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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
## Banner component
## Used to show success, error or info messages
## Brand Messaging component
## Used to show in product messaging about upcoming brand changes
## ButtonDownloadRecoveryKeyPDF
## Clicking on this button downloads a PDF file that contains the user's account recovery key
## The account recovery key can be used to recover data when users forget their account password
## ChooseNewsletters component
## Checklist of newsletters that the user can choose to sign up to
## ChooseWhatToSync component
## Checklist of services/information that can be synced across signed in devices
## ConfirmWithLink
## Users will see this page if a confirmation link was sent to their email address
## Tooltip notifications for actions performed on account recovery keys or one-time use codes
datablock-download =
.message = S'ha baixat
datablock-copy =
.message = S'ha copiat
datablock-print =
.message = S'ha imprès
## DeviceInfoBlock component
## The strings here are used to display information about the origin of activity happening on a user's account
## For example, when connecting another device to the user's account
## FormPasswordWithBalloons
## FormVerifyCode
# GetDataTrio component, part of Account Recovery Key flow
## Images - these are all aria labels used for illustrations
## Aria labels are used as alternate text that can be read aloud by screen readers.
## Input Password
# Tooltip displayed on a password input visibility toggle. Expresses the toggle action, where clicking on the toggle will hide the password.
input-password-hide = Amaga la contrasenya
# Tooltip displayed on a password input visibility toggle. Expresses the toggle action, where clicking on the toggle will show the password.
input-password-show = Mostra la contrasenya
## LinkDamaged component
## LinkExpired component
## LinkExpiredResetPassword component
## LinkRememberPassword component
## LinkUsed component
## PasswordInfoBalloon
## Balloon displayed next to password input field
## PasswordStrengthBalloon component
## Ready component
## Alert Bar
alert-bar-close-message = Tanca el missatge
## User's avatar
avatar-your-avatar =
.alt = El vostre avatar
avatar-default-avatar =
.alt = Avatar per defecte
# BentoMenu component
bento-menu-firefox-desktop = Navegador { -brand-firefox } per a l'escriptori
bento-menu-firefox-mobile = Navegador { -brand-firefox } per al mòbil
bento-menu-made-by-mozilla = Creat per { -brand-mozilla }
## Connect another device promo
connect-another-fx-mobile = Obteniu el { -brand-firefox } per a mòbils o tauletes
## Connected services section
cs-heading = Serveis connectats
cs-description = Tots els serveis que utilitzeu i en els quals heu iniciat la sessió.
cs-cannot-refresh = Hi ha hagut un problema en actualitzar la llista de serveis connectats.
cs-cannot-disconnect = No s'ha trobat el client; no s'ha pogut desconnectar
# This string is used in a notification message near the top of the page.
# Variables:
# $service (String) - the name of a device or service that uses Mozilla accounts
# (for example: "Firefox Lockwise")
cs-logged-out-2 = S'ha tancat la sessió del { $service }
cs-refresh-button =
.title = Actualitza els serveis connectats
# Link text to a support page on missing or duplicate devices
cs-missing-device-help = Hi ha elements duplicats o que falten?
cs-disconnect-sync-heading = Desconnecta del Sync
## This string is used in a modal dialog when the user starts the disconnect from
## Sync process.
## Variables:
## $device (String) - the name of a device using Mozilla accounts
## (for example: "Firefox Nightly on Google Pixel 4a")
## The following are the options for selecting a reason for disconnecting the
## device
cs-disconnect-sync-opt-prefix = Aquest dispositiu és:
cs-disconnect-sync-opt-suspicious = Sospitós
cs-disconnect-sync-opt-lost = Perdut o robat
cs-disconnect-sync-opt-old = Antic o reemplaçat
cs-disconnect-sync-opt-duplicate = Duplicat
cs-disconnect-sync-opt-not-say = Prefereixo no respondre
cs-disconnect-advice-confirm = Entesos
cs-disconnect-lost-advice-heading = S'ha desconnectat el dispositiu perdut o robat
cs-disconnect-suspicious-advice-heading = S'ha desconnectat el dispositiu sospitós
cs-sign-out-button = Tanca la sessió
## Data collection section
# DropDownAvatarMenu component
# This string is used to show the current user's name or email in the settings page menu.
# Variables:
# $user (String) - the user's name (or email address, if they haven't added their name to their account)
drop-down-menu-signed-in-as = <signin>Heu iniciat la sessió com a</signin> <user>{ $user }</user>
drop-down-menu-sign-out = Tanca la sessió
## Flow Container
flow-container-back = Enrere
## FlowRecoveryKeyConfirmPwd - Second view in the PageRecoveryKeyCreate flow
## Users see this view when they are generating a new account recovery key
## This screen asks the user to confirm their password before generating a new key
## FlowRecoveryKeyDownload - Third view in the PageRecoveryKeyCreate flow
## Users see this view when they are generating a new account recovery key
## This screen displays the generated key and allows users to download or copy the key
## FlowRecoveryKeyHint
## This is the fourth and final step in the account recovery key creation flow
## Prompts the user to save an (optional) storage hint about the location of their account recovery key.
## FlowRecoveryKeyInfo - First view in the PageRecoveryKeyCreate flow
## HeaderLockup component, the header in account settings
header-menu-open = Tanca el menú
header-menu-closed = Menú de navegació del lloc
header-back-to-top-link =
.title = Torna a dalt
header-help = Ajuda
## Linked Accounts section
la-unlink-content-3 = Esteu segur que voleu desenllaçar el compte? Si el desenllaceu, no se us tancaran les sessions dels serveis actualment connectats. Per fer-ho, caldrà que tanqueu la sessió manualment en la secció de Serveis connectats.
## Modal - Default values for a message directed at the user where the user can typically Confirm or Cancel.
modal-close-title = Tanca
modal-cancel-button = Cancel·la
## Modal Verify Session
mvs-verify-your-email-2 = Confirmeu l'adreça electrònica
mvs-enter-verification-code-2 = Introduïu el codi de confirmació
# This string is used to show a notification to the user for them to enter confirmation code to confirm their email.
# Variables:
# email (String) - the user's email
mvs-enter-verification-code-desc-2 = Introduïu el codi de confirmació que s'ha enviat a <email>{ $email }</email> en els pròxims 5 minuts.
msv-cancel-button = Cancel·la
msv-submit-button-2 = Confirma
## Settings Nav
nav-settings = Paràmetres
nav-profile = Perfil
nav-security = Seguretat
nav-connected-services = Serveis connectats
nav-paid-subs = Subscripcions de pagament
nav-email-comm = Comunicacions per correu electrònic
## Two Step Authentication - replace backup authentication code
## Avatar change page
avatar-page-title =
.title = Foto de perfil
avatar-page-add-photo = Afegeix una foto
avatar-page-add-photo-button =
.title = { avatar-page-add-photo }
avatar-page-take-photo = Fes una foto
avatar-page-take-photo-button =
.title = { avatar-page-take-photo }
avatar-page-remove-photo = Elimina la foto
avatar-page-remove-photo-button =
.title = { avatar-page-remove-photo }
avatar-page-retake-photo = Torna a fer la foto
avatar-page-cancel-button = Cancel·la
avatar-page-save-button = Desa
avatar-page-saving-button = S'està desant…
avatar-page-zoom-out-button =
.title = Redueix
avatar-page-zoom-in-button =
.title = Amplia
avatar-page-rotate-button =
.title = Gira
avatar-page-camera-error = No s'ha pogut inicialitzar la càmera
avatar-page-new-avatar =
.alt = foto de perfil nova
avatar-page-file-upload-error-3 = S'ha produït un problema en pujar la vostra foto de perfil
avatar-page-delete-error-3 = S'ha produït un problema en suprimir la vostra foto de perfil
avatar-page-image-too-large-error-2 = La mida de la imatge és massa gran per pujar-la
## Password change page
pw-change-header =
.title = Canvia la contrasenya
pw-8-chars = 8 caràcters com a mínim
pw-not-email = No pot ser la vostra adreça electrònica
pw-change-must-match = La contrasenya nova coincideix amb la confirmació
pw-commonly-used = No pot ser una contrasenya d'ús comú
# linkExternal is a link to a mozilla.org support article on password strength
pw-tips = Protegiu-vos: no reutilitzeu les contrasenyes. Vegeu més consells per a la <linkExternal>creació de contrasenyes segures</linkExternal>.
pw-change-cancel-button = Cancel·la
pw-change-save-button = Desa
pw-change-forgot-password-link = Heu oblidat la contrasenya?
pw-change-current-password =
.label = Introduïu la contrasenya actual
pw-change-new-password =
.label = Introduïu una contrasenya nova
pw-change-confirm-password =
.label = Confirmeu la contrasenya nova
pw-change-success-alert-2 = S'ha actualitzat la contrasenya
## Password create page
pw-create-header =
.title = Creeu una contrasenya
pw-create-success-alert-2 = S'ha definit la contrasenya
pw-create-error-2 = S'ha produït un problema en definir la contrasenya
## Delete account page
delete-account-header =
.title = Suprimeix el compte
delete-account-step-1-2 = Pas 1 de 2
delete-account-step-2-2 = Pas 2 de 2
delete-account-acknowledge = Tingueu en compte que, en suprimir el vostre compte:
delete-account-chk-box-2 =
.label = És possible que perdeu la informació desada i la funcionalitat dels productes de { -brand-mozilla }
delete-account-chk-box-3 =
.label = Si reactiveu aquesta adreça electrònica, no recuperareu la vostra informació desada
delete-account-chk-box-4 =
.label = S'esborraran totes les extensions i temes que hàgiu publicat a addons.mozilla.org
delete-account-continue-button = Continua
delete-account-password-input =
.label = Introduïu la contrasenya
delete-account-cancel-button = Cancel·la
delete-account-delete-button-2 = Suprimeix
## Display name page
display-name-page-title =
.title = Nom a mostrar
display-name-input =
.label = Introduïu el nom a mostrar
submit-display-name = Desa
cancel-display-name = Cancel·la
display-name-update-error-2 = S'ha produït un problema en actualitzar el vostre nom a mostrar
display-name-success-alert-2 = S'ha actualitzat el nom a mostrar
## Recent account activity
## All strings except title indicate an event that occurred from the user's account
## These are displayed as a list with the date when the event occured
## PageRecoveryKeyCreate
## Add secondary email page
add-secondary-email-error-2 = S'ha produït un problema en crear aquesta adreça electrònica
add-secondary-email-page-title =
.title = Adreça electrònica secundària
add-secondary-email-enter-address =
.label = Escriviu una adreça electrònica
add-secondary-email-cancel-button = Cancel·la
add-secondary-email-save-button = Desa
## Verify secondary email page
verify-secondary-email-error-3 = S'ha produït un problema en enviar el codi de confirmació
verify-secondary-email-page-title =
.title = Adreça electrònica secundària
verify-secondary-email-verification-code-2 =
.label = Introduïu el codi de confirmació
verify-secondary-email-cancel-button = Cancel·la
verify-secondary-email-verify-button-2 = Confirma
# Link to delete account on main Settings page
delete-account-link = Suprimeix el compte
## Two Step Authentication
tfa-title = Autenticació en dos passos
tfa-step-1-3 = Pas 1 de 3
tfa-step-2-3 = Pas 2 de 3
tfa-step-3-3 = Pas 3 de 3
tfa-button-continue = Continua
tfa-button-cancel = Cancel·la
tfa-button-finish = Finalitza
tfa-incorrect-totp = El codi d'autenticació en dos passos és incorrecte
tfa-cannot-retrieve-code = S'ha produït un problema en recuperar el vostre codi.
tfa-enabled = S'ha activat l'autenticació en dos passos
tfa-scan-this-code = Escanegeu aquest codi QR utilitzant una d'<linkExternal>aquestes aplicacions d'autenticació</linkExternal>.
# This is the image alt text for a QR code.
# Variables:
# $secret (String) - a long alphanumeric string that does not require translation
# DEV NOTE: Set image alt text per fluent/react documentation, do not use the below as an example
tfa-qa-code-alt = Utilitzeu el codi { $secret } per configurar l'autenticació en dos passos en aplicacions compatibles.
tfa-button-cant-scan-qr = No podeu escanejar el codi?
# When the user cannot use a QR code.
tfa-enter-secret-key = Introduïu aquesta clau secreta a la vostra aplicació d'autenticació:
## Profile section
profile-heading = Perfil
profile-picture =
.header = Imatge
profile-display-name =
.header = Nom a mostrar
profile-primary-email =
.header = Adreça electrònica principal
## Progress bar
## Security section of Setting
security-heading = Seguretat
security-not-set = No s'ha definit
security-action-create = Crea
## Switch component
## Sub-section row Defaults
row-defaults-action-add = Afegeix
row-defaults-action-change = Canvia
row-defaults-action-disable = Desactiva
row-defaults-status = Cap
## Account recovery key sub-section on main Settings page
rk-enabled = Activada
rk-not-set = No definida
rk-action-create = Crea
rk-action-remove = Elimina
rk-cannot-remove-key = No s'ha pogut eliminar la clau de recuperació del compte.
rk-content-explain = Restaureu la vostra informació en cas que oblideu la contrasenya.
## Secondary email sub-section on main Settings page
se-heading = Adreça electrònica secundària
.header = Adreça electrònica secundària
se-cannot-refresh-email = S'ha produït un error en actualitzar aquesta adreça electrònica.
# Button to remove the secondary email
se-remove-email =
.title = Elimina l'adreça electrònica
# Button to refresh secondary email status
se-refresh-email =
.title = Actualitza l'adreça electrònica
# Button to make secondary email the primary
se-make-primary = Converteix en principal
se-default-content = Accediu al compte si no podeu iniciar la sessió amb l'adreça electrònica principal.
## Two Step Auth sub-section on Settings main page
tfa-row-header = Autenticació en dos passos
tfa-row-enabled = Activada
tfa-row-not-set = No definida
tfa-row-action-add = Afegeix
tfa-row-action-disable = Desactiva
tfa-row-button-refresh =
.title = Actualitza l'autenticació en dos passos
tfa-row-cannot-refresh = S'ha produït un error en actualitzar la verificació en dos passos.
tfa-row-content-explain = Impediu que altres persones iniciïn la sessió demanant un codi únic que no conegui ningú altre.
tfa-row-disable-modal-heading = Voleu desactivar l'autenticació en dos passos?
tfa-row-disable-modal-confirm = Desactiva
tfa-row-change-modal-confirm = Canvia
tfa-row-change-modal-explain = Aquesta acció no es pot desfer.
## TermsPrivacyAgreement
## These terms are used in signin and signup for Firefox account
## ThirdPartyAuth component
## This is a component that is used to display a list of third party providers (Apple, Google, etc.)
## TotpInputGroup component
## This component is composed of 6 or 8 single digit inputs for verification codes
## Auth-server based errors that originate from backend service
auth-error-102 = El compte és desconegut
auth-error-103 = Contrasenya incorrecta
auth-error-110 = El testimoni no és vàlid
auth-error-155 = No s'ha trobat el testimoni TOTP
auth-error-1008 = La contrasenya nova ha de ser diferent
## Cannot Create Account page
## Users are redirected to this page if they attempt to create an account that does not meet age requirements.
## Connect Another Device page
# This link cancels the process of connecting another device, and takes the user back to Account Settings
connect-another-device-not-now-link = Ara no
## Cookies disabled page
## Users will see this page if they have local storage or cookies disabled.
## InlineRecoverySetup page
## When users are creating an account, they may get pushed to setup 2FA
## in this case, they will encounter this page in the signup process (hence calling it "Inline)
## InlineTotpSetup page
## TOTP (time-based one-time password) is a form of two-factor authentication (2FA).
## Legal page. This page contains simply a header and links to pages that display
## content from https://github.com/mozilla/legal-docs
## Legal privacy notice page. Most content comes from https://github.com/mozilla/legal-docs
## Legal terms of service page. Most content comes from https://github.com/mozilla/legal-docs
## AuthAllow page - Part of the device pairing flow
## PairAuthComplete page - part of the device pairing flow
## AuthTotp page
## TOTP (time-based one-time password) is a form of two-factor authentication (2FA).
## Users that have set up two-factor authentication land on this page during device pairing.
## WaitForSupp page - Part of the devide pairing flow
## Users see this page when they have started to pair a second (or more) device to their account
## The pairing must be approved from both devices to succeed
## PairFailure - a view which displays on failure of the device pairing process
## Pair index page
# This allows the user to exit the sync/pair flow, and redirects them back to Settings
pair-not-now-button = Ara no
## PairSuccess - a view which displays on successful completion of the device pairing process
## SuppAllow page - Part of the device pairing flow
## Users see this page when they have started to pair a second (or more) device to their account
## The pairing must be confirmed from both devices to succeed
## WaitForAuth page - Part of the devide pairing flow
## Users see this page when they have started to pair a second (or more) device to their account
## The pairing must be approved from both devices to succeed
## PairUnsupported - a view which is shown when the user tries to scan the pairing QR code any way other than through a Firefox app
## ThirdPartyAuthCallback Page
## This page is called after a user completes the third party authentication flow from Google or Apple.
## AccountRecoveryConfirmKey page
## Account recovery reset password page
## CompleteResetPassword component
## User followed a password reset link and is now prompted to create a new password
## Confirm Reset Password Component
## ResetPassword page
## Confirm Reset Password With Code
## ResetPassword start page
## CompleteSignin component
## Signin page
## ReportSignin Page
## When users receive an "Is this you signing in?" email with an unblock code,
## they can click "report it to us" if they did not attempt to sign in.
## This will be the page shown to users to block the sign in and report it.
## SigninRecoveryCode page
## Users are prompted to enter a backup authentication code
## (provided to the user when they first set up two-step authentication)
## when they are unable to sign in with two-step authentication (e.g., Authy, Duo, etc.)
## Signin reported page: this page is shown when a user receives an email notifying them of a new account signin, and the user clicks a button indicating that the signin was not them so that we know it was someone trying to break into their account.
## SigninTokenCode page
## Users see this page during the signin process. In this instance, the confirmation code is
## a 6-digit code that is sent to the user's email address.
## SigninTOTPCode page
## TOTP (time-based one-time password) is a form of two-factor authentication (2FA).
## Users that have set up two-factor authentication land on this page during sign-in.
## Signin Unblock Page
## Page shown when signin has been blocked by rate limiting (too many requests)
## ConfirmSignupCode page
## Users see this page after they have initiated account sign up,
# and a confirmation code has been sent to their email address.
## Account Signup page
## This is the second page of the sign up flow, users have already entered their email