963 строки
28 KiB
Executable File
963 строки
28 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env node
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
// This script generates API documentation. By default it writes output
// to `docs/api.md`, but you can override that by specifying a different
// path as an argument. Requires node 6 or greater.
'use strict'
const acorn = require('acorn')
const P = require('../lib/promise')
const fs = P.promisifyAll(require('fs'), { suffix: 'P' })
const path = require('path')
const handlebars = require('handlebars')
const render = handlebars.compile(
fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'api-docs.handlebars'), { encoding: 'utf8' })
// In the API docs, any text inside <!--begin-xxx--> / <!--end-xxx-> delimiters
// will be propagated to the same place each time the docs are regenerated.
const DOCS_DATA = /<!--begin-([a-z_]+(?:-[a-z_]+)*)-->((?:.*?\n?.*?)*?)<!--end-([a-z_]+(?:-[a-z_]+)*)-->/gi
locations: true,
sourceType: 'script'
const EMPTY_MAP = new Map()
const IGNORE = new Set([ 'defaults.js', 'idp.js', 'index.js', 'validators.js' ])
// HACK: Assumes the location of lib/routes/*.js
const ROUTES_DIR = path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib/routes')
const FUNCTION_EXPRESSION_TYPES = new Set([ 'FunctionExpression', 'ArrowFunctionExpression' ])
const ARRAY_TYPES = new Set([ 'ArrayExpression' ])
const RETURN_TYPES = new Set([ 'ReturnStatement' ])
const OBJECT_TYPES = new Set([ 'ObjectExpression' ])
const LITERAL_TYPES = new Set([ 'Literal' ])
const CALL_TYPES = new Set([ 'CallExpression' ])
const MEMBER_TYPES = new Set([ 'MemberExpression' ])
const ERROR_PROPERTY_TYPES = new Set([ 'Literal', 'MemberExpression', 'BinaryExpression', 'LogicalExpression' ])
const SESSION_TOKEN_STRATEGY = /^sessionToken/
const KEY_FETCH_TOKEN_STRATEGY = /^keyFetchToken/
const NOT_ERRORS = new Set([ 'toString', 'header', 'backtrace', 'translate' ])
const args = parseArgs()
.spread((docs, errors) => P.all([
parseRoutes().then(routes => marshallRouteData(docs, errors.definitionsMap, routes)),
.spread((modules, validators, metricsContext, features, docs, errors) => writeOutput(Object.assign({
errors: errors.definitions,
additionalErrorParams: errors.additionalErrorParams
}, docs), args.path))
.then(() => {
console.log(`API docs updated at ${args.path}`)
.catch(error => {
function parseArgs () {
let outputPath
switch (process.argv.length) {
/* eslint-disable indent, no-fallthrough */
case 3:
outputPath = path.resolve(process.argv[2])
case 2:
fail(`Usage: ${process.argv[1]} [outputPath]`)
/* eslint-enable indent, no-fallthrough */
return {
path: outputPath || path.resolve(__dirname, '../docs/api.md')
function parseDocs (docsPath) {
return fs.readFileP(docsPath, { encoding: 'utf8' })
.then(docs => parseDocSections(docs, docsPath, {}))
function parseDocSections (docs, docsPath, data) {
const match = DOCS_DATA.exec(docs)
if (! match) {
return data
if (match.length !== 4) {
fail(`Match insanity, length ${match.length} !== 4`, docsPath)
const beginTag = match[1], endTag = match[3]
if (beginTag !== endTag) {
fail(`Unmatched delimiters, ${beginTag} !== ${endTag}`, docsPath)
data[camel(beginTag)] = match[2].trim()
return parseDocSections(docs, docsPath, data)
function camel (string) {
return string.replace(/-[a-z]/g, lowercase => lowercase.substr(1).toUpperCase())
function fail (message, filePath, lineNumber) {
let debugFriendlyMessage
if (filePath) {
debugFriendlyMessage = `Error parsing "${filePath}"`
if (lineNumber) {
debugFriendlyMessage += ` at line ${lineNumber}`
debugFriendlyMessage += `:\n${message}`
} else {
debugFriendlyMessage = message
throw new TypeError(debugFriendlyMessage)
function parseRoutes () {
return fs.readdirP(ROUTES_DIR)
.then(fileNames => {
return P.all(
.filter(fileName => fileName.endsWith('.js') && ! IGNORE.has(fileName))
.map(fileName => path.join(ROUTES_DIR, fileName))
.filter(filePath => fs.statSync(filePath).isFile())
.map(filePath => {
return fs.readFileP(filePath, { encoding: 'utf8' })
.then(js => ({
path: filePath,
node: acorn.parse(js, ACORN_OPTIONS).body
function marshallRouteData (docs, errors, files) {
return files.map(file => {
const filePath = file.path
const node = file.node
const moduleName = getModuleName(filePath)
const variables = parseVariables(node)
const exportedFunction = findExportedFunction(node, filePath)
const routes = findReturnedData(exportedFunction, filePath)
return {
slug: getSlug(moduleName),
routes: routes.map(route => {
assertType(route, OBJECT_TYPES, filePath)
const method = findRouteMethod(route, filePath)
const routePath = findRoutePath(route, filePath)
const slug = getSlug(`${method} ${routePath}`)
const tag = `route-${slug}`
const config = findRouteConfig(route, filePath)
let authentication, validation, response
if (config) {
authentication = findRouteAuthentication(config, filePath)
validation = findRouteValidation(config, filePath)
response = findRouteResponse(config, filePath)
const queryParameters = marshallQueryParameters(docs, slug, validation, variables, filePath)
const requestBodyParameters = marshallRequestBodyParameters(docs, slug, validation, variables, filePath)
const responseBodyParameters = marshallResponseBodyParameters(docs, slug, response, variables, filePath)
const handler = findRouteHandler(route, filePath)
let errorResponses
if (handler) {
errorResponses = marshallErrorResponses(errors, handler, filePath)
} else {
errorResponses = []
return {
path: routePath,
routeDescription: docs[camel(tag)],
authentication: marshallAuthentication(authentication),
hasQueryParameters: queryParameters.length > 0,
queryParameters: queryParameters,
hasRequestBody: requestBodyParameters.length > 0,
requestBody: requestBodyParameters,
hasResponseBody: responseBodyParameters.length > 0,
responseBody: responseBodyParameters,
hasErrorResponses: errorResponses.length > 0,
errorResponses: errorResponses
function getModuleName (filePath) {
return path.basename(filePath, '.js')
.replace(/^[a-z]/, character => character.toUpperCase())
.replace(/-/g, ' ')
function parseVariables (node) {
return findVariables(node)
.reduce((map, variable) => {
variable.declarations.forEach(declaration => {
if (declaration.init) {
const value = marshallValue(declaration.init, EMPTY_MAP)
if (value) {
map.set(declaration.id.name, value)
return map
}, new Map())
function findVariables (node) {
return find(node, {
type: 'VariableDeclaration'
}, { array: true })
function find (node, criteria, options) {
options = options || {}
if (match(node, criteria)) {
return [ node ]
if (Array.isArray(node) && options.array) {
return node.reduce((results, property) => {
return results.concat(find(property, criteria, options))
}, [])
if (isObject(node) && options.recursive) {
return Object.keys(node).reduce((results, key) => {
return results.concat(find(node[key], criteria, options))
}, [])
return []
function match (node, criteria) {
if (! isObject(node)) {
if (node === criteria) {
return true
return false
if (! isObject(criteria)) {
return false
return Object.keys(criteria).every(criteriaKey => {
return Object.keys(node).some(nodeKey => {
return match(node[nodeKey], criteria[criteriaKey])
function isObject (node) {
return node && typeof node === 'object'
function marshallValue (node, variables) {
switch (node.type) {
/* eslint-disable indent */
case 'Literal':
return node.raw
case 'Identifier':
return variables.get(node.name) || node.name
case 'CallExpression': {
let result = marshallValue(node.callee, EMPTY_MAP)
if (node.arguments.length > 0) {
result += `(${
node.arguments.map(argument => marshallValue(argument, variables)).join(', ')
return result
case 'MemberExpression': {
const unmapped = marshallValue(node.property, EMPTY_MAP)
const mapped = marshallValue(node.property, variables)
if (mapped !== unmapped) {
// HACK: Assumes there are no variable name conflicts between different scopes
return mapped
return `${
marshallValue(node.object, EMPTY_MAP)
case 'ObjectExpression': {
const properties = node.properties.map(
property => `${property.key.name}: ${
marshallValue(property.value, variables)
).join(', ')
return `{ ${properties} }`
/* eslint-enable indent */
function findExportedFunction (node, filePath) {
const exported = findModuleExports(node)
if (exported.length !== 1) {
fail(`Expected 1 export, found ${exported.length}`, filePath)
const exportedFunction = exported[0].right
assertType(exportedFunction, FUNCTION_EXPRESSION_TYPES, filePath)
return exportedFunction.body
function findModuleExports (node) {
// HACK: Assumes we always export with `module.exports =` or `exports.foo =`
return findAssignmentsTo(node, {
type: 'MemberExpression',
object: {
type: 'MemberExpression',
object: {
type: 'Identifier',
name: 'module'
property: {
type: 'Identifier',
name: 'exports'
.concat(findAssignmentsTo(node, {
type: 'MemberExpression',
object: {
type: 'Identifier',
name: 'exports'
function findAssignmentsTo (node, lhs) {
return find(node, {
type: 'AssignmentExpression',
operator: '=',
left: lhs
}, { recursive: true })
function assertType (node, types, filePath) {
if (! node) {
fail(`Expected type [${Array.from(types).join(',')}], found nothing`, filePath)
const nodeType = node.type
if (! types.has(nodeType)) {
const line = node.loc.start.line
const column = node.loc.start.column
fail(`Expected type [${Array.from(types).join(',')}], found "${nodeType}" at column "${column}"`, filePath, line)
function findReturnedData (functionNode, filePath) {
let returnedData
if (functionNode.type === 'BlockStatement') {
const returned = find(functionNode.body, {
type: 'ReturnStatement'
}, {
array: true
if (returned.length !== 1) {
fail(`Expected 1 return statement, found ${returned.length}`, filePath)
returnedData = returned[0].argument
} else {
assertType(returnedData, RETURN_TYPES, filePath)
returnedData = functionNode.argument
if (returnedData.type === 'Identifier') {
// HACK: Assumes there are no variable name conflicts in nested scopes
const routeDefinitions = find(functionNode, {
type: 'VariableDeclarator',
id: {
type: 'Identifier',
name: returnedData.name
}, {
recursive: true
if (routeDefinitions.length !== 1) {
fail(`Expected 1 set of route definitions, found ${routeDefinitions.length}`, filePath)
returnedData = routeDefinitions[0].init
assertType(returnedData, ARRAY_TYPES, filePath)
return returnedData.elements
function findRoutePath (route, filePath) {
return findProperty(route, 'path', LITERAL_TYPES, filePath).value
function findProperty (node, key, types, filePath) {
const found = find(node.properties, {
type: 'Property',
kind: 'init',
key: {
type: 'Identifier',
name: key
}, {
array: true
if (found) {
assertType(found.value, types, filePath)
return found.value
function findRouteMethod (route, filePath) {
return findProperty(route, 'method', LITERAL_TYPES, filePath).value
function findRouteConfig (route, filePath) {
return findProperty(route, 'config', OBJECT_TYPES, filePath)
function findRouteAuthentication (config, filePath) {
const authentication = findProperty(config, 'auth', OBJECT_TYPES, filePath)
if (authentication) {
let optional = false, tokens
const mode = findProperty(authentication, 'mode', LITERAL_TYPES, filePath)
if (mode && (mode.value === 'try' || mode.value === 'optional')) {
optional = true
const strategies = findProperty(authentication, 'strategies', ARRAY_TYPES, filePath)
if (strategies) {
tokens = strategies.elements.map(strategy => {
assertType(strategy, LITERAL_TYPES, filePath)
return strategy.value
} else {
const strategy = findProperty(authentication, 'strategy', LITERAL_TYPES, filePath)
if (strategy) {
tokens = [ strategy.value ]
if (! tokens) {
fail('Missing authentication strategy', filePath, authentication.loc.start.line)
return { optional, tokens }
function findRouteValidation (config, filePath) {
return findProperty(config, 'validate', OBJECT_TYPES, filePath)
function findRouteResponse (config, filePath) {
return findProperty(config, 'response', OBJECT_TYPES, filePath)
function marshallQueryParameters (docs, routeSlug, validation, variables, filePath) {
return marshallParameters(docs, 'query-param', routeSlug, validation, 'query', variables, filePath)
function marshallParameters (docs, paramTag, routeSlug, node, type, variables, filePath) {
let parameters
try {
parameters = findProperty(node, type, OBJECT_TYPES, filePath)
} catch (error) {
return marshallParameterCall(docs, paramTag, routeSlug, node, type, variables, filePath)
if (! parameters) {
return []
return marshallParameterProperties(docs, paramTag, routeSlug, parameters, variables)
function marshallParameterCall (docs, paramTag, routeSlug, node, type, variables, filePath) {
try {
const parameters = findProperty(node, type, CALL_TYPES, filePath)
assertType(parameters.callee, MEMBER_TYPES, filePath)
assertType(parameters.callee.object, CALL_TYPES, filePath)
assertType(parameters.callee.object.callee, MEMBER_TYPES, filePath)
if (
parameters.callee.object.callee.property.name === 'alternatives' &&
parameters.callee.property.name === 'try'
) {
return marshallParameterArguments(docs, paramTag, routeSlug, parameters, variables, filePath)
if (
parameters.callee.object.callee.property.name === 'array' &&
parameters.callee.property.name === 'items'
) {
return marshallParameterArguments(docs, paramTag, routeSlug, parameters, variables, filePath)
if (
parameters.callee.object.callee.object.name === 'isA' &&
parameters.callee.object.callee.property.name === 'object'
) {
return marshallParameterProperties(docs, paramTag, routeSlug, parameters.callee.object.arguments[0], variables)
} catch (error) {
return []
function marshallParameterArguments (docs, paramTag, routeSlug, parameters, variables, filePath) {
const invertedIndex = new Map()
return parameters.arguments.reduce((result, arg) => {
switch (arg.type) {
/* eslint-disable indent */
case 'ObjectExpression':
merge(result, marshallParameterProperties(docs, paramTag, routeSlug, parameters, variables))
case 'CallExpression': {
// HACK: Assumes we only have isA.object inside isA.alternatives and array.items
const call = find(arg, {
type: 'CallExpression',
callee: {
type: 'MemberExpression',
object: {
type: 'Identifier',
name: 'isA',
property: {
type: 'Identifier',
name: 'object'
}, { recursive: true })
if (! call || call.length === 0) {
throw null
call[0].arguments.forEach(arg => {
assertType(arg, OBJECT_TYPES, filePath)
merge(result, marshallParameterProperties(docs, paramTag, routeSlug, arg, variables))
throw null
/* eslint-enable indent */
return result
}, [])
function merge (target, source) {
source.forEach(item => {
const paramName = item.paramName
if (invertedIndex.has(paramName)) {
const resultIndex = invertedIndex.get(paramName)
if (target[resultIndex].validation !== item.validation) {
target[resultIndex].validation += `;<br />or ${item.validation}`
} else {
invertedIndex.set(paramName, target.length)
return target
function marshallParameterProperties (docs, paramTag, routeSlug, parameters, variables) {
return parameters.properties.map(parameter => ({
paramName: parameter.key.name,
paramDescription: docs[camel(`${paramTag}-${routeSlug}-${parameter.key.name}`)],
validation: `*${marshallValidation(marshallValue(parameter.value, variables))}*`
function marshallRequestBodyParameters (docs, routeSlug, validation, variables, filePath) {
return marshallParameters(docs, 'request-body', routeSlug, validation, 'payload', variables, filePath)
function marshallResponseBodyParameters (docs, routeSlug, response, variables, filePath) {
return marshallParameters(docs, 'response-body', routeSlug, response, 'schema', variables, filePath)
function findRouteHandler (route, filePath) {
try {
// HACK: Assumes route handlers are defined inline in the object literal
return findProperty(route, 'handler', FUNCTION_EXPRESSION_TYPES, filePath)
} catch (error) {
function marshallErrorResponses (errors, handler, filePath) {
const dupes = new Set()
// HACK: Assumes we always import error module as `error`
return find(handler, {
type: 'CallExpression',
callee: {
type: 'MemberExpression',
object: {
type: 'Identifier',
name: 'error'
}, { recursive: true })
.filter(errorCall => {
const errorName = errorCall.callee.property.name
if (dupes.has(errorName)) {
return false
return !! errors[errorName]
.map(errorCall => errors[errorCall.callee.property.name])
function marshallAuthentication (authentication) {
if (! authentication) {
const tokens = authentication.tokens.map(token => {
return marshallToken(token)
}).reduce((deduped, token) => {
if (deduped.indexOf(token) === -1) {
return deduped
}, [])
return {
emojis: `:lock:${authentication.optional ? ':unlock:' : ''}`,
token: tokens.join(', '),
summary: tokens.sort((lhs, rhs) => {
// Move OAuth tokens to the front of the list as a concession to readability
if (lhs === 'oauthToken') {
return -1
if (rhs === 'oauthToken') {
return 1
return 0
}).reduce((summary, token, index) => {
if (token === 'oauthToken') {
summary += 'authenticated with OAuth bearer token'
} else {
summary += `${index === 0 ? '' : ', or '}HAWK-authenticated with ${uncamel(token)}`
return summary
}, authentication.optional ? 'Optionally ' : '')
function marshallToken (token) {
if (SESSION_TOKEN_STRATEGY.test(token)) {
return 'sessionToken'
if (KEY_FETCH_TOKEN_STRATEGY.test(token)) {
return 'keyFetchToken'
// HACK: Assumes other tokens don't have extra authentication strategies
return token
function uncamel (string) {
return string.replace(/[A-Z]/g, uppercase => ` ${uppercase.toLowerCase()}`)
function getSlug (string) {
return string.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, '-').replace(/[^a-z0-9_-]/g, '')
function parseValidators () {
// HACK: Assumes the location of lib/routes/validators.js
return parseModuleExports('../lib/routes/validators')
.then(validators => validators.map(item => {
item.value = marshallValidation(item.value)
return item
function parseModuleExports (relativePath) {
return parseModule(relativePath)
.then(node => {
const variables = parseVariables(node)
return findModuleExports(node)
.map(moduleExports => ({
key: moduleExports.left.property.name,
value: marshallValue(moduleExports.right, variables)
.filter(moduleExports => !! moduleExports.value)
function parseModule (relativePath) {
return fs.readFileP(`${path.resolve(__dirname, relativePath)}.js`, { encoding: 'utf8' })
.then(js => acorn.parse(js, ACORN_OPTIONS).body)
function marshallValidation (validation) {
if (typeof validation !== 'string') {
return validation
// HACK: Assumes single quotes, specific paths
validation = validation.replace(/require\('\.\.\/metrics\/context'\)/g, 'metricsContext')
validation = validation.replace(/require\('\.\.\/features'\)/g, 'features')
// HACK: Assumes we always import joi as `isA`
if (! /^isA\./.test(validation)) {
return validation
// HACK: Assumes joi methods always begin and end with a lower-case letter
return validation.replace(/isA\./g, '').replace(/([a-z)])\.([a-z])/g, '$1, $2')
function parseMetricsContext () {
// HACK: Assumes the location of lib/metrics/context.js
return parseModuleExports('../lib/metrics/context')
.then(metricsContext => metricsContext.map(item => {
item.value = marshallValidation(
.replace(/{ /g, '{\n * `')
.replace(/ }/g, '\n\n }')
.replace(/, /, '\n * `')
.replace(/:/g, '`:')
return item
function parseFeatures () {
// HACK: Assumes the location of lib/features.js
return parseModuleExports('../lib/features')
.then(features => features.map(item => {
item.value = marshallValidation(item.value)
return item
function parseErrors () {
// HACK: Assumes the location of lib/error.js
return parseModule('../lib/error')
.then(node => {
const declarations = findVariables(node)
.reduce((variables, variable) => variables.concat(variable.declarations), [])
const errno = filterDeclarations(declarations, 'ERRNO')
const defaults = filterDeclarations(declarations, 'DEFAULTS')
assertType(errno, OBJECT_TYPES, 'lib/error.js')
assertType(defaults, OBJECT_TYPES, 'lib/error.js')
const errnoMap = parseObject(errno, EMPTY_MAP)
const defaultsMap = parseObject(defaults, errnoMap)
const result = findAppErrors(node)
marshallErrors.bind(null, errnoMap, defaultsMap),
{ errors: [], definitionsMap: {}, additionalErrorParams: [] }
return {
definitions: result.errors.sort((lhs, rhs) => lhs.errno - rhs.errno),
definitionsMap: result.definitionsMap,
additionalErrorParams: result.additionalErrorParams.sort((lhs, rhs) => lhs.errno - rhs.errno)
function filterDeclarations (declarations, name) {
return declarations.filter(
declaration => declaration.init && declaration.id.name === name
function parseObject (object, variables) {
return new Map(object.properties.map(property => [
property.key.name, marshallValue(property.value, variables)
function findAppErrors (node) {
// HACK: Assumes the error object is called AppError and that we always
// assign error functions to its properties, rather than define it
// as e.g. an object literal.
return findAssignmentsTo(node, {
type: 'MemberExpression',
object: {
type: 'Identifier',
name: 'AppError'
}).filter(assignment => ! NOT_ERRORS.has(assignment.left.property.name))
function marshallErrors (errnoMap, defaultsMap, result, errorFunction) {
// HACK: Assumes the error object is called AppError
const returns = find(errorFunction, {
type: 'ReturnStatement',
argument: {
type: 'NewExpression',
callee: {
type: 'Identifier',
name: 'AppError'
}, { recursive: true })
returns.forEach(r => {
let code, errno, message
const args = r.argument.arguments
if (args) {
const error = args[0]
assertType(error, OBJECT_TYPES, 'lib/error.js')
code = marshallErrorProperty(error, 'code')
errno = marshallErrorProperty(error, 'errno', errnoMap)
message = marshallErrorProperty(error, 'message')
if (args.length > 1) {
const extraData = args[1]
let params
switch (extraData.type) {
/* eslint-disable indent */
case 'Identifier': {
let assignment
const variables = find(errorFunction, {
type: 'VariableDeclaration'
}, { recursive: true })
variables.some(variable => {
return variable.declarations.some(declaration => {
if (declaration.id.name === extraData.name) {
assignment = declaration.init
return true
return false
if (! assignment) {
const assignments = findAssignmentsTo(errorFunction, {
type: 'Identifier',
name: extraData.name
if (assignments.length > 0) {
assignment = assignments[0].right
if (assignment) {
assertType(assignment, OBJECT_TYPES, 'lib/error.js')
params = assignment.properties.concat(
findAssignmentsTo(errorFunction, {
type: 'MemberExpression',
object: {
type: 'Identifier',
name: extraData.name
}).map(assignmentTo => ({ key: assignmentTo.left.property }))
case 'ObjectExpression':
params = extraData.properties
/* eslint-enable indent */
errno: errno || defaultsMap.get('errno'),
hasParams: params && params.length > 0,
params: params && params.map(arg => arg.key.name).join(', ')
// HACK: Assumes the names of code, errno and message
code: code || defaultsMap.get('code'),
errno: errno || defaultsMap.get('errno'),
definition: message || defaultsMap.get('message').replace(/'/g, '')
result.definitionsMap[errorFunction.left.property.name] = result.errors[result.errors.length - 1]
return result
function marshallErrorProperty (node, name, errnoMap) {
const property = findProperty(node, name, ERROR_PROPERTY_TYPES, 'lib/error.js')
if (property) {
switch (property.type) {
/* eslint-disable indent */
case 'Literal':
return property.value
case 'BinaryExpression':
// HACK: Assumes we're always interested in the lhs
return property.left.value
case 'LogicalExpression':
// HACK: Assumes we're always interested in the rhs
return property.right.value
case 'MemberExpression':
if (errnoMap && property.object.name === 'ERRNO') {
return errnoMap.get(property.property.name)
/* eslint-enable indent */
function writeOutput (data, outputPath) {
fs.writeFileSync(outputPath, render(data), { mode: 0o644 })