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Исходник Обычный вид История

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["fxAccounts", "FxAccounts"];
const {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "jwcrypto",
InternalMethods = function(mock) {
this.cert = null;
this.keyPair = null;
this.signedInUser = null;
this.version = DATA_FORMAT_VERSION;
// Make a local copy of these constants so we can mock it in testing
// We will create this.pollTimeRemaining below; it will initially be
// set to the value of POLL_SESSION.
// We interact with the Firefox Accounts auth server in order to confirm that
// a user's email has been verified and also to fetch the user's keys from
// the server. We manage these processes in possibly long-lived promises
// that are internal to this object (never exposed to callers). Because
// Firefox Accounts allows for only one logged-in user, and because it's
// conceivable that while we are waiting to verify one identity, a caller
// could start verification on a second, different identity, we need to be
// able to abort all work on the first sign-in process. The currentTimer and
// generationCount are used for this purpose.
this.whenVerifiedPromise = null;
this.whenKeysReadyPromise = null;
this.currentTimer = null;
this.generationCount = 0;
this.fxAccountsClient = new FxAccountsClient();
if (mock) { // Testing.
Object.keys(mock).forEach((prop) => {
log.debug("InternalMethods: mocking: " + prop);
this[prop] = mock[prop];
if (!this.signedInUserStorage) {
// Normal (i.e., non-testing) initialization.
// We don't reference |profileDir| in the top-level module scope
// as we may be imported before we know where it is.
this.signedInUserStorage = new JSONStorage({
baseDir: OS.Constants.Path.profileDir,
InternalMethods.prototype = {
* Ask the server whether the user's email has been verified
checkEmailStatus: function checkEmailStatus(sessionToken) {
return this.fxAccountsClient.recoveryEmailStatus(sessionToken);
* Once the user's email is verified, we can request the keys
fetchKeys: function fetchKeys(keyFetchToken) {
log.debug("fetchKeys: " + keyFetchToken);
return this.fxAccountsClient.accountKeys(keyFetchToken);
* Reset state such that any previous flow is canceled.
abortExistingFlow: function abortExistingFlow() {
if (this.currentTimer) {
log.debug("Polling aborted; Another user signing in");
this.currentTimer = 0;
log.debug("generationCount: " + this.generationCount);
if (this.whenVerifiedPromise) {
new Error("Verification aborted; Another user signing in"));
this.whenVerifiedPromise = null;
if (this.whenKeysReadyPromise) {
new Error("KeyFetch aborted; Another user signing in"));
this.whenKeysReadyPromise = null;
signOut: function signOut() {
this.signedInUser = null; // clear in-memory cache
return this.signedInUserStorage.set(null).then(() => {
* Fetch encryption keys for the signed-in-user from the FxA API server.
* Not for user consumption. Exists to cause the keys to be fetch.
* Returns user data so that it can be chained with other methods.
* @return Promise
* The promise resolves to the credentials object of the signed-in user:
* {
* email: The user's email address
* uid: The user's unique id
* sessionToken: Session for the FxA server
* kA: An encryption key from the FxA server
* kB: An encryption key derived from the user's FxA password
* isVerified: email verification status
* }
* or null if no user is signed in
getKeys: function() {
return this.getUserAccountData().then((data) => {
if (!data) {
throw new Error("Can't get keys; User is not signed in");
if (data.kA && data.kB) {
return data;
if (!this.whenKeysReadyPromise) {
this.whenKeysReadyPromise = Promise.defer();
.then((data) => {
if (this.whenKeysReadyPromise) {
return this.whenKeysReadyPromise.promise;
fetchAndUnwrapKeys: function(keyFetchToken) {
log.debug("fetchAndUnwrapKeys: token: " + keyFetchToken);
return Task.spawn(function* task() {
// Sign out if we don't have a key fetch token.
if (!keyFetchToken) {
yield internal.signOut();
return null;
let myGenerationCount = internal.generationCount;
let {kA, wrapKB} = yield internal.fetchKeys(keyFetchToken);
let data = yield internal.getUserAccountData();
// Sanity check that the user hasn't changed out from under us
if (data.keyFetchToken !== keyFetchToken) {
throw new Error("Signed in user changed while fetching keys!");
// Next statements must be synchronous until we setUserAccountData
// so that we don't risk getting into a weird state.
let kB_hex = CryptoUtils.xor(CommonUtils.hexToBytes(data.unwrapBKey),
log.debug("kB_hex: " + kB_hex);
data.kA = CommonUtils.bytesAsHex(kA);
data.kB = CommonUtils.bytesAsHex(kB_hex);
delete data.keyFetchToken;
log.debug("Keys Obtained: kA=" + data.kA + ", kB=" + data.kB);
// Before writing any data, ensure that a new flow hasn't been
// started behind our backs.
if (internal.generationCount !== myGenerationCount) {
return null;
yield internal.setUserAccountData(data);
// We are now ready for business. This should only be invoked once
// per setSignedInUser(), regardless of whether we've rebooted since
// setSignedInUser() was called.
return data;
getAssertionFromCert: function(data, keyPair, cert, audience) {
let payload = {};
let d = Promise.defer();
// "audience" should look like "".
// The generated assertion will expire in two minutes.
jwcrypto.generateAssertion(cert, keyPair, audience, function(err, signed) {
if (err) {
log.error("getAssertionFromCert: " + err);
} else {
log.debug("getAssertionFromCert returning signed: " + signed);
return d.promise;
getCertificate: function(data, keyPair, mustBeValidUntil) {
log.debug("getCertificate" + JSON.stringify(this.signedInUserStorage));
// TODO: get the lifetime from the cert's .exp field
if (this.cert && this.cert.validUntil > mustBeValidUntil) {
log.debug(" getCertificate already had one");
return Promise.resolve(this.cert.cert);
// else get our cert signed
let willBeValidUntil = + CERT_LIFETIME;
return this.getCertificateSigned(data.sessionToken,
.then((cert) => {
this.cert = {
cert: cert,
validUntil: willBeValidUntil
return cert;
getCertificateSigned: function(sessionToken, serializedPublicKey, lifetime) {
log.debug("getCertificateSigned: " + sessionToken + " " + serializedPublicKey);
return this.fxAccountsClient.signCertificate(sessionToken,
getKeyPair: function(mustBeValidUntil) {
if (this.keyPair && (this.keyPair.validUntil > mustBeValidUntil)) {
log.debug("getKeyPair: already have a keyPair");
return Promise.resolve(this.keyPair.keyPair);
// Otherwse, create a keypair and set validity limit.
let willBeValidUntil = + KEY_LIFETIME;
let d = Promise.defer();
jwcrypto.generateKeyPair("DS160", (err, kp) => {
if (err) {
} else {
this.keyPair = {
keyPair: kp,
validUntil: willBeValidUntil
log.debug("got keyPair");
delete this.cert;
return d.promise;
getUserAccountData: function() {
// Skip disk if user is cached.
if (this.signedInUser) {
return Promise.resolve(this.signedInUser.accountData);
let deferred = Promise.defer();
.then((user) => {
log.debug("getUserAccountData -> " + JSON.stringify(user));
if (user && user.version == this.version) {
log.debug("setting signed in user");
this.signedInUser = user;
deferred.resolve(user ? user.accountData : null);
(err) => {
if (err instanceof OS.File.Error && err.becauseNoSuchFile) {
// File hasn't been created yet. That will be done
// on the first call to getSignedInUser
} else {
return deferred.promise;
isUserEmailVerified: function isUserEmailVerified(data) {
return !!(data && data.isVerified);
* Setup for and if necessary do email verification polling.
loadAndPoll: function() {
return this.getUserAccountData()
.then(data => {
if (data && !this.isUserEmailVerified(data)) {
this.pollEmailStatus(data.sessionToken, "start");
return data;
startVerifiedCheck: function(data) {
log.debug("startVerifiedCheck " + JSON.stringify(data));
// Get us to the verified state, then get the keys. This returns a promise
// that will fire when we are completely ready.
// Login is truly complete once keys have been fetched, so once getKeys()
// obtains and stores kA and kB, it will fire the onlogin observer
// notification.
return this.whenVerified(data)
.then((data) => this.getKeys(data));
whenVerified: function(data) {
if (data.isVerified) {
log.debug("already verified");
return Promise.resolve(data);
if (!this.whenVerifiedPromise) {
this.whenVerifiedPromise = Promise.defer();
log.debug("whenVerified promise starts polling for verified email");
this.pollEmailStatus(data.sessionToken, "start");
return this.whenVerifiedPromise.promise;
notifyObservers: function(topic) {
log.debug("Notifying observers of user login");
Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, topic, null);
* Give xpcshell tests an override point for duration testing. This is
* necessary because the tests need to manipulate the date in order to
* simulate certificate expiration.
now: function() {
pollEmailStatus: function pollEmailStatus(sessionToken, why) {
let myGenerationCount = this.generationCount;
log.debug("entering pollEmailStatus: " + why + " " + myGenerationCount);
if (why == "start") {
if (this.currentTimer) {
// safety check - this case should have been caught on
// entry with setSignedInUser
throw new Error("Already polling for email status");
this.pollTimeRemaining = this.POLL_SESSION;
.then((response) => {
log.debug("checkEmailStatus -> " + JSON.stringify(response));
// Check to see if we're still current.
// If for some ghastly reason we are not, stop processing.
if (this.generationCount !== myGenerationCount) {
log.debug("generation count differs from " + this.generationCount + " - aborting");
log.debug("sessionToken on abort is " + sessionToken);
if (response && response.verified) {
// Bug 947056 - Server should be able to tell FxAccounts.jsm to back
// off or stop polling altogether
.then((data) => {
data.isVerified = true;
return this.setUserAccountData(data);
.then((data) => {
// Now that the user is verified, we can proceed to fetch keys
if (this.whenVerifiedPromise) {
delete this.whenVerifiedPromise;
} else {
log.debug("polling with step = " + this.POLL_STEP);
this.pollTimeRemaining -= this.POLL_STEP;
log.debug("time remaining: " + this.pollTimeRemaining);
if (this.pollTimeRemaining > 0) {
this.currentTimer = setTimeout(() => {
this.pollEmailStatus(sessionToken, "timer")}, this.POLL_STEP);
log.debug("started timer " + this.currentTimer);
} else {
if (this.whenVerifiedPromise) {
new Error("User email verification timed out.")
delete this.whenVerifiedPromise;
setUserAccountData: function(accountData) {
return this.signedInUserStorage.get().then((record) => {
record.accountData = accountData;
this.signedInUser = record;
return this.signedInUserStorage.set(record)
.then(() => accountData);
let internal = null;
* FxAccounts delegates private methods to an instance of InternalMethods,
* which is not exported. The xpcshell tests need two overrides:
* 1) Access to the real internal.signedInUserStorage.
* 2) The ability to mock InternalMethods.
* If mockInternal is undefined, we are live.
* If mockInternal.onlySetInternal is present, we are executing the first
* case by binding internal to the FxAccounts instance.
* Otherwise if we have a mock instance, we are executing the second case.
this.FxAccounts = function(mockInternal) {
let mocks = mockInternal;
if (mocks && mocks.onlySetInternal) {
mocks = null;
internal = new InternalMethods(mocks);
if (mockInternal) {
// Exposes the internal object for testing only.
this.internal = internal;
this.FxAccounts.prototype = Object.freeze({
// set() makes sure that polling is happening, if necessary.
// get() does not wait for verification, and returns an object even if
// unverified. The caller of get() must check .isVerified .
// The "fxaccounts:onlogin" event will fire only when the verified state
// goes from false to true, so callers must register their observer
// and then call get(). In particular, it will not fire when the account
// was found to be verified in a previous boot: if our stored state says
// the account is verified, the event will never fire. So callers must do:
// register notification observer (go)
// userdata = get()
// if (userdata.isVerified()) {go()}
* Set the current user signed in to Firefox Accounts.
* @param credentials
* The credentials object obtained by logging in or creating
* an account on the FxA server:
* {
* email: The users email address
* uid: The user's unique id
* sessionToken: Session for the FxA server
* keyFetchToken: an unused keyFetchToken
* isVerified: true/false
* }
* @return Promise
* The promise resolves to null when the data is saved
* successfully and is rejected on error.
setSignedInUser: function setSignedInUser(credentials) {
log.debug("setSignedInUser - aborting any existing flows");
let record = {version: this.version, accountData: credentials };
// Cache a clone of the credentials object.
internal.signedInUser = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(record));
// This promise waits for storage, but not for verification.
// We're telling the caller that this is durable now.
return internal.signedInUserStorage.set(record)
.then(() => {
if (!internal.isUserEmailVerified(credentials)) {
* Get the user currently signed in to Firefox Accounts.
* @return Promise
* The promise resolves to the credentials object of the signed-in user:
* {
* email: The user's email address
* uid: The user's unique id
* sessionToken: Session for the FxA server
* kA: An encryption key from the FxA server
* kB: An encryption key derived from the user's FxA password
* isVerified: email verification status
* }
* or null if no user is signed in.
getSignedInUser: function getSignedInUser() {
return internal.getUserAccountData()
.then((data) => {
if (!data) {
return null;
if (!internal.isUserEmailVerified(data)) {
// If the email is not verified, start polling for verification,
// but return null right away. We don't want to return a promise
// that might not be fulfilled for a long time.
return data;
* returns a promise that fires with the assertion. If there is no verified
* signed-in user, fires with null.
getAssertion: function getAssertion(audience) {
log.debug("enter getAssertion()");
let mustBeValidUntil = + ASSERTION_LIFETIME;
return internal.getUserAccountData()
.then((data) => {
if (!data) {
// No signed-in user
return null;
if (!internal.isUserEmailVerified(data)) {
// Signed-in user has not verified email
return null;
return internal.getKeyPair(mustBeValidUntil)
.then((keyPair) => {
return internal.getCertificate(data, keyPair, mustBeValidUntil)
.then((cert) => {
return internal.getAssertionFromCert(data, keyPair,
cert, audience)
* Sign the current user out.
* @return Promise
* The promise is rejected if a storage error occurs.
signOut: function signOut() {
return internal.signOut();
// Return the URI of the remote UI flows.
getAccountsURI: function() {
let url = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref("firefox.accounts.remoteUrl");
if (!/^https:/.test(url)) { // Comment to un-break emacs js-mode highlighting
throw new Error("Firefox Accounts server must use HTTPS");
return url;
* JSONStorage constructor that creates instances that may set/get
* to a specified file, in a directory that will be created if it
* doesn't exist.
* @param options {
* filename: of the file to write to
* baseDir: directory where the file resides
* }
* @return instance
function JSONStorage(options) {
this.baseDir = options.baseDir;
this.path = OS.Path.join(options.baseDir, options.filename);
JSONStorage.prototype = {
set: function(contents) {
return OS.File.makeDir(this.baseDir, {ignoreExisting: true})
.then(CommonUtils.writeJSON.bind(null, contents, this.path));
get: function() {
return CommonUtils.readJSON(this.path);
// A getter for the instance to export
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "fxAccounts", function() {
let a = new FxAccounts();
// XXX Bug 947061 - We need a strategy for resuming email verification after
// browser restart
return a;