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170 строки
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from django.conf import settings
from django.conf.urls.i18n import i18n_patterns
from django.conf.urls.static import static
from django.contrib import admin
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import render
from django.urls import include, path, re_path
from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_page
from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
from django.views.generic import TemplateView
from django.views.generic.base import RedirectView
from django.views.i18n import JavaScriptCatalog, set_language
from wagtail.admin import urls as wagtailadmin_urls
from wagtail.documents import urls as wagtaildocs_urls
from wagtail_footnotes import urls as footnotes_urls
from networkapi.redirects import foundation_redirects
from networkapi.views import (
from networkapi.wagtailcustomization.image_url_tag_urls import (
urlpatterns as image_url_tag_urls,
from networkapi.wagtailpages.rss import AtomFeed, RSSFeed
from .sitemaps import sitemap, sitemap_index
# from wagtail.core import urls as wagtail_urls
from .utility import watail_core_url_override as wagtail_urls
# The following line is commented off in favour of the utility import,
# to allow better URL matching by wagtail (which, by default only
# matches on slug-compliant URLs).
# See https://github.com/mozilla/foundation.mozilla.org/issues/6464
def get_robots_content():
Do not allow indexing of any content, except on the live site.
if settings.ASSET_DOMAIN != "foundation.mozilla.org":
return """
User-Agent: *
Disallow: /
# For anti-spam purposes, explicitly disallow indexing the thimble artifact page.
return """
User-Agent: *
Disallow: /*/artifacts/thimble
Disallow: /artifacts/thimble
crawl-delay: 10
def csrf_response(request):
response = render(request, "api/csrf.html")
response["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache"
return response
urlpatterns = list(
lambda x: HttpResponse(get_robots_content(), content_type="text/plain; charset=utf-8"),
# Google verification
lambda x: HttpResponse(
"google-site-verification: googled2a9d510ca850787.html",
content_type="text/html; charset=utf-8",
# Apple Pay domain association
path(".well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association", apple_pay_domain_association_view),
# social-sign-on routes so that Google auth works
re_path(r"^soc/", include("social_django.urls", namespace="social")),
# CSRF endpoint
re_path(r"^api/csrf/", csrf_response),
# network API routes:
re_path(r"^api/campaign/", include("networkapi.campaign.urls")),
re_path(r"^api/highlights/", include("networkapi.highlights.urls")),
re_path(r"^api/news/", include("networkapi.news.urls")),
re_path(r"^environment.json", EnvVariablesView.as_view()),
re_path(r"^help/", review_app_help_view, name="Review app help"),
re_path(r"^tito/", include("networkapi.events.urls")),
# Wagtail CMS routes
path("", include(image_url_tag_urls)),
re_path(r"^cms/", include(wagtailadmin_urls)),
re_path(r"^en/cms/", RedirectView.as_view(url="/cms/")),
re_path(r"^documents/", include(wagtaildocs_urls)),
# This shims sentry's reporting URL, so that when you're running with
# sentry enabled locally, rather than sending sentry errors over to the
# remote service (which is guaranteed to reject the data), we generate
# an intentional exception so that python writes an error to the console
# locally, with a traceback. The role of sentry is to surface errors that
# happen in the user's browser, which we can normally not look at without
# sending over to a logging service, but when doing local dev we can see
# browser errors just fine.
path("sentry-debug", lambda r: 1 / 0) if settings.SENTRY_DSN and settings.DEBUG else None,
# set up set language redirect view
path("i18n/setlang/", csrf_exempt(set_language), name="set_language"),
path("jsi18n/", JavaScriptCatalog.as_view(), name="javascript-catalog"),
# Wagtail Footnotes package
path("footnotes/", include(footnotes_urls)),
# redirect /pt to /pt-BR. See https://github.com/mozilla/foundation.mozilla.org/issues/5993
RedirectView.as_view(url="/pt-BR/%(rest)s", query_string=True, permanent=True),
# Anything that needs to respect the localised
# url format with /<language_code>/ infixed needs
# to be wrapped by django's i18n_patterns feature:
urlpatterns += i18n_patterns(
# Blog RSS feed
path("blog/rss/", RSSFeed(), name="rss-feed"),
path("blog/atom/", AtomFeed()),
# Redirects
# wagtail-managed data
re_path(r"", include(wagtail_urls)),
path("sitemap.xml", cache_page(86400)(sitemap)),
if settings.USE_S3 is not True:
urlpatterns += static(settings.MEDIA_URL, document_root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
if settings.DEBUG:
urlpatterns += (
urlpatterns += (path("__debug__/", include("debug_toolbar.urls")),)
urlpatterns += [path("sitemap.xml", sitemap_index)]
# Use a custom 404 handler so that we can serve distinct 404
# pages for each "site" that wagtail services.
handler404 = "networkapi.wagtailpages.views.custom404_view"
# Use a custom 500 handler if and only if Django refuses to give any stack
# traces for server error 500... And even then, do not use this on prod.
if settings.FORCE_500_STACK_TRACES is True:
handler500 = "networkapi.utility.custom_url_handlers.server_error_500_handler"