--- layout: sidebar title: Enterprise permalink: /documentation/enterprise/ published: true tags: [enterprise] contributors: [caitmuenster] last_updated_by: caitmuenster date: 2019-07-09 09:00:00 --- {% capture page_hero_banner_content %} # Extensions for your enterprise Firefox gives your enterprise a high-performance, standards compliant, manageable browser environment. {% endcapture %} {% include modules/overview-page-hero.html content=page_hero_banner_content cta1_label="" cta1_url="" cta2_label="" cta2_url="" background="develop-overview-hero-bg.jpg" %} {% capture content_with_toc %} Extensions give you the ability to complement standard browser features and provide richer interfaces to enterprise web applications. {% endcapture %} {% include modules/column-w-toc.html id="introduction" content=content_with_toc %}
{% capture content %} ## Developing your enterprise extension {% endcapture %} {% include modules/one-column.html id="" content=content aside="" %} {% capture col_1_content %} ![Enterprise Extensions]({% asset "documentation/develop/EnterpriseExtensions_promo.jpg" @path @optim %}) {% endcapture %} {% capture col_2_content %} Developing extensions for your enterprise is straightforward – you can follow the standard extension development path. [Some Firefox enterprise policies](/documentation/enterprise/enterprise-policies-that-impact-extensions/) might affect the installation, behavior, and update of extensions. {% endcapture %} {% include modules/two-column.html id="" col_1=col_1_content col_2=col_2_content aside="" reverse=false %}
{% capture content %} ## Distributing your enterprise extension Extensions for enterprise deployments of Firefox Extended Support Release (ESR) should be distributed outside of [addons.mozilla.org](https://addons.mozilla.org). Once your extension is developed and tested, you can use one of the [enterprise distribution](/documentation/enterprise/enterprise-distribution/) methods to install it in Firefox. {% endcapture %} {% include modules/one-column.html id="distributing-your-enterprise-extension" content=content aside="" %} {%- include page-meta-data.html -%} {%- include up-next.html -%}