1998-06-23 02:39:40 +04:00
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
1999-11-06 06:43:54 +03:00
* The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
* License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
1998-06-23 02:39:40 +04:00
1999-11-06 06:43:54 +03:00
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
1998-06-23 02:39:40 +04:00
1999-11-06 06:43:54 +03:00
* The Original Code is mozilla.org code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
1998-06-23 02:39:40 +04:00
* Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
1999-11-06 06:43:54 +03:00
* Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
* Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
1998-06-23 02:39:40 +04:00
#include "msg.h"
#include "xp.h"
#include "msgdb.h"
#include "thrdbvw.h"
#include "errcode.h"
#include "msghdr.h"
#include "dberror.h"
#include "newsdb.h"
#include "vwerror.h"
#include "thrhead.h"
#include "newshdr.h"
#include "grpinfo.h"
ThreadDBView::ThreadDBView(ViewType viewType)
m_viewType = viewType;
m_havePrevView = FALSE;
m_headerIndex = 0;
m_viewFlags = kOutlineDisplay;
MsgERR ThreadDBView::Open(MessageDB *messageDB, ViewType viewType, uint32* pCount, XP_Bool runInForeground /* = TRUE */)
MsgERR err;
if ((err = MessageDBView::Open(messageDB, viewType, pCount, runInForeground)) != eSUCCESS)
return err;
if (pCount)
*pCount = 0;
return Init(pCount, runInForeground);
// Initialize id array and flag array in thread order.
MsgERR ThreadDBView::Init(uint32 *pCount, XP_Bool runInForeground /* = TRUE */)
MsgERR err;
SortOrder sortOrder;
SortType sortType;
m_havePrevView = FALSE;
m_sortType = SortByThread; // this sorts by thread, which we will resort.
sortType = m_sortType;
MsgERR getSortInfoERR = m_messageDB->GetSortInfo(&sortType, &sortOrder);
if (!runInForeground)
return eBuildViewInBackground;
// list all the ids into m_idArray.
MessageKey startMsg = 0;
const int kIdChunkSize = 200;
int numListed = 0;
MessageKey idArray[kIdChunkSize];
int32 flagArray[kIdChunkSize];
char levelArray[kIdChunkSize];
err = m_messageDB->ListThreadIds(&startMsg, m_viewType == ViewOnlyNewHeaders, idArray, flagArray, levelArray, kIdChunkSize, &numListed, this, NULL);
if (err == eSUCCESS)
int32 numAdded = AddKeys(idArray, flagArray, levelArray, sortType, numListed);
if (pCount)
*pCount += numAdded;
} while (err == eSUCCESS && startMsg != kIdNone);
if (err == eCorruptDB)
m_messageDB->SetSummaryValid(FALSE); // get mail db and do this.
if (getSortInfoERR == eSUCCESS)
InitSort(sortType, sortOrder);
return err;
int32 ThreadDBView::AddKeys(MessageKey *pOutput, int32 *pFlags, char *pLevels, SortType sortType, int numListed)
int numAdded = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numListed; i++)
int32 threadFlag = pFlags[i];
char flag = 0;
// skip ignored threads.
if ((threadFlag & kIgnored) && !(m_viewFlags & kShowIgnored))
// by default, make threads collapsed, unless we're in only viewing new msgs
if (flag & kHasChildren)
flag |= kElided;
// should this be persistent? Doesn't seem to need to be.
flag |= kIsThread;
if ((/*m_viewFlags & kUnreadOnly || */(sortType != SortByThread)) && flag & kElided)
ExpandByIndex(m_idArray.GetSize() - 1, NULL);
return numAdded;
MsgERR ThreadDBView::InitSort(SortType sortType, SortOrder sortOrder)
if (sortType == SortByThread)
SortInternal(SortById, sortOrder); // sort top level threads by id.
m_sortType = SortByThread;
m_messageDB->SetSortInfo(m_sortType, sortOrder);
if ((m_viewFlags & kUnreadOnly) && m_sortType == SortByThread)
m_sortValid = TRUE;
Sort(sortType, sortOrder);
if (sortType != SortByThread) // forget prev view, since it has everything expanded.
return eSUCCESS;
// override so we can forget any previous id array, which
// is made invalid by adding a header. (Same true for deleting... ### dmb)
MsgERR ThreadDBView::AddHdr(DBMessageHdr *msgHdr)
if (m_viewFlags & kUnreadOnly)
msgHdr->OrFlags(kElided); // by default, new headers are collapsed.
return MessageDBView::AddHdr(msgHdr);
// This function merely parses the XOver header into a DBMessageHdr
// and stores that in m_headers. From there, it will be threaded
// and added to the database in a separate pass.
MsgERR ThreadDBView::AddHdrFromServerLine(char *line, MessageKey *msgId)
MsgERR err = eSUCCESS;
NewsMessageHdr *newsMsgHdr = new NewsMessageHdr;
// this will stick 0's in various places in line, but that's
// the way 2.0 worked, so I guess it's OK.
if (!DBMessageHdr::ParseLine(line, newsMsgHdr, m_messageDB->GetDB()))
err = eXOverParseError;
if (err != eSUCCESS)
delete newsMsgHdr;
return err;
*msgId = newsMsgHdr->GetMessageKey();
if (m_messageDB->KeyToAddExists(*msgId))
delete newsMsgHdr;
return eSUCCESS;
m_newHeaders.SetAtGrow(m_headerIndex++, newsMsgHdr);
// this should be tuneable, but let's try every 200 objects
if (m_headerIndex > 200)
return eSUCCESS;
MsgERR ThreadDBView::AddNewMessages()
MsgERR err = eSUCCESS;
XP_Bool isNewThread;
NewsGroupDB *newsDB = (NewsGroupDB *) m_messageDB;
// go through the new headers adding them to the db
// The idea here is that m_headers is just the new headers
for (int i = 0; i < m_newHeaders.GetSize(); i++)
DBMessageHdr *dbMsgHdr = (DBMessageHdr *) m_newHeaders[i];
if ((dbMsgHdr->GetFlags() & kHasChildren) && m_sortType == SortByThread)
err = newsDB->AddHdrToDB(dbMsgHdr, &isNewThread, TRUE);
if (err == eCorruptDB)
delete dbMsgHdr;
// Only add header to view if it's a new thread
// if (err == eSUCCESS) // notify param to AddHdrToDB should take care of this
// {
// if (m_sortType != SortByThread)
// {
// AddHdr(dbMsgHdr);
// }
// else if (isNewThread)
// {
// AddHdr(dbMsgHdr);
// }
// }
m_headerIndex = 0;
return err;
void ThreadDBView::SetInitialSortState(void)
m_sortOrder = SortTypeAscending;
m_sortType = SortByThread;
MsgERR ThreadDBView::ExpandAll()
MsgERR err = eSUCCESS;
// go through expanding in place
for (uint32 i = 0; i < m_idArray.GetSize(); i++)
uint32 numExpanded;
BYTE flags = m_flags[i];
if (flags & kHasChildren && (flags & kElided))
err = ExpandByIndex(i, &numExpanded);
i += numExpanded;
if (err != eSUCCESS)
return err;
return err;
MsgERR ThreadDBView::Sort(SortType sortType, SortOrder sortOrder)
// if the client wants us to forget our cached id arrays, they
// should build a new view. If this isn't good enough, we
// need a method to do that.
if (sortType != m_sortType || !m_sortValid)
if (sortType == SortByThread)
m_sortType = sortType;
if ( m_havePrevView)
// restore saved id array and flags array
m_idArray.InsertAt(0, &m_prevIdArray);
m_flags.InsertAt(0, &m_prevFlags);
m_levels.InsertAt(0, &m_prevLevels);
m_messageDB->SetSortInfo(sortType, sortOrder);
m_sortValid = TRUE;
return eSUCCESS;
// set sort info in anticipation of what Init will do.
m_messageDB->SetSortInfo(sortType, SortTypeAscending);
Init(NULL); // build up thread list.
if (sortOrder != SortTypeAscending)
Sort(sortType, sortOrder);
return eSUCCESS;
else if (sortType != SortByThread && m_sortType == SortByThread /* && !m_havePrevView*/)
// going from SortByThread to non-thread sort - must build new id array and flags array
m_prevIdArray.InsertAt(0, &m_idArray);
m_prevFlags.InsertAt(0, &m_flags);
m_prevLevels.InsertAt(0, &m_levels);
// m_idArray.RemoveAll();
// m_flags.RemoveAll();
m_havePrevView = TRUE;
return SortInternal(sortType, sortOrder);
void ThreadDBView::OnHeaderAddedOrDeleted()
void ThreadDBView::OnExtraFlagChanged(MSG_ViewIndex index, char extraFlag)
if (IsValidIndex(index) && m_havePrevView)
MessageKey keyChanged = m_idArray[index];
MSG_ViewIndex prevViewIndex = m_prevIdArray.FindIndex(keyChanged);
if (prevViewIndex != MSG_VIEWINDEXNONE)
char prevFlag = m_prevFlags.GetAt(prevViewIndex);
// don't want to change the elided bit, or has children or is thread
if (prevFlag & kElided)
extraFlag |= kElided;
extraFlag &= ~kElided;
if (prevFlag & kIsThread)
extraFlag |= kIsThread;
extraFlag &= ~kIsThread;
if (prevFlag & kHasChildren)
extraFlag |= kHasChildren;
extraFlag &= ~kHasChildren;
m_prevFlags.SetAt(prevViewIndex, extraFlag); // will this be right?
void ThreadDBView::ClearPrevIdArray()
m_havePrevView = FALSE;
ThreadDBView::GetInsertInfoForNewHdr(MessageKey newKey,
MSG_ViewIndex startThreadIndex,
int8 *pLevel)
DBThreadMessageHdr *threadHdr = m_messageDB->GetDBThreadHdrForMsgID(newKey);
MSG_ViewIndex threadIndex = 0;
int i;
if (m_viewFlags & kUnreadOnly)
uint8 levelToAdd;
XPByteArray levelStack;
for (i = 0; i < threadHdr->GetNumChildren(); i++)
DBMessageHdr *msgHdr = threadHdr->GetChildHdrAt(i);
if (msgHdr != NULL)
// if the current header's level is <= to the top of the level stack,
// pop off the top of the stack.
// unreadonly - The level stack needs to work across calls
// to this routine, in the case that we have more than 200 unread
// messages in a thread.
while (levelStack.GetSize() > 1 &&
msgHdr->GetLevel() <= levelStack.GetAt(levelStack.GetSize() - 1))
levelStack.RemoveAt(levelStack.GetSize() - 1);
if (msgHdr->GetMessageKey() == newKey)
if (levelStack.GetSize() == 0)
levelToAdd = 0;
levelToAdd = levelStack.GetAt(levelStack.GetSize() - 1) + 1;
delete msgHdr;
if (pLevel)
*pLevel = levelToAdd;
if ((startThreadIndex + threadIndex) < m_idArray.GetSize()
&& msgHdr->GetMessageKey() == m_idArray[startThreadIndex + threadIndex])
levelStack.Add(m_levels[startThreadIndex + threadIndex]);
delete msgHdr;
for (i = 0; i < threadHdr->GetNumChildren(); i++)
MessageKey msgKey = threadHdr->GetChildAt(i);
if (msgKey == newKey)
if (pLevel)
DBMessageHdr *msgHdr = threadHdr->GetChildHdrAt(i);
*pLevel = msgHdr->GetLevel();
delete msgHdr;
if (msgKey == m_idArray[startThreadIndex + threadIndex])
return threadIndex + startThreadIndex;
MsgERR ThreadDBView::OnNewHeader(MessageKey newKey, XP_Bool ensureListed)
MsgERR err = eSUCCESS;
// views can override this behaviour, which is to append to view.
// This is the mail behaviour, but threaded views might want
// to insert in order...
DBMessageHdr *msgHdr = m_messageDB->GetDBHdrForKey(newKey);
if (msgHdr != NULL)
if (m_viewType == ViewOnlyNewHeaders && !ensureListed && (msgHdr->GetFlags() & kIsRead))
return eSUCCESS;
// Currently, we only add the header in a threaded view if it's a thread.
// We used to check if this was the first header in the thread, but that's
// a bit harder in the unreadOnly view. But we'll catch it below.
if (m_sortType != SortByThread)// || msgHdr->GetMessageKey() == m_messageDB->GetKeyOfFirstMsgInThread(msgHdr->GetMessageKey()))
err = AddHdr(msgHdr);
else // need to find the thread we added this to so we can change the hasnew flag
// added message to existing thread, but not to view
{ // Fix flags on thread header.
int32 threadCount;
uint32 threadFlags;
MSG_ViewIndex threadIndex = ThreadIndexOfMsg(newKey, kViewIndexNone, &threadCount, &threadFlags);
if (threadIndex != MSG_VIEWINDEXNONE)
// check if this is now the new thread hdr
char flags = m_flags[threadIndex];
// if we have a collapsed thread which just got a new
// top of thread, change the id array.
if ((flags & kElided) && msgHdr->GetLevel() == 0
&& (!(m_viewFlags & kUnreadOnly) || !(msgHdr->GetFlags() & kIsRead)))
m_idArray.SetAt(threadIndex, msgHdr->GetMessageKey());
NoteChange(threadIndex, 1, MSG_NotifyChanged);
if (! (flags & kHasChildren))
flags |= kHasChildren | kIsThread;
if (!(m_viewFlags & kUnreadOnly))
flags |= kElided;
m_flags[threadIndex] = flags;
NoteChange(threadIndex, 1, MSG_NotifyChanged);
if (! (flags & kElided)) // thread is expanded
{ // insert child into thread
int8 level; // levels of other hdrs may have changed!
char newFlags = 0;
MSG_ViewIndex insertIndex = GetInsertInfoForNewHdr(newKey, threadIndex, &level);
// this header is the new top of the thread. try collapsing the existing thread,
// removing it, installing this header as top, and expanding it.
CopyDBFlagsToExtraFlags(msgHdr->GetFlags(), &newFlags);
if (level == 0)
CollapseByIndex(threadIndex, NULL);
// call base class, so child won't get promoted.
newFlags |= kIsThread | kHasChildren | kElided;
m_idArray.InsertAt(insertIndex, newKey);
m_flags.InsertAt(insertIndex, newFlags, 1);
m_levels.InsertAt(insertIndex, level);
NoteChange(threadIndex, 1, MSG_NotifyChanged);
NoteChange(insertIndex, 1, MSG_NotifyInsertOrDelete);
if (level == 0)
ExpandByIndex(threadIndex, NULL);
DBThreadMessageHdr *threadHdr = m_messageDB->GetDBThreadHdrForMsgID(newKey);
if (threadHdr)
switch (m_viewType)
case ViewOnlyThreadsWithNew:
DBMessageHdr *parentHdr = GetFirstMessageHdrToDisplayInThread(threadHdr);
if (parentHdr && (ensureListed || !(msgHdr->GetFlags() & kIsRead)))
parentHdr->OrFlags(kHasChildren | kIsThread);
if (!(m_viewFlags & kUnreadOnly))
delete parentHdr;
case ViewWatchedThreadsWithNew:
if (threadHdr->GetFlags() & kWatched)
DBMessageHdr *parentHdr = GetFirstMessageHdrToDisplayInThread(threadHdr);
if (parentHdr && (ensureListed || !(msgHdr->GetFlags() & kIsRead)))
parentHdr->OrFlags(kElided | kHasChildren | kIsThread);
delete parentHdr;
case ViewOnlyNewHeaders:
case ViewAllThreads:
if (!(threadHdr->GetFlags() & kIgnored))
delete threadHdr;
delete msgHdr;
err = eID_NOT_FOUND;
return err;
// This method just removes the specified line from the view. It does
// NOT delete it from the database.
MsgERR ThreadDBView::RemoveByIndex(MSG_ViewIndex index)
MsgERR err = eSUCCESS;
int32 flags;
if (!IsValidIndex(index))
return eInvalidIndex;
flags = m_flags[index];
if (m_sortType != SortByThread)
return MessageDBView::RemoveByIndex(index);
if ((flags & kIsThread) && !(flags & kElided) && (flags & kHasChildren))
// fix flags on thread header...Newly promoted message
// should have flags set correctly
DBThreadMessageHdr *threadHdr = m_messageDB->GetDBThreadHdrForMsgID(m_idArray[index]);
if (threadHdr)
DBThreadMessageHdr *nextThreadHdr = (index < GetSize())
? m_messageDB->GetDBThreadHdrForMsgID(m_idArray[index]) : 0;
// make sure id of next message is really in the same thread
// it might have been deleted from the view but not the db yet.
if (threadHdr == nextThreadHdr && threadHdr->GetNumChildren() > 1)
// unreadOnly
DBMessageHdr *msgHdr = threadHdr->GetChildHdrAt(1);
if (msgHdr != NULL)
char flag = 0;
CopyDBFlagsToExtraFlags(msgHdr->GetFlags(), &flag);
m_flags.SetAtGrow(index, (uint8) flags);
m_levels.SetAtGrow(index, 0);
delete msgHdr;
if (nextThreadHdr)
delete nextThreadHdr;
delete threadHdr;
return err;
else if (!(flags & kIsThread))
return MessageDBView::RemoveByIndex(index);
// deleting collapsed thread header is special case. Child will be promoted,
// so just tell FE that line changed, not that it was deleted
DBThreadMessageHdr *threadHdr = m_messageDB->GetDBThreadHdrForMsgID(m_idArray[index]);
if (threadHdr && threadHdr->GetNumChildren() > 1)
// change the id array and flags array to reflect the child header.
// If we're not deleting the header, we want the second header,
// Otherwise, the first one (which just got promoted).
DBMessageHdr *msgHdr = threadHdr->GetChildHdrAt(1);
if (msgHdr != NULL)
m_idArray.SetAt(index, msgHdr->GetMessageKey());
char flag = 0;
CopyDBFlagsToExtraFlags(msgHdr->GetFlags(), &flag);
// if (msgHdr->GetArticleNum() == msgHdr->GetThreadId())
flag |= kIsThread;
if (threadHdr->GetNumChildren() == 2) // if only hdr in thread (with one about to be deleted)
// adjust flags.
flag &= ~kHasChildren;
flag &= ~kElided;
flag |= kHasChildren;
flag |= kElided;
m_flags[index] = flag;
delete msgHdr;
NoteChange(index, 0, MSG_NotifyInsertOrDelete); // hack to tell fe that the key has changed
err = MessageDBView::RemoveByIndex(index);
delete threadHdr;
return err;