/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var config = require('../config').root() // SMTP half var MailParser = require('mailparser').MailParser var users = {} function emailName(emailAddress) { return emailAddress.split('@')[0] } require('simplesmtp').createSimpleServer( { SMTPBanner: "FXATEST" }, function (req) { var mp = new MailParser({ defaultCharset: 'utf8' }) mp.on('end', function (mail) { var link = mail.headers['x-link'] var rc = mail.headers['x-recovery-code'] var vc = mail.headers['x-verify-code'] var uc = mail.headers['x-unlock-code'] var name = emailName(mail.headers.to) if (vc) { console.log('\x1B[32m', link, '\x1B[39m') } else if (rc) { console.log('\x1B[34m', link, '\x1B[39m') } else if (uc) { console.log('\x1B[36m %s', link, '\x1B[39m') } else { console.error('\x1B[31mNo verify code match\x1B[39m') console.error(mail) } if (users[name]) { users[name].push(mail) } else { users[name] = [mail] } } ) req.pipe(mp) req.accept() } ).listen(config.smtp.port, config.smtp.host) // HTTP half var hapi = require('hapi') var api = hapi.createServer(config.smtp.api.host, config.smtp.api.port) function loop(email, cb) { var mail = users[email] if (!mail) { return setTimeout(loop.bind(null, email, cb), 50) } cb(mail) } api.route( [ { method: 'GET', path: '/mail/{email}', handler: function (request, reply) { loop( request.params.email, function (emailData) { reply(emailData) } ) } }, { method: 'DELETE', path: '/mail/{email}', handler: function (request, reply) { delete users[request.params.email] reply() } } ] ) api.start()