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# Firefox Accounts Content Server
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Static server that hosts [Firefox Account sign up](https://accounts.firefox.com), sign in, email verification, etc. flows.
* [Quick Start](#quick-start)
* [Development Notes](#development-notes)
* [Changes to Stylesheets](#changes-to-stylesheets)
* [Changes to Scripts and Templates](#changes-to-scripts-and-templates)
* [Testing](#testing)
* [Prerequisites](#prerequisites)
* [Setup](#setup)
* [Grunt Commands](#grunt-commands)
* [Servers](#servers)
* [License](#license)
## Quick Start
Clone the repository, make sure you have [required prerequisites](https://github.com/mozilla/fxa-local-dev#dependencies) installed.
Run `npm install` and `npm run start-remote`.
This will start a local fxa-content-server on []( that works with remote Firefox Accounts servers.
If you want to install all Firefox Accounts servers locally follow the instructions on:
[fxa-local-dev](https://github.com/mozilla/fxa-local-dev) to get a full development setup running.
Please note that fxa-local-dev is the preferred way of contributing to Firefox Accounts.
## Development Notes
### Changes to stylesheets, scripts and templates
Any changes made to the css resources, scripts or the template files will automatically be reflected on page refresh.
## Testing
### Prerequisites
* Java JDK or JRE (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html)
### Setup
To run tests locally with Selenium:
npm test
To change the default auth server edit `server/config/*.json` on your deployed instance.
"fxaccount_url": "http://your.auth.server.here.org"
**Note that testing with Selenium via Docker does *not* work at present, so all testing must be carried out via your normal operating system's npm & Java tooling.**
## Grunt Commands
[Grunt](http://gruntjs.com/) is used to run common tasks to build, test, and run local servers.
| `grunt build` | build production resources. See [task source](grunttasks/build.js) for more documentation |
| `grunt clean` | remove any built production resources. |
| `grunt lint` | run ESLint, Sass-lint, amdcheck and JSONLint on client side and testing JavaScript. |
| `grunt server` | run a local server running on port 3030 with development resources. |
| `grunt server:dist` | run a local server running on port 3030 with production resources. Production resources will be built as part of the task. |
| `grunt test` | run local Intern tests. |
| `grunt version` | stamp a new minor version. Updates the version number and creates a new CHANGELOG.md. |
| `grunt version:patch` | stamp a new patch version. Updates the version number and creates a new CHANGELOG.md. |
## Servers
* latest development - https://latest.dev.lcip.org/
* stable - https://stable.dev.lcip.org/
* stage - https://accounts.stage.mozaws.net/
* production - https://accounts.firefox.com/
## License
MPL 2.0