2000-03-08 01:18:17 +03:00
# PENDING(mark): I need to use gtk-config to find the libraries and
# include files
# For JDK1.2
DLLNAME = libwebclient.so
DLLNAMESTUB = libwebclientstub.so
MOZILLA_TOP = ../../..
LIBDIR = ${DIST}/lib
bug: 20659
This checkin adds java.awt.event.MouseListener support to webclient for
mozilla. The following files are include in this checkin. "A" is new
file "M" is modified file.
A classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/WCMouseEvent.java
A classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/wrapper_native/WCMouseListenerImpl.java
A src_moz/DOMMouseListenerImpl.cpp
A src_moz/DOMMouseListenerImpl.h
A src_moz/dom_util.cpp
A src_moz/dom_util.h
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/EventRegistration.java
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/test/EMWindow.java
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/wrapper_native/EventRegistrationImpl.java
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/wrapper_native/NativeEventThread.java
M src_moz/DocumentLoaderObserverImpl.cpp
M src_moz/DocumentLoaderObserverImpl.h
M src_moz/EventRegistration.cpp
M src_moz/EventRegistration.h
M src_moz/Makefile.solaris
M src_moz/Makefile.win
M src_moz/NativeEventThread.cpp
M src_moz/NavigationImpl.cpp
M src_moz/RDFTreeNode.cpp
M src_moz/bal_util.cpp
M src_moz/jni_util.cpp
M src_moz/jni_util.h
M src_moz/jni_util_export.cpp
M src_moz/jni_util_export.h
A classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/WCMouseEvent.java
* <P> This java.awt.event.MouseEvent subclass allows the user to access the
* WebclientEvent. This eventData of this WebclientEvent, if non-null,
* is a java.util.Properties instance that contains information about
* this event. </P>
* <P>The following are some interesting keys:</P>
* <UL>
* <LI> href
* </LI>
* <LI> #text
* </LI>
* </UL>
A classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/wrapper_native/WCMouseListenerImpl.java
* This class wraps the user provided instance of
* java.awt.event.MouseListener so it can be installed as a
* WebclientEventListener. Note that we implement MouseListener so we
* can be detected by the webclient event system. We don't do anything
* with these methods here, though.
A src_moz/DOMMouseListenerImpl.cpp
A src_moz/DOMMouseListenerImpl.h
* This class is the shim between the mozilla listener event system for
* mouse events and the java MouseListener interface.
* For each of the Mouse* methods, we call the appropriate method in java.
* See the implementation of MouseOver for an example.
* For each mouseEvent, we create a Properties object containing
* information about the event. We use methods in dom_util to do this.
A src_moz/dom_util.cpp
A src_moz/dom_util.h
* Methods to simplify webclient accessing the mozilla DOM.
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/EventRegistration.java
Added support for java.awt.event.MouseListener
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/test/EMWindow.java
Implemented simle MouseListener
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/wrapper_native/EventRegistrationImpl.java
Added support for java.awt.event.MouseListener
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/wrapper_native/NativeEventThread.java
Added support for java.awt.event.MouseListener
M src_moz/DocumentLoaderObserverImpl.cpp
M src_moz/DocumentLoaderObserverImpl.h
* We define a local IID to allow the addDocumentLoadListener and
* addMouseListener functions in EventRegistration.{h,cpp} to
* interrogate the currently installed DocumentLoaderObserver instance
* in mozilla.
#define NS_IDOCLOADEROBSERVERIMPL_IID_STR "fdadb2e0-3028-11d4-8a96-0080c7b9c5ba"
#define NS_IDOCLOADEROBSERVERIMPL_IID {0xfdadb2e0, 0x3028, 0x11d4, { 0x8a, 0x96, 0x00, 0x80, 0xc7, 0xb9, 0xc5, 0xba }}
* This class is the shim between the mozilla listener event system for
* document load events and the java DocumentLoadListener interface.
* For each of the On* methods, we call the appropriate method in java.
* See the implementation of OnEndDocumentLoad for an example.
* A DocumentLoaderObserverImpl instance has a "jobject target", which
* is the Java object that should ultimately receive the events. This
* target will be null if the user just wants to listen for mouse
* events. It willl be non-null if the user wants to listen for
* DocumentLoad events.
* It also hosts a nsIDOMMouseListener instance, which piggybacks on the
* nsIDocumentLoaderObserver instance.
M src_moz/EventRegistration.cpp
M src_moz/EventRegistration.h
Add support for MouseListener
M src_moz/Makefile.win
Added classes for MouseListener and Dom access
M src_moz/NativeEventThread.cpp
Added support for MouseListener
M src_moz/NavigationImpl.cpp
Added call to ReleaseStringChars for bal case.
M src_moz/RDFTreeNode.cpp
Added call to ReleaseStringChars for bal case.
M src_moz/bal_util.cpp
Added #include "wchar.h" so this file compiles on Solaris.
M src_moz/jni_util.cpp
Added implementations for util_CreatePropertiesObject,
util_DestroyPropertiesObject and util_StoreIntoPropertiesObject.
M src_moz/jni_util.h
* A JNI wrapper to create a java.util.Properties object, or the
* equivalent object in the BAL case.
jobject util_CreatePropertiesObject(JNIEnv *env, jobject reserved_NotUsed);
* A JNI wrapper to destroy the object from CreatePropertiesObject
void util_DestroyPropertiesObject(JNIEnv *env, jobject propertiesObject,
jobject reserved_NotUsed);
* A JNI wrapper for storing a name/value pair into the Properties
* object created by CreatePropertiesObject
void util_StoreIntoPropertiesObject(JNIEnv *env, jobject propertiesObject,
jobject name, jobject value);
M src_moz/jni_util_export.cpp
M src_moz/jni_util_export.h
Added functions for allowing the BAL user to specify functions for
{creating, destroying, setting values into} properties objects.
2000-05-26 03:51:51 +04:00
#CC = gcc -g -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -pedantic -Wno-long-long
#MKSHLIB = c++ -G
2000-03-08 01:18:17 +03:00
CC = CC -pic
# WARNING: YOU NEED TO RUN 'gtk-config --cflags' and stick it in here
GTKINCLUDES = -I/usr/openwin/include -I/opt/local/lib/glib/include -I/opt/local/include -I/Blackwood/gtk/include -I/Blackwood/glib/lib/glib/include -I/Blackwood/glib/include
# WARNING: YOU NEED TO RUN 'gtk-config --libs' and stick it in here
GTKLIBS = -L/opt/local/lib -L/usr/openwin/lib -R/usr/openwin/lib -lgtk -lgdk -lgmodule -lglib -ldl -lintl -lXext -lX11 -lsocket -lnsl -lm -L/usr/dt/lib -L/Blackwood/gtk/lib -L/Blackwood/glib/lib
JAVAINCLUDE = -I${JAVADIR}/include -I${JAVADIR}/include/solaris
# For JDK1.2
# For Solaris
JAVALIBS = -L${JAVADIR}/jre/lib/sparc -ljava
STUBLIBS = ${JAVALIBS} /usr/lib/libC.so.5
# For the latest mozilla build
-L${DIST}/bin -L${LIBDIR} -lraptorgfx -lexpat_s -lxmltok_s -lmozjs -lmozutil_s -lnspr3 -ljpeg -lpng -lzlib -lpthread -lXm -lXt -L${DIST}/lib -lxpcom -limg_s -lplds3 -lgfx_gtk -lraptorwebwidget -lraptorplugin -lgtksuperwin -lwidget_gtk -lplds3 -lplc3 -ljsdom -L${DIST}/lib -ltimer_s /usr/lib/libC.so.5
#-L${DIST}/bin -L${LIBDIR} -lraptorgfx -lexpat_s -lxmltok_s -ljsurl -lmozdbm -lmozjs -lmozutil_s -lnspr3 -lxp -ljpeg -lpng -lz -lpthread -lXm -lXt -L${DIST}/lib -lxpcom -limg -lplds3 -lgfx_gtk -lgkwebwidget -lgkhtmlpars -lgkplugin -lpref -lplds3 -lplc3 -ljsdom -L${DIST}/lib -ltimer_gtk_s /usr/lib/libC.so.5
LN = ln -f -s
all: libwebclientstub.so libwebclient.so copy
cp libwebclient*.so ${DIST}/bin
# component.reg components
${LN} ${DIST}/bin/component.reg
${LN} ${DIST}/bin/components
libwebclientstub.so: NativeLoaderStub.o MotifBrowserControlCanvasStub.o
${MKSHLIB} -o ${DLLNAMESTUB} NativeLoaderStub.o MotifBrowserControlCanvasStub.o ${STUBLIBS}
2000-03-29 01:36:04 +04:00
libwebclient.so: jni_util.o jni_util_export.o rdf_util.o NativeEventThread.o BookmarksImpl.o CurrentPageImpl.o HistoryImpl.o ISupportsPeer.o NavigationImpl.o RDFEnumeration.o RDFTreeNode.o WindowControlImpl.o WrapperFactoryImpl.o MotifBrowserControlCanvas.o gtkmozilla.o nsActions.o nsSetupRegistry.o DocumentLoaderObserverImpl.o EventRegistration.o
${MKSHLIB} -o ${DLLNAME} jni_util.o jni_util_export.o rdf_util.o NativeEventThread.o BookmarksImpl.o CurrentPageImpl.o HistoryImpl.o ISupportsPeer.o NavigationImpl.o RDFEnumeration.o RDFTreeNode.o WindowControlImpl.o WrapperFactoryImpl.o MotifBrowserControlCanvas.o gtkmozilla.o nsActions.o nsSetupRegistry.o DocumentLoaderObserverImpl.o EventRegistration.o ${LIBS}
2000-03-08 01:18:17 +03:00
gtkmozilla.o: motif/gtkmozilla.cpp
${CC} ${DEFINES} ${INCLUDE} -c motif/gtkmozilla.cpp
MotifBrowserControlCanvasStub.o: motif/MotifBrowserControlCanvasStub.cpp
${CC} ${STUBDEFINES} ${STUBINCLUDE} -c motif/MotifBrowserControlCanvasStub.cpp
MotifBrowserControlCanvas.o: motif/MotifBrowserControlCanvas.cpp
${CC} ${DEFINES} ${INCLUDE} -c motif/MotifBrowserControlCanvas.cpp
NativeLoaderStub.o: motif/NativeLoaderStub.cpp
${CC} ${STUBDEFINES} ${STUBINCLUDE} -c motif/NativeLoaderStub.cpp
NativeEventThread.o: NativeEventThread.cpp
${CC} ${DEFINES} ${INCLUDE} -c NativeEventThread.cpp
BookmarksImpl.o: BookmarksImpl.cpp
${CC} ${DEFINES} ${INCLUDE} -c BookmarksImpl.cpp
CurrentPageImpl.o: CurrentPageImpl.cpp
${CC} ${DEFINES} ${INCLUDE} -c CurrentPageImpl.cpp
HistoryImpl.o: HistoryImpl.cpp
${CC} ${DEFINES} ${INCLUDE} -c HistoryImpl.cpp
ISupportsPeer.o: ISupportsPeer.cpp
${CC} ${DEFINES} ${INCLUDE} -c ISupportsPeer.cpp
NavigationImpl.o: NavigationImpl.cpp
${CC} ${DEFINES} ${INCLUDE} -c NavigationImpl.cpp
RDFEnumeration.o: RDFEnumeration.cpp
${CC} ${DEFINES} ${INCLUDE} -c RDFEnumeration.cpp
RDFTreeNode.o: RDFTreeNode.cpp
${CC} ${DEFINES} ${INCLUDE} -c RDFTreeNode.cpp
WindowControlImpl.o: WindowControlImpl.cpp
${CC} ${DEFINES} ${INCLUDE} -c WindowControlImpl.cpp
WrapperFactoryImpl.o: WrapperFactoryImpl.cpp
${CC} ${DEFINES} ${INCLUDE} -c WrapperFactoryImpl.cpp
cd motif
${LN} ${MOZILLA_TOP}/../xpfe/bootstrap/nsSetupRegistry.cpp motif/nsSetupRegistry.cpp
cd ..
#PENDING(mark): I think we should use this for the Win32 version as well...
2000-03-29 01:36:04 +04:00
nsSetupRegistry.o: motif/nsSetupRegistry.cpp
${CC} ${DEFINES} ${INCLUDE} -c motif/nsSetupRegistry.cpp
2000-03-08 01:18:17 +03:00
nsActions.o: nsActions.cpp
${CC} ${DEFINES} ${INCLUDE} -c nsActions.cpp
DocumentLoaderObserverImpl.o: DocumentLoaderObserverImpl.cpp
${CC} ${DEFINES} ${INCLUDE} -c DocumentLoaderObserverImpl.cpp
EventRegistration.o: EventRegistration.cpp
${CC} ${DEFINES} ${INCLUDE} -c EventRegistration.cpp
jni_util.o: jni_util.cpp
${CC} ${DEFINES} ${INCLUDE} -c jni_util.cpp
2000-03-29 01:36:04 +04:00
jni_util_export.o: jni_util_export.cpp
${CC} ${DEFINES} ${INCLUDE} -c jni_util_export.cpp
bug: 20659
This checkin adds java.awt.event.MouseListener support to webclient for
mozilla. The following files are include in this checkin. "A" is new
file "M" is modified file.
A classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/WCMouseEvent.java
A classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/wrapper_native/WCMouseListenerImpl.java
A src_moz/DOMMouseListenerImpl.cpp
A src_moz/DOMMouseListenerImpl.h
A src_moz/dom_util.cpp
A src_moz/dom_util.h
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/EventRegistration.java
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/test/EMWindow.java
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/wrapper_native/EventRegistrationImpl.java
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/wrapper_native/NativeEventThread.java
M src_moz/DocumentLoaderObserverImpl.cpp
M src_moz/DocumentLoaderObserverImpl.h
M src_moz/EventRegistration.cpp
M src_moz/EventRegistration.h
M src_moz/Makefile.solaris
M src_moz/Makefile.win
M src_moz/NativeEventThread.cpp
M src_moz/NavigationImpl.cpp
M src_moz/RDFTreeNode.cpp
M src_moz/bal_util.cpp
M src_moz/jni_util.cpp
M src_moz/jni_util.h
M src_moz/jni_util_export.cpp
M src_moz/jni_util_export.h
A classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/WCMouseEvent.java
* <P> This java.awt.event.MouseEvent subclass allows the user to access the
* WebclientEvent. This eventData of this WebclientEvent, if non-null,
* is a java.util.Properties instance that contains information about
* this event. </P>
* <P>The following are some interesting keys:</P>
* <UL>
* <LI> href
* </LI>
* <LI> #text
* </LI>
* </UL>
A classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/wrapper_native/WCMouseListenerImpl.java
* This class wraps the user provided instance of
* java.awt.event.MouseListener so it can be installed as a
* WebclientEventListener. Note that we implement MouseListener so we
* can be detected by the webclient event system. We don't do anything
* with these methods here, though.
A src_moz/DOMMouseListenerImpl.cpp
A src_moz/DOMMouseListenerImpl.h
* This class is the shim between the mozilla listener event system for
* mouse events and the java MouseListener interface.
* For each of the Mouse* methods, we call the appropriate method in java.
* See the implementation of MouseOver for an example.
* For each mouseEvent, we create a Properties object containing
* information about the event. We use methods in dom_util to do this.
A src_moz/dom_util.cpp
A src_moz/dom_util.h
* Methods to simplify webclient accessing the mozilla DOM.
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/EventRegistration.java
Added support for java.awt.event.MouseListener
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/test/EMWindow.java
Implemented simle MouseListener
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/wrapper_native/EventRegistrationImpl.java
Added support for java.awt.event.MouseListener
M classes_spec/org/mozilla/webclient/wrapper_native/NativeEventThread.java
Added support for java.awt.event.MouseListener
M src_moz/DocumentLoaderObserverImpl.cpp
M src_moz/DocumentLoaderObserverImpl.h
* We define a local IID to allow the addDocumentLoadListener and
* addMouseListener functions in EventRegistration.{h,cpp} to
* interrogate the currently installed DocumentLoaderObserver instance
* in mozilla.
#define NS_IDOCLOADEROBSERVERIMPL_IID_STR "fdadb2e0-3028-11d4-8a96-0080c7b9c5ba"
#define NS_IDOCLOADEROBSERVERIMPL_IID {0xfdadb2e0, 0x3028, 0x11d4, { 0x8a, 0x96, 0x00, 0x80, 0xc7, 0xb9, 0xc5, 0xba }}
* This class is the shim between the mozilla listener event system for
* document load events and the java DocumentLoadListener interface.
* For each of the On* methods, we call the appropriate method in java.
* See the implementation of OnEndDocumentLoad for an example.
* A DocumentLoaderObserverImpl instance has a "jobject target", which
* is the Java object that should ultimately receive the events. This
* target will be null if the user just wants to listen for mouse
* events. It willl be non-null if the user wants to listen for
* DocumentLoad events.
* It also hosts a nsIDOMMouseListener instance, which piggybacks on the
* nsIDocumentLoaderObserver instance.
M src_moz/EventRegistration.cpp
M src_moz/EventRegistration.h
Add support for MouseListener
M src_moz/Makefile.win
Added classes for MouseListener and Dom access
M src_moz/NativeEventThread.cpp
Added support for MouseListener
M src_moz/NavigationImpl.cpp
Added call to ReleaseStringChars for bal case.
M src_moz/RDFTreeNode.cpp
Added call to ReleaseStringChars for bal case.
M src_moz/bal_util.cpp
Added #include "wchar.h" so this file compiles on Solaris.
M src_moz/jni_util.cpp
Added implementations for util_CreatePropertiesObject,
util_DestroyPropertiesObject and util_StoreIntoPropertiesObject.
M src_moz/jni_util.h
* A JNI wrapper to create a java.util.Properties object, or the
* equivalent object in the BAL case.
jobject util_CreatePropertiesObject(JNIEnv *env, jobject reserved_NotUsed);
* A JNI wrapper to destroy the object from CreatePropertiesObject
void util_DestroyPropertiesObject(JNIEnv *env, jobject propertiesObject,
jobject reserved_NotUsed);
* A JNI wrapper for storing a name/value pair into the Properties
* object created by CreatePropertiesObject
void util_StoreIntoPropertiesObject(JNIEnv *env, jobject propertiesObject,
jobject name, jobject value);
M src_moz/jni_util_export.cpp
M src_moz/jni_util_export.h
Added functions for allowing the BAL user to specify functions for
{creating, destroying, setting values into} properties objects.
2000-05-26 03:51:51 +04:00
bal_util.o: bal_util.cpp
${CC} ${DEFINES} ${INCLUDE} -c bal_util.cpp
2000-03-08 01:18:17 +03:00
rdf_util.o: rdf_util.cpp
${CC} ${DEFINES} ${INCLUDE} -c rdf_util.cpp
rm -f component.reg components *.o *.so *~ motif/*~ motif/nsSetupRegistry.cpp