
309 строки
6.9 KiB
Исходник Обычный вид История

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use File::Find;
use File::Path; # for rmtree();
use Cwd;
sub usage() {
usage: $0 [--days n] [--no-graph]
my $script_dir = "/lxr-root/download-stats/mcafee";
my $log_dir = "/lxr-root/";
my $nograph = 0;
my $days = 1;
sub ParseArgs {
my $args = {};
my $arg;
while ($arg = shift @ARGV) {
if($arg eq '--help') {
if($arg eq '--no-graph') {
$nograph = 1; next;
if($arg eq '--days') {
$arg = shift @ARGV;
$days = $arg;
return $args;
sub ApplyArgs {
my ($args) = @_;
my ($variable_name, $value);
while (($variable_name, $value) = each %{$args}) {
eval "\$Prefs::$variable_name = \"$value\";";
sub get_system_cwd {
my $a = Cwd::getcwd()||`pwd`;
return $a;
# [English name, download size, filename]
my @releases = (
["Camino 0.7/MacOSX", 7928194, "Camino-0.7.dmg.gz"],
["Firebird 0.6.1/Win32", 7095659, ""],
["Firebird 0.6.1/Linux", 9686069, "MozillaFirebird-0.6.1-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz"],
["Firebird 0.6.1/MacOSX", 11571629, "MozillaFirebird-0.6.1-mac.dmg.gz"],
["Thunderbird 0.1/Win32", 9368099, ""],
["Thunderbird 0.1/Linux", 9644700, "thunderbird-0.1-i686-pc-linux-gtk2-gnu.tar.bz2"],
["Thunderbird 0.1/MacOSX", 11119315, "thunderbird-0.1-macosx.dmg.gz"],
["Thunderbird 0.2/Win32", 7693954, ""],
["Thunderbird 0.2/Linux", 9993797, "thunderbird-0.2-i686-pc-linux-gtk2-gnu.tar.bz2"],
["Thunderbird 0.2/MacOSX", 11686079, "thunderbird-0.2-macosx.dmg.gz"],
["Mozilla 1.4/Win32", 12263120, "mozilla-win32-1.4-installer.exe"],
["Mozilla 1.4/Win32", 227024, "mozilla-win32-1.4-stub-installer.exe"],
["Mozilla 1.4/Win32", 10896782, ""],
["Mozilla 1.4/Linux", 97649, "mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.4-installer.tar.gz"],
["Mozilla 1.4/Linux", 14037580, "mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.4-sea.tar.gz"],
["Mozilla 1.4/Linux", 12528153, "mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-1.4.tar.gz"],
["Mozilla 1.4/Linux", 12345848, "mozilla-i686-pc-linux-gnu-egcs112-1.4.tar.gz"],
["Mozilla 1.4/Linux", 34227695, "mozilla-1.4-0.7.3.i386.rpm"],
["Mozilla 1.4/Linux", 9208167, "mozilla-1.4-0.i386.rpm"],
["Mozilla 1.4/MacOSX", 15855366, "mozilla-mac-MachO-1.4.dmg.gz"],
sub print_log {
my ($text) = @_;
print LOG $text;
print $text;
sub run_shell_command {
my ($shell_command) = @_;
local $_;
my $status = 0;
print_log "$shell_command\n";
open CMD, "$shell_command 2>&1 |" or die "open: $!";
print_log $_ while <CMD>;
close CMD or $status = 1;
return $status;
sub send_results_to_server {
my ($value, $data, $testname, $tbox) = @_;
my $tmpurl = "";
$tmpurl .= "?value=$value&data=$data&testname=$testname&tbox=$tbox";
print "send_results_to_server(): \n";
print "tmpurl = $tmpurl\n";
system ("/usr/local/bin/wget", "-O", "/dev/null", $tmpurl);
# Find list of logfiles that are less than a day old.
my @files;
sub generate_files_list {
my $sub =
sub {
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,
$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = 0;
# Don't open .gz files. Apparently we're compressing
# logs after 2 weeks or so.
unless(/.gz/) {
open FILE, $_;
$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks) = stat(FILE);
my $time = time();
my $access_delta_sec = $time - $mtime;
my $day = 60*60*24*$days;
if($access_delta_sec < $day) {
push(@files, $_);
close FILE;
File::Find::find($sub, $log_dir);
sub graph_friendly_name {
my ($name) = @_;
$name =~ s/\s/_/g;
$name =~ s/\//_/g;
return $name;
# main
#usage() if $#ARGV != -1;
my $args = ParseArgs();
# Find list of log files to search
print "\n\nLooking at $#files files...\n";
# Setup totals area if it's not there.
unless(-d "$script_dir/totals") {
mkdir("$script_dir/totals", 0777);
# Build up daily numbers.
# Clean up from last run.
File::Path::rmtree("$script_dir/dailys", 0, 0);
mkdir("$script_dir/dailys", 0777);
print "Releases:\n";
foreach $release (@releases) {
print "$release->[0] :\t ";
my $downloads = 0;
foreach $file (@files) {
my $filesize = $release->[1];
my $filename = $release->[2];
my $grep_log;
open FILE, "$log_dir/$file";
while(<FILE>) {
if (($_ =~ /$filesize/g) and ($_ =~ /$filename/g)){
close FILE;
print "$downloads\n";
# graph-server-friendly release name
my $new_release = graph_friendly_name("$release->[0]");
# Build up daily data.
# Read last value from file.
my $last_daily = 0;
if(-e "$script_dir/dailys/$new_release") {
open LOG, "$script_dir/dailys/$new_release";
while(<LOG>) {
$last_daily = $_;
#print "daily = $last_daily + $downloads\n";
close LOG;
# Compute new daily.
my $new_daily = $last_daily + $downloads;
# Write out new daily to file.
open LOG, ">$script_dir/dailys/$new_release";
print LOG $new_daily;
close LOG;
# Send to server.
if(($days == 1) and !($nograph)) {
print "_______________________\n";
opendir(DIR, "$script_dir/dailys");
my @found_releases =
map "$_",
sort grep !/^\.\.?$/,
readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
print "found releases: @found_releases\n";
# Dig daily, total numbers out of files, send to server.
foreach $release (@found_releases)
my $daily = 0;
my $total = 0;
if(-e "$script_dir/dailys/$release") {
open LOG, "$script_dir/dailys/$release";
while(<LOG>) {
$daily = $_;
close LOG;
} else {
print "ERROR: no dailys file ($script_dir/dailys/$release).\n";
# Build up total numbers.
my $last_total = 0;
if(-e "$script_dir/totals/$release") {
open LOG, "$script_dir/totals/$release";
while(<LOG>) {
$last_total = $_;
close LOG;
# Compute new total.
$total = $last_total + $daily;
# Write out new total.
open LOG, ">$script_dir/totals/$release";
print LOG $total;
close LOG;
# Send results to server
send_results_to_server($daily, "--",
"download-daily", $release);
send_results_to_server($total, "--",
"download-cumulative", $release);
print "\n";