SERVER_URL = # Hackety-hack around OSX system python bustage. # The need for this should go away with a future osx/xcode update. ARCHFLAGS = -Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future INSTALL = ARCHFLAGS=$(ARCHFLAGS) ./bin/pip install .PHONY: build test bench # Build virtualenv, to ensure we have all the dependencies. build: virtualenv --no-site-packages . $(INSTALL) gevent $(INSTALL) pexpect $(INSTALL) PyFxA[openssl] $(INSTALL) backports.functools_lru_cache $(INSTALL) rm -rf ./local # ubuntu, why you create this useless folder? # Clean all the things installed by `make build`. clean: rm -rf ./include ./bin ./lib ./lib64 *.pyc # Run a single test from the local machine, for sanity-checking. test: ./bin/loads-runner --config=./config/test.ini --server-url=$(SERVER_URL) loadtests.LoadTest.test_auth_server # Run a fuller bench suite from the local machine. bench: ./bin/loads-runner --config=./config/bench.ini --server-url=$(SERVER_URL) loadtests.LoadTest.test_auth_server # Run a full bench, by submitting to broker in AWS. megabench: ./bin/loads-runner --config=./config/megabench.ini --user-id=$(USER) --server-url=$(SERVER_URL) loadtests.LoadTest.test_auth_server # Purge any currently-running loadtest runs. purge: ./bin/loads-runner --config=./config/megabench.ini --purge-broker