
258 строки
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Исходник Обычный вид История

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=en>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/MochiKit/MochiKit.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" />
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<!-- Note that the following style and div elements are duplicates
of the ones written into the iframe; they are here for convienience
in resolving the "standard" computed value for a given specification
<div id=a class='a b c' title='zxcv weeqweqeweasd&#13;&#10;a&#10;'></div>
var base;
// A short note about escaping: all of the strings in this test go through
// Javascript unescaping before getting passed to CSS. This means that
// sequences like "\n" refer to a newline, a single backslash is written "\\",
// a CSS escape sequence is something like "\\A", and some quotes must be
// escaped.
var testset = [
// Color tests
// Generic property for testing
{ base : base = "div {color:green}",
tests : [
// My misc tests
"<!--#a {color:green}",
base + "<!-#a {color:red}",
base + "#a<!--{color:red}",
base + "--#a {color:red}",
base + "--aasdf, #a {color:red}",
"-asdf, #a {color:green}",
base + "#a {color: rgb\n(255, 0, 0)}",
"#a {font: \"Arial\n;color:green}",
"#a {color: @charset{}\"\\\n'\"url(\na\na); color:green}",
"@threedee maroon url('asdf\n) ra('asdf\n); " + base,
"@threedee {maroon url('asdf\n) ra('asdf\n);} " + base,
"div[title='zxcv weeqweqeweasd\\D\\A a']{color:green}",
"div[title~='weeqweqeweasd\\D\\A a']{color:green}",
base + "#a\\\n{color:red}",
base + "#a\v{color:red}",
// CSS1 section 7.1
"#a {color: green; rotation: 70deg;}",
"#a {color: green;} #a{color:invalidValue;}",
base + "#a {color: \"red\"}",
base + "@three-dee {\n @background-lighting {\n azimuth: 30deg;\n elevation: 190deg;\n }\n #a { color: red }\n }",
"#a {COLOR: GREEN}",
base + "#a:wait {color: red}",
"#a:lang(en) {color: green}",
"#a:lang(\nen\r\t ) {color: green}",
base + "div ! em, #a {color: red}",
base + "//asdf.zxcv,\n#a {color: red}",
"#a {rotation-code: \"}\"; color: green;}",
"#a {rotation-code: \"\\\"}\\\"\"; color: green;}",
"#a {rotation-code: '}'; color: green;}",
"#a {rotation-code: '\\'}\\''; color: green;}",
"#a {\n type-display: @threedee {rotation-code: '}';};\n color: green;\n }",
base + "p {text-indent: 0.5in;} color: maroon #a {color: red;}",
base + "p {text-indent: 0.5in;} color: maroon; #a {color: red;}",
// string tokenization as error token, not EOF (bug 311566 comment 70)
"#a { color: green; foo: { \"bar\n;color: red}",
// CSS 2.1 section 4.1.3
"@MediA All {#a {ColOR :RgB(\t0,\r128,\n0 ) } };",
base + "\\#a{color:red;}",
base + "#a\\{color:red;\\}",
base + "#a{color\\:red;}",
base + "#a{color:red\\;}",
"#a {c\\o\\l\\o\\r:\\g\\ree\\n}",
"#a{ co\\00006Cor: gr\\000065en; }",
"#a{ co\\4C or: gr\\000045en; }",
".IdE6n-3t0_6, #a { color: green }",
"#IdE6n-3t0_6, #a { color: green }",
"._ident, #a { color: green }",
"#_ident, #a { color: green }",
".-ident, .a { color: green; }", // Testsuite has incorrect version
"#怀ident, .a { color: green }",
"#iden怀t怀, .a { color: green }",
"#\\6000ident, .a { color: green }",
"#iden\\6000t\\6000, .a { color: green }",
".怀ident, .a { color: green }",
".iden怀t怀, .a { color: green }",
".\\6000ident, .a { color: green }",
".iden\\6000t\\6000, .a { color: green }",
base + "#6ident, #a {color: red }",
".id4ent6, .a { color: green }",
"#\\ident, .a { color: green; }",
"#ide\\n\\t, .a { color: green; }",
".\\6ident, .a { color: green; }",
".\\--ident, .a { color: green; }",
// CSS2.1 section 4.1.5 and 4.2
"@import 'data:text/css,#a{color:green}';",
"@import \"data:text/css,#a{color:green}\";",
"@import url(data:text/css,#a{color:green});",
"@import 'data:text/css,#a{color:green}' screen;",
base + "@import 'data:text/css,#a{color:red}' blahblahblah;",
"@import 'data:text/css,#a{color:green}'",
"@import 'data:text/css,#a{color:green}",
"@foo {}" + base,
"@foo bar {}" + base,
"@foo; " + base,
"@foo bar baz; " + base,
base + "@foo {}; #a {color: red}",
// CSS2.1 section 4.1.9
"/* This is a CSS comment. */" + base,
base + "/* #a {color: red} */",
"/*********** /*/" + base,
// CSS2.1 section 4.3.6
base + "#a {color: rgb(255, 0, 0%)}",
base + "#a {color: rgb(100%, 0, 0)}",
base + "#a {color: rgb(255.0, 0, 0)}",
"#a {color: rgb(0, 128, 0)}",
"#a {color: rgb(0%, 50%, 0%)}",
"#a {color: rgb(0%, 49.999999999999%, 0%)}",
], prop: "color", pseudo: "",
todo: {
"div[title~='weeqweqeweasd\\D\\A a']{color:green}" : 1,
"div {color:green}#a\\\n{color:red}" : 1
// Border tests
// For testing lengths
{ base : base = "#a {border-style:solid}",
tests : [
// CSS1 section 7.1
base + "#a {border-width: funny}",
base + "#a {border-width: 50zu}",
base + "#a {border-width: px}",
// Number/unit parsing
base + "#a {border-width: 0.px}",
base + "#a {border-width: ..0px}",
base + "#a {border-width: 0..0px}",
base + "#a {border-width: 0.}",
base + "#a {border-width: ..0}",
base + "#a {border-width: 0..0}",
base + "#a {border-width: 0; border-width: .0px medium}",
base + "#a {border-width: 0; border-width: .0 medium}",
base + "#a {border-width: 0; border-width: 0.0px medium}",
], prop: "borderRightWidth", pseudo: ""},
// Content tests
// Tests for strings and pseudos
{base : base = ".a::before {content: 'This is \\a'}",
tests : [
// CSS 2.1 section 4.1.3
"#a::before {content: 'This is \\a '}",
"#a::before {content: 'This is \\A '}",
"#a::before {content: 'This is \\0000a '}",
"#a::before {content: 'This is \\00000a '}",
"#a::before {content: 'This is \\\n\\00000a '}",
"#a::before {content: 'This is \\\015\012\\00000a '}",
"#a::before {content: 'This is \\\015\\00000a '}",
"#a::before {content: 'This is \\\f\\00000a '}",
"#a::before {content: 'This is\\20\f\\a'}",
"#a::before {content: 'This is\\20\r\\a'}",
"#a::before {content: 'This is\\20\n\\a'}",
"#a::before {content: 'This is\\20\r\n\\a'}",
base + "#a::before {content: 'FAIL \f\\a'}",
base + "#a::before {content: 'FAIL \\\n\r\\a'}",
"#a:before {content: 'This is \\a'}",
base + "#a:: before {content: 'FAIL'}",
base + "#a ::before {content: 'FAIL'}",
"#a::before {content: 'This is \\a",
], prop: "content", pseudo: "::before"
// Background color tests
// For basic URL parsing sanity checks
{ base : base = "div {background: blue}",
tests : [
"#a {background: url() blue}",
"#a {background: url(怀) blue}",
], prop: "backgroundColor", pseudo: ""
// A one-off test I couldn't come up with a better way to do
{ base : base = "div {border-style: dotted}",
tests : [
// Sanity-check to make sure this test will work
// This test requires a color name that starts with a "-"
base + "#a {border: dotted 0 -moz-menuhover}",
// The actual test: check that 0-moz-menuhover get parsed as an unknown dimension
// rather than a separate identifier
base + "#a {border: solid 0-moz-menuhover}",
], prop: "borderLeftStyle", pseudo: ""
var curTest = -1;
var curSubTest = 0;
var styleElement = document.getElementsByTagName("style")[0];
var divElement = document.getElementById("a");
var frame = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0];
var canonical;
var doTests = function() {
if (curTest >= 0) {
var curElement = frame.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName("div")[0];
var curStyle = frame.contentDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(curElement, testset[curTest].pseudo);
if (testset[curTest].todo && testset[curTest].todo[testset[curTest].tests[curSubTest]]) {
todo_is(curStyle[testset[curTest].prop], canonical, testset[curTest].tests[curSubTest]);
} else {
is(curStyle[testset[curTest].prop], canonical, testset[curTest].tests[curSubTest]);
if (curTest == -1 || curSubTest >= testset[curTest].tests.length) {
curSubTest = 0;
if (!(curTest < testset.length)) {
if (curSubTest == 0) {
styleElement.textContent = "";
var base = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(divElement, testset[curTest].pseudo)[testset[curTest].prop];
styleElement.textContent = testset[curTest].base;
canonical = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(divElement, testset[curTest].pseudo)[testset[curTest].prop];
styleElement.textContent = "";
isnot(base, canonical, "Sanity check for rule: " + testset[curTest].base);
frame.contentDocument.write("<html lang=en><style>" + testset[curTest].tests[curSubTest] + "</style><div id=a class='a b c' title='zxcv weeqweqeweasd&#13;&#10;a&#10;'></div>");
frame.contentWindow.onload = function(){setTimeout(doTests, 0);};