINT_LEGACY)" "$(ESLINT_NIMBUS_UI)" "$(ESLINT_NIMBUS_UI_NEW)" "$(TYPECHECK_NIMBUS_UI)" "$(PYTHON_TYPECHECK)" "$(PYTHON_TEST)" "$(JS_TEST_LEGACY)" "$(JS_TEST_NIMBUS_UI)" "$(JS_TEST_REPORTING)") ${COLOR_CHECK}' check: lint test: build_test ## Run tests $(COMPOSE_TEST) run experimenter sh -c '$(WAIT_FOR_DB) $(PYTHON_TEST)' pytest: test start: build_dev ## Start containers $(COMPOSE) up up: start up_legacy: build_dev $(COMPOSE_LEGACY) up up_prod: build_prod $(COMPOSE_PROD) up up_prod_detached: build_prod $(COMPOSE_PROD) up -d up_db: build_dev $(COMPOSE) up db redis kinto autograph up_django: build_dev $(COMPOSE) up nginx experimenter worker beat db redis kinto autograph up_detached: build_dev $(COMPOSE) up -d generate_docs: build_dev $(COMPOSE) run experimenter sh -c "$(GENERATE_DOCS)" generate_types: build_dev $(COMPOSE) run experimenter sh -c "$(NIMBUS_TYPES_GENERATE)" format: build_dev ## Format source tree $(COMPOSE) run experimenter sh -c '${PARALLEL} "$(RUFF_FIX);$(DJLINT_FIX);$(BLACK_FIX)" "$(ESLINT_FIX_CORE)" "$(ESLINT_FIX_NIMBUS_UI)" "$(ESLINT_FIX_NIMBUS_UI_NEW)"' code_format: format makemigrations: build_dev $(COMPOSE) run experimenter python makemigrations migrate: build_dev ## Run database migrations $(COMPOSE) run experimenter sh -c "$(WAIT_FOR_DB) $(PYTHON_MIGRATE)" bash: build_dev $(COMPOSE) run experimenter bash refresh: kill build_dev compose_build ## Rebuild all containers $(COMPOSE) run -e SKIP_DUMMY=$$SKIP_DUMMY experimenter bash -c '$(WAIT_FOR_DB) $(PYTHON_MIGRATE)&&$(LOAD_LOCALES)&&$(LOAD_COUNTRIES)&&$(LOAD_LANGUAGES)&&$(LOAD_FEATURES)&&$(LOAD_DUMMY_EXPERIMENTS)' dependabot_approve: echo "Install and configure the Github CLI" gh pr list | grep "dependabot/" | awk '{print $$1}' | xargs -n1 gh pr review -a -b "@dependabot squash and merge" gh pr list | grep "dependabot/" | awk '{print $$1}' | xargs -n1 gh pr merge # integration tests integration_shell: $(COMPOSE_INTEGRATION) run firefox bash integration_sdk_shell: build_prod build_integration_test $(COMPOSE_INTEGRATION) run rust-sdk bash integration_vnc_up: build_prod $(COMPOSE_INTEGRATION) up firefox integration_vnc_up_detached: build_prod $(COMPOSE_INTEGRATION) up -d firefox integration_test_legacy: build_prod MOZ_HEADLESS=1 $(COMPOSE_INTEGRATION) run firefox sh -c "./experimenter/tests/" integration_test_nimbus: build_prod MOZ_HEADLESS=1 $(COMPOSE_INTEGRATION) run firefox sh -c "UPDATE_FIREFOX_VERSION=$(UPDATE_FIREFOX_VERSION) FIREFOX_BETA=$(FIREFOX_BETA) PYTEST_SENTRY_DSN=$(PYTEST_SENTRY_DSN) PYTEST_SENTRY_ALWAYS_REPORT=$(PYTEST_SENTRY_ALWAYS_REPORT) CIRCLECI=$(CIRCLECI) ./experimenter/tests/" integration_test_nimbus_rust: build_integration_test build_prod MOZ_HEADLESS=1 $(COMPOSE_INTEGRATION) run -it rust-sdk sh -c "./experimenter/tests/" integration_test_nimbus_fenix: poetry -C experimenter/tests/integration/ -vvv install --no-root poetry -C experimenter/tests/integration/ -vvv run pytest --html=experimenter/tests/integration/test-reports/report.htm --self-contained-html --reruns-delay 30 --driver Firefox experimenter/tests/integration/nimbus/android -vvv # cirrus CIRRUS_ENABLE = export CIRRUS=1 && CIRRUS_BLACK_CHECK = black -l 90 --check --diff . CIRRUS_BLACK_FIX = black -l 90 . CIRRUS_RUFF_CHECK = ruff check . CIRRUS_RUFF_FIX = ruff check --fix . CIRRUS_PYTEST = pytest . --cov-config=.coveragerc --cov=cirrus -v CIRRUS_PYTHON_TYPECHECK = pyright -p . CIRRUS_PYTHON_TYPECHECK_CREATESTUB = pyright -p . --createstub cirrus CIRRUS_GENERATE_DOCS = python cirrus/ cirrus_build: build_megazords $(CIRRUS_ENABLE) $(DOCKER_BUILD) --target deploy -f cirrus/server/Dockerfile -t cirrus:deploy cirrus/server/ cirrus_build_test: build_megazords $(CIRRUS_ENABLE) $(COMPOSE_TEST) build cirrus cirrus_bash: cirrus_build $(CIRRUS_ENABLE) $(COMPOSE) run cirrus bash cirrus_up: cirrus_build $(CIRRUS_ENABLE) $(COMPOSE) up cirrus cirrus_down: cirrus_build $(CIRRUS_ENABLE) $(COMPOSE) down cirrus cirrus_test: cirrus_build_test $(CIRRUS_ENABLE) $(COMPOSE_TEST) run cirrus sh -c '$(CIRRUS_PYTEST)' cirrus_check: cirrus_build_test $(CIRRUS_ENABLE) $(COMPOSE_TEST) run cirrus sh -c "$(CIRRUS_RUFF_CHECK) && $(CIRRUS_BLACK_CHECK) && $(CIRRUS_PYTHON_TYPECHECK) && $(CIRRUS_PYTEST) && $(CIRRUS_GENERATE_DOCS) --check" cirrus_code_format: cirrus_build $(CIRRUS_ENABLE) $(COMPOSE) run cirrus sh -c '$(CIRRUS_RUFF_FIX) && $(CIRRUS_BLACK_FIX)' cirrus_typecheck_createstub: cirrus_build $(CIRRUS_ENABLE) $(COMPOSE) run cirrus sh -c '$(CIRRUS_PYTHON_TYPECHECK_CREATESTUB)' cirrus_generate_docs: cirrus_build $(CIRRUS_ENABLE) $(COMPOSE) run cirrus sh -c '$(CIRRUS_GENERATE_DOCS)' build_demo_app: $(CIRRUS_ENABLE) $(COMPOSE_INTEGRATION) build demo-app-frontend demo-app-server # nimbus schemas package SCHEMAS_ENV ?= # This is empty by default SCHEMAS_VERSION = \$$(cat VERSION) SCHEMAS_RUN = docker run -ti $(SCHEMAS_ENV) -v ./schemas:/schemas -v /schemas/node_modules schemas:dev sh -c SCHEMAS_BLACK = black --check --diff . SCHEMAS_RUFF = ruff check . SCHEMAS_DIFF_PYDANTIC = \ poetry run python --output /tmp/test_index.d.ts &&\ diff /tmp/test_index.d.ts index.d.ts || (echo nimbus-schemas typescript package is out of sync please run make schemas_build;exit 1) &&\ echo 'Done. No problems found in schemas.' SCHEMAS_TEST = pytest SCHEMAS_FORMAT = ruff check --fix . && black . SCHEMAS_DIST_PYPI = poetry build SCHEMAS_DIST_NPM = poetry run python --output index.d.ts SCHEMAS_DEPLOY_PYPI = twine upload --skip-existing dist/*; SCHEMAS_DEPLOY_NPM = echo "//${NPM_TOKEN}" > .npmrc;yarn publish --new-version ${SCHEMAS_VERSION} --access public; SCHEMAS_VERSION_PYPI = poetry version ${SCHEMAS_VERSION}; SCHEMAS_VERSION_NPM = npm version --allow-same-version ${SCHEMAS_VERSION}; schemas_docker_build: ## Build schemas docker image $(DOCKER_BUILD) --target dev -f schemas/Dockerfile -t schemas:dev schemas/ schemas_build: schemas_docker_build schemas_dist ## Build schemas schemas_bash: schemas_docker_build $(SCHEMAS_RUN) "bash" schemas_format: schemas_docker_build ## Format schemas source tree $(SCHEMAS_RUN) "$(SCHEMAS_FORMAT)" schemas_lint: schemas_docker_build ## Lint schemas source tree $(SCHEMAS_RUN) "$(SCHEMAS_BLACK)&&$(SCHEMAS_RUFF)&&$(SCHEMAS_DIFF_PYDANTIC)&&$(SCHEMAS_TEST)" schemas_check: schemas_lint schemas_dist_pypi: schemas_docker_build $(SCHEMAS_RUN) "$(SCHEMAS_DIST_PYPI)" schemas_dist_npm: schemas_docker_build schemas_dist_pypi $(SCHEMAS_RUN) "$(SCHEMAS_DIST_NPM)" schemas_dist: schemas_docker_build schemas_dist_pypi schemas_dist_npm schemas_deploy_pypi: schemas_docker_build $(SCHEMAS_RUN) "$(SCHEMAS_DEPLOY_PYPI)" schemas_deploy_npm: schemas_docker_build $(SCHEMAS_RUN) "$(SCHEMAS_DEPLOY_NPM)" schemas_version_pypi: schemas_docker_build $(SCHEMAS_RUN) "$(SCHEMAS_VERSION_PYPI)" schemas_version_npm: schemas_docker_build $(SCHEMAS_RUN) "$(SCHEMAS_VERSION_NPM)" schemas_version: schemas_version_pypi schemas_version_npm