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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
module.exports = function (log, isA, error, db, Token) {
const HEX_STRING = /^(?:[a-fA-F0-9]{2})+$/
function clientData(srpToken) {
return srpToken.clientData()
function bundleAuth(K, authToken) {
return Token.hkdf(K, 'auth/finish', null, 2 * 32)
function (key) {
var b = new Token()
b.hmacKey = key.slice(0, 32).toString('hex')
b.xorKey = key.slice(32, 64).toString('hex')
return {
bundle: b.bundleHexStrings([authToken.data])
function srpFinish(srpToken, A, M) {
return srpToken.finish(A, M)
var routes = [
method: 'POST',
path: '/auth/start',
config: {
"Begins an SRP login for the supplied email address, " +
"returning the temporary srpToken and parameters for " +
"key stretching and the SRP protocol for the client.",
tags: ["srp", "account"],
handler: function (request) {
log.begin('Auth.start', request)
var reply = request.reply.bind(request)
function (emailRecord) {
return db.createSrpToken(emailRecord)
function (srpToken) {
return clientData(srpToken)
.done(reply, reply)
validate: {
payload: {
email: isA.String().max(1024).regex(HEX_STRING).required()
response: {
schema: {
srpToken: isA.String().required(),
passwordStretching: isA.Object(),
srp: isA.Object({
type: isA.String().required(),
salt: isA.String().regex(HEX_STRING), // salt
B: isA.String().regex(HEX_STRING) // server's public key value
method: 'POST',
path: '/auth/finish',
config: {
"Finishes the SRP dance, with the client providing " +
"proof-of-knownledge of the password and receiving " +
"the bundle encrypted with the authToken.",
tags: ["srp", "session"],
handler: function (request) {
log.begin('Auth.finish', request)
var reply = request.reply.bind(request)
function (srpToken) {
return srpFinish(srpToken, request.payload.A, request.payload.M)
function (srpToken) {
return db.authFinish(srpToken)
function (authToken) {
return bundleAuth(srpToken.K, authToken)
.done(reply, reply)
validate: {
payload: {
srpToken: isA.String().required(),
A: isA.String().regex(HEX_STRING).required(),
M: isA.String().regex(HEX_STRING).required()
response: {
schema: {
bundle: isA.String().regex(HEX_STRING).required()
return routes