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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- Mode: perl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
# License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
# except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
# IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
# implied. See the License for the specific language governing
# rights and limitations under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
# Copyright (C) 1998 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
# Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Dawn Endico <>
# David Koenig <>
use strict;
use Class::CSV;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Temp "tempfile";
use Pod::Usage;
=head1 NAME - Convert CSV file to Testopia XML format.
=head1 SYNOPSIS [ Options ] csvfilename xmlfilename
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<-h --help>
This usage statement.
=item B<-t --tcdb>
Preprocess CSV file to correct problems with TCDB CSV format.
=item B<-u --usage>
This usage statement.
This script converts the file csvfilename in CSV format to the file
xmlfilename in Testopia XML format.
my $TEST_PLAN_AUTHOR = "Change TEST_PLAN_AUTHOR in user\";
use constant TEST_PLAN_DOCUMENT => "Change TEST_PLAN_DOCUMENT in";
my $TEST_PLAN_EDITOR = "Change TEST_PLAN_EDITOR in user\";
use constant TEST_PLAN_NAME => "Change TEST_PLAN_NAME";
# Test Plan types are: Database_id, Database_description or Xml_description.
use constant TEST_PLAN_NAME_TYPE => "Xml_description";
my $debug = 0;
my $tcdb = 0;
my $usage = 0;
#Display error message to stderr and exit.
sub error {
my ($reason,$errtype) = @_;
print STDERR $reason . ".\n";
# Creat mapping from TCDB user ids to email addresses.
sub map_TCDB_users
my ($tcdb_user) = @_;
if ( -r "tcdbUsers" )
open(TCDBUSERS, "tcdbUsers") || error("Cannot open tcdbUsers");
while (<TCDBUSERS>)
my ($email_addr,$user_id) = split(/ /);
$tcdb_user->{$user_id} = $email_addr;
# The TCDB export does not quote doube quotes in the fields. This method finds those
# double quotes and quotes them.
sub quote_the_doublequote {
my ($line) = @_;
# Seeing \" in some files as the quote for a double guote.
$line =~ s/\\"/""/g;
my @chars = split(//,$line);
my $index = 0;
my $in_quote_field = 0;
my @return_line;
while ( $index <= $#chars )
my $char = $chars[$index];
if ( $char eq "\"" )
if ( $in_quote_field == 0 )
$in_quote_field = 1;
push (@return_line,$char);
push (@return_line,$char);
my $index2 = $index+1;
while ( $index2<=$#chars )
last if ( $chars[$index2] =~ m/\S/ );
if ( # Special condition for end of line.
# If the next character is last character of string and is a " we need to
# quote our current ".
( $index2==$#chars && $chars[$index2] eq "\"" ) ||
# Special condition for eand of field.
# If the next two characters are ", we need to quote our current ".
( ($index2+1)<=$#chars && $chars[$index2] eq "\"" && $chars[$index2+1] eq ",") ||
# If the next non white space character is not a , or " we need to quote the
# current ".
( $index2<$#chars && $chars[$index2] ne "," && $chars[$index2] ne "\"" ) )
push (@return_line,"\"") ;
$in_quote_field = 0;
push (@return_line,$char);
return join("",@return_line);
# Create the work file from the input file that will be passed to Class::CSV. The input file's
# first line is field descriptions which are not passed into Class::CSV->parse.
# The Test Case Data Base (TCDB) CSV files also need to be processed to clean up format errors.
# The TCDB CSV errors are:
# 1) Does not escape " used in a field with "".
# 2) Runs the CSV across multiple lines.
# 3) In some cases a line may be missing the last field.
sub remove_field_list
my ($input_filename,$work_filename,$tcdb_format) = @_;
my $field_list = "";
my $line = "";
my $line_count = 0;
my $matching_expression = "";
my $matching_expression_tcdb_error = "";
my $matching_expression_too_long = "";
open(CSVINPUT, $input_filename) or error("Cannot open file $input_filename");
open(CSVWORK, ">" . $work_filename) or error("Cannot open file $work_filename");
while (<CSVINPUT>)
my $current_line = $_;
$current_line =~ s/\r//g;
$current_line =~ s/\342\200\231/&#8217;/g;
$current_line =~ s/\342\200\230/&#8216;/g;
$current_line =~ s/\342\200\246/&#133;/g;
$current_line =~ s/\342\200\223/-/g;
$current_line =~ s/\342\200\224/&#8212;/g;
$current_line =~ s/\342\200\234/&#8221;/g;
$current_line =~ s/\342\200\235/&#8222;/g;
$line_count += 1;
if ( $line_count == 1 )
$matching_expression .= "^";
$field_list = $current_line;
my @fields = split(/,/);
for ( my $i=1; $i<=$#fields; $i++ )
$matching_expression .= "(\".*\",|,)";
$matching_expression_too_long = $matching_expression . "(\".*\",|,).+\$";
$matching_expression .= "(\".*\")?\$";
$matching_expression_tcdb_error = $matching_expression;
$matching_expression_tcdb_error =~ s/^\^\("\.\*",\|,\)/^/;
if ( ! $tcdb_format )
print CSVWORK $current_line . "\n";
error("Found substitution key <TRANSLATE_DOUBLEQUOTE> in $input_filename at line $line_count") if ( /<TRANSLATE_DOUBLEQUOTE>/ );
error("Found substitution key <TRANSLATE_NEWLINE> in $input_filename at line $line_count") if ( /<TRANSLATE_NEWLINE>/ );
if ( $line ne "" )
# If we have all the csv fields the line is ready to print.
if ( $line =~ m/$matching_expression/ )
# The TCDB does not double quote double quotes which causes a problem when the last
# field contains a double quote at the end of the line that is should be part of the
# field. The match above is true but we have not really reached the end of the field.
# So we need to break the line up at each field, if the last field contains a even
# number of double quotes we have not reached the end of the line and need to just
# append the current line onto our line buffer.
my @fields = split /","/, $line;
$fields[$#fields] =~ s/[^"]//g;
if ( ((length $fields[$#fields]) % 2) == 0 )
$line .= $current_line;
print CSVWORK quote_the_doublequote($line) . "\n";
$line = $current_line;
# If current line begins with a ", see if it's the start of a new line. Check to see if this line might have
# TCDB error of a missing field. If line has exceeded the matching criteria display a error.
elsif ( $current_line =~ /^"/ )
if ( $line =~ m/$matching_expression_tcdb_error/ )
$line .= ",\"\"";
print CSVWORK quote_the_doublequote($line) . "\n";
$line = $current_line;
elsif ( $line =~ m/$matching_expression_too_long/ )
error("Confused in $input_filename at line $line_count. Cannot figure out how to proceed");
$line .= "<TRANSLATE_NEWLINE>" . $current_line;
$line .= "<TRANSLATE_NEWLINE>" . $current_line;
$line = $current_line;
print STDERR " line=$line\ncurrent_line=$current_line\n" if ( $debug );
# Probably will still have a line in the $line buffer.
if ( $line ne "" )
if ( $line =~ m/$matching_expression/ )
print CSVWORK quote_the_doublequote($line) . "\n";
$line .= ",\"\"" if ( $line =~ m/$matching_expression_tcdb_error/ );
if ( $line =~ m/$matching_expression/ )
print CSVWORK quote_the_doublequote($line) . "\n";
error("Incomplete line in $input_filename at line $line_count. Line follows" . $line);
# Sort the corrected CSV to remove duplicate records.
if ( $tcdb )
my @args = ( "sort -u -o " . $work_filename . " " . $work_filename );
system(@args) == 0 or error("Could not sort $work_filename");
return $field_list;
# Remove the leading and trailing white space characters. Remove commas at end of line.
sub remove_white_space {
my ($line) = @_;
$line =~ s/^\s+//g;
$line =~ s/\s+$//g;
$line =~ s/,$//g;
return $line;
# Characters that are entities in XML and HTML need to be
# converted to their entity representation.
# TRANSLATE_NEWLINE is a character inserted by this script
# where a new line needs to be but not orginally contained
# in the field.
# Some new lines have been showing up as \\n in exports.
sub fix_entities {
my ($line) = @_;
$line =~ s/<TRANSLATE_NEWLINE>/\n/g;
$line =~ s/\\n/\n/g;
$line =~ s/\&/&amp;/g;
$line =~ s/\</&lt;/g;
$line =~ s/\>/&gt;/g;
$line =~ s/\'/&apos;/g;
$line =~ s/\"/&quot;/g;
return $line;
GetOptions("debug" => \$debug, "tcdb" => \$tcdb, "help|usage|?" => \$usage);
pod2usage(0) if $usage;
error("Must supply a CSV file to convert") if ( $#ARGV == -1 );
error("Need to supply XML output file") if ( $#ARGV == 0 );
error("Too many arguments") if ( $#ARGV >= 2 );
my $csv_input_filename = $ARGV[0];
my $xml_output_filename = $ARGV[1];
my $csv_work_filename = $csv_input_filename . ".work";
open(XMLOUTPUT, "> $xml_output_filename") or error("Cannot open file $xml_output_filename");
my %tcdb_user;
my $field_list = remove_field_list($csv_input_filename,$csv_work_filename,$tcdb);
# Process the $field_list variable which comes from the first line of the CSV file.
# Format of the first line should be in the form:
# "Testcase Name","Attributes","Priority","Description","Status","Folder","Creator",
# "Owner","ResDetails","Build","InstanceID","Long Description","Pass/Fail Definition",
# "Setup Steps","Cleanup Steps","Steps"
# Fields currently used if they exist are:
# attributes - split apart at each comma to become a tag.
# category - category for test case.
# cleanupsteps - added to Break Down section.
# component - component for test case.
# description - summary unless testcasename is defined. added to Action section.
# environment - split apart at each comma to become a tag.
# folder - only processed if -tcdb option is supplied. split apart at each '/'. based on each
# teams input one field becomes the category and others tags. each team defines which
# sub folders they want to use.
# longdescription - added to Action section.
# owner (required) - in TCDB this is a ID that is mapped to a email address from the file
# tcdbUsers.
# passfaildefinition - added to Expected Results section.
# priority - becomes the priority. I just a number P is prepended.
# resdetails - added to Action section.
# setupsteps - added to Set Up section.
# steps - added to Action section.
# testcasename - becomes the summary. if testcasename is not supplied the description
# is the summary. if testcasename and description are both null a error is
# generated.
# The order of the fields is not important. The fields supplied to Class::CSV will be in
# order found on the first line of the CSV file.
# Steps needed are:
# Change to lower case.
# Remove spaces.
# Remove all "'s
# Remove all /'s.'
$field_list = lc $field_list;
$field_list =~ s/[\s"\/]//g;
# More sources for the CSV's other than TCDB, transform some of the column names.
$field_list =~ s/author/owner/g;
$field_list =~ s/result/passfaildefinition/g;
$field_list =~ s/summary/testcasename/g;
$field_list =~ s/tags/attributes/g;
my %fields;
foreach my $field ( split(/,/,$field_list) )
$fields{$field} = "";
my $csv = Class::CSV->parse(
filename => $csv_work_filename,
fields => [ split(/,/,$field_list) ]
print XMLOUTPUT "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\" ?>\n";
print XMLOUTPUT "<!DOCTYPE testopia [\n";
my $testopia_dtd = "testopia.dtd";
open(DTDINPUT,$testopia_dtd) || die "Cannot open $testopia_dtd\n";
while (<DTDINPUT>)
print XMLOUTPUT $_;
print XMLOUTPUT "]>\n";
print XMLOUTPUT "<testopia version=\"2.21\">\n";
if ( $TEST_PLAN_AUTHOR ne "Change TEST_PLAN_AUTHOR in user\" )
print XMLOUTPUT " <testplan author=\"" . $TEST_PLAN_AUTHOR . "\" type=\"System\" archived=\"False\">\n";
print XMLOUTPUT " <name>" . TEST_PLAN_NAME . "</name>\n";
print XMLOUTPUT " <product>TestProduct</product>\n";
print XMLOUTPUT " <productversion>other</productversion>\n";
print XMLOUTPUT " <editor>" . $TEST_PLAN_EDITOR . "</editor>\n";
print XMLOUTPUT " <document>" . TEST_PLAN_DOCUMENT . "</document>\n";
print XMLOUTPUT " </testplan>\n";
my $line_count = 0;
foreach my $line (@{$csv->lines()}) {
$line_count += 1;
print XMLOUTPUT " <testcase ";
error("No owner for Test Case at line $line_count in $csv_work_filename") if ( ! defined($fields{'owner'}) );
my $owner = $line->owner();
$owner = $tcdb_user{$line->owner()} if ( $owner =~ /\d+/ );
error("Could not find owner for Test Case at line $line_count in $csv_work_filename") if ( $owner eq "" );
print XMLOUTPUT "author=\"" . fix_entities($owner) . "\" ";
if ( defined($fields{'priority'}) )
my $priority = fix_entities($line->priority());
$priority =~ s/ .*//g;
$priority = uc $priority;
$priority = "P5" if ( $priority eq "" );
$priority = "P" . $priority if ( ! ( $priority =~ m/^P.*/ ) );
print XMLOUTPUT "priority=\"" . fix_entities($priority) . "\" ";
print XMLOUTPUT "automated=\"Manual\" ";
print XMLOUTPUT "status=\"CONFIRMED\">\n";
print XMLOUTPUT " <testplan_reference type=\"" . TEST_PLAN_NAME_TYPE . "\">" . TEST_PLAN_NAME . "</testplan_reference>\n";
my $summary;
if ( defined($fields{'testcasename'}) )
$summary = fix_entities($line->testcasename());
elsif ( defined($fields{'description'}) )
$summary = fix_entities($line->description());
if ( defined($fields{'environment'}) )
my $environment = $line->environment();
$environment = "" if ( $environment eq "\$EMPTYENV" );
$summary .= " - " . fix_entities($environment) if ( $environment ne "" );
error("No summary for Test Case at line $line_count in $csv_work_filename") if ( $summary eq "" );
print XMLOUTPUT " <summary>" . $summary . "</summary>\n";
print XMLOUTPUT " <defaulttester>" . fix_entities($owner) . "</defaulttester>\n";
if ( $tcdb && defined($fields{'folder'}) )
my @folder = split(/\\/,$line->folder());
print XMLOUTPUT " <tag>" . fix_entities($folder[4]) . "</tag>\n" if ( defined( $folder[4] ) );
print XMLOUTPUT " <categoryname>" . fix_entities($folder[5]) . "</categoryname>\n" if ( defined( $folder[5] ) );
my $fieldstart = 6;
while ( defined $folder[$fieldstart] )
print XMLOUTPUT " <tag>" . fix_entities($folder[$fieldstart]) . "</tag>\n";
$fieldstart += 1;
if ( defined($fields{'attributes'}) )
my @attributes = split(/,/,$line->attributes());
foreach my $attribute (@attributes)
print XMLOUTPUT " <tag>" . fix_entities(remove_white_space($attribute)) . "</tag>\n";
if ( defined($fields{'environment'}) )
my @environments = split(/,/,$line->environment());
foreach my $environment (@environments)
print XMLOUTPUT " <tag>" . fix_entities(remove_white_space($environment)) . "</tag>\n";
if ( defined($fields{'component'}) && ( $line->component() ne "") )
print XMLOUTPUT " <component>" . fix_entities(remove_white_space($line->component())) . "</component>\n";
if ( defined($fields{'category'}) && ( $line->category() ne "") )
print XMLOUTPUT " <categoryname>" . fix_entities(remove_white_space($line->category())) . "</categoryname>\n";
if ( defined($fields{'setupsteps'}) && ( $line->setupsteps() ne "") )
print XMLOUTPUT " <setup>";
print XMLOUTPUT "[TCDB Setup Steps]\n" if ( $tcdb );
print XMLOUTPUT fix_entities($line->setupsteps());
print XMLOUTPUT "</setup>\n";
if ( defined($fields{'cleanupsteps'}) && ( $line->cleanupsteps() ne "") )
print XMLOUTPUT " <breakdown>";
print XMLOUTPUT "[TCDB Cleanup Steps]\n" if ( $tcdb );
print XMLOUTPUT fix_entities($line->cleanupsteps());
print XMLOUTPUT "</breakdown>\n";
print XMLOUTPUT " <action>";
if ( defined($fields{'testcasename'}) && ( $line->testcasename() ne "") )
print XMLOUTPUT "[TCDB Test Case Name]\n" if ( $tcdb );
print XMLOUTPUT fix_entities($line->testcasename());
if ( defined($fields{'description'}) && ( $line->description() ne "") )
print XMLOUTPUT "\n\n[TCDB Description]\n" if ( $tcdb );
print XMLOUTPUT fix_entities($line->description());
if ( defined($fields{'longdescription'}) && ( $line->longdescription() ne "") )
print XMLOUTPUT "\n\n[TCDB Long Description]\n" if ( $tcdb );
print XMLOUTPUT fix_entities($line->longdescription());
if ( defined($fields{'resdetails'}) && ( $line->resdetails() ne "") )
print XMLOUTPUT "\n\n[TCDB Resolution Details]\n" if ( $tcdb );
print XMLOUTPUT fix_entities($line->resdetails());
if ( defined($fields{'steps'}) && ( $line->steps() ne "") )
print XMLOUTPUT "\n\n[TCDB Steps]\n" if ( $tcdb );
print XMLOUTPUT fix_entities($line->steps());
print XMLOUTPUT "</action>\n";
print XMLOUTPUT " <expectedresults>";
if ( defined($fields{'passfaildefinition'}) && ( $line->passfaildefinition() ne "") )
print XMLOUTPUT "[TCDB Pass Fail Definition]\n" if ( $tcdb );
print XMLOUTPUT fix_entities($line->passfaildefinition());
print XMLOUTPUT "</expectedresults>\n";
print XMLOUTPUT " </testcase>\n";
print XMLOUTPUT "</testopia>\n";
unlink $csv_work_filename;
exit 0;