SHELL = /bin/bash WAIT_FOR_DB = /app/bin/ -t 30 db:5432 && WAIT_FOR_RUNSERVER = /app/bin/ -t 30 localhost:7001 && COMPOSE = docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml COMPOSE_LEGACY = ${COMPOSE} -f docker-compose-legacy.yml COMPOSE_TEST = docker-compose -f docker-compose-test.yml COMPOSE_PROD = docker-compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml COMPOSE_INTEGRATION = ${COMPOSE_PROD} -f docker-compose-integration-test.yml JOBS = 4 PARALLEL = parallel --halt now,fail=1 --jobs ${JOBS} {} ::: NOCOLOR= \033[0m RED = \033[0;31m GREEN = \033[0;32m PAD = -------------------------------------------------\n COLOR_CHECK = && echo "${GREEN}${PAD}All Checks Passed\n${PAD}${NOCOLOR}" || (echo "${RED}${PAD}Some Checks Failed\n${PAD}${NOCOLOR}";exit 1) PY_IMPORT_SORT = python -m isort . --profile black PY_IMPORT_CHECK = python -m isort . --profile black --check PYTHON_TEST = pytest --cov --cov-report term-missing PYTHON_CHECK_MIGRATIONS = python makemigrations --check --dry-run --noinput PYTHON_MIGRATE = python migrate ESLINT_LEGACY = yarn workspace @experimenter/core lint ESLINT_FIX_CORE = yarn workspace @experimenter/core lint-fix ESLINT_NIMBUS_UI = yarn workspace @experimenter/nimbus-ui lint ESLINT_FIX_NIMBUS_UI = yarn workspace @experimenter/nimbus-ui lint-fix TYPECHECK_NIMBUS_UI = yarn workspace @experimenter/nimbus-ui lint:tsc ESLINT_REPORTING = yarn workspace @experimenter/reporting lint:eslint --max-warnings=1 ESLINT_FIX_REPORTING = yarn workspace @experimenter/reporting lint:eslint --fix --max-warnings=1 TYPECHECK_REPORTING = yarn workspace @experimenter/reporting lint:tsc JS_TEST_LEGACY = yarn workspace @experimenter/core test JS_TEST_NIMBUS_UI = CI=yes yarn workspace @experimenter/nimbus-ui test:cov JS_TEST_REPORTING = yarn workspace @experimenter/reporting test NIMBUS_SCHEMA_CHECK = python graphql_schema --out experimenter/nimbus-ui/test_schema.graphql&&diff experimenter/nimbus-ui/test_schema.graphql experimenter/nimbus-ui/schema.graphql || (echo GraphQL Schema is out of sync please run make generate_types;exit 1) NIMBUS_TYPES_GENERATE = python graphql_schema --out experimenter/nimbus-ui/schema.graphql&&yarn workspace @experimenter/nimbus-ui generate-types FLAKE8 = flake8 . BLACK_CHECK = black -l 90 --check --diff . --exclude node_modules BLACK_FIX = black -l 90 . --exclude node_modules CHECK_DOCS = python generate_docs --check=true GENERATE_DOCS = python generate_docs LOAD_COUNTRIES = python loaddata ./experimenter/base/fixtures/countries.json LOAD_LOCALES = python loaddata ./experimenter/base/fixtures/locales.json LOAD_FEATURES = python load_feature_configs LOAD_DUMMY_EXPERIMENTS = [[ -z $$SKIP_DUMMY ]] && python load_dummy_experiments || echo "skipping dummy experiments" PUBLISH_STORYBOOKS = npx github:mozilla-fxa/storybook-gcp-publisher --commit-summary commit-summary.txt --commit-description commit-description.txt --version-json experimenter/version.json JETSTREAM_CONFIG_URL = FEATURE_MANIFEST_DESKTOP_URL = ssl: nginx/key.pem nginx/cert.pem nginx/key.pem: openssl genrsa -out nginx/key.pem 4096 nginx/cert.pem: nginx/key.pem openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha256 -key nginx/key.pem \ -subj "/C=US/ST=California/L=Mountain View/O=Mozilla/CN=experiment_local" \ > nginx/cert.pem secretkey: openssl rand -hex 24 jetstream_config: curl -LJ -o app/experimenter/outcomes/ $(JETSTREAM_CONFIG_URL) unzip -o -d app/experimenter/outcomes app/experimenter/outcomes/ feature_manifests: curl -LJ --create-dirs -o app/experimenter/features/manifests/firefox-desktop.yaml $(FEATURE_MANIFEST_DESKTOP_URL) fetch_external_resources: jetstream_config feature_manifests echo "External Resources Fetched" update_kinto: docker pull mozilla/kinto-dist:latest build_dev: fetch_external_resources ssl DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --target dev -f app/Dockerfile -t app:dev --build-arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1 --cache-from mozilla/experimenter:build_dev $$([[ -z "$${CIRCLECI}" ]] || echo "--progress=plain") app/ build_test: fetch_external_resources ssl DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --target test -f app/Dockerfile -t app:test --build-arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1 --cache-from mozilla/experimenter:build_test $$([[ -z "$${CIRCLECI}" ]] || echo "--progress=plain") app/ build_ui: fetch_external_resources ssl DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --target ui -f app/Dockerfile -t app:ui --build-arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1 --cache-from mozilla/experimenter:build_ui $$([[ -z "$${CIRCLECI}" ]] || echo "--progress=plain") app/ build_prod: build_ui fetch_external_resources ssl DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --target deploy -f app/Dockerfile -t app:deploy --build-arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1 --cache-from mozilla/experimenter:latest $$([[ -z "$${CIRCLECI}" ]] || echo "--progress=plain") app/ compose_stop: $(COMPOSE) kill || true $(COMPOSE_INTEGRATION) kill || true $(COMPOSE_PROD) kill || true compose_rm: $(COMPOSE) rm -f -v || true $(COMPOSE_INTEGRATION) rm -f -v || true $(COMPOSE_PROD) rm -f -v || true volumes_rm: docker volume prune -f static_rm: rm -Rf app/node_modules rm -Rf app/experimenter/legacy-ui/core/node_modules/ rm -Rf app/experimenter/nimbus-ui/node_modules/ rm -Rf app/experimenter/legacy-ui/assets/ rm -Rf app/experimenter/nimbus-ui/build/ kill: compose_stop compose_rm volumes_rm echo "All containers removed!" check: build_test $(COMPOSE_TEST) run app sh -c '$(WAIT_FOR_DB) (${PARALLEL} "$(NIMBUS_SCHEMA_CHECK)" "$(PYTHON_CHECK_MIGRATIONS)" "$(CHECK_DOCS)" "${PY_IMPORT_CHECK}" "$(BLACK_CHECK)" "$(FLAKE8)" "$(ESLINT_NIMBUS_UI)" "$(TYPECHECK_NIMBUS_UI)" "$(JS_TEST_NIMBUS_UI)" "$(PYTHON_TEST)") ${COLOR_CHECK}' check_legacy: build_test $(COMPOSE_TEST) run app sh -c '$(WAIT_FOR_DB) (${PARALLEL} "$(NIMBUS_SCHEMA_CHECK)" "$(PYTHON_CHECK_MIGRATIONS)" "$(CHECK_DOCS)" "${PY_IMPORT_CHECK}" "$(BLACK_CHECK)" "$(FLAKE8)" "$(ESLINT_LEGACY)" "$(ESLINT_NIMBUS_UI)" "$(ESLINT_REPORTING)" "$(TYPECHECK_NIMBUS_UI)" "$(TYPECHECK_REPORTING)" "$(JS_TEST_LEGACY)" "$(JS_TEST_NIMBUS_UI)" "$(JS_TEST_REPORTING)" "$(PYTHON_TEST)") ${COLOR_CHECK}' pytest: build_test $(COMPOSE_TEST) run app sh -c '$(WAIT_FOR_DB) $(PYTHON_TEST)' up: build_dev $(COMPOSE) up up_legacy: build_dev $(COMPOSE_LEGACY) up up_prod: build_prod $(COMPOSE_PROD) up up_prod_detached: build_prod $(COMPOSE_PROD) up -d up_db: build_dev $(COMPOSE) up db redis kinto autograph up_django: build_dev $(COMPOSE) up nginx app worker beat db redis kinto autograph up_detached: build_dev $(COMPOSE) up -d generate_docs: build_dev $(COMPOSE) run app sh -c "$(GENERATE_DOCS)" generate_types: build_dev $(COMPOSE) run app sh -c "$(NIMBUS_TYPES_GENERATE)" publish_storybooks: build_test $(COMPOSE_TEST) run app sh -c "$(PUBLISH_STORYBOOKS)" code_format: build_dev $(COMPOSE) run app sh -c '${PARALLEL} "${PY_IMPORT_SORT};$(BLACK_FIX)" "$(ESLINT_FIX_CORE)" "$(ESLINT_FIX_NIMBUS_UI)" "$(ESLINT_FIX_REPORTING)"' makemigrations: build_dev $(COMPOSE) run app python makemigrations migrate: build_dev $(COMPOSE) run app sh -c "$(WAIT_FOR_DB) $(PYTHON_MIGRATE)" bash: build_dev $(COMPOSE) run app bash refresh: kill build_dev $(COMPOSE) run -e SKIP_DUMMY=$$SKIP_DUMMY app bash -c '$(WAIT_FOR_DB) $(PYTHON_MIGRATE)&&$(LOAD_LOCALES)&&$(LOAD_COUNTRIES)&&$(LOAD_FEATURES)&&$(LOAD_DUMMY_EXPERIMENTS)' dependabot_approve: echo "Install and configure the Github CLI" gh pr list --author app/dependabot | awk '{print $$1}' | xargs -n1 gh pr review -a -b "@dependabot squash and merge" # integration tests integration_shell: $(COMPOSE_INTEGRATION) run firefox bash integration_vnc_up: $(COMPOSE_INTEGRATION) up integration_vnc_up_detached: $(COMPOSE_INTEGRATION) up -d firefox integration_test_legacy: MOZ_HEADLESS=1 $(COMPOSE_INTEGRATION) run firefox sh -c "sudo chmod a+rwx /code/app/tests/integration/.tox;tox -c app/tests/integration -e integration-test-legacy $(TOX_ARGS) -- -n 2 $(PYTEST_ARGS)" integration_test_nimbus: MOZ_HEADLESS=1 $(COMPOSE_INTEGRATION) run firefox sh -c "sudo chmod a+rwx /code/app/tests/integration/.tox;tox -c app/tests/integration -e integration-test-nimbus $(TOX_ARGS) -- $(PYTEST_ARGS)"