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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
* Write emails to disk. Output is written to ./.mail_output/<email type>.html
* Usage:
* node ./scripts/write-to-disk.js <email type>
* Where <email type> is one of:
* all
* newDeviceLoginEmail
* passwordChangedEmail
* passwordResetEmail
* passwordResetRequiredEmail
* postVerifyEmail
* postVerifySecondaryEmail
* postTwoStepAuthenticationDisabled
* postTwoStepAuthenticationEnabled
* recoveryEmail
* unblockCodeEmail
* verifyEmail
* verifySecondaryEmail
* verifyLoginEmail
* verifyLoginCodeEmail
* Emails that are written to disk can be previewed in Firefox
* to give a rough idea of how they would render in real life.
'use strict';
// HACK: Prevent config falling over due to missing secrets
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'dev';
const P = require('bluebird');
const config = require('../config').getProperties();
const error = require('../lib/error');
const createSenders = require('../lib/senders');
const fs = require('fs');
const log = require('../lib/log')({});
const mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
const path = require('path');
const OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = path.join(__dirname, '..', '.mail_output');
const messageToSend = process.argv[2] || '';
const mailSender = {
sendMail: function (emailConfig, done) {
const htmlOutputPath = getEmailOutputPath(emailConfig.subject, 'html');
fs.writeFileSync(htmlOutputPath, emailConfig.html);
const textOutputPath = getEmailOutputPath(emailConfig.subject, 'txt');
fs.writeFileSync(textOutputPath, emailConfig.text);
close: function () {}
const bounces = {
// this is for dev purposes, no need to check db
check: () => P.resolve()
require('../lib/senders/translator')(config.i18n.supportedLanguages, config.i18n.defaultLanguage)
.then(translator => {
return createSenders(log, config, error, bounces, translator, {}, mailSender);
.then((senders) => {
const mailer = senders.email._ungatedMailer;
checkMessageType(mailer, messageToSend);
return sendMails(mailer, getMessageTypesToWrite(mailer, messageToSend));
.then(() => {
.catch(err => {
function getEmailOutputPath(subject, extension) {
const outputFilename = `${subject.replace(/\s+/g, '_') }.${ extension}`;
return path.join(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, outputFilename);
function sendMails(mailer, messagesToSend) {
return P.all(messagesToSend.map(sendMail.bind(null, mailer)));
function sendMail(mailer, messageToSend) {
const parts = messageToSend.split(':');
const messageType = parts[0];
const messageSubType = parts[1];
const message = {
acceptLanguage: 'en;q=0.8,en-US;q=0.5,en;q=0.3"',
code: '123123',
email: 'testuser@testuser.com',
ip: '',
location: {
city: 'Madrid',
country: 'Spain'
locations: [],
redirectTo: 'https://redirect.com/',
resume: 'eyJjYW1wYWlnbiI6bnVsbCwiZW50cnlwb2ludCI6bnVsbCwiZmxvd0lkIjoiM2Q1ODZiNzY4Mzc2NGJhOWFiNzhkMzMxMTdjZDU4Y2RmYjk3Mzk5MWU5NTk0NjgxODBlMDUyMmY2MThhNmEyMSIsInJlc2V0UGFzc3dvcmRDb25maXJtIjp0cnVlLCJ1bmlxdWVVc2VySWQiOiI1ODNkOGFlYS00NzU3LTRiZTQtYWJlNC0wZWQ2NWZhY2Y2YWQiLCJ1dG1DYW1wYWlnbiI6bnVsbCwidXRtQ29udGVudCI6bnVsbCwidXRtTWVkaXVtIjpudWxsLCJ1dG1Tb3VyY2UiOm51bGwsInV0bVRlcm0iOm51bGx9',
secondaryEmail: 'secondary@email',
service: 'sync',
token: '47b22cd271963448cf36da95cccfcfb342b5693d66f58aa635f9a95579431002',
timeZone: 'Europe/Madrid',
type: messageSubType,
uaBrowser: 'Firefox',
uaBrowserVersion: '57',
uaOS: 'Mac OSX',
uaOSVersion: '10.11',
unblockCode: '1ILO0Z5P',
tokenCode: 'LIT12345',
uid: '6510cb04abd742c6b3e4abefc7e39c9f'
return mailer[messageType](message);
function checkMessageType(mailer, messageToSend) {
const messageTypes = getMailerMessageTypes(mailer);
if (messageTypes.indexOf(messageToSend) === -1) {
console.error(`invalid message name: \`${ messageToSend }\`\n` +
`choose from: ${ messageTypes.join(', ')}`);
function getMailerMessageTypes(mailer) {
const messageTypes = [];
for (const key in mailer) {
if (
typeof mailer[key] === 'function' &&
! /^_/.test(key) && ! /^send/.test(key) && /Email$/.test(key)
) {
return messageTypes.sort();
function getMessageTypesToWrite(mailer, messageToSend) {
if (messageToSend === 'all') {
return getMailerMessageTypes(mailer);
} else {
return [messageToSend];
function ensureTargetDirectoryExists() {