Pontoon: Update Dutch (nl) localization of Mozilla accounts
Co-authored-by: Mark Heijl <markh@babelzilla.org>
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
## Brands used across fxa-auth-server, fxa-payments-server, and fxa-settings.
## Unless otherwise indicated, brands cannot be:
@ -17,34 +18,27 @@
# Firefox and Mozilla Brand
-brand-mozilla = Mozilla
-brand-firefox = Firefox
# "accounts" can be localized and should be lowercase, "Firefox" must be treated as a brand.
# "Firefox accounts" refers to the service
-product-firefox-accounts = Firefox-accounts
# "account" can and should be localized, "Mozilla" must be treated as a brand. Singular "Mozilla account" should be used in most cases.
-product-mozilla-account = Mozilla-account
# "accounts" can and should be localized, "Mozilla" must be treated as a brand. Plural "Mozilla accounts" is used when referring to something affecting all Mozilla accounts, not just the individual's account.
# "accounts" should be lowercase in almost all cases. Uppercase is reserved for special use cases where headline case is necessary, for example legal document names and references.
-product-mozilla-accounts = Mozilla-accounts
# "account" should be localized and lowercase, "Firefox" must be treated as a brand.
# This is used to refer to a user's account, e.g. "update your Firefox account ..."
-product-firefox-account = Firefox-account
-product-mozilla-vpn = Mozilla VPN
-product-mozilla-hubs = Mozilla Hubs
-product-mdn-plus = MDN Plus
-product-firefox-cloud = Firefox Cloud
-product-firefox-monitor = Firefox Monitor
-product-mozilla-monitor = Mozilla Monitor
-product-firefox-relay = Firefox Relay
-product-pocket = Pocket
-brand-apple = Apple
-brand-google = Google
-brand-paypal = PayPal
-brand-name-stripe = Stripe
-app-store = App Store
-google-play = Google Play
@ -223,7 +223,10 @@ reset-pwd-link-damaged-header = Herinitialisatiekoppeling beschadigd
# The user followed a link to signin that was received by email
# but the link was damaged (for example mistyped or broken by the email client).
signin-link-damaged-header = Bevestigingskoppeling beschadigd
# The user followed a password reset or confirmation link received by email, but the link was damaged.
# The user followed a link to report an invalid signin attempt that was received by email
# but the link was damaged (for example mistyped or broken by the email client).
report-signin-link-damaged-header = Koppeling beschadigd
# The user followed a link received by email, but the link was damaged.
reset-pwd-link-damaged-message = De koppeling waarop u hebt geklikt miste tekens en is mogelijk beschadigd geraakt door uw e-mailclient. Kopieer het adres zorgvuldig en probeer het opnieuw.
## LinkExpired component
@ -309,7 +312,7 @@ avatar-default-avatar =
bento-menu-title-3 = { -brand-mozilla }-producten
bento-menu-tagline = Meer producten van { -brand-mozilla } die uw privacy beschermen
bento-menu-vpn-2 = { -product-mozilla-vpn }
bento-menu-monitor-2 = { -product-firefox-monitor }
bento-menu-monitor-3 = { -product-mozilla-monitor }
bento-menu-pocket-2 = { -product-pocket }
bento-menu-firefox-relay-2 = { -product-firefox-relay }
bento-menu-firefox-desktop = { -brand-firefox } Browser voor desktop
@ -617,7 +620,7 @@ delete-account-product-mozilla-vpn = { -product-mozilla-vpn }
delete-account-product-mdn-plus = { -product-mdn-plus }
delete-account-product-mozilla-hubs = { -product-mozilla-hubs }
delete-account-product-pocket = { -product-pocket }
delete-account-product-firefox-monitor = { -product-firefox-monitor }
delete-account-product-mozilla-monitor = { -product-mozilla-monitor }
delete-account-product-firefox-relay = { -product-firefox-relay }
delete-account-product-firefox-sync = { -brand-firefox }-gegevens synchroniseren
delete-account-product-firefox-addons = { -brand-firefox }-add-ons
@ -967,8 +970,10 @@ auth-error-155 = TOTP-token niet gevonden
auth-error-159 = Ongeldige accountherstelsleutel
auth-error-183-2 = Ongeldige of verlopen bevestigingscode
auth-error-999 = Onverwachte fout
auth-error-1002 = Sessie verlopen. Meld u aan om door te gaan.
auth-error-1003 = Lokale opslag of cookies zijn nog steeds uitgeschakeld
auth-error-1008 = Uw oude en nieuwe wachtwoord moeten verschillen
auth-error-1010 = Geldig wachtwoord vereist
auth-error-1011 = Geldig e-mailadres vereist
auth-error-1062 = Ongeldige omleiding
@ -1303,6 +1308,19 @@ signin-button = Aanmelden
signin-header = Aanmelden
signin-use-a-different-account-link = Een andere account gebruiken
signin-forgot-password-link = Wachtwoord vergeten?
signin-password-button-label = Wachtwoord
## ReportSignin Page
## When users receive an "Is this you signing in?" email with an unblock code,
## they can click "report it to us" if they did not attempt to sign in.
## This will be the page shown to users to block the sign in and report it.
report-signin-link-damaged-body = De koppeling waarop u hebt geklikt miste tekens en is mogelijk beschadigd geraakt door uw e-mailclient. Kopieer het adres zorgvuldig en probeer het opnieuw.
report-signin-header = Ongeautoriseerde aanmelding melden?
report-signin-body = U hebt een e-mailbericht ontvangen over een poging om toegang tot uw account te krijgen. Wilt u deze activiteit als verdacht melden?
report-signin-submit-button = Activiteit melden
report-signin-support-link = Waarom gebeurt dit?
report-signin-error = Sorry, er was een probleem tijdens het indienen van het rapport.
signin-bounced-header = Sorry. We hebben uw account vergrendeld.
# $email (string) - The user's email.
signin-bounced-message = De bevestigingsmail die we naar { $email } hebben verstuurd, is geretourneerd en om uw { -brand-firefox }-gegevens te beschermen, is uw account vergrendeld.
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