
635 строки
18 KiB
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1998-08-26 10:14:20 +04:00
#! /usr/bonsaitools/bin/mysqltcl
# -*- Mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
# Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
# compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
# basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
# under the License.
# The Original Code is the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
# Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are Copyright (C) 1998
# Netscape Communications Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Terry Weissman <>
puts "Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary=ThisRandomString"
puts ""
puts "--ThisRandomString"
proc InitMessage {str} {
global initstr
append initstr "$str\n"
puts "Content-type: text/plain"
puts ""
puts $initstr
puts ""
puts "--ThisRandomString"
flush stdout
# The below "if catch" stuff, if uncommented, will trap any error, and
# mail the error messages to terry. What a hideous, horrible
# debugging hack.
# if {[catch {
source "CGI.tcl"
if {![info exists FORM(cmdtype)]} {
# This can happen if there's an old bookmark to a query...
set FORM(cmdtype) doit
switch $FORM(cmdtype) {
runnamed {
set buffer $COOKIE(QUERY_$FORM(namedcmd))
ProcessFormFields $buffer
editnamed {
puts "Content-type: text/html
Refresh: 0; URL=query.cgi?$COOKIE(QUERY_$FORM(namedcmd))
<TITLE>What a hack.</TITLE>
Loading your query named <B>$FORM(namedcmd)</B>..."
forgetnamed {
puts "Set-Cookie: QUERY_$FORM(namedcmd)= ; path=/ ; expires=Sun, 30-Jun-99 00:00:00 GMT
Content-type: text/html
<TITLE>Forget what?</TITLE>
OK, the <B>$FORM(namedcmd)</B> query is gone.
<A HREF=query.cgi>Go back to the query page.</A>"
asnamed {
if {[regexp {^[a-zA-Z0-9_ ]+$} $FORM(newqueryname)]} {
puts "Set-Cookie: QUERY_$FORM(newqueryname)=$buffer ; path=/ ; expires=Sun, 30-Jun-99 00:00:00 GMT
Content-type: text/html
<TITLE>OK, done.</TITLE>
OK, you now have a new query named <B>$FORM(newqueryname)</B>.
<A HREF=query.cgi>Go back to the query page.</A>"
} else {
puts "Content-type: text/html
<TITLE>Picky, picky.</TITLE>
Query names can only have letters, digits, spaces, or underbars. You entered
\"<B>$FORM(newqueryname)</B>\", which doesn't cut it.
Click the <B>Back</B> button and type in a valid name for this query."
asdefault {
puts "Set-Cookie: DEFAULTQUERY=$buffer ; path=/ ; expires=Sun, 30-Jun-99 00:00:00 GMT
Content-type: text/html
<TITLE>OK, default is set.</TITLE>
OK, you now have a new default query.
<A HREF=query.cgi>Go back to the query page, using the new default.</A>"
proc qadd { item } {
global query
append query "$item"
proc DefCol {name k t {s ""} {q 0}} {
global key title sortkey needquote
set key($name) $k
set title($name) $t
if {![cequal $s ""]} {
set sortkey($name) $s
set needquote($name) $q
DefCol resolved_ts "bugs.resolved_ts" DateResolved bugs.resolved_ts
DefCol verified_ts "bugs.verified_ts" DateVerified bugs.verified_ts
DefCol opendate "date_format(bugs.creation_ts,'Y-m-d')" Opened bugs.creation_ts
DefCol changeddate "date_format(bugs.delta_ts,'Y-m-d')" Changed bugs.delta_ts
DefCol severity "substring(bugs.bug_severity, 1, 3)" Sev bugs.bug_severity
DefCol priority "substring(bugs.priority, 1, 3)" Pri bugs.priority
DefCol platform "substring(bugs.rep_platform, 1, 3)" Plt bugs.rep_platform
DefCol owner "assign.login_name" Owner assign.login_name
DefCol reporter "report.login_name" Reporter report.login_name
DefCol status "substring(bugs.bug_status,1,4)" State bugs.bug_status
DefCol resolution "substring(bugs.resolution,1,4)" Res bugs.resolution
DefCol summary "substring(bugs.short_desc, 1, 60)" Summary {} 1
DefCol summaryfull "bugs.short_desc" Summary {} 1
DefCol component "substring(bugs.component, 1, 8)" Comp bugs.component
DefCol product "substring(bugs.product, 1, 8)" Product bugs.product
DefCol version "substring(bugs.version, 1, 5)" Vers bugs.version
DefCol os "substring(bugs.op_sys, 1, 4)" OS bugs.op_sys
DefCol status_summary "bugs.status_summary" Status_Summary {} 1
if {[info exists COOKIE(COLUMNLIST)]} {
} else {
set collist $default_column_list
set dotweak [info exists FORM(tweak)]
if {$dotweak} {
puts "Content-type: text/plain\n"
set query "
foreach c $collist {
append query ",
if {$dotweak} {
append query ",
append query "
from bugs,
profiles assign,
profiles report,
versions projector
where bugs.assigned_to = assign.userid
and bugs.reporter = report.userid
and bugs.product = projector.program
and bugs.version = projector.value
if {[info exists FORM(sql)]} {
append query "and (\n[join [url_decode $FORM(sql)] { }]\n)"
} else {
set legal_fields { bug_id product version rep_platform op_sys bug_status
resolution priority bug_severity assigned_to reporter
bug_file_loc short_desc component
status_summary resolved_ts verified_ts}
foreach field [array names FORM] {
if { [ lsearch $legal_fields $field ] != -1 && ![cequal $FORM($field) ""]} {
qadd "\tand (\n"
set or ""
if { $field == "assigned_to" || $field == "reporter" || $field == "qa_assigned_to"} {
foreach p [split $FORM($field) ","] {
qadd "\t\t${or}bugs.$field = [DBname_to_id $p]\n"
set or "or "
} elseif { $field == "resolved_ts"} {
if {! [cequal $FORM(resolved_ts_2) ""]} {
qadd "\t\tbugs.resolved_ts between \n\t\t\tTO_DATE('$FORM($field)','DD-MON-YY') and\n \t\t\tTO_DATE('$FORM(resolved_ts_2)', 'DD-MON-YY')\n"
} else {
qadd "\t\tTO_CHAR (bugs.resolved_ts,'DD-MON-YY') = '[string toupper $FORM($field)]'\n"
} elseif { $field == "verified_ts"} {
if {! [cequal $FORM(verified_ts_2) ""]} {
qadd "\t\tbugs.verified_ts between \n\t\t\tTO_DATE('$FORM($field)','DD-MON-YY') and\n \t\t\tTO_DATE('$FORM(verified_ts_2)', 'DD-MON-YY')\n"
} else {
qadd "\t\tTO_CHAR (bugs.verified_ts,'DD-MON-YY') = '[string toupper $FORM($field)]'\n"
} else {
foreach v $MFORM($field) {
if {[cequal $v "(empty)"]} {
qadd "\t\t${or}bugs.$field is null\n"
} else {
qadd "\t\t${or}bugs.$field = '$v'\n"
set or "or "
qadd "\t)\n"
if {[lookup FORM changedin] != ""} {
set c [string trim $FORM(changedin)]
if {$c != ""} {
if {![regexp {^[0-9]*$} $c]} {
puts "
The 'changed in last ___ days' field must be a simple number. You entered
\"$c\", which doesn't cut it.
Click the Back button and try again."
qadd "and to_days(now()) - to_days(bugs.delta_ts) <= $FORM(changedin) "
1998-08-26 10:14:20 +04:00
if {[info exists FORM(order)]} {
qadd "order by "
switch -glob $FORM(order) {
*.* {}
*Number* {
set FORM(order) bugs.bug_id
*Import* {
set FORM(order) bugs.priority
*Assign* {
set FORM(order) "assign.login_name, bugs.bug_status, priorities.rank, bugs.bug_id"
default {
set FORM(order) "bugs.bug_status, priorities.rank, assign.login_name, bugs.bug_id"
if {[cequal [cindex $FORM(order) 0] "\{"]} {
# I don't know why this happens, but...
set FORM(order) [lindex $FORM(order) 0]
qadd $FORM(order)
puts "Please stand by ..."
if {[info exists FORM(debug)]} {
puts $query
flush stdout
set child 0
if {[info exists FORM(keepalive)]} {
set child [fork]
if {$child == 0} {
while 1 {
puts "Still waiting ..."
flush stdout
sleep 10
puts "Child process died, what's up?"
flush stdout
exit 0
SendSQL $query
set count 0
set bugl ""
proc pnl { str } {
global bugl
append bugl "$str"
regsub -all {[&?]order=[^&]*} $buffer {} fields
regsub -all {[&?]cmdtype=[^&]*} $fields {} fields
if {[info exists FORM(order)]} {
regsub -all { } ", $FORM(order)" "%20" oldorder
} else {
set oldorder ""
if {$dotweak} {
pnl "<FORM NAME=changeform METHOD=POST ACTION=\"process_bug.cgi\">"
<A HREF=\"buglist.cgi?[set fields]&order=bugs.bug_id\">ID</A>"
foreach c $collist {
if {$needquote($c)} {
append tablestart "<TH WIDTH=100% valigh=left>"
} else {
append tablestart "<TH valign=left>"
if {[info exists sortkey($c)]} {
append tablestart "<A HREF=\"buglist.cgi?[set fields]&order=$sortkey($c)$oldorder\">$title($c)</A>"
} else {
append tablestart $title($c)
append tablestart "\n"
set dotweak [info exists FORM(tweak)]
set p_true 1
while { $p_true } {
set result [FetchSQLData]
set p_true [MoreSQLData]
if { $result != "" } {
set bug_id [lvarpop result]
if {![info exists seen($bug_id)]} {
set seen($bug_id) 1
incr count
if {($count % 200) == 0} {
# Too big tables take too much browser memory...
pnl "</TABLE>$tablestart"
if {[info exists buglist]} {
append buglist ":$bug_id"
} else {
set buglist $bug_id
if {$dotweak} {
pnl "<input type=checkbox name=id_$bug_id>"
pnl "<A HREF=\"show_bug.cgi?id=$bug_id\">"
pnl "$bug_id</A> "
foreach c $collist {
set value [lvarpop result]
set nowrap {}
#-- This cursor is used to pick the login_name to be
# displayed on the query list as the field value may or
# maynot have vales associated to it
if { $c == "qa_assigned_to"} {
set dml_cur [ oraopen $lhandle ]
orasql $dml_cur "select login_name
from profiles
where userid = $value"
set cur_resultset [orafetch $dml_cur]
if {$cur_resultset != ""} {
set value $cur_resultset
set nowrap {nowrap}
} else {
set value ""
oraclose $dml_cur
if {$needquote($c)} {
set value [html_quote $value]
} else {
set value "<nobr>$value</nobr>"
pnl "<td $nowrap>$value"
if {$dotweak} {
set value [lvarpop result]
set prodarray($value) 1
set value [lvarpop result]
set statusarray($value) 1
pnl "\n"
if {$child != 0} {
kill $child
puts ""
puts "--ThisRandomString"
set toolong 0
puts "Content-type: text/html"
if { [info exists buglist] } {
if {[clength $buglist] < 4000} {
puts "Set-Cookie: BUGLIST=$buglist\n"
} else {
puts "Set-Cookie: BUGLIST=\n"
set toolong 1
} else {
puts ""
set env(TZ) PST8PDT
PutHeader "Bug List" "Bug List"
puts -nonewline "
<CENTER><H1>M<font -= 2>OZILLA</font> B<font -= 2>UGS</font></H1>
<B>[fmtclock [getclock ]]</B>"
if {[info exists FORM(debug)]} { puts "<PRE>$query</PRE>" }
if {$toolong} {
puts "<h2>This list is too long for bugzilla's little mind; the"
puts "Next/Prev/First/Last buttons won't appear.</h2>"
set cdata [ split [read_file -nonewline "comments"] "\n" ]
random seed
puts {<HR><I><A HREF="newquip.html">}
puts [lindex $cdata [random [llength $cdata]]]</I></A></CENTER>
puts "<HR SIZE=10>$tablestart"
puts $bugl
puts "</TABLE>"
switch $count {
0 {
puts "Zarro Boogs found."
1 {
puts "One bug found."
default {
puts "$count bugs found."
if {$dotweak} {
puts "
numelements = document.changeform.elements.length;
function SetCheckboxes(value) {
for (var i=0 ; i<numelements ; i++) {
item = document.changeform.elements\[i\];
item.checked = value;
document.write(\" <input type=button value=\\\"Uncheck All\\\" onclick=\\\"SetCheckboxes(false);\\\"> <input type=button value=\\\"Check All\\\" onclick=\\\"SetCheckboxes(true);\\\">\");
set resolution_popup [make_options $legal_resolution_no_dup FIXED]
set prod_list [array names prodarray]
set list $prod_list
set legal_target_versions $versions([lvarpop list])
foreach p $list {
set legal_target_versions [intersect $legal_target_versions \
set version_popup [make_options \
[concat "-blank-" $legal_target_versions] \
set platform_popup [make_options $legal_platform $dontchange]
set priority_popup [make_options $legal_priority $dontchange]
set sev_popup [make_options $legal_severity $dontchange]
if {[llength $prod_list] == 1} {
set prod_list [lindex $prod_list 0 ]
set legal_component [linsert $components($prod_list) 0 { }]
} else {
set legal_component { }
set component_popup [make_options $legal_component $dontchange]
set product_popup [make_options $legal_product $dontchange]
puts "
<TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>Product:</B></TD>
<TD><SELECT NAME=product>$product_popup</SELECT></TD>
<TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>Version:</B></TD>
<TD><SELECT NAME=version>$version_popup</SELECT></TD>
<TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B><A HREF=\"bug_status.html#rep_platform\">Platform:</A></B></TD>
<TD><SELECT NAME=rep_platform>$platform_popup</SELECT></TD>
<TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B><A HREF=\"bug_status.html#priority\">Priority:</A></B></TD>
<TD><SELECT NAME=priority>$priority_popup</SELECT></TD>
<TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B>Component:</B></TD>
<TD><SELECT NAME=component>$component_popup</SELECT></TD>
<TD ALIGN=RIGHT><B><A HREF=\"bug_status.html#severity\">Severity:</A></B></TD>
<TD><SELECT NAME=bug_severity>$sev_popup</SELECT></TD>
<INPUT NAME=multiupdate value=Y TYPE=hidden>
<B>Additional Comments:</B>
# knum is which knob number we're generating, in javascript terms.
set knum 0
puts "
Do nothing else<br>"
incr knum
puts "
<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=knob VALUE=accept>
Accept bugs (change status to <b>ASSIGNED</b>)<br>"
incr knum
if {![info exists statusarray(CLOSED)] && \
![info exists statusarray(VERIFIED)] && \
![info exists statusarray(RESOLVED)]} {
puts "
<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=knob VALUE=clearresolution>
Clear the resolution<br>"
incr knum
puts "
<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=knob VALUE=resolve>
Resolve bugs, changing <A HREF=\"bug_status.html\">resolution</A> to
<SELECT NAME=resolution
incr knum
if {![info exists statusarray(NEW)] && \
![info exists statusarray(ASSIGNED)] && \
![info exists statusarray(REOPENED)]} {
puts "
<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=knob VALUE=reopen> Reopen bugs<br>"
incr knum
if {[llength [array names statusarray]] == 1} {
if {[info exists statusarray(RESOLVED)]} {
puts "
<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=knob VALUE=verify>
Mark bugs as <b>VERIFIED</b><br>"
incr knum
if {[info exists statusarray(VERIFIED)]} {
puts "
<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=knob VALUE=close>
Mark bugs as <b>CLOSED</b><br>"
incr knum
puts "
<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=knob VALUE=reassign>
<A HREF=\"bug_status.html#assigned_to\">Reassign</A> bugs to
<INPUT NAME=assigned_to SIZE=32
incr knum
puts "<INPUT TYPE=radio NAME=knob VALUE=reassignbycomponent>
Reassign bugs to owner of selected component<br>"
incr knum
puts "
<font size=-1>
To make changes to a bunch of bugs at once:
<li> Put check boxes next to the bugs you want to change.
<li> Adjust above form elements. (It's <b>always</b> a good idea to add some
comment explaining what you're doing.)
<li> Click the below \"Commit\" button.
if {$count > 0} {
puts "<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION=\"long_list.cgi\">
<A HREF=\"query.cgi\">Query Page</A>
<A HREF=\"colchange.cgi?$buffer\">Change columns</A>
if {!$dotweak && $count > 1} {
puts "<A HREF=\"buglist.cgi?[set fields]&tweak=1\">Make changes to several of these bugs at once.</A>"
puts "--ThisRandomString--"
flush stdout
# Below is second part of hideous "if catch" stuff from above.
# }]} {
# exec /usr/lib/sendmail -t << "To: terry
# $query
# $errorInfo
# "
# }