677 строки
24 KiB
Executable File
677 строки
24 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
version = "0.1"
import os
import sys
import json
import csv
import re
import xml.dom.minidom as minidom
from datetime import date
# https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2015-71/
urlbase = "https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories"
class BugzillaUrl(object):
""" Bug link formats:
- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=1138199,1036515,1137326
- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1086145
- BROKEN: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=768313, 762920 (fixed)
base_uri = "https://bugzilla.mozilla.org"
# TODO: support bugzil.la URLs
def __init__(self, url=None, bugs=[]):
self.original_url = url
self.bugs = bugs
if self.original_url is not None:
self.bugs = self.parse(self.original_url)
def parse(url):
if not url.startswith(BugzillaUrl.base_uri):
raise Exception("Unsupported Bugzilla base URI in %s" % url)
args = url.split("?")[1]
if args.startswith("id="):
# split off optional comment anchor
id = args[3:].split("#")[0]
return [int(id)]
elif args.startswith("bug_id="):
bugs = args[7:].split(",")
# test for known broken urls
for i in xrange(len(bugs)):
while bugs[i].startswith(" "): # Fixes linebreaks within hrefs
bugs[i] = bugs[i][1:]
while bugs[i].endswith(" "):
bugs[i] = bugs[i][:-1]
if not bugs[i].isdigit():
raise Exception("Broken Bugzilla bug ID %s in %s" % (bugs[i], url))
bugs[i] = int(bugs[i])
return bugs
raise Exception("Unsupported Bugzilla CGI script in %s" % url)
def __str__(self):
if len(self.bugs) == 0:
return None
elif len(self.bugs) == 1:
script = "show_bug.cgi"
args = "id=%s" % str(self.bugs[0])
script = "buglist.cgi"
args = "bug_id=%s" % ",".join([str(x) for x in self.bugs])
return "%s/%s?%s" % (self.base_uri, script, args)
class MfsaMd(object):
"""Class to hold a advisory markdown object
def __init__(self, mdtxt=None):
if mdtxt is None:
self.original_md = None
self.header = {}
self.body = minidom.parseString(MfsaMd.xmlheader + MfsaMd.xmlfooter)
self.original_md = mdtxt
self.header, self.body = self.parser(mdtxt)
""" Anatonomy of a standard MFSA md file:
announced: July 2, 2015
- Firefox 39
- Firefox ESR 31.8
- Firefox ESR 38.1
- Thunderbird 38.1
impact: Critical
reporter: Mozilla Developers
title: Miscellaneous memory safety hazards (rv:39.0 / rv:31.8 / rv:38.1)
<p>Bob Clary and Andrew McCreight reported memory safety problems and crashes that
affect Firefox ESR 31.7, Firefox ESR 38, and Firefox 38.</p>
<li><a href="https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=1160884,1143679,1164567,1154876">
Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox ESR 31.8, Firefox 38.1, and Firefox 39.</a> (<a
<p>... reported ...</p>
""" Advisories may skip "reporter" header field, "References" line (mangling the links
into the description), and "Workaround" section.
""" Known to use non-standard formatting:
# non-xml entities must be declared explicitly for minidom parsing to work
# see http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/html-spec/html-spec_14.html
xmlheader = """<?xml version="1.1" ?>
<!DOCTYPE htmlxml [
<!ENTITY nbsp " ">
<!ENTITY iexcl "¡">
<!ENTITY cent "¢">
<!ENTITY pound "£">
<!ENTITY curren "¤">
<!ENTITY yen "¥">
<!ENTITY brvbar "¦">
<!ENTITY sect "§">
<!ENTITY uml "¨">
<!ENTITY copy "©">
<!ENTITY ordf "ª">
<!ENTITY laquo "«">
<!ENTITY not "¬">
<!ENTITY shy "­">
<!ENTITY reg "®">
<!ENTITY macr "¯">
<!ENTITY deg "°">
<!ENTITY plusmn "±">
<!ENTITY sup2 "²">
<!ENTITY sup3 "³">
<!ENTITY acute "´">
<!ENTITY micro "µ">
<!ENTITY para "¶">
<!ENTITY middot "·">
<!ENTITY cedil "¸">
<!ENTITY sup1 "¹">
<!ENTITY ordm "º">
<!ENTITY raquo "»">
<!ENTITY frac14 "¼">
<!ENTITY frac12 "½">
<!ENTITY frac34 "¾">
<!ENTITY iquest "¿">
<!ENTITY Agrave "À">
<!ENTITY Aacute "Á">
<!ENTITY Acirc "Â">
<!ENTITY Atilde "Ã">
<!ENTITY Auml "Ä">
<!ENTITY Aring "Å">
<!ENTITY AElig "Æ">
<!ENTITY Ccedil "Ç">
<!ENTITY Egrave "È">
<!ENTITY Eacute "É">
<!ENTITY Ecirc "Ê">
<!ENTITY Euml "Ë">
<!ENTITY Igrave "Ì">
<!ENTITY Iacute "Í">
<!ENTITY Icirc "Î">
<!ENTITY Iuml "Ï">
<!ENTITY Ntilde "Ñ">
<!ENTITY Ograve "Ò">
<!ENTITY Oacute "Ó">
<!ENTITY Ocirc "Ô">
<!ENTITY Otilde "Õ">
<!ENTITY Ouml "Ö">
<!ENTITY times "×">
<!ENTITY Oslash "Ø">
<!ENTITY Ugrave "Ù">
<!ENTITY Uacute "Ú">
<!ENTITY Ucirc "Û">
<!ENTITY Uuml "Ü">
<!ENTITY Yacute "Ý">
<!ENTITY szlig "ß">
<!ENTITY agrave "à">
<!ENTITY aacute "á">
<!ENTITY acirc "â">
<!ENTITY atilde "ã">
<!ENTITY auml "ä">
<!ENTITY aring "å">
<!ENTITY aelig "æ">
<!ENTITY ccedil "ç">
<!ENTITY egrave "è">
<!ENTITY eacute "é">
<!ENTITY ecirc "ê">
<!ENTITY euml "ë">
<!ENTITY igrave "ì">
<!ENTITY iacute "í">
<!ENTITY icirc "î">
<!ENTITY iuml "ï">
<!ENTITY eth "ð">
<!ENTITY ntilde "ñ">
<!ENTITY ograve "ò">
<!ENTITY oacute "ó">
<!ENTITY ocirc "ô">
<!ENTITY otilde "õ">
<!ENTITY ouml "ö">
<!ENTITY divide "÷">
<!ENTITY oslash "ø">
<!ENTITY ugrave "ù">
<!ENTITY uacute "ú">
<!ENTITY ucirc "û">
<!ENTITY uuml "ü">
<!ENTITY yacute "ý">
<!ENTITY thorn "þ">
<!ENTITY yuml "ÿ">
xmlfooter = '</html>'
def parser(txt):
sections = txt.split("---\n")
if len(sections) != 3 or len(sections[0]) != 0:
raise Exception("Invalid MFSA format: \n%s\n..." % txt[:300])
head,bod = sections[1:3]
header = {}
append_to = None
for line in head.split('\n')[:-1]: # head ends in \n, skip that with [:-1]
if line.startswith("announced: "):
header["announced"] = line[11:]
append_to = None
elif line.startswith("fixed_in:"):
if len(line) > len("fixed_in:") + 2:
header["fixed_in"] = [line[10:]]
header["fixed_in"] = []
append_to = "fixed_in"
elif line.startswith("vulnerable:"): # TODO: warn about obsolete field
if len(line) > len("vulnerable:") + 2:
header["vulnerable"] = [line[12:]]
header["vulnerable"] = []
append_to = "vulnerable"
elif line.startswith("- "): # fixed_in: or vulnerable: continuation
# CAVE: "- ..." lines are treated independent of their position
elif line.startswith("impact: "):
header["impact"] = line[8:]
append_to = None
elif line.startswith("reporter: "):
header["reporter"] = line[10:]
append_to = None
elif line.startswith("title: "):
header["title"] = line[7:]
append_to = None
elif line.startswith(" "): # title: continuation
# CAVE: Only supports title continuation, fails silently when other
# fields are continued like this.
header["title"] += line[1:]
elif line.startswith("risk: "): # TODO: warn about obsolete field
header["risk"] = line[6:]
append_to = None
raise Exception("Unknown MFSA header: %s" % line)
# body = minidom.parseString("<html>" + bod + "</html>")
# print MfsaMd.xmlheader + bod + MfsaMd.xmlfooter
body = minidom.parseString(MfsaMd.xmlheader + bod + MfsaMd.xmlfooter)
return header, body
def __str__(self):
header = self.header # TODO: does this make a deep copy?
header["fixed_in"] = "\n- ".join(header["fixed_in"])
header = ["%s: %s" % (k, header[k]) for k in header] # CAVE: does not maintain order
header = "\n".join(header) + "\n"
header.replace("fixed_in: \n", "fixed_in:\n")
body = ""
for node in self.body.childNodes[1].childNodes:
body += node.toprettyxml(indent=" ")
#assert body.startswith(self.xmlheader)
#assert body.endswith(self.xmlfooter)
#body = body[len(self.xmlheader):-len(self.xmlfooter)]
return "---\n".join(["", header, body])
def bugLinks(self):
# TODO: also extract link text for bug titles
all_links = self.body.getElementsByTagName("a")
all_hrefs = [a.attributes["href"].value for a in all_links]
just_buglinks = [h for h in all_hrefs if h.startswith("https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/")]
return just_buglinks
def bugRefs(self):
bugs = []
for href in self.bugLinks():
bugs += BugzillaUrl(href).bugs
return bugs
def addFixedinToOriginal(self, version):
input = self.original_md.split("\n")
output = []
nothing_added = True
already_added = False
i = 0
while i < len(input):
line = input[i]
if line.startswith("fixed_in:"):
if len(line) > len("fixed_in: "):
fixversion = line[10:]
already_added = fixversion.endswith(version) or already_added
while fixversion.startswith(" "):
fixversion = fixversion[1:]
output.append("- %s" % fixversion)
while i < len(input)-1 and input[i+1].startswith("- "):
already_added = input[i+1].endswith(version) or already_added
i += 1
if not already_added:
output.append("- %s" % version)
print >>sys.stderr, "WARNING: '%s' already marked 'fixed_in'" % version
nothing_added = False
i += 1
if nothing_added:
raise Exception("Could not add to fixed_in header")
return "\n".join(output)
class MfsaDB(object):
def __init__(self, path="announce"):
self.path = path
self.tree = [x for x in os.walk(self.path)]
assert self.tree[0][1][0] == "2005"
assert len(self.tree) == len(self.tree[0][1]) + 1
except AssertionError as e:
raise Exception("Unknown advisory tree format, reason %s" % e)
def listYears(self):
return self.tree[0][1]
def asInts(mfsa_name):
assert mfsa_name.lower().startswith("mfsa")
if mfsa_name.lower().endswith(".md"):
mfsa_name = mfsa_name[:-3]
year, nr = map(int, mfsa_name[4:].split("-")[0:2])
return year, nr
def asInt(mfsa_name):
year, nr = MfsaDB.asInts(mfsa_name)
# CAVE: don't write more than 999 advisories per year
return 1000 * year + nr
def nameFromInts(year, nr):
return "mfsa%04d-%02d" % (year, nr)
def filenameFromInts(self, year, nr):
return "%s/%d/mfsa%04d-%02d.md" % (self.path, year, year, nr)
def filenameFromName(self, mfsa_name):
year, nr = self.asInts(mfsa_name)
filename = self.filenameFromInts(year, nr)
return filename
def isAnewerB(a, b):
return MfsaDB.asInt(a) > MfsaDB.asInt(b)
def latestAdvisory(self, year=None, plus=0):
if year is None:
# deliver latest advisory in current year + n
year = date.today().year
latest = self.listAdvisories(year)[-1]
y, n = self.asInts(latest)
except IndexError:
y, n = year, 0
if plus == 0:
return None
return self.nameFromInts(year, n + plus)
def listAdvisories(self, year=None):
ret = []
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in self.tree[1:]:
if year is None or dirpath.startswith("%s/%04d" % (self.path, year)):
ret += [x[:-3] for x in filenames if x.startswith("mfsa") and x.endswith(".md")]
return ret
def getAdvisory(self, mfsa_name):
filename = self.filenameFromName(mfsa_name)
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
return f.read()
def writeAdvisory(self, mfsa_name, mfsa):
filename = self.filenameFromName(mfsa_name)
content = str(mfsa)
with open(filename, "wb") as f:
def advisoryInfo(self, name):
# print name
adv = MfsaMd(self.getAdvisory(name))
return {"name": name, "header": adv.header, "bugs": adv.bugRefs()}
def allAdvisoryInfo(self):
ret = []
return [self.advisoryInfo(name) for name in self.listAdvisories()]
def bugsToAdvisories(self):
ret = {}
for adv in self.allAdvisoryInfo():
for bugid in adv["bugs"]:
bugid = int(bugid)
if bugid in ret:
ret[bugid] = [adv["name"]]
return ret
class BugzillaSecurityCSV(object):
def __init__(self, filename):
self.csv = self.dictFromCsvFile(filename)
def dictFromCsvFile(filename):
ret = {}
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
header = None
for line in csv.reader(f):
if header is None:
header = line
bug_id = line[0]
ret[bug_id] = dict(zip(header[1:], line[1:]))
return ret
def checkFields(self, fields):
line = self.csv[self.csv.keys()[0]]
for f in fields:
if f not in line:
return False
return True
def wrapIntoAdvisoryStub(bugid, csvitem):
# TODO: use current date and release version
advisory = MfsaMd()
advisory.header["announced"] = "July 20, 2015 FIXME FIXME"
advisory.header["title"] = csvitem["Summary"]
advisory.header["reporter"] = csvitem["Reporter Real Name"]
advisory.header["fixed_in"] = ["Firefox OS 2.2 FIXME FIXME"]
impact = "Unrated"
if "sec-low" in csvitem["Keywords"]:
impact = "Low"
if "sec-moderate" in csvitem["Keywords"]:
impact = "Moderate"
if "sec-high" in csvitem["Keywords"]:
impact = "High"
if "sec-critical" in csvitem["Keywords"]:
impact = "Critical"
advisory.header["impact"] = impact
root = advisory.body
html = root.childNodes[1]
desc = root.createElement("h3")
p = root.createElement("p")
p.appendChild(root.createTextNode("TODO: Write a description"))
refs = root.createElement("h3")
ul = root.createElement("ul")
bugs = [[bugid, csvitem["Summary"]]]
# TODO: for every bug: append li with bugzilla link
for id, title in bugs:
href = str(BugzillaUrl(bugs=[id]))
li = root.createElement("li")
a = root.createElement("a")
a.setAttribute("href", href)
return advisory
def advisoryRoundup(opt):
adv = MfsaDB()
csv = BugzillaSecurityCSV(opt.bugcsv)
required_fields = ["Reporter Real Name", "Summary", "Keywords", "Whiteboard"]
if not csv.checkFields(required_fields):
print >>sys.stderr, "CSV must have the following fields: %s" % repr(required_fields)
bug_to_advisory = adv.bugsToAdvisories()
next_offset = 1
needs_advisory = []
needs_fixedin = []
dangling_bugs = []
for bugid in csv.csv:
whiteboard = csv.csv[bugid]["Whiteboard"]
has_adv_tag = re.search(r'\[adv-[^\]]+\+]', whiteboard) is not None
has_b2g_adv_tag = re.search(r'\[b2g-adv-[^\]]+\+]', whiteboard) is not None
#print bugid, has_adv_tag, has_b2g_adv_tag, whiteboard
if not has_adv_tag:
new_mfsa_txt = str(wrapIntoAdvisoryStub(bugid, csv.csv[bugid]))
new_mfsa_name = adv.latestAdvisory(plus=next_offset)
next_offset += 1
filename = "TODO/"+adv.filenameFromName(new_mfsa_name)
print "bug %s needs advisory: %s" % (bugid, filename)
if not opt.dryrun:
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(filename)):
with open(filename, "wb") as f:
print >>sys.stderr, "WARNING: skipping write to %s" % filename
print "bug %s has advisory %s" % (bugid, bug_to_advisory[int(bugid)])
print "TODO: add 'fixed_in: %s' to %s" % (opt.fxosversion, bug_to_advisory[int(bugid)])
needs_fixedin += bug_to_advisory[int(bugid)]
except KeyError:
info = json.dumps(csv.csv[bugid], sort_keys=True, indent=4)
print "WARNING: bug %s is marked as having advisory, but doesn't: \n%s" % (bugid, info)
print "\n\nAdding 'fixed_in: %s' to advisories..." % opt.fxosversion
uniq_needs_fixedin = []
for x in needs_fixedin:
if x not in uniq_needs_fixedin:
for needsfix in uniq_needs_fixedin:
print "Fixing", needsfix
unfixed = MfsaMd(adv.getAdvisory(needsfix))
fixed = unfixed.addFixedinToOriginal("Firefox OS %s" % opt.fxosversion)
if not opt.dryrun:
adv.writeAdvisory(needsfix, fixed)
print >>sys.stderr, "WARNING: skipping write to %s" % needsfix
print "\n\nHere's your TODO list:\n"
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk("TODO"):
for f in filenames:
print "%s/%s" % (dirpath, f)
print "\nTODO buglist: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=%s" % ",".join(needs_advisory)
print "\nDangling bugs: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?bug_id=%s\n" % ",".join(dangling_bugs)
if opt.ipython:
from IPython import embed
def printInfoOnEverything(opt):
adv = MfsaDB()
print json.dumps(adv.allAdvisoryInfo(), sort_keys=True, indent=4)
if opt.bugcsv is not None:
csv = BugzillaSecurityCSV(opt.bugcsv)
print json.dumps(csv.csv, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
from IPython import embed
if opt.ipython:
from IPython import embed
def ipythonShell(opt):
adv = MfsaDB()
if opt.bugcsv is not None:
csv = BugzillaSecurityCSV(opt.bugcsv)
from IPython import embed
# main
def main():
from optparse import OptionParser
usage = "usage: %prog [options] info|roundup|ipython"
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version="%prog "+version)
parser.add_option("-b", "--bugs", action="store", dest="bugcsv", default=None,
help="Bugzilla CSV export file to parse")
parser.add_option("-r", "--release", action="store", dest="fxosversion", default=None,
help="Firefox OS release version for advisories")
parser.add_option("--dry-run", dest="dryrun", action="store_true", default=False,
help="Do not write out file changes")
parser.add_option("-i", "--ipython", dest="ipython", action="store_true", default=False,
help="drop into ipython session")
(opt, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) == 0:
print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: no command given"
cmd = args[0]
if cmd == "ipython":
elif cmd == "dump":
elif cmd == "roundup":
if opt.bugcsv is None:
print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: 'roundup' requires --bugs argument"
if opt.fxosversion is None:
print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: 'roundup' requires --release argument"
print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: unknown command '%s'" % cmd
if __name__ == "__main__":