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docs(adrs): Use React, Redux, and Typescript for subscription management pages
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# Use React, Redux, and Typescript for subscription management pages
* Deciders: Ben Bangert, Ian Bicking, Les Orchard
* Date: 2019-05-08
## Context and Problem Statement
A solution for isolating third-party payment widgets from the rest of account
management can include building a separate web app on its own dedicated domain.
As a side effect in building that app, we have the opportunity to choose
technologies for building it that don't necessarily follow the rest of FxA.
## Decision Drivers
* Opportunity for a fresh start with tech stack without rewriting
* Security in dealing with payment transactions
* Developer ergonomics
* Code quality & testing
* Subscription services deadlines
## Considered Options
* React, Redux, Typescript
* Backbone.js
## Decision Outcome
Chosen option: "React, Redux, Typescript", because
* Chance to start with a fresh stack
* More vibrant ecosystem
* Better tooling & developer ergonomics
## Pros and Cons of the Options
### React, Redux, TypeScript
[React][] is a library for building DOM-based UI components in a data-driven,
declarative style that minimizes granular DOM manipulation by developers by way
of a Virtual DOM diff / patch algorithm. It also introduces patterns & tools for
encapsulating reusable UI functionality in "hooks" and JS classes.
[React]: https://reactjs.org/
[Redux][] is a library for managing app state in a singleton container using a
defined inventory of actions that describe changes to be applied via reducer
functions and middleware filters.
[Redux]: https://redux.js.org/
[TypeScript][] is a superset of JavaScript which introduces type annotation
expressions and type inference along with tooling to lint and compile.
[TypeScript]: https://www.typescriptlang.org/
We can also consider other dependencies that act as glue between these pieces
and utilities to reduce boilerplate and repetition. (e.g. [redux-actions][] to
simplify constructing actions; [redux-promise-middleware][] for actions that
result in async API fetches; [redux-thunk][] for producing action sequences)
[redux-actions]: https://redux-actions.js.org/
[redux-thunk]: https://github.com/reduxjs/redux-thunk
* Pros
* Frequently updated and vibrant ecosystem
* New team members may be more familiar with the React / Redux / TypeScript
* React integrates well with Webpack for code-splitting and lazy-loaded
component JS bundles
* React and Webpack can support per-component hot reloading rather than
reloading the whole page
* React can organize UI rendering into small components with single
responsibility for each
* React hooks can be used to encapsulate reusable chunks of UI logic & state
between components
* React offers [safeguards][react-innerhtml] against accidental XSS from
unescaped HTML.
* Redux can organize business logic and API requests in a central set of
* Data-driven React components can be loosely-coupled with Redux state
* The Redux dev tools browser add-on can monitor, inspect, and even rewind app
state changes
* TypeScript can help document & validate data structures at build time (e.g.
in Redux state) and integrate with IDEs (e.g. intellisense hints in VS Code)
* Can follow the Mocha / Chai / Sinon style unit testing stack used elsewhere
in the project
* Can use [React bindings][fluent-react] for [fluent.js][fluent] and [FTL][]
strings for L10n.
* Cons
* Novel technology stack for the project in general.
* Fast-moving tech stack that may need chasing after.
* Reduced code sharing with the rest of the project, reinventing some wheels.
* Fluent is a research project by Mozilla, [it has occasionally presented
[fluent]: https://projectfluent.org/
[fluent-react]: https://github.com/projectfluent/fluent.js/wiki/React-Bindings
[ftl]: https://projectfluent.org/fluent/guide/
[fluent-challenges]: https://github.com/mozilla/testpilot/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed+fluent
[react-innerhtml]: https://reactjs.org/docs/dom-elements.html#dangerouslysetinnerhtml
### Backbone.js
[Backbone.js][] is small framework that offers base View and Model abstractions.
[Backbone.js]: https://backbonejs.org/
FxA combines it with a few other utilities including [Mustache][] for HTML
templates; [Cocktail][] for class mixins; [jQuery][] for DOM manipulation.
Depends on [Underscore.js][] for general data manipulation.
[Mustache]: https://mustache.github.io/
[Cocktail]: https://github.com/onsi/cocktail
[jQuery]: https://jquery.com/
[Underscore.js]: https://underscorejs.org/
* Pros
* Framework of record for client-side code in FxA so far.
* Granular DOM updates in View classes do not rely on an abstract Virtual DOM
that can have an impact on performance.
* Pretty small framework, even with the added utilities.
* Mature framework that doesn't need much chasing after.
* Lots of mature tested code within FxA to reuse and on which to model new
* Uses [mature gettext tools & processes for L10n][fxa-l10n].
* Mustache and Backbone best practices help guard against XSS via unescaped HTML.
* Cons
* New team members may not be familiar with Backbone patterns
* Updating Views requires granular DOM changes that can sometime collide
between different Views that affect the same parts of the DOM - i.e
overlapping responsibilities.
* Business logic can be scattered amongst separate Model classes.
* Infrequent releases: v1.4.0 released on 2019-02, but v1.3.3 released on
* fxa-content-server uses v1.1.1 from 2014-02 along with similarly-aged
versions of Cocktail and Mustache.
* Fluent [was created][fluent-created] to address issues [found over years of using
gettext][fluent-v-gettext] at Mozilla.
[fxa-l10n]: https://github.com/mozilla/fxa-content-server-l10n/
[fluent-created]: https://hacks.mozilla.org/2019/04/fluent-1-0-a-localization-system-for-natural-sounding-translations/
[fluent-v-gettext]: https://github.com/projectfluent/fluent/wiki/Fluent-vs-gettext
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ This log lists the architectural decisions for [project name].
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- [ADR-0000](0000-use-markdown-architectural-decision-records.md) - Use Markdown Architectural Decision Records
- [ADR-0002](0002-use-react-redux-and-typescript-for-subscription-management-pages.md) - Use React, Redux, and Typescript for subscription management pages
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