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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
/* global __URI__ */
"use strict";
const { OS } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm", {});
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGlobalGetters(this, ["fetch", "indexedDB"]);
ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "Kinto",
ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "KintoHttpClient",
ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "CanonicalJSON",
ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "UptakeTelemetry",
ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "ClientEnvironmentBase",
ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "FilterExpressions",
ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "pushBroadcastService",
const PREF_SETTINGS_SERVER = "services.settings.server";
const PREF_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_BUCKET = "services.settings.default_bucket";
const PREF_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_SIGNER = "services.settings.default_signer";
const PREF_SETTINGS_VERIFY_SIGNATURE = "services.settings.verify_signature";
const PREF_SETTINGS_SERVER_BACKOFF = "services.settings.server.backoff";
const PREF_SETTINGS_CHANGES_PATH = "services.settings.changes.path";
const PREF_SETTINGS_LAST_UPDATE = "services.settings.last_update_seconds";
const PREF_SETTINGS_LAST_ETAG = "services.settings.last_etag";
const PREF_SETTINGS_CLOCK_SKEW_SECONDS = "services.settings.clock_skew_seconds";
const PREF_SETTINGS_LOAD_DUMP = "services.settings.load_dump";
// Telemetry update source identifier.
const TELEMETRY_HISTOGRAM_KEY = "settings-changes-monitoring";
const INVALID_SIGNATURE = "Invalid content/signature";
const MISSING_SIGNATURE = "Missing signature";
* cacheProxy returns an object Proxy that will memoize properties of the target.
function cacheProxy(target) {
const cache = new Map();
return new Proxy(target, {
get(target, prop, receiver) {
if (!cache.has(prop)) {
cache.set(prop, target[prop]);
return cache.get(prop);
class ClientEnvironment extends ClientEnvironmentBase {
static get appID() {
// eg. Firefox is "{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}".
return Services.appinfo.ID;
static get toolkitVersion() {
return Services.appinfo.platformVersion;
* Default entry filtering function, in charge of excluding remote settings entries
* where the JEXL expression evaluates into a falsy value.
async function jexlFilterFunc(entry, environment) {
const { filter_expression } = entry;
if (!filter_expression) {
return entry;
let result;
try {
const context = {
result = await FilterExpressions.eval(filter_expression, context);
} catch (e) {
return result ? entry : null;
function mergeChanges(collection, localRecords, changes) {
const records = {};
// Local records by id.
localRecords.forEach((record) => records[] = collection.cleanLocalFields(record));
// All existing records are replaced by the version from the server.
changes.forEach((record) => records[] = record);
return Object.values(records)
// Filter out deleted records.
.filter((record) => !record.deleted)
// Sort list by record id.
.sort((a, b) => {
if ( < {
return -1;
return > ? 1 : 0;
async function fetchCollectionMetadata(remote, collection) {
const client = new KintoHttpClient(remote);
const { signature } = await client.bucket(collection.bucket)
return signature;
async function fetchRemoteCollection(remote, collection) {
const client = new KintoHttpClient(remote);
return client.bucket(collection.bucket)
.listRecords({sort: "id"});
async function fetchLatestChanges(url, lastEtag) {
// Fetch the list of changes objects from the server that looks like:
// {"data":[
// {
// "host":"",
// "last_modified":1450717104423,
// "bucket":"blocklists",
// "collection":"certificates"
// }]}
// Use ETag to obtain a `304 Not modified` when no change occurred,
// and `?_since` parameter to only keep entries that weren't processed yet.
const headers = {};
if (lastEtag) {
headers["If-None-Match"] = lastEtag;
url += `?_since=${lastEtag}`;
const response = await fetch(url, {headers});
let changes = [];
// If no changes since last time, go on with empty list of changes.
if (response.status != 304) {
let payload;
try {
payload = await response.json();
} catch (e) {
payload = e.message;
if (!payload.hasOwnProperty("data")) {
// If the server is failing, the JSON response might not contain the
// expected data (e.g. error response - Bug 1259145)
throw new Error(`Server error ${response.status} ${response.statusText}: ${JSON.stringify(payload)}`);
changes =;
// The server should always return ETag. But we've had situations where the CDN
// was interfering.
const currentEtag = response.headers.has("ETag") ? response.headers.get("ETag") : undefined;
let serverTimeMillis = Date.parse(response.headers.get("Date"));
// Since the response is served via a CDN, the Date header value could have been cached.
const ageSeconds = response.headers.has("Age") ? parseInt(response.headers.get("Age"), 10) : 0;
serverTimeMillis += ageSeconds * 1000;
// Check if the server asked the clients to back off.
let backoffSeconds;
if (response.headers.has("Backoff")) {
const value = parseInt(response.headers.get("Backoff"), 10);
if (!isNaN(value)) {
backoffSeconds = value;
return {changes, currentEtag, serverTimeMillis, backoffSeconds};
* Load the the JSON file distributed with the release for this collection.
async function loadDumpFile(filename) {
// Replace OS specific path separator by / for URI.
const { components: folderFile } = OS.Path.split(filename);
const fileURI = `resource://app/defaults/settings/${folderFile.join("/")}`;
const response = await fetch(fileURI);
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`Could not read from '${fileURI}'`);
// Will be rejected if JSON is invalid.
return response.json();
class RemoteSettingsClient {
constructor(collectionName, { bucketName, signerName, filterFunc = jexlFilterFunc, lastCheckTimePref }) {
this.collectionName = collectionName;
this.bucketName = bucketName;
this.signerName = signerName;
this.filterFunc = filterFunc;
this._lastCheckTimePref = lastCheckTimePref;
this._listeners = new Map();
this._listeners.set("sync", []);
this._kinto = null;
get identifier() {
return `${this.bucketName}/${this.collectionName}`;
get filename() {
// Replace slash by OS specific path separator (eg. Windows)
const identifier = OS.Path.join(...this.identifier.split("/"));
return `${identifier}.json`;
get lastCheckTimePref() {
return this._lastCheckTimePref || `services.settings.${this.bucketName}.${this.collectionName}.last_check`;
* Event emitter: will execute the registered listeners in the order and
* sequentially.
* Note: we don't use `toolkit/modules/EventEmitter` because we want to throw
* an error when a listener fails to execute.
* @param {string} event the event name
* @param {Object} payload the event payload to call the listeners with
async emit(event, payload) {
const callbacks = this._listeners.get("sync");
let firstError;
for (const cb of callbacks) {
try {
await cb(payload);
} catch (e) {
firstError = e;
if (firstError) {
throw firstError;
on(event, callback) {
if (!this._listeners.has(event)) {
throw new Error(`Unknown event type ${event}`);
* Open the underlying Kinto collection, using the appropriate adapter and
* options. This acts as a context manager where the connection is closed
* once the specified `callback` has finished.
* @param {callback} function the async function to execute with the open SQlite connection.
* @param {Object} options additional advanced options.
* @param {string} options.hooks hooks to execute on synchronization (see Kinto.js docs)
async openCollection(options = {}) {
if (!this._kinto) {
this._kinto = new Kinto({ bucket: this.bucketName, adapter: Kinto.adapters.IDB });
return this._kinto.collection(this.collectionName, options);
* Lists settings.
* @param {Object} options The options object.
* @param {Object} options.filters Filter the results (default: `{}`).
* @param {Object} options.order The order to apply (default: `-last_modified`).
* @return {Promise}
async get(options = {}) {
// In Bug 1451031, we will do some jexl filtering to limit the list items
// whose target is matched.
const { filters = {}, order } = options;
const c = await this.openCollection();
const timestamp = await c.db.getLastModified();
// If the local database was never synchronized, then we attempt to load
// a packaged JSON dump.
if (timestamp == null) {
try {
const { data } = await loadDumpFile(this.filename);
await c.loadDump(data);
} catch (e) {
// Report but return an empty list since there will be no data anyway.
return [];
const { data } = await c.list({ filters, order });
return this._filterEntries(data);
* Synchronize from Kinto server, if necessary.
* @param {int} lastModified the lastModified date (on the server) for
the remote collection.
* @param {Date} serverTime the current date return by the server.
* @param {Object} options additional advanced options.
* @param {bool} options.loadDump load initial dump from disk on first sync (default: true)
* @return {Promise} which rejects on sync or process failure.
async maybeSync(lastModified, serverTime, options = { loadDump: true }) {
const {loadDump} = options;
const remote = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_SETTINGS_SERVER);
const verifySignature = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_SETTINGS_VERIFY_SIGNATURE, true);
// if there is a signerName and collection signing is enforced, add a
// hook for incoming changes that validates the signature
const colOptions = {};
if (this.signerName && verifySignature) {
colOptions.hooks = {
"incoming-changes": [(payload, collection) => {
return this._validateCollectionSignature(remote, payload, collection);
let reportStatus = null;
try {
const collection = await this.openCollection(colOptions);
// Synchronize remote data into a local Sqlite DB.
let collectionLastModified = await collection.db.getLastModified();
// If there is no data currently in the collection, attempt to import
// initial data from the application defaults.
// This allows to avoid synchronizing the whole collection content on
// cold start.
if (!collectionLastModified && loadDump) {
try {
const initialData = await loadDumpFile(this.filename);
await collection.loadDump(;
collectionLastModified = await collection.db.getLastModified();
} catch (e) {
// Report but go-on.
// If the data is up to date, there's no need to sync. We still need
// to record the fact that a check happened.
if (lastModified <= collectionLastModified) {
reportStatus = UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.UP_TO_DATE;
// Fetch changes from server.
let syncResult;
try {
// Server changes have priority during synchronization.
const strategy = Kinto.syncStrategy.SERVER_WINS;
syncResult = await collection.sync({remote, strategy});
const { ok } = syncResult;
if (!ok) {
// Some synchronization conflicts occured.
reportStatus = UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.CONFLICT_ERROR;
throw new Error("Sync failed");
} catch (e) {
if (e.message == INVALID_SIGNATURE) {
// Signature verification failed during synchronzation.
reportStatus = UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.SIGNATURE_ERROR;
// if sync fails with a signature error, it's likely that our
// local data has been modified in some way.
// We will attempt to fix this by retrieving the whole
// remote collection.
const payload = await fetchRemoteCollection(remote, collection);
try {
await this._validateCollectionSignature(remote, payload, collection, {ignoreLocal: true});
} catch (e) {
reportStatus = UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.SIGNATURE_RETRY_ERROR;
throw e;
// The signature is good (we haven't thrown).
// Now we will Inspect what we had locally.
const { data: oldData } = await collection.list();
// We build a sync result as if a diff-based sync was performed.
syncResult = { created: [], updated: [], deleted: [] };
// If the remote last_modified is newer than the local last_modified,
// replace the local data
const localLastModified = await collection.db.getLastModified();
if (payload.last_modified >= localLastModified) {
const { data: newData } = payload;
await collection.clear();
await collection.loadDump(newData);
// Compare local and remote to populate the sync result
const oldById = new Map( => [, e]));
for (const r of newData) {
const old = oldById.get(;
if (old) {
if (old.last_modified != r.last_modified) {
syncResult.updated.push({ old, new: r });
} else {
// Records that remain in our map now are those missing from remote
syncResult.deleted = Array.from(oldById.values());
} else {
// The sync has thrown, it can be related to metadata, network or a general error.
if (e.message == MISSING_SIGNATURE) {
// Collection metadata has no signature info, no need to retry.
reportStatus = UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.SIGNATURE_ERROR;
} else if (/NetworkError/.test(e.message)) {
reportStatus = UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.NETWORK_ERROR;
} else if (/Backoff/.test(e.message)) {
reportStatus = UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.BACKOFF;
} else {
reportStatus = UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.SYNC_ERROR;
throw e;
// Handle the obtained records (ie. apply locally through events).
// Build the event data list. It should be filtered (ie. by application target)
const { created: allCreated, updated: allUpdated, deleted: allDeleted } = syncResult;
const [created, deleted, updatedFiltered] = await Promise.all(
[allCreated, allDeleted, =>].map(this._filterEntries.bind(this))
// For updates, keep entries whose updated form is matches the target.
const updatedFilteredIds = new Set( =>;
const updated = allUpdated.filter(({ new: { id } }) => updatedFilteredIds.has(id));
// If every changed entry is filtered, we don't even fire the event.
if (created.length || updated.length || deleted.length) {
// Read local collection of records (also filtered).
const { data: allData } = await collection.list();
const current = await this._filterEntries(allData);
const payload = { data: { current, created, updated, deleted } };
try {
await this.emit("sync", payload);
} catch (e) {
reportStatus = UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.APPLY_ERROR;
throw e;
// Track last update.
} catch (e) {
// No specific error was tracked, mark it as unknown.
if (reportStatus === null) {
reportStatus = UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.UNKNOWN_ERROR;
throw e;
} finally {
// No error was reported, this is a success!
if (reportStatus === null) {
reportStatus = UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.SUCCESS;
// Report success/error status to Telemetry., reportStatus);
async _validateCollectionSignature(remote, payload, collection, options = {}) {
const {ignoreLocal} = options;
// this is a content-signature field from an autograph response.
const signaturePayload = await fetchCollectionMetadata(remote, collection);
if (!signaturePayload) {
throw new Error(MISSING_SIGNATURE);
const {x5u, signature} = signaturePayload;
const certChainResponse = await fetch(x5u);
const certChain = await certChainResponse.text();
const verifier = Cc[";1"]
let toSerialize;
if (ignoreLocal) {
toSerialize = {
last_modified: `${payload.last_modified}`,
} else {
const {data: localRecords} = await collection.list();
const records = mergeChanges(collection, localRecords, payload.changes);
toSerialize = {
last_modified: `${payload.lastModified}`,
data: records
const serialized = CanonicalJSON.stringify(toSerialize);
if (verifier.verifyContentSignature(serialized, "p384ecdsa=" + signature,
this.signerName)) {
// In case the hash is valid, apply the changes locally.
return payload;
throw new Error(INVALID_SIGNATURE);
* Save last time server was checked in users prefs.
* @param {Date} serverTime the current date return by server.
_updateLastCheck(serverTime) {
const checkedServerTimeInSeconds = Math.round(serverTime / 1000);
Services.prefs.setIntPref(this.lastCheckTimePref, checkedServerTimeInSeconds);
async _filterEntries(data) {
// Filter entries for which calls to `this.filterFunc` returns null.
if (!this.filterFunc) {
return data;
const environment = cacheProxy(ClientEnvironment);
const dataPromises = => this.filterFunc(e, environment));
const results = await Promise.all(dataPromises);
return results.filter(v => !!v);
* Check if an IndexedDB database exists for the specified bucket and collection.
* @param {String} bucket
* @param {String} collection
* @return {bool} Whether it exists or not.
async function databaseExists(bucket, collection) {
// The dbname is chosen by kinto.js from the bucket and collection names.
const dbname = `${bucket}/${collection}`;
try {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const request =, 1);
request.onupgradeneeded = event => {;
request.onerror = event => reject(;
request.onsuccess = event => resolve(;
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
* Check if we ship a JSON dump for the specified bucket and collection.
* @param {String} bucket
* @param {String} collection
* @return {bool} Whether it is present or not.
async function hasLocalDump(bucket, collection) {
const filename = OS.Path.join(bucket, `${collection}.json`);
try {
await loadDumpFile(filename);
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
function remoteSettingsFunction() {
const _clients = new Map();
// If not explicitly specified, use the default bucket name and signer.
const mainBucket = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_BUCKET);
const defaultSigner = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_SETTINGS_DEFAULT_SIGNER);
* RemoteSettings constructor.
* @param {String} collectionName The remote settings identifier
* @param {Object} options Advanced options
* @returns {RemoteSettingsClient} An instance of a Remote Settings client.
const remoteSettings = function(collectionName, options) {
// Get or instantiate a remote settings client.
const rsOptions = {
bucketName: mainBucket,
signerName: defaultSigner,
const { bucketName } = rsOptions;
const key = `${bucketName}/${collectionName}`;
if (!_clients.has(key)) {
const c = new RemoteSettingsClient(collectionName, rsOptions);
_clients.set(key, c);
return _clients.get(key);
Object.defineProperty(remoteSettings, "pollingEndpoint", {
get() {
const kintoServer = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_SETTINGS_SERVER);
const changesPath = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_SETTINGS_CHANGES_PATH);
return kintoServer + changesPath;
* Internal helper to retrieve existing instances of clients or new instances
* with default options if possible, or `null` if bucket/collection are unknown.
async function _client(bucketName, collectionName) {
// Check if a client was registered for this bucket/collection. Potentially
// with some specific options like signer, filter function etc.
const key = `${bucketName}/${collectionName}`;
const client = _clients.get(key);
if (client) {
// If the bucket name was changed manually on the client instance and does not
// match, don't return it.
if (client.bucketName == bucketName) {
return client;
// There was no client registered for this bucket/collection, but it's the main bucket,
// therefore we can instantiate a client with the default options.
// So if we have a local database or if we ship a JSON dump, then it means that
// this client is known but it was not registered yet (eg. calling module not "imported" yet).
} else if (bucketName == mainBucket) {
const [dbExists, localDump] = await Promise.all([
databaseExists(bucketName, collectionName),
hasLocalDump(bucketName, collectionName)
if (dbExists || localDump) {
return new RemoteSettingsClient(collectionName, { bucketName, signerName: defaultSigner });
// Else, we cannot return a client insttance because we are not able to synchronize data in specific buckets.
// Mainly because we cannot guess which `signerName` has to be used for example.
// And we don't want to synchronize data for collections in the main bucket that are
// completely unknown (ie. no database and no JSON dump).
return null;
* Main polling method, called by the ping mechanism.
* @returns {Promise} or throws error if something goes wrong.
remoteSettings.pollChanges = async () => {
// Check if the server backoff time is elapsed.
if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(PREF_SETTINGS_SERVER_BACKOFF)) {
const backoffReleaseTime = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_SETTINGS_SERVER_BACKOFF);
const remainingMilliseconds = parseInt(backoffReleaseTime, 10) -;
if (remainingMilliseconds > 0) {
// Backoff time has not elapsed yet.,
throw new Error(`Server is asking clients to back off; retry in ${Math.ceil(remainingMilliseconds / 1000)}s.`);
} else {
let lastEtag;
if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(PREF_SETTINGS_LAST_ETAG)) {
lastEtag = Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_SETTINGS_LAST_ETAG);
let pollResult;
try {
pollResult = await fetchLatestChanges(remoteSettings.pollingEndpoint, lastEtag);
} catch (e) {
// Report polling error to Uptake Telemetry.
let report;
if (/Server/.test(e.message)) {
report = UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.SERVER_ERROR;
} else if (/NetworkError/.test(e.message)) {
report = UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.NETWORK_ERROR;
} else {
report = UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.UNKNOWN_ERROR;
}, report);
// No need to go further.
throw new Error(`Polling for changes failed: ${e.message}.`);
const {serverTimeMillis, changes, currentEtag, backoffSeconds} = pollResult;
// Report polling success to Uptake Telemetry.
const report = changes.length == 0 ? UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.UP_TO_DATE
: UptakeTelemetry.STATUS.SUCCESS;, report);
// Check if the server asked the clients to back off (for next poll).
if (backoffSeconds) {
const backoffReleaseTime = + backoffSeconds * 1000;
Services.prefs.setCharPref(PREF_SETTINGS_SERVER_BACKOFF, backoffReleaseTime);
// Record new update time and the difference between local and server time.
// Negative clockDifference means local time is behind server time
// by the absolute of that value in seconds (positive means it's ahead)
const clockDifference = Math.floor(( - serverTimeMillis) / 1000);
Services.prefs.setIntPref(PREF_SETTINGS_CLOCK_SKEW_SECONDS, clockDifference);
Services.prefs.setIntPref(PREF_SETTINGS_LAST_UPDATE, serverTimeMillis / 1000);
const loadDump = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(PREF_SETTINGS_LOAD_DUMP, true);
// Iterate through the collections version info and initiate a synchronization
// on the related remote settings client.
let firstError;
for (const change of changes) {
const { bucket, collection, last_modified } = change;
const client = await _client(bucket, collection);
if (!client) {
// Start synchronization! It will be a no-op if the specified `lastModified` equals
// the one in the local database.
try {
await client.maybeSync(last_modified, serverTimeMillis, {loadDump});
} catch (e) {
if (!firstError) {
firstError = e;
firstError.details = change;
if (firstError) {
// cause the promise to reject by throwing the first observed error
throw firstError;
// Save current Etag for next poll.
if (currentEtag) {
Services.prefs.setCharPref(PREF_SETTINGS_LAST_ETAG, currentEtag);
Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "remote-settings-changes-polled");
* Returns an object with polling status information and the list of
* known remote settings collections.
remoteSettings.inspect = async () => {
const { changes, currentEtag: serverTimestamp } = await fetchLatestChanges(remoteSettings.pollingEndpoint);
const collections = await Promise.all( (change) => {
const { bucket, collection, last_modified: serverTimestamp } = change;
const client = await _client(bucket, collection);
if (!client) {
return null;
const kintoCol = await client.openCollection();
const localTimestamp = await kintoCol.db.getLastModified();
const lastCheck = Services.prefs.getIntPref(client.lastCheckTimePref, 0);
return {
signerName: client.signerName
return {
serverURL: Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_SETTINGS_SERVER),
localTimestamp: Services.prefs.getCharPref(PREF_SETTINGS_LAST_ETAG, null),
lastCheck: Services.prefs.getIntPref(PREF_SETTINGS_LAST_UPDATE, 0),
collections: collections.filter(c => !!c)
* Startup function called from nsBrowserGlue.
remoteSettings.init = () => {
// Hook the Push broadcast and RemoteSettings polling.
const broadcastID = "remote-settings/monitor_changes";
// When we start on a new profile there will be no ETag stored.
// Use an arbitrary ETag that is guaranteed not to occur.
// This will trigger a broadcast message but that's fine because we
// will check the changes on each collection and retrieve only the
// changes (e.g. nothing if we have a dump with the same data).
const currentVersion = Services.prefs.getStringPref(PREF_SETTINGS_LAST_ETAG, "\"0\"");
const moduleInfo = {
moduleURI: __URI__,
symbolName: "remoteSettingsBroadcastHandler",
pushBroadcastService.addListener(broadcastID, currentVersion, moduleInfo);
return remoteSettings;
var RemoteSettings = remoteSettingsFunction();
var remoteSettingsBroadcastHandler = {
async receivedBroadcastMessage(data, broadcastID) {
return RemoteSettings.pollChanges();