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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
## Alert Bar
alert-bar-close-message = Close message
## Firefox and Mozilla Brand
## Firefox and Mozilla must be treated as a brand.
## They cannot be:
## - Transliterated.
## - Translated.
## Declension should be avoided where possible, leaving the original
## brand unaltered in prominent UI positions.
## For further details, consult:
## https://mozilla-l10n.github.io/styleguides/mozilla_general/#brands-copyright-and-trademark
-brand-mozilla = Mozilla
-brand-firefox = Firefox
-brand-google = Google
# “Accounts” can be localized, “Firefox” must be treated as a brand.
-product-firefox-accounts = Firefox Accounts
# “Account” can be localized, “Firefox” must be treated as a brand.
# This is used to refer to a user's account, e.g. "update your Firefox account ..."
-product-firefox-account = Firefox account
product-mozilla-vpn = Mozilla VPN
product-pocket = Pocket
product-firefox-monitor = Firefox Monitor
product-firefox-relay = Firefox Relay
-google-play = Google Play
-app-store = App Store
## Application page title and footer
app-default-title = { -product-firefox-accounts }
# This string is used as the title of the page.
# Variables:
# $title (String) - the name of the current page
# (for example: "Two-step authentication")
app-page-title = { $title } | { -product-firefox-accounts }
app-footer-mozilla-logo-label = { -brand-mozilla } logo
app-footer-privacy-notice = Web Site Privacy Notice
app-footer-terms-of-service = Terms of Service
## User's avatar
avatar-your-avatar =
.alt = Your avatar
avatar-default-avatar =
.alt = Default avatar
# BentoMenu component
bento-menu-title = { -brand-firefox } Bento Menu
bento-menu-firefox-title = { -brand-firefox } is tech that fights for your online privacy.
bento-menu-vpn = { product-mozilla-vpn }
bento-menu-monitor = { product-firefox-monitor }
bento-menu-pocket = { product-pocket }
bento-menu-firefox-relay = { product-firefox-relay }
bento-menu-firefox-desktop = { -brand-firefox } Browser for Desktop
bento-menu-firefox-mobile = { -brand-firefox } Browser for Mobile
bento-menu-made-by-mozilla = Made by { -brand-mozilla }
## Connect another device promo
connect-another-fx-mobile = Get { -brand-firefox } on mobile or tablet
connect-another-find-fx-mobile =
Find { -brand-firefox } in the { -google-play } and { -app-store } or
<br /><linkExternal>send a download link to your device.</linkExternal>
# Alt text for Google Play and Apple App store images that will be shown if the image can't be loaded.
# These images are used to encourage users to download Firefox on their mobile devices.
connect-another-play-store-image =
.title = Download { -brand-firefox } on { -google-play }
connect-another-app-store-image-2 =
.title = Download { -brand-firefox } on the { -app-store }
## Connected services section
cs-heading = Connected Services
cs-description = Everything you are using and signed into.
cs-cannot-refresh =
Sorry, there was a problem refreshing the list of connected
cs-cannot-disconnect = Client not found, unable to disconnect
# This string is used in a notification message near the top of the page.
# Variables:
# $service (String) - the name of a device or service that uses Firefox Accounts
# (for example: "Firefox Lockwise")
cs-logged-out = Logged out of { $service }.
cs-refresh-button =
.title = Refresh connected services
# Link text to a support page on missing or duplicate devices
cs-missing-device-help = Missing or duplicate items?
cs-disconnect-sync-heading = Disconnect from Sync
# This string is used in a modal dialog when the user starts the disconnect from
# Sync process.
# Variables:
# $device (String) - the name of a device using Firefox Accounts
# (for example: "Firefox Nightly on Google Pixel 4a")
cs-disconnect-sync-content =
Your browsing data will remain on your
device ({ $device }), but it will no longer synchronise with your account.
cs-disconnect-sync-reason =
Whats the main reason for disconnecting this
## The following are the options for selecting a reason for disconnecting the
## device
cs-disconnect-sync-opt-prefix = The device is:
cs-disconnect-sync-opt-suspicious = Suspicious
cs-disconnect-sync-opt-lost = Lost or Stolen
cs-disconnect-sync-opt-old = Old or Replaced
cs-disconnect-sync-opt-duplicate = Duplicate
cs-disconnect-sync-opt-not-say = Rather not say
cs-disconnect-advice-confirm = Okay, got it
cs-disconnect-lost-advice-heading = Lost or stolen device disconnected
cs-disconnect-lost-advice-content-2 =
Since your device was lost or stolen, to
keep your information safe, you should change your { -product-firefox-account } password
in your account settings. You should also look for information from your
device manufacturer about erasing your data remotely.
cs-disconnect-suspicious-advice-heading = Suspicious device disconnected
cs-disconnect-suspicious-advice-content =
If the disconnected device is indeed
suspicious, to keep your information safe, you should change your { -product-firefox-account }
password in your account settings. You should also change any other
passwords you saved in { -brand-firefox } by typing about:logins into the address bar.
cs-sign-out-button = Sign out
## Tooltip notifications for actions performed on recovery keys or one-time use codes
datablock-download =
.message = Downloaded
datablock-copy =
.message = Copied
datablock-print =
.message = Printed
## Data collection section
dc-heading = Data Collection and Use
dc-subheader = Help improve { -product-firefox-accounts }
dc-subheader-content = Allow { -product-firefox-accounts } to send technical and interaction data to { -brand-mozilla }.
dc-opt-out-success = Opt out successful. { -product-firefox-accounts } wont send technical or interaction data to { -brand-mozilla }.
dc-opt-in-success = Thanks! Sharing this data helps us improve { -product-firefox-accounts }.
dc-opt-in-out-error = Sorry, there was a problem changing your data collection preference.
dc-learn-more = Learn more
# DropDownAvatarMenu component
drop-down-menu-title = { -product-firefox-account } menu
# This string is used to show the current user's name or email in the settings page menu.
# Variables:
# $user (String) - the user's name (or email address, if they haven't added their name to their account)
drop-down-menu-signed-in-as = <signin>Signed in as</signin><user>{ $user }</user>
drop-down-menu-sign-out = Sign out
drop-down-menu-sign-out-error = Sorry, there was a problem signing you out.
## Flow Container
flow-container-back = Back
# GetDataTrio component, part of Recovery Key flow
get-data-trio-title = Recovery Codes
get-data-trio-download =
.title = Download
get-data-trio-copy =
.title = Copy
get-data-trio-print =
.title = Print
# HeaderLockup component
header-menu-open = Close menu
header-menu-closed = Site navigation menu
header-back-to-top-link =
.title = Back to top
header-title = { -product-firefox-accounts }
header-help = Help
## Input Password
input-password-hide = Hide password
input-password-show = Show password
input-password-hide-aria = Hide password from screen.
input-password-show-aria = Show password as plain text. Your password will be visible on screen.
## Linked Accounts section
la-heading = Linked Accounts
la-description = You have authorised access to the following accounts.
la-unlink-button = Unlink
la-unlink-account-button = Unlink
la-unlink-heading = Unlink from third party account
la-unlink-content = Are you sure you want to unlink your { -brand-google } account? Unlinking your account does not automatically sign you out of those services. To do that you will need to manually sign out from the Connected services section.
la-unlink-content-2 = Are you sure you want to unlink your account? Unlinking your account does not automatically sign you out of those services. To do that you will need to manually sign out from the Connected services section.
nav-linked-accounts = { la-heading }
## Modal
modal-close-title = Close
modal-cancel-button = Cancel
## Modal Verify Session
mvs-verify-your-email = Verify your email
mvs-enter-verification-code = Enter your verification code
# This string is used to show a notification to the user for them to enter verification code to verify their email.
# Variables:
# email (String) - the user's email
mvs-enter-verification-code-desc = Please enter the verification code that was sent to <email>{ $email }</email> within 5 minutes.
msv-cancel-button = Cancel
msv-submit-button = Verify
## Settings Nav
nav-settings = Settings
nav-profile = Profile
nav-security = Security
nav-connected-services = Connected Services
nav-data-collection = Data Collection and Use
nav-paid-subs = Paid Subscriptions
nav-email-comm = Email Communications
## Two Step Authentication - replace recovery code
tfa-replace-code-error = There was a problem replacing your recovery codes.
tfa-replace-code-success =
New codes have been created. Save these one-time use
codes in a safe place — youll need them to access your account if you dont
have your mobile device.
tfa-replace-code-success-alert = Account recovery codes updated.
tfa-replace-code-1-2 = Step 1 of 2
tfa-replace-code-2-2 = Step 2 of 2
## Avatar change page
avatar-page-title =
.title = Profile Picture
avatar-page-add-photo = Add Photo
avatar-page-add-photo-button =
.title = { avatar-page-add-photo }
avatar-page-take-photo = Take Photo
avatar-page-take-photo-button =
.title = { avatar-page-take-photo }
avatar-page-remove-photo = Remove Photo
avatar-page-remove-photo-button =
.title = { avatar-page-remove-photo }
avatar-page-retake-photo = Retake Photo
avatar-page-cancel-button = Cancel
avatar-page-save-button = Save
avatar-page-saving-button = Saving…
avatar-page-zoom-out-button =
.title = Zoom Out
avatar-page-zoom-in-button =
.title = Zoom In
avatar-page-rotate-button =
.title = Rotate
avatar-page-camera-error = Could not initialise camera
avatar-page-new-avatar =
.alt = new profile picture
avatar-page-file-upload-error-2 = There was a problem uploading your profile picture.
avatar-page-delete-error-2 = There was a problem deleting your profile picture.
avatar-page-image-too-large-error = The image file size is too large to be uploaded.
## Password change page
pw-change-header =
.title = Change Password
pw-change-stay-safe = Stay safe — dont reuse passwords. Your password:
pw-change-least-8-chars = Must be at least 8 characters
pw-change-not-contain-email = Must not be your email address
pw-change-must-match = New password matches confirmation
# linkExternal is a link to a mozilla.org support article on password strength
pw-change-common-passwords =
Must not match this <linkExternal>list of common
pw-change-cancel-button = Cancel
pw-change-save-button = Save
pw-change-forgot-password-link = Forgot password?
pw-change-current-password =
.label = Enter current password
pw-change-new-password =
.label = Enter new password
pw-change-confirm-password =
.label = Confirm new password
pw-change-success-alert = Password updated.
## Delete account page
delete-account-header =
.title = Delete Account
delete-account-step-1-2 = Step 1 of 2
delete-account-step-2-2 = Step 2 of 2
delete-account-confirm-title-2 = Youve connected your { -product-firefox-account } to { -brand-mozilla } products that keep you secure and productive on the web:
delete-account-acknowledge = Please acknowledge that by deleting your account:
delete-account-chk-box-1-v2 =
.label = Any paid subscriptions you have will be cancelled (Except { product-pocket })
delete-account-chk-box-2 =
.label = You may lose saved information and features within { -brand-mozilla } products
delete-account-chk-box-3 =
.label = Reactivating with this email may not restore your saved information
delete-account-chk-box-4 =
.label = Any extensions and themes that you published to addons.mozilla.org will be deleted
delete-account-continue-button = Continue
delete-account-password-input =
.label = Enter password
delete-account-cancel-button = Cancel
delete-account-delete-button-2 = Delete
## Display name page
display-name-page-title =
.title = Display name
display-name-input =
.label = Enter display name
submit-display-name = Save
cancel-display-name = Cancel
display-name-update-error = There was a problem updating your display name.
display-name-success-alert = Display name updated.
# Recovery key setup page
recovery-key-cancel-button = Cancel
recovery-key-close-button = Close
recovery-key-continue-button = Continue
recovery-key-created = Your recovery key has been created. Be sure to save the key in a safe place that you can easily find later — youll need the key to regain access to your data if you forget your password.
recovery-key-enter-password =
.label = Enter password
recovery-key-page-title =
.title = Recovery key
recovery-key-step-1 = Step 1 of 2
recovery-key-step-2 = Step 2 of 2
recovery-key-success-alert = Recovery key created.
## Add secondary email page
add-secondary-email-step-1 = Step 1 of 2
add-secondary-email-error = There was a problem creating this email.
add-secondary-email-page-title =
.title = Secondary email
add-secondary-email-enter-address =
.label = Enter email address
add-secondary-email-cancel-button = Cancel
add-secondary-email-save-button = Save
## Verify secondary email page
add-secondary-email-step-2 = Step 2 of 2
verify-secondary-email-error = There was a problem sending the verification code.
verify-secondary-email-page-title =
.title = Secondary email
verify-secondary-email-verification-code =
.label = Enter your verification code
verify-secondary-email-cancel-button = Cancel
verify-secondary-email-verify-button = Verify
# This string is an instruction in a form.
# Variables:
# $email (String) - the user's email address, which does not need translation.
verify-secondary-email-please-enter-code = Please enter the verification code that was sent to <strong>{ $email }</strong> within 5 minutes.
# This string is a confirmation message shown after verifying an email.
# Variables:
# $email (String) - the user's email address, which does not need translation.
verify-secondary-email-success-alert = { $email } successfully added.
# Link to delete account on main Settings page
delete-account-link = Delete Account
## Two Step Authentication
tfa-title = Two-Step Authentication
tfa-step-1-3 = Step 1 of 3
tfa-step-2-3 = Step 2 of 3
tfa-step-3-3 = Step 3 of 3
tfa-button-continue = Continue
tfa-button-cancel = Cancel
tfa-button-finish = Finish
tfa-incorrect-totp = Incorrect two-step authentication code
tfa-cannot-retrieve-code = There was a problem retrieving your code.
tfa-cannot-verify-code = There was a problem verifying your recovery code.
tfa-incorrect-recovery-code = Incorrect recovery code
tfa-enabled = Two-step authentication enabled
tfa-scan-this-code =
Scan this QR code using one of <linkExternal>these
authentication apps</linkExternal>.
# This is the image alt text for a QR code.
# Variables:
# $secret (String) - a long alphanumeric string that does not require translation
# DEV NOTE: Set image alt text per fluent/react documentation, do not use the below as an example
tfa-qa-code-alt =
Use the code { $secret } to set up two-step authentication in
supported applications.
tfa-qa-code =
.alt = { tfa-qa-code-alt }
tfa-button-cant-scan-qr = Cant scan code?
# When the user cannot use a QR code.
tfa-enter-secret-key = Enter this secret key into your authenticator app:
tfa-enter-totp = Now enter the security code from the authentication app.
tfa-input-enter-totp =
.label = Enter security code
tfa-save-these-codes =
Save these one-time use codes in a safe place for when
you dont have your mobile device.
tfa-enter-code-to-confirm =
Please enter one of your recovery codes now to
confirm youve saved it. Youll need a code if you lose your device and want
to access your account.
tfa-enter-recovery-code =
.label = Enter a recovery code
## Profile section
profile-heading = Profile
profile-picture =
.header = Picture
profile-display-name =
.header = Display name
profile-primary-email =
.header = Primary email
## Security section of Setting
security-heading = Security
security-password =
.header = Password
# This is a string that shows when the user's password was created.
# Variables:
# $date (String) - a localized date and time string
security-password-created-date = Created { $date }
## Switch component
# Used as "title" attribute when the switch is "on" and interaction turns the switch to "off"
switch-turn-off = Turn off
# Used as "title" attribute when the switch is "off" and interaction turns the switch to "on"
switch-turn-on = Turn on
# Used as "title" attribute when switch has been interacted with and form is submitting
switch-submitting = Submitting…
switch-is-on = on
switch-is-off = off
## Sub-section row Defaults
row-defaults-action-add = Add
row-defaults-action-change = Change
row-defaults-action-disable = Disable
row-defaults-status = None
## Recovery key sub-section on main Settings page
rk-header = Recovery key
rk-enabled = Enabled
rk-not-set = Not Set
rk-action-create = Create
rk-action-remove = Remove
rk-cannot-refresh = Sorry, there was a problem refreshing the recovery key.
rk-key-removed = Account recovery key removed.
rk-cannot-remove-key = Your account recovery key could not be removed.
rk-refresh-key = Refresh recovery key
rk-content-explain = Restore your information when you forget your password.
rk-content-reset-data = Why does resetting my password reset my data?
rk-cannot-verify-session-2 = Sorry, there was a problem verifying your session.
rk-remove-modal-heading = Remove recovery key?
rk-remove-modal-content =
In the event you reset your password, you wont be
able to use your recovery key to access your data. You cant undo this action.
rk-refresh-error = Sorry, there was a problem refreshing the recovery key.
rk-remove-error = Your account recovery key could not be removed.
## Secondary email sub-section on main Settings page
se-heading = Secondary email
.header = Secondary Email
se-cannot-refresh-email = Sorry, there was a problem refreshing that email.
se-cannot-resend-code = Sorry, there was a problem re-sending the verification code.
# This string is used in a notification message near the top of the page.
# Variables:
# $email (String) - the user's email address, which does not need translation.
se-set-primary-successful = { $email } is now your primary email.
se-set-primary-error = Sorry, there was a problem changing your primary email.
# This string is used in a notification message near the top of the page.
# Variables:
# $email (String) - the user's email address, which does not need translation.
se-delete-email-successful = { $email } successfully deleted.
se-delete-email-error = Sorry, there was a problem deleting this email.
se-verify-session = Youll need to verify your current session to perform this action.
se-verify-session-error = Sorry, there was a problem verifying your session.
# Button to remove the secondary email
se-remove-email =
.title = Remove email
# Button to refresh secondary email status
se-refresh-email =
.title = Refresh email
se-unverified = unverified
se-resend-code =
Verification needed. <button>Resend verification code</button>
if its not in your inbox or spam folder.
# Button to make secondary email the primary
se-make-primary = Make primary
se-default-content = Access your account if you cant log in to your primary email.
se-content-note =
Note: a secondary email wont restore your information — youll
need a <a>recovery key</a> for that.
# Default value for the secondary email
se-secondary-email-none = None
## Two Step Auth sub-section on Settings main page
tfa-row-header = Two-step authentication
tfa-row-disabled = Two-step authentication disabled.
tfa-row-enabled = Enabled
tfa-row-not-set = Not Set
tfa-row-action-add = Add
tfa-row-action-disable = Disable
tfa-row-button-refresh =
.title = Refresh two-step authentication
tfa-row-cannot-refresh =
Sorry, there was a problem refreshing two-step
tfa-row-content-explain =
Prevent someone else from logging in by requiring a
unique code only you have access to.
tfa-row-cannot-verify-session-2 = Sorry, there was a problem verifying your session.
tfa-row-disable-modal-heading = Disable two-step authentication?
tfa-row-disable-modal-confirm = Disable
tfa-row-disable-modal-explain =
You wont be able to undo this action. You also
have the option of <linkExternal>replacing your recovery codes</linkExternal>.
tfa-row-cannot-disable = Two-step authentication could not be disabled.
tfa-row-change-modal-heading = Change recovery codes?
tfa-row-change-modal-confirm = Change
tfa-row-change-modal-explain = You wont be able to undo this action.
## Auth-server based errors that originate from backend service
auth-error-102 = Unknown account
auth-error-103 = Incorrect password
auth-error-105 = Invalid verification code
auth-error-110 = Invalid token
# This string is the amount of time required before a user can attempt another request.
# Variables:
# $retryAfter (String) - Time required before retrying a request. This text is localized
# by our server based on accept language in request. Our timestamp
# formatting library (momentjs) will automatically add the word `in`
# as part of the string.
# (for example: "in 15 minutes")
auth-error-114 = You've tried too many times. Please try again { $retryAfter }.
auth-error-138 = Unverified session
auth-error-139 = Secondary email must be different than your account email
auth-error-155 = TOTP token not found
auth-error-183 = Invalid or expired verification code
auth-error-1008 = Your new password must be different