diff --git a/locale/fy_NL/settings.ftl b/locale/fy_NL/settings.ftl index 00703823d3..cfc808a5b9 100644 --- a/locale/fy_NL/settings.ftl +++ b/locale/fy_NL/settings.ftl @@ -220,6 +220,11 @@ email-code-image-aria-label = inline-recovery-key-setup-signed-in-firefox = Jo binne oanmeld by { -brand-firefox } inline-recovery-key-setup-create-header = Befeiligje jo account +# This is a subheader asking users to create an account recovery key, indicating it will only take a moment to complete. +inline-recovery-key-setup-create-subheader = Hawwe jo in minút om jo gegevens te beskermjen? +inline-recovery-key-setup-info = Meitsje in accountwerstelkaai oan, sadat jo jo syngronisearre navigaasjegegevens weromsette kinne as jo jo wachtwurd ea ferjitte. +inline-recovery-key-setup-start-button = Accountwerstelkaai oanmeitsje +inline-recovery-key-setup-later-button = Letter ## Input Password @@ -281,6 +286,9 @@ confirmation-link-reused-message = Dy befêstigingskeppeling is al brûkt en kin ## Notification Promo Banner component +account-recovery-notification-cta = Oanmeitsje +account-recovery-notification-header-value = Ferlies jo gegevens net as jo jo wachtwurd ferjitte +account-recovery-notification-header-description = Meitsje in accountwerstelkaai oan, sadat jo jo syngronisearre navigaasjegegevens weromsette kinne as jo jo wachtwurd ea ferjitte. # Users will see this heading when the URL or network request is malformed, e.g. a query parameter is required and is invalid error-bad-request = Unjildige oanfraach @@ -1095,6 +1103,10 @@ index-email-input = ## InlineRecoveryKeySetup page component +inline-recovery-key-setup-recovery-created = Kaai foar accountwerstel oanmakke +inline-recovery-key-setup-download-header = Befeiligje jo account +inline-recovery-key-setup-download-subheader = No downloade en bewarje +inline-recovery-key-setup-download-info = Bewarje dizze kaai op in plak dy’t jo ûnthâlde kinne – jo kinne dizze side letter net mear iepenje. ## InlineRecoverySetup page ## When users are creating an account, they may get pushed to setup 2FA @@ -1435,9 +1447,21 @@ back = Tebek ## SigninPushCode page ## This page is used to send a push notification to the user's device for two-factor authentication (2FA). +signin-push-code-heading-w-default-service = Ferifiearje dizze oanmelding om troch te gean nei jo accountynstellingen +signin-push-code-heading-w-custom-service = Ferifiearje dizze oanmelding om troch te gean nei { $serviceName } +signin-push-code-instruction = Kontrolearje jo oare apparaten en kar dizze oanmelding goed fan jo { -brand-firefox }-browser út. +signin-push-code-did-not-recieve = Hawwe jo de melding net ûntfongen? +signin-push-code-send-email-link = Ferstjoer de koade fia e-mail ## SigninPushCodeConfirmPage +signin-push-code-confirm-instruction = Befêstigje jo oanmelding +signin-push-code-confirm-description = Wy hawwe in oanmeldbesykjen fan it folgjende apparaat ôf detektearre. As jo dit wiene, kar dan de oanmelding goed +signin-push-code-confirm-verifying = Ferifiearje +signin-push-code-confirm-login = Oanmelding befêstigje +signin-push-code-confirm-wasnt-me = Dit wie ik net, wizigje wachtwurd. +signin-push-code-confirm-login-approved = Jo oanmelding is goedkard. Slút dit finster. +signin-push-code-confirm-link-error = Keppeling is skansearre. Probearje it nochris. ## SigninRecoveryCode page ## Users are prompted to enter a backup authentication code