2012-09-01 00:59:37 +04:00
/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* The origin of this IDL file is
* https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/audio/raw-file/tip/webaudio/specification.html
* Copyright © 2012 W3C® (MIT, ERCIM, Keio), All Rights Reserved. W3C
* liability, trademark and document use rules apply.
2013-02-02 02:13:23 +04:00
callback DecodeSuccessCallback = void (AudioBuffer decodedData);
callback DecodeErrorCallback = void ();
2012-09-08 02:13:26 +04:00
[Constructor, PrefControlled]
2013-04-25 08:28:39 +04:00
interface AudioContext : EventTarget {
2012-09-19 03:07:33 +04:00
readonly attribute AudioDestinationNode destination;
2012-11-30 07:31:39 +04:00
readonly attribute float sampleRate;
2013-03-15 05:01:02 +04:00
readonly attribute double currentTime;
2012-11-06 04:26:03 +04:00
readonly attribute AudioListener listener;
2012-09-19 03:07:33 +04:00
2012-09-22 02:42:14 +04:00
[Creator, Throws]
AudioBuffer createBuffer(unsigned long numberOfChannels, unsigned long length, float sampleRate);
2013-02-02 02:13:23 +04:00
void decodeAudioData(ArrayBuffer audioData,
DecodeSuccessCallback successCallback,
optional DecodeErrorCallback errorCallback);
2012-09-19 03:07:33 +04:00
// AudioNode creation
2012-09-25 07:31:58 +04:00
2012-09-19 03:07:33 +04:00
AudioBufferSourceNode createBufferSource();
2013-07-18 13:57:38 +04:00
[Creator, Throws]
2013-05-21 23:17:47 +04:00
MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode createMediaStreamDestination();
2013-04-14 05:37:04 +04:00
[Creator, Throws]
ScriptProcessorNode createScriptProcessor(optional unsigned long bufferSize = 0,
optional unsigned long numberOfInputChannels = 2,
optional unsigned long numberOfOutputChannels = 2);
2013-04-01 07:41:14 +04:00
AnalyserNode createAnalyser();
2013-07-24 15:29:39 +04:00
[Creator, Throws]
2013-07-25 07:01:49 +04:00
MediaElementAudioSourceNode createMediaElementSource(HTMLMediaElement mediaElement);
[Creator, Throws]
2013-07-24 15:29:39 +04:00
MediaStreamAudioSourceNode createMediaStreamSource(MediaStream mediaStream);
2012-10-31 23:09:32 +04:00
GainNode createGain();
2012-11-08 22:17:22 +04:00
[Creator, Throws]
2012-11-20 00:52:29 +04:00
DelayNode createDelay(optional double maxDelayTime = 1);
2012-11-06 06:14:13 +04:00
2012-11-08 05:59:14 +04:00
BiquadFilterNode createBiquadFilter();
2013-05-14 08:12:30 +04:00
WaveShaperNode createWaveShaper();
2012-11-06 06:14:13 +04:00
PannerNode createPanner();
2013-06-11 00:07:55 +04:00
ConvolverNode createConvolver();
2012-10-31 23:09:32 +04:00
2013-05-05 19:49:13 +04:00
[Creator, Throws]
ChannelSplitterNode createChannelSplitter(optional unsigned long numberOfOutputs = 6);
2013-05-05 19:49:37 +04:00
[Creator, Throws]
ChannelMergerNode createChannelMerger(optional unsigned long numberOfInputs = 6);
2013-05-05 19:49:13 +04:00
2012-11-07 05:01:11 +04:00
DynamicsCompressorNode createDynamicsCompressor();
2013-08-19 22:53:00 +04:00
OscillatorNode createOscillator();
2013-05-28 15:19:07 +04:00
[Creator, Throws]
2013-06-20 02:24:26 +04:00
PeriodicWave createPeriodicWave(Float32Array real, Float32Array imag);
2013-05-28 15:19:07 +04:00
2012-09-01 00:59:37 +04:00
2013-04-12 06:08:05 +04:00
* The origin of this IDL file is
* https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/audio/raw-file/tip/webaudio/specification.html#AlternateNames
partial interface AudioContext {
2013-07-04 17:25:12 +04:00
[Creator, Throws]
AudioBuffer? createBuffer(ArrayBuffer buffer, boolean mixToMono);
2013-04-12 06:08:05 +04:00
// Same as createGain()
2013-06-24 03:22:10 +04:00
2013-04-12 06:08:05 +04:00
GainNode createGainNode();
2013-07-04 17:25:12 +04:00
2013-04-12 06:08:05 +04:00
// Same as createDelay()
2013-06-24 03:22:10 +04:00
[Creator, Throws, Pref="media.webaudio.legacy.AudioContext"]
2013-04-12 06:08:05 +04:00
DelayNode createDelayNode(optional double maxDelayTime = 1);
// Same as createScriptProcessor()
2013-06-24 03:22:10 +04:00
[Creator, Throws, Pref="media.webaudio.legacy.AudioContext"]
2013-04-14 05:37:04 +04:00
ScriptProcessorNode createJavaScriptNode(optional unsigned long bufferSize = 0,
optional unsigned long numberOfInputChannels = 2,
optional unsigned long numberOfOutputChannels = 2);
2013-04-12 06:08:05 +04:00