212 строки
5.1 KiB

/* eslint-disable prettier/prettier */
const colors = require("tailwindcss/colors");
const plugin = require("tailwindcss/plugin");
const componentPlugins = require("./tailwind-plugins/components");
const buttonPlugins = require("./tailwind-plugins/button");
const typePlugins = require("./tailwind-plugins/type");
const glyphPlugins = require("./tailwind-plugins/glyph");
module.exports = {
content: ["./source/js/**/*.{js,jsx}", "./network-api/networkapi/**/*.html"],
darkMode: "class", // use tw-dark
important: true,
corePlugins: {
// overriding TW default container
container: false,
// eventually we have to extract what bootstrap base/reset styles we need
preflight: false,
plugins: [
plugin(function ({ addUtilities }) {
// Adding Column Count to Tailwind CSS
const newUtilities = {
".hash": {
content: '"#"',
".no-scrollbar::-webkit-scrollbar": {
display: "none",
".no-scrollbar": {
"-ms-overflow-style": "none" /* IE and Edge */,
"scrollbar-width": "none" /* Firefox */,
".popout": {
"box-shadow": "10px 10px rgba(0,0,0)",
border: "1px solid #000000",
plugin(function ({ addBase, addVariant }) {
const newBase = {
"*,::before,::after": {
borderWidth: 0,
borderStyle: "solid",
"img,svg,video,canvas,audio,iframe,embed,object": {
display: "block",
verticalAlign: "middle",
addVariant("summary-open", ["details[open] > summary > &"]);
addVariant("details-open", ["details[open] > &"]);
require("@tailwindcss/forms")({ strategy: "class" }),
theme: {
extend: {
fontWeight: {
inherit: "inherit",
cursor: {
grabbing: "grabbing",
// Overriding default spacing
spacing: {
0: "0",
px: "1px",
1: "0.25rem",
2: "0.5rem",
3: "0.75rem",
4: "1rem",
5: "1.5rem",
6: "2rem",
7: "3rem",
// Renaming breakpoints temporary until we remove bootstrap usage
// Remove after removing SASS/Bootstrap
screens: {
small: "576px",
medium: "768px",
large: "992px",
xlarge: "1200px",
"2xl": "1400px",
fontFamily: {
sans: ["Nunito Sans", "Helvetica", "Arial", "sans-serif"],
zilla: ["Zilla Slab", "sans-serif"],
changa: ["Changa", "sans-serif"],
colors: {
transparent: "transparent",
current: "currentColor",
inherit: "inherit",
white: colors.white,
table: "#dee2e6",
gray: {
"05": "#f2f2f2",
20: "#cccccc",
40: "#999999",
60: "#666666",
80: "#333333",
red: {
"05": "#ffe6e8",
10: "#ffb4ba",
20: "#ff818c",
40: "#ff4f5e",
60: "#e62434",
80: "#cc0011",
100: "#9a000e",
blue: {
"05": "#e7e7fc",
10: "#d3d5fc",
20: "#b7b9fa",
40: "#595cf3",
60: "#3032d9",
80: "#0d10bf",
100: "#0003a6",
cyan: {
"05": "#e6ffff",
10: "#acffff",
20: "#73ffff",
40: "#00ffff",
60: "#00c9c9",
80: "#009494",
100: "#005e5e",
green: {
"05": "#d8fff0",
10: "#acffe0",
20: "#80ffce",
40: "#54ffbd",
60: "#2cc98e",
80: "#109462",
100: "#005e3a",
yellow: {
"05": "#fffcd9",
10: "#fff9ab",
20: "#fff67d",
40: "#fff44f",
60: "#e5d92f",
80: "#ccbf15",
100: "#b2a600",
purple: {
"05": "#ecd8fe",
10: "#deb8fe",
20: "#cd97fd",
40: "#8f14fb",
60: "#760bd4",
80: "#5e05ac",
100: "#470085",
pink: {
"05": "#ffe5f1",
10: "#ffbedc",
20: "#ff98c6",
40: "#ff298a",
60: "#cc1165",
80: "#9a0146",
100: "#66012f",
pni: {
blue: "#1808f2",
"blue-purple": "#4a17d4",
purple: "#7f28b7",
"purple-pink": "#b0379b",
pink: "#e4487d",
yellow: "#fbd545",
pulse: {
pink: "#ff506f",
purple: "#a66efd",
festival: {
blue: {
DEFAULT: "#0e11bf",
100: "#2e05ff",
purple: {
100: "#fa00ff",
"dear-internet": {
lilac: "#d3d5fc",
pink: "#fff0f1",
"youtube-regrets": {
red: "#ea0b12",
"red-lighter": "#fd6976",
"red-light": "#ffdcdc",
"red-dark": "#d73027",
"gray-dark": "#696969",
purple: "#353552",
// TODO remove after removing SASS/Bootstrap
prefix: "tw-",