83 строки
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83 строки
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# A Docker image to run tests or experiment locally on a CPU machine
# It should be based on /taskcluster/docker/test/Dockerfile
# Similar to /taskcluster/docker/toolchain/Dockerfile
RUN apt-get update -qq \
# We need to install tzdata before all of the other packages. Otherwise it will show an interactive dialog that
# we cannot navigate while building the Docker image.
&& apt-get install -y tzdata \
&& apt-get install -y wget \
curl \
zip \
build-essential \
gcc \
g++ \
make \
cmake \
libboost-dev \
libboost-all-dev \
zstd \
tar \
libxml2 \
libhunspell-dev \
bc \
libopenblas-dev \
openssl \
libssl-dev \
pkg-config \
libre2-dev \
libglib2.0-dev \
python3-pybind11 \
&& apt-get clean
RUN mkdir /builds/worker/tools && \
chown worker:worker /builds/worker/tools && \
mkdir /builds/worker/tools/bin && \
chown worker:worker /builds/worker/tools/bin
WORKDIR /builds/worker/tools
ADD pipeline/setup/* .
ENV BIN=/builds/worker/tools/bin
RUN git clone https://github.com/marian-nmt/extract-lex.git extract-lex
RUN ./compile-extract-lex.sh extract-lex/build $(nproc)
RUN git clone https://github.com/clab/fast_align.git fast_align
RUN ./compile-fast-align.sh fast_align/build $(nproc)
RUN git clone https://github.com/kpu/preprocess.git preprocess
RUN ./compile-preprocess.sh preprocess/build $(nproc)
RUN git clone https://github.com/marian-nmt/marian-dev.git marian-dev
# Use the same revision as in taskcluster/kinds/fetch/toolchains.yml
# it corresponds to v1.12.14 2d067afb 2024-02-16 11:44:13 -0500
RUN cd marian-dev && git checkout 2d067afb9ce5e3a0b6c32585706affc6e7295920
RUN ./compile-marian.sh marian-dev/build $(nproc) false
ENV MARIAN=/builds/worker/tools/marian-dev/build
# Work around poetry not finding `python`.
# https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry/issues/6371
RUN ln -s /bin/python3 /bin/python
# Have poetry ignore any venvs in the workdir by using a system install.
RUN poetry config virtualenvs.create false
# Install taskfile - https://taskfile.dev/
# Keep the version in sync with taskcluster/docker/test/Dockerfile.
RUN curl -sSLf "https://github.com/go-task/task/releases/download/v3.35.1/task_linux_amd64.tar.gz" \
| tar -xz -C /usr/local/bin
# In some operating systems, the .git configuration will complain if the users
# do not match for the .git. Since this is a local environment, we don't worry about
# permissions escalation exploits that may be an issue in a production docker container.
RUN git config --global --add safe.directory /builds/worker/checkouts
# Allow scripts to detect if they are running in docker