After installation completes you can visit []( and use the [PM2 tool]( to start, stop and read server logs. Most common commands are as follows:
This is an example workflow for **fxa-local-dev**. After installing **fxa-local-dev** the servers should automatically start up. Use `./pm2 status` command to check the status of the servers:
Once you are back working on FxA just use the `./pm2 start servers.json` command to bring the servers back up. Keep in mind that the memory store will restart and all your database data will be brand new.
Use the `./pm2 logs` command to get the logs of all servers. You may also use `./pm2 logs [id]` to just see the logs for that particular server. When you signup for an account via `localhost:3030/signup` the `auth-server` logs will print out the verification link that you need to copy paste into your browser to verify your account:
If you get an `error` status for any of the servers please verify that you installed all required dependencies. Otherwise file an issue on this repository.