/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict' var P = require('../lib/promise') var request = require('request') const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter /* eslint-disable no-console */ module.exports = function (host, port, printLogs) { host = host || '' port = port || 9001 const eventEmitter = new EventEmitter() function log() { if (printLogs) { console.log.apply(console, arguments) } } function waitForCode(email) { return waitForEmail(email) .then( function (emailData) { var code = emailData.headers['x-verify-code'] || emailData.headers['x-recovery-code'] if (! code) { throw new Error('email did not contain a verification code') } return code } ) } function loop(name, tries, cb) { var url = 'http://' + host + ':' + port + '/mail/' + encodeURIComponent(name) log('checking mail', url) request({ url: url, method: 'GET' }, function (err, res, body) { log('mail status', res && res.statusCode, 'tries', tries) log('mail body', body) var json = null try { json = JSON.parse(body) if (json.length === 1) { json = json[0] } } catch (e) { return cb(e) } if (! json) { if (tries === 0) { return cb(new Error('could not get mail for ' + url)) } return setTimeout(loop.bind(null, name, --tries, cb), 1000) } log('deleting mail', url) request({ url: url, method: 'DELETE' }, function (err, res, body) { cb(err, json) } ) } ) } function waitForEmail(email) { var d = P.defer() loop(email.split('@')[0], 20, function (err, json) { if (err) { eventEmitter.emit('email:error', email, err) return d.reject(err) } eventEmitter.emit('email:message', email, json) return d.resolve(json) }) return d.promise } function waitForSms (phoneNumber) { return waitForEmail(`sms.${phoneNumber}@restmail.net`) } return { waitForEmail: waitForEmail, waitForCode: waitForCode, waitForSms: waitForSms, eventEmitter: eventEmitter } }