
229 строки
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Исходник Обычный вид История

/* -*- Mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at */
/* This file contains just the needed struct definitions for
* interacting with the Oculus VR C API, without needing to #include
* OVR_CAPI.h directly. Note that it uses the same type names as the
* CAPI, and cannot be #included at the same time as OVR_CAPI.h. It
* does not include the entire C API, just want's needed.
#ifdef OVR_CAPI_h
#warning OVR_CAPI.h included before ovr_capi_dynamic.h, skpping this
#define mozilla_ovr_capi_dynamic_h_
#ifndef mozilla_ovr_capi_dynamic_h_
#define mozilla_ovr_capi_dynamic_h_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef char ovrBool;
typedef struct { int x, y; } ovrVector2i;
typedef struct { int w, h; } ovrSizei;
typedef struct { ovrVector2i Pos; ovrSizei Size; } ovrRecti;
typedef struct { float x, y, z, w; } ovrQuatf;
typedef struct { float x, y; } ovrVector2f;
typedef struct { float x, y, z; } ovrVector3f;
typedef struct { float M[4][4]; } ovrMatrix4f;
typedef struct {
ovrQuatf Orientation;
ovrVector3f Position;
} ovrPosef;
typedef struct {
ovrPosef ThePose;
ovrVector3f AngularVelocity;
ovrVector3f LinearVelocity;
ovrVector3f AngularAcceleration;
ovrVector3f LinearAcceleration;
double TimeInSeconds;
} ovrPoseStatef;
typedef struct {
float UpTan;
float DownTan;
float LeftTan;
float RightTan;
} ovrFovPort;
typedef enum {
ovrHmd_None = 0,
ovrHmd_DK1 = 3,
ovrHmd_DKHD = 4,
ovrHmd_DK2 = 6,
} ovrHmdType;
typedef enum {
ovrHmdCap_Present = 0x0001,
ovrHmdCap_Available = 0x0002,
ovrHmdCap_Captured = 0x0004,
ovrHmdCap_ExtendDesktop = 0x0008,
ovrHmdCap_DisplayOff = 0x0040,
ovrHmdCap_LowPersistence = 0x0080,
ovrHmdCap_DynamicPrediction = 0x0200,
ovrHmdCap_NoVSync = 0x1000,
ovrHmdCap_NoMirrorToWindow = 0x2000
} ovrHmdCapBits;
typedef enum
ovrTrackingCap_Orientation = 0x0010,
ovrTrackingCap_MagYawCorrection = 0x0020,
ovrTrackingCap_Position = 0x0040,
ovrTrackingCap_Idle = 0x0100
} ovrTrackingCaps;
typedef enum {
ovrDistortionCap_Chromatic = 0x01,
ovrDistortionCap_TimeWarp = 0x02,
ovrDistortionCap_Vignette = 0x08,
ovrDistortionCap_NoRestore = 0x10,
ovrDistortionCap_FlipInput = 0x20,
ovrDistortionCap_SRGB = 0x40,
ovrDistortionCap_Overdrive = 0x80,
ovrDistortionCap_ProfileNoTimewarpSpinWaits = 0x10000
} ovrDistortionCaps;
typedef enum {
ovrEye_Left = 0,
ovrEye_Right = 1,
ovrEye_Count = 2
} ovrEyeType;
typedef struct ovrHmdDesc_ {
void* Handle;
ovrHmdType Type;
const char* ProductName;
const char* Manufacturer;
short VendorId;
short ProductId;
char SerialNumber[24];
short FirmwareMajor;
short FirmwareMinor;
float CameraFrustumHFovInRadians;
float CameraFrustumVFovInRadians;
float CameraFrustumNearZInMeters;
float CameraFrustumFarZInMeters;
unsigned int HmdCaps;
unsigned int TrackingCaps;
unsigned int DistortionCaps;
ovrFovPort DefaultEyeFov[ovrEye_Count];
ovrFovPort MaxEyeFov[ovrEye_Count];
ovrEyeType EyeRenderOrder[ovrEye_Count];
ovrSizei Resolution;
ovrVector2i WindowsPos;
const char* DisplayDeviceName;
int DisplayId;
} ovrHmdDesc;
typedef const ovrHmdDesc* ovrHmd;
typedef enum {
ovrStatus_OrientationTracked = 0x0001,
ovrStatus_PositionTracked = 0x0002,
ovrStatus_CameraPoseTracked = 0x0004,
ovrStatus_PositionConnected = 0x0020,
ovrStatus_HmdConnected = 0x0080
} ovrStatusBits;
typedef struct ovrSensorData_ {
ovrVector3f Accelerometer;
ovrVector3f Gyro;
ovrVector3f Magnetometer;
float Temperature;
float TimeInSeconds;
} ovrSensorData;
typedef struct ovrTrackingState_ {
ovrPoseStatef HeadPose;
ovrPosef CameraPose;
ovrPosef LeveledCameraPose;
ovrSensorData RawSensorData;
unsigned int StatusFlags;
double LastVisionProcessingTime;
double LastVisionFrameLatency;
uint32_t LastCameraFrameCounter;
} ovrTrackingState;
typedef struct ovrFrameTiming_ {
float DeltaSeconds;
double ThisFrameSeconds;
double TimewarpPointSeconds;
double NextFrameSeconds;
double ScanoutMidpointSeconds;
double EyeScanoutSeconds[2];
} ovrFrameTiming;
typedef struct ovrEyeRenderDesc_ {
ovrEyeType Eye;
ovrFovPort Fov;
ovrRecti DistortedViewport;
ovrVector2f PixelsPerTanAngleAtCenter;
ovrVector3f ViewAdjust;
} ovrEyeRenderDesc;
typedef struct ovrDistortionVertex_ {
ovrVector2f ScreenPosNDC;
float TimeWarpFactor;
float VignetteFactor;
ovrVector2f TanEyeAnglesR;
ovrVector2f TanEyeAnglesG;
ovrVector2f TanEyeAnglesB;
} ovrDistortionVertex;
typedef struct ovrDistortionMesh_ {
ovrDistortionVertex* pVertexData;
unsigned short* pIndexData;
unsigned int VertexCount;
unsigned int IndexCount;
} ovrDistortionMesh;
typedef ovrBool (*pfn_ovr_Initialize)();
typedef void (*pfn_ovr_Shutdown)();
typedef int (*pfn_ovrHmd_Detect)();
typedef ovrHmd (*pfn_ovrHmd_Create)(int index);
typedef void (*pfn_ovrHmd_Destroy)(ovrHmd hmd);
typedef ovrHmd (*pfn_ovrHmd_CreateDebug)(ovrHmdType type);
typedef const char* (*pfn_ovrHmd_GetLastError)(ovrHmd hmd);
typedef ovrBool (*pfn_ovrHmd_AttachToWindow)(ovrHmd hmd, void* window, const ovrRecti* destMirrorRect, const ovrRecti* sourceRenderTargetRect);
typedef unsigned int (*pfn_ovrHmd_GetEnabledCaps)(ovrHmd hmd);
typedef void (*pfn_ovrHmd_SetEnabledCaps)(ovrHmd hmd, unsigned int hmdCaps);
typedef ovrBool (*pfn_ovrHmd_ConfigureTracking)(ovrHmd hmd, unsigned int supportedTrackingCaps, unsigned int requiredTrackingCaps);
typedef void (*pfn_ovrHmd_RecenterPose)(ovrHmd hmd);
typedef ovrTrackingState (*pfn_ovrHmd_GetTrackingState)(ovrHmd hmd, double absTime);
typedef ovrSizei (*pfn_ovrHmd_GetFovTextureSize)(ovrHmd hmd, ovrEyeType eye, ovrFovPort fov, float pixelsPerDisplayPixel);
typedef ovrEyeRenderDesc (*pfn_ovrHmd_GetRenderDesc)(ovrHmd hmd, ovrEyeType eyeType, ovrFovPort fov);
typedef ovrBool (*pfn_ovrHmd_CreateDistortionMesh)(ovrHmd hmd, ovrEyeType eyeType, ovrFovPort fov, unsigned int distortionCaps, ovrDistortionMesh *meshData);
typedef void (*pfn_ovrHmd_DestroyDistortionMesh)(ovrDistortionMesh* meshData);
typedef void (*pfn_ovrHmd_GetRenderScaleAndOffset)(ovrFovPort fov, ovrSizei textureSize, ovrRecti renderViewport, ovrVector2f uvScaleOffsetOut[2]);
typedef ovrFrameTiming (*pfn_ovrHmd_GetFrameTiming)(ovrHmd hmd, unsigned int frameIndex);
typedef ovrFrameTiming (*pfn_ovrHmd_BeginFrameTiming)(ovrHmd hmd, unsigned int frameIndex);
typedef void (*pfn_ovrHmd_EndFrameTiming)(ovrHmd hmd);
typedef void (*pfn_ovrHmd_ResetFrameTiming)(ovrHmd hmd, unsigned int frameIndex, bool vsync);
typedef void (*pfn_ovrHmd_GetEyePoses)(ovrHmd hmd, unsigned int frameIndex, ovrVector3f hmdToEyeViewOffset[2], ovrPosef outEyePoses[2], ovrTrackingState* outHmdTrackingState);
typedef ovrPosef (*pfn_ovrHmd_GetHmdPosePerEye)(ovrHmd hmd, ovrEyeType eye);
typedef void (*pfn_ovrHmd_GetEyeTimewarpMatrices)(ovrHmd hmd, ovrEyeType eye, ovrPosef renderPose, ovrMatrix4f twmOut[2]);
typedef ovrMatrix4f (*pfn_ovrMatrix4f_Projection) (ovrFovPort fov, float znear, float zfar, ovrBool rightHanded );
typedef ovrMatrix4f (*pfn_ovrMatrix4f_OrthoSubProjection) (ovrFovPort fov, ovrVector2f orthoScale, float orthoDistance, float eyeViewAdjustX);
typedef double (*pfn_ovr_GetTimeInSeconds)();
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* mozilla_ovr_capi_dynamic_h_ */