import expect from 'expect'; import { omit } from 'lodash'; import { configStub, scheduledQueryStub } from 'test/stubs'; import helpers from 'kolide/helpers'; const label1 = { id: 1, target_type: 'labels' }; const label2 = { id: 2, target_type: 'labels' }; const host1 = { id: 6, target_type: 'hosts' }; const host2 = { id: 5, target_type: 'hosts' }; describe('Kolide API - helpers', () => { describe('#labelSlug', () => { it('creates a slug for the label', () => { expect(helpers.labelSlug({ display_text: 'All Hosts' })).toEqual('all-hosts'); expect(helpers.labelSlug({ display_text: 'windows' })).toEqual('windows'); }); }); describe('#formatConfigDataForServer', () => { const { formatConfigDataForServer } = helpers; const config = { org_name: 'Kolide', org_logo_url: '', kolide_server_url: '', configured: false, domain: '', smtp_enabled: true, sender_address: '', server: '', port: 587, authentication_type: 'authtype_username_password', user_name: '', password: '', enable_ssl_tls: true, authentication_method: 'authmethod_plain', verify_ssl_certs: true, enable_start_tls: true, }; it('splits config into categories for the server', () => { expect(formatConfigDataForServer(config)).toEqual(omit(configStub, ['smtp_settings.configured'])); expect(formatConfigDataForServer({ org_name: 'The Gnar Co' })).toEqual({ org_info: { org_name: 'The Gnar Co' }, }); expect( formatConfigDataForServer({ org_name: 'The Gnar Co', kolide_server_url: '' }) ).toEqual({ org_info: { org_name: 'The Gnar Co' }, server_settings: { kolide_server_url: '' }, }); expect( formatConfigDataForServer({ domain: '' }) ).toEqual({ smtp_settings: { domain: '' }, }); }); }); describe('#formatScheduledQueryForServer', () => { const { formatScheduledQueryForServer } = helpers; const scheduledQuery = { ...scheduledQueryStub, logging_type: 'snapshot', pack_id: '3', platform: 'all', query_id: '1', shard: '12', }; it('sets the correct attributes for the server', () => { expect(formatScheduledQueryForServer(scheduledQuery)).toEqual({ ...scheduledQueryStub, pack_id: 3, platform: '', query_id: 1, shard: 12, snapshot: true, removed: false, }); }); }); describe('#formatScheduledQueryForClient', () => { const { formatScheduledQueryForClient } = helpers; const scheduledQuery = { ...scheduledQueryStub, platform: '', snapshot: true, }; it('sets the correct attributes for the server', () => { expect(formatScheduledQueryForClient(scheduledQuery)).toEqual({ ...scheduledQueryStub, logging_type: 'snapshot', platform: 'all', }); }); it('sets the logging_type attribute', () => { expect(formatScheduledQueryForClient({ ...scheduledQueryStub, removed: true, snapshot: false })).toEqual({ ...scheduledQueryStub, logging_type: 'differential', removed: true, snapshot: false, }); expect(formatScheduledQueryForClient({ ...scheduledQueryStub, snapshot: true })).toEqual({ ...scheduledQueryStub, logging_type: 'snapshot', snapshot: true, }); expect(formatScheduledQueryForClient({ ...scheduledQueryStub, snapshot: false, removed: false })).toEqual({ ...scheduledQueryStub, logging_type: 'differential_ignore_removals', removed: false, snapshot: false, }); }); }); describe('#formatSelectedTargetsForApi', () => { const { formatSelectedTargetsForApi } = helpers; it('splits targets into labels and hosts', () => { const targets = [host1, host2, label1, label2]; expect(formatSelectedTargetsForApi(targets)).toEqual({ hosts: [6, 5], labels: [1, 2], }); }); it('appends `_id` when appendID is specified', () => { const targets = [host1, host2, label1, label2]; expect(formatSelectedTargetsForApi(targets, true)).toEqual({ host_ids: [6, 5], label_ids: [1, 2], }); }); }); describe('#setupData', () => { const formData = { email: '', name: 'Gnar Dog', kolide_server_url: '', org_logo_url: '', org_name: 'The Gnar Co.', password: 'p@ssw0rd', password_confirmation: 'p@ssw0rd', username: 'gnardog', }; it('formats the form data to send to the server', () => { expect(helpers.setupData(formData)).toEqual({ kolide_server_url: '', org_info: { org_logo_url: '', org_name: 'The Gnar Co.', }, admin: { admin: true, email: '', name: 'Gnar Dog', password: 'p@ssw0rd', password_confirmation: 'p@ssw0rd', username: 'gnardog', }, }); }); }); });