/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict' // This MUST be the first require in the program. // Only `require()` the newrelic module if explicity enabled. // If required, modules will be instrumented. require('../lib/newrelic')() var jwtool = require('fxa-jwtool') var P = require('../lib/promise') function run(config) { var log = require('../lib/log')(config.log) var getGeoData = require('../lib/geodb')(log) // Force the geo to load and run at startup, not waiting for it to run on // some route later. const knownIp = '' // Mozilla MTV const location = getGeoData(knownIp) log.info({ op: 'geodb.check', result: location }) // RegExp instances serialise to empty objects, display regex strings instead. const stringifiedConfig = JSON.stringify(config, (k, v) => v && v.constructor === RegExp ? v.toString() : v ) if (config.env !== 'prod') { log.info(stringifiedConfig, 'starting config') } var error = require('../lib/error') var Token = require('../lib/tokens')(log, config) var Password = require('../lib/crypto/password')(log, config) var UnblockCode = require('../lib/crypto/random').base32(config.signinUnblock.codeLength) var signer = require('../lib/signer')(config.secretKeyFile, config.domain) var serverPublicKeys = { primary: jwtool.JWK.fromFile( config.publicKeyFile, { algorithm: 'RS', use: 'sig', kty: 'RSA' } ), secondary: config.oldPublicKeyFile ? jwtool.JWK.fromFile( config.oldPublicKeyFile, { algorithm: 'RS', use: 'sig', kty: 'RSA' } ) : null } var Customs = require('../lib/customs')(log, error) var Server = require('../lib/server') var server = null var senders = null var statsInterval = null var database = null var customs = null function logStatInfo() { log.stat(server.stat()) log.stat(Password.stat()) } var DB = require('../lib/db')( config, log, Token, UnblockCode ) return P.all([ DB.connect(config[config.db.backend]), require('../lib/senders/translator')(config.i18n.supportedLanguages, config.i18n.defaultLanguage) ]) .spread( (db, translator) => { database = db const bounces = require('../lib/bounces')(config, db) return require('../lib/senders')(log, config, error, bounces, translator) .then(result => { senders = result customs = new Customs(config.customsUrl) var routes = require('../lib/routes')( log, serverPublicKeys, signer, db, senders.email, senders.sms, Password, config, customs ) statsInterval = setInterval(logStatInfo, 15000) async function init() { server = await Server.create(log, error, config, routes, db, translator) try { await server.start() log.info({op: 'server.start.1', msg: 'running on ' + server.info.uri}) } catch (err) { log.error( { op: 'server.start.1', msg: 'failed startup with error', err: {message: err.message} } ) } } init() }) }, function (err) { log.error({ op: 'DB.connect', err: { message: err.message } }) process.exit(1) } ) .then(() => { return { log: log, close() { return new P((resolve) => { log.info({ op: 'shutdown' }) clearInterval(statsInterval) server.stop().then(() => { customs.close() try { senders.email.stop() } catch (e) { // XXX: simplesmtp module may quit early and set socket to `false`, stopping it may fail log.warn({op: 'shutdown', message: 'Mailer client already disconnected'}) } database.close() resolve() }) }) } } }) } function main() { const config = require('../config').getProperties() run(config).then(server => { process.on('uncaughtException', (err) => { server.log.fatal(err) process.exit(8) }) process.on('unhandledRejection', (reason, promise) => { server.log.fatal({ op: 'promise.unhandledRejection', error: reason }) }) process.on('SIGINT', shutdown) server.log.on('error', shutdown) function shutdown() { server.close().then(() => { process.exit() //XXX: because of openid dep ಠ_ಠ }) } }) .catch(process.exit.bind(null, 8)) } if (require.main === module) { main() } else { module.exports = run }