const fs = require("fs"); const { execSync } = require(`child_process`); const deleteDatabase = process.argv.includes(`--delete`); const silent = { stdio: [`ignore`, `ignore`, `ignore`] }; const PROD_APP = `foundation-mozilla-org`; const STAGE_APP = `foundation-mofostaging-net`; const APP = process.argv.includes(`--prod`) ? PROD_APP : STAGE_APP; if (APP === STAGE_APP) { console.log( `Running db copy for staging, run with --prod to run for production` ); } const HEROKU_OUTPUT = run(`heroku config:get DATABASE_URL -a ${APP}`); const HEROKU_TEXT = HEROKU_OUTPUT.toString().replaceAll(`\n`, ` `); const URL_START = HEROKU_TEXT.indexOf(`postgres://`); const DATABASE_URL = HEROKU_TEXT.substring(URL_START).trim(); const ROLE = DATABASE_URL.match(/postgres:\/\/([^:]+):/)[1]; const DUMP_FILE = `${ROLE}.db.archive`; const DB_FLAGS = `-hpostgres -Ufoundation`; /** * Exec a command and return its output as plain string */ function run(cmd, ignoreThrows = false, opts = {}) { try { return execSync(cmd, opts).toString(); } catch (e) { if (ignoreThrows) return e.toString(); process.exit(1); } } /** * Run a command in the postgres docker container */ function postgres(cmd, ignoreThrows = false) { cmd = `docker exec ${IMAGE_NAMES.POSTGRES} ${cmd}`; return run(cmd, ignoreThrows); } function getContainerNames() { return run(`docker ps`) .split(`\n`) .map((v) => v.match(/\s(\S+)$/g)) .filter(Boolean) .map((v) => v[0].trim()) .reduce((a, v) => { if (!v) return a; if (v.includes(`backend`)) a.BACKEND = v; if (v.includes(`postgres`)) a.POSTGRES = v; return a; }, {}); } function stopContainers() { const IMAGE_NAMES = getContainerNames(); const backend = IMAGE_NAMES.BACKEND; if (backend) { console.log(`Stopping ${backend}`); run(`docker stop ${backend}`, true, silent); } const postgres = IMAGE_NAMES.POSTGRES; if (postgres) { console.log(`Stopping ${postgres}`); run(`docker stop ${postgres}`, true, silent); } } // ======================== // // Our script starts here // // ======================== // console.log(`Making sure no docker containers are running...`); stopContainers(); console.log(`Starting postgres docker image...`); run(`docker-compose up -d postgres`, true, silent); console.log(`Starting backend docker image...`); run(`docker-compose up -d backend`, true, silent); console.log(`Getting running image names...`); const IMAGE_NAMES = getContainerNames(); if (!fs.existsSync(DUMP_FILE)) { console.log(`Downloading ${APP} database (this may take a while)...`); postgres(`pg_dump -F c ${DATABASE_URL} > ${DUMP_FILE}`); } else { console.log(`Found local ${APP} database file, skipping download...`); } console.log(`Resetting db...`); postgres(`dropdb ${DB_FLAGS} --if-exists wagtail --force`); postgres(`createdb ${DB_FLAGS} wagtail`); console.log(`Building user roles...`); [ROLE, `datastudio`, `datagrip-cade`].forEach((role) => postgres(`createuser ${DB_FLAGS} -s ${role}`, true) ); console.log(`Importing database snapshot...`); run(`docker cp ${DUMP_FILE} ${IMAGE_NAMES.POSTGRES}:/`); // Based on the Heroku docs for restoring to local database: // postgres(`pg_restore ${DB_FLAGS} -dwagtail --no-acl --no-owner ${DUMP_FILE}`); console.log(`Updating site bindings...`); run(`inv manage fix_local_site_bindings`, true, silent); console.log(`Creating admin:admin superuser account...`); run(`inv createsuperuser`, true, silent); console.log(`Migrating database to match current branch migrations...`); run( `docker exec ${IMAGE_NAMES.BACKEND} ./dockerpythonvenv/bin/python network-api/ migrate` ); console.log(`Stopping docker images...`); run(`docker-compose down`, true, silent); if (deleteDatabase) { console.log(`Running cleanup`); fs.unlinkSync(DUMP_FILE); } console.log(`All done.`);