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feat(svg): Animate 3x SVGs to prep for SMS use
Because: * We want new SVGs, and we want them animated This commit: * Adds these SVGs to our Images storybook, animates them per UX preferences * Adds some more SVG notes to our settings README closes FXA-10202
This commit is contained in:
@ -96,6 +96,10 @@ module.exports = {
listStyleType: {
circle: 'circle',
transitionDelay: {
1200: '1200ms',
1500: '1500ms',
screens: {
mobileLandscape: '480px',
@ -272,6 +276,22 @@ module.exports = {
plugins: [
// this gives us the same classes as delay-* (for transition),
// but for animation-delay-* instead
plugin(({ matchUtilities, theme }) => {
'animation-delay': (value) => {
return {
'animation-delay': value,
values: theme('transitionDelay'),
plugin(function ({ addUtilities }) {
const customUtilities = {
'.clip-auto': {
@ -491,6 +491,30 @@ background-image: url('/path-to-image.svg');
To use a background-image with Tailwind, you'll need to add a class to the `backgroundImage` object in the Tailwind config file. Check config files for examples.
#### Animated SVGs
Since SVGs are just XML, we can add styles and classes to them to animate them with CSS. This has been shown to increase user engagement and our animated SVGs respect `prefers-reduced-motion` if users don't wish to see animations.
UX should give a brief description of what they're visualizing. When possible and agreeable with UX, for best a11y practices, try to keep animations at 5 seconds and under, try to only use "infinite" animations on small movements, and consider pushing back against very large movement animations.
##### Developing
**Note that our CSP prevents global `<style>` tags in SVGs from being used**. This is a pitfall because global styles allow animations to show directly on the SVG in PR reviews and will look fine in local development, but there will be CSP errors and no animation as soon as it reaches stage.
You may find it easiest to use something like CodePen (paste the SVG into the HTML section) to figure out the initial animation and confer with UX for immediate feedback, but you can also work in Storybook instead. Inspect SVGs with dev tools to see what vector path corresponds with what is visually displayed and add a `class` property like you would with HTML.
If new `keyframes` are needed, add them to the Tailwind config file and add your new animation under `animation`. Tailwind names, e.g. `my-new-thing` under `animation`, will become classes like `animate-my-new-thing`. Keep in mind you may not need a new `keyframe` if you can use an existing `keyframe` with a new `animation` name and style and that you can also add `animation-delay-*` etc. in conjunction with your animation class. If you are working in Storybook after updating a Tailwind config file you may need to manually run `yarn build-css` in `fxa-settings` - check the `tailwind.out.css` file to confirm your generated class names.
If you need to "group" paths together like you would with a div or span, use `<g></g>` tags to apply classes to a group of elements. You may also need to move a `path` around, adjust the `viewBox`, or request a new SVG if certain vector segments aren't created well for the desired animation (e.g. two layered `path`s look fine, but once you animate the top one, there's a gap on the bottom one; each vector piece should be exported to be whole).
Since SVGs contain unique vector paths/shapes with inconsistent widths/heights, you _may_ want to add something like a one-off `transform-origin` in an inline `style` to prevent these CSS classes from being included in our final tailwind.out.css file.
#### Minifying SVGs
Use [SVGO](https://github.com/svg/svgo) to minify SVGs. Always double check SVGs after minifying them because occasionally, something is removed or modified that changes the appearance of the SVG.
Recently, we've been keeping original SVGs and appending a `.min` to those SVGs that have been ran through SVGO to make it obvious which SVGs have been minified. This can also make tweaking animations on SVGs easier as well or any other reason we may want to refer to the original graphic.
### Metrics
Metrics reports are currently sent to the fxa-content-server metrics endpoint. Use the [metrics library](./src/lib/metrics.ts) to log events and other information.
@ -24,3 +24,7 @@ lightbulb-aria-label =
.aria-label = Illustration to represent creating a storage hint.
email-code-image-aria-label =
.aria-label = Illustration to represent an email containing a code.
recovery-phone-image-description =
.aria-label = Mobile device that receives a code by text message.
recovery-phone-code-image-description =
.aria-label = Code received on a mobile device.
Различия файлов скрыты, потому что одна или несколько строк слишком длинны
После Ширина: | Высота: | Размер: 7.6 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
<svg width="251" height="163" viewBox="0 0 251 163" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<g filter="url(#filter0_d_5165_11537)">
<path d="M50.7741 95.2646C50.9254 95.2646 51.0746 95.2723 51.225 95.2757C51.225 95.272 51.2247 95.2683 51.2247 95.2646C51.2247 82.1933 62.0191 71.5969 75.3347 71.5969C86.1477 71.5969 95.2978 78.5847 98.3554 88.2109C100.664 87.0176 103.291 86.3389 106.081 86.3389C115.252 86.3389 122.686 93.6372 122.686 102.64C122.686 104.107 122.486 105.527 122.116 106.879C123.782 106.152 125.621 105.74 127.562 105.74C134.983 105.74 141 111.647 141 118.932C141 126.218 134.983 132.124 127.562 132.124H50.7741C40.4055 132.124 32 123.873 32 113.694C32 103.516 40.4055 95.2646 50.7741 95.2646Z" fill="white"/>
<g filter="url(#filter1_d_5165_11537)">
<path d="M200.743 46.264C200.596 46.264 200.45 46.2716 200.304 46.275C200.304 46.2714 200.304 46.2677 200.304 46.264C200.304 33.407 189.807 22.9844 176.858 22.9844C166.343 22.9844 157.444 29.8576 154.471 39.326C152.226 38.1523 149.671 37.4847 146.958 37.4847C138.04 37.4847 130.81 44.6633 130.81 53.5186C130.81 54.9611 131.005 56.358 131.364 57.6878C129.744 56.9733 127.955 56.5681 126.068 56.5681C118.851 56.5681 113 62.3775 113 69.5437C113 76.7099 118.851 82.5193 126.068 82.5193H200.743C210.826 82.5193 219 74.4033 219 64.3916C219 54.3799 210.826 46.264 200.743 46.264Z" fill="white"/>
<g filter="url(#filter2_d_5165_11537)">
<path d="M147.851 104.417C147.939 104.417 148.025 104.422 148.112 104.424C148.112 104.422 148.112 104.42 148.112 104.417C148.112 96.7032 154.351 90.4496 162.047 90.4496C168.296 90.4496 173.585 94.5735 175.352 100.255C176.686 99.5503 178.205 99.1498 179.817 99.1498C185.118 99.1498 189.415 103.457 189.415 108.77C189.415 109.636 189.299 110.474 189.085 111.272C190.048 110.843 191.111 110.6 192.233 110.6C196.523 110.6 200 114.085 200 118.385C200 122.685 196.523 126.171 192.233 126.171H147.851C141.858 126.171 137 121.301 137 115.294C137 109.287 141.858 104.417 147.851 104.417Z" fill="white"/>
<path d="M131.403 65.7499V40.8375H94.8241C91.0552 40.8375 88 43.8515 88 47.5694V129.361C88 133.079 91.0552 136.093 94.8241 136.093H156.656C160.425 136.093 163.48 133.079 163.48 129.361V72.4818H138.227C134.458 72.4818 131.403 69.4678 131.403 65.7499Z" fill="#0090ED"/>
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После Ширина: | Высота: | Размер: 10 KiB |
Различия файлов скрыты, потому что одна или несколько строк слишком длинны
После Ширина: | Высота: | Размер: 6.5 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
<svg width="249" height="182" viewBox="0 0 249 182" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
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<path d="M118.087 56.6795C117.943 56.6795 117.8 56.6869 117.657 56.6902C117.657 56.6866 117.657 56.6831 117.657 56.6795C117.657 44.154 107.358 34 94.6531 34C84.3361 34 75.6058 40.696 72.6884 49.9203C70.4862 48.7768 67.9795 48.1265 65.3175 48.1265C56.5671 48.1265 49.4735 55.12 49.4735 63.747C49.4735 65.1524 49.6648 66.5132 50.0179 67.8087C48.4285 67.1126 46.6732 66.7179 44.8219 66.7179C37.7405 66.7179 32 72.3775 32 79.359C32 86.3404 37.7405 92 44.8219 92H118.087C127.98 92 136 84.0932 136 74.3397C136 64.5862 127.98 56.6795 118.087 56.6795Z" fill="white"/>
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@ -12,12 +12,14 @@ import {
} from '.';
import { withLocalization } from 'fxa-react/lib/storybooks';
@ -30,12 +32,14 @@ export default {
decorators: [withLocalization],
} as Meta;
@ -54,7 +58,7 @@ export const Password = () => <PasswordImage />;
export const Mail = () => <MailImage />;
export const RecoveryCodes = () => <RecoveryCodesImage />;
export const BackupCodes = () => <BackupCodesImage />;
export const TwoFactorAuth = () => <TwoFactorAuthImage />;
@ -63,3 +67,7 @@ export const CircleCheckOutline = () => <CheckmarkCircleOutlineIcon />;
export const CircleCheckFull = () => <CheckmarkCircleFullIcon />;
export const PasswordSuccess = () => <PasswordSuccessImage />;
export const BackupRecoveryPhone = () => <BackupRecoveryPhoneImage />;
export const BackupRecoveryPhoneCode = () => <BackupRecoveryPhoneCodeImage />;
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
import React from 'react';
import { ReactComponent as HeartsBroken } from './graphic_hearts_broken.svg';
import { ReactComponent as HeartsVerified } from './graphic_hearts_verified.svg';
import { ReactComponent as RecoveryCodes } from './graphic_recovery_codes.svg';
import { ReactComponent as BackupCodes } from './graphic_backup_codes.min.svg';
import { ReactComponent as TwoFactorAuth } from './graphic_two_factor_auth.svg';
import { ReactComponent as PushFactorAuth } from './graphic_push_factor_auth.svg';
import { ReactComponent as Mail } from './graphic_mail.svg';
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ import { ReactComponent as EmailCode } from './graphic_email_code.svg';
import { ReactComponent as CircleCheckOutline } from './icon_checkmark_circle_outline.svg';
import { ReactComponent as CircleCheckFull } from './icon_checkmark_circle_full.svg';
import { ReactComponent as PasswordSuccess } from './graphic_password_success.min.svg';
import { ReactComponent as BackupRecoveryPhone } from './graphic_backup_recovery_phone.min.svg';
import { ReactComponent as BackupRecoveryPhoneCode } from './graphic_phone_code.min.svg';
import { FtlMsg } from 'fxa-react/lib/utils';
@ -85,11 +87,35 @@ export const HeartsVerifiedImage = ({ className, ariaHidden }: ImageProps) => (
export const RecoveryCodesImage = ({ className, ariaHidden }: ImageProps) => (
export const BackupCodesImage = ({ className, ariaHidden }: ImageProps) => (
ariaLabel="Document that contains hidden text."
{...{ className, ariaHidden }}
export const BackupRecoveryPhoneImage = ({
}: ImageProps) => (
ariaLabel="Mobile device that receives a code by text message."
{...{ className, ariaHidden }}
export const BackupRecoveryPhoneCodeImage = ({
}: ImageProps) => (
ariaLabel="Code received on a mobile device."
{...{ className, ariaHidden }}
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import { RouteComponentProps } from '@reach/router';
import { FtlMsg } from 'fxa-react/lib/utils';
import { useFtlMsgResolver } from '../../models';
import DataBlock from '../../components/DataBlock';
import { RecoveryCodesImage } from '../../components/images';
import { BackupCodesImage } from '../../components/images';
import CardHeader from '../../components/CardHeader';
import AppLayout from '../../components/AppLayout';
import Banner, { BannerType } from '../../components/Banner';
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ const InlineRecoverySetup = ({
<RecoveryCodesImage className="mx-auto" />
<BackupCodesImage className="mx-auto" />
<FtlMsg id="inline-recovery-confirmation-description">
<p className="text-sm mb-6">
To ensure that you will be able to regain access to your
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { Link, RouteComponentProps, useLocation } from '@reach/router';
import { FtlMsg } from 'fxa-react/lib/utils';
import { isWebIntegration, useFtlMsgResolver } from '../../../models';
import { RecoveryCodesImage } from '../../../components/images';
import { BackupCodesImage } from '../../../components/images';
import CardHeader from '../../../components/CardHeader';
import LinkExternal from 'fxa-react/components/LinkExternal';
import FormVerifyCode, {
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ const SigninRecoveryCode = ({
<Banner type={BannerType.error}>{bannerErrorMessage}</Banner>
<div className="flex justify-center mx-auto">
<RecoveryCodesImage className="w-3/5" />
<BackupCodesImage className="w-3/5" />
<FtlMsg id="signin-recovery-code-instruction">
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
const { resolve } = require('path');
const extractImportedComponents = require('fxa-react/extract-imported-components');
const config = require('fxa-react/configs/tailwind');
const { transform } = require('typescript');
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
const matches = extractImportedComponents(
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transform: 'translateY(0) scale(1)',
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transform: 'rotate(0deg)',
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transform: 'rotate(720deg)',
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opacity: 1,
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opacity: 0.2,
grow: {
'0%': {
transform: 'scale(.3)',
'100%': {
transform: 'scale(1)',
'subtle-move': {
'0%': {
transform: 'translate(0px, 0px)',
'25%': {
transform: 'translate(2px, -1px)',
'50%': {
transform: 'translate(-2px, 1px)',
'75%': {
transform: 'translate(2px, 1px)',
'100%': {
transform: 'translate(0px, 0px)',
animation: {
@ -171,6 +211,16 @@ config.theme.extend = {
'pulse-stroke': 'pulse-stroke 2s linear infinite',
'wait-and-rotate': 'wait-and-rotate 5s infinite ease-out',
'fade-in': 'fade-in 1s 1 ease-in',
'spin-xl': 'spin-xl 1s forwards ease-in-out',
'fade-out-in': 'fade-out-in 2s forwards',
'grow-and-stay': 'grow 1s ease-in-out forwards',
'sparkle 2s ease-in-out infinite, twinkle 2s infinite ease-in-out',
'sparkle 1s ease-in-out infinite, twinkle 2.5s infinite ease-in-out',
'sparkle 3s ease-in-out infinite, twinkle 3s infinite ease-in-out',
'subtle-move': 'subtle-move ease-in-out infinite 5s',
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