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Common Lisp
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1999-11-03 06:58:07 +03:00
;;; The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
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;;; The Original Code is the Language Design and Prototyping Environment.
;;; The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape Communications
;;; Corporation. Portions created by Netscape Communications Corporation are
2002-02-05 00:13:45 +03:00
;;; Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
1999-11-03 06:58:07 +03:00
;;; Rights Reserved.
;;; Contributor(s): Waldemar Horwat <>
2002-02-05 00:13:45 +03:00
;;; Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
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1999-01-30 04:19:00 +03:00
;;; Finite-state machine generator
1999-11-03 06:58:07 +03:00
;;; Waldemar Horwat (
1999-01-30 04:19:00 +03:00
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defstruct (metatransition (:constructor make-metatransition (next-metastate pre-productions post-productions)))
(next-metastate nil :read-only t) ;Next metastate to enter or nil if this is an accept transition
(pre-productions nil :read-only t) ;List of productions reduced by this transition (in order from first to last) before the shift
(post-productions nil :read-only t)) ;List of productions reduced by this transition (in order from first to last) after the shift
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; A metastate is a list of states that represents a possible stack that the
;;; LALR(1) parser may encounter.
(defstruct (metastate (:constructor make-metastate (stack number transitions)))
(stack nil :type list :read-only t) ;List of states that comprises a possible stack
(number nil :type integer :read-only t) ;Serial number of this metastate
(transitions nil :type simple-vector :read-only t)) ;Array, indexed by terminal numbers, of either nil or metatransition structures
(declaim (inline metastate-transition))
(defun metastate-transition (metastate terminal-number)
(svref (metastate-transitions metastate) terminal-number))
(defun print-metastate (metastate metagrammar &optional (stream t))
(let ((grammar (metagrammar-grammar metagrammar)))
(pprint-logical-block (stream nil)
(format stream "M~D:~2I ~@_~<~@{S~D ~:_~}~:>~:@_"
(metastate-number metastate)
(nreverse (mapcar #'state-number (metastate-stack metastate))))
(let ((transitions (metastate-transitions metastate)))
(dotimes (terminal-number (length transitions))
(let ((transition (svref transitions terminal-number))
(terminal (svref (grammar-terminals grammar) terminal-number)))
(when transition
(let ((next-metastate (metatransition-next-metastate transition)))
(pprint-logical-block (stream nil)
(format stream "~W ==> ~@_~:I~:[accept~;M~:*~D~] ~_"
(and next-metastate (metastate-number next-metastate)))
(pprint-fill stream (mapcar #'production-name (metatransition-pre-productions transition)))
(format stream " ~@_")
(pprint-fill stream (mapcar #'production-name (metatransition-post-productions transition))))
(pprint-newline :mandatory stream)))))))))
(defmethod print-object ((metastate metastate) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (metastate stream)
(format stream "metastate S~D" (metastate-number metastate))))
;;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defstruct (metagrammar (:constructor allocate-metagrammar))
(grammar nil :type grammar :read-only t) ;The grammar to which this metagrammar corresponds
(metastates nil :type list :read-only t) ;List of metastates ordered by metastate numbers
(start nil :type metastate :read-only t)) ;The start metastate
(defun make-metagrammar (grammar)
(let* ((terminals (grammar-terminals grammar))
(n-terminals (length terminals))
(metastates-hash (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) ;Hash table of (list of state) -> metastate
(metastates nil)
(metastate-number -1))
(;Return the stack after applying the given reduction production.
(apply-reduction-production (stack production)
(let* ((stack (nthcdr (production-rhs-length production) stack))
(state (first stack))
(dst-state (assert-non-null
(cdr (assoc (production-lhs production) (state-gotos state) :test *grammar-symbol-=*))))
(dst-stack (cons dst-state stack)))
(if (member dst-state stack :test #'eq)
(error "This grammar cannot be represented by a FSM. Stack: ~S" dst-stack)
(get-metatransition (stack terminal productions)
(let* ((state (first stack))
(transition (cdr (assoc terminal (state-transitions state) :test *grammar-symbol-=*))))
(when transition
(case (transition-kind transition)
(multiple-value-bind (metastate forwarding-productions) (get-metastate (transition-state transition) stack t)
(make-metatransition metastate (nreverse productions) forwarding-productions)))
(let ((production (transition-production transition)))
(get-metatransition (apply-reduction-production stack production) terminal (cons production productions))))
(:accept (make-metatransition nil (nreverse productions) nil))
(t (error "Bad transition: ~S" transition))))))
;Return the metastate corresponding to the state stack (stack-top . stack-rest). Construct a new
;metastate if necessary.
;If simplify is true and stack-top is a state for which every outgoing transition is the same
;reduction, return two values:
; the metastate reached by following that reduction (doing it recursively if needed)
; a list of reduction productions followed this way.
(get-metastate (stack-top stack-rest simplify)
(let* ((stack (cons stack-top stack-rest))
(existing-metastate (gethash stack metastates-hash)))
(existing-metastate (values existing-metastate nil))
((member stack-top stack-rest :test #'eq)
(error "This grammar cannot be represented by a FSM. Stack: ~S" stack))
(t (let ((forwarding-production (and simplify (forwarding-state-production stack-top))))
(if forwarding-production
(let ((stack (apply-reduction-production stack forwarding-production)))
(multiple-value-bind (metastate forwarding-productions) (get-metastate (car stack) (cdr stack) simplify)
(values metastate (cons forwarding-production forwarding-productions))))
(let* ((transitions (make-array n-terminals :initial-element nil))
(metastate (make-metastate stack (incf metastate-number) transitions)))
(setf (gethash stack metastates-hash) metastate)
(push metastate metastates)
(dotimes (n n-terminals)
(setf (svref transitions n)
(get-metatransition stack (svref terminals n) nil)))
(values metastate nil)))))))))
(let ((start-metastate (get-metastate (grammar-start-state grammar) nil nil)))
(allocate-metagrammar :grammar grammar
:metastates (nreverse metastates)
:start start-metastate)))))
; Print the metagrammar nicely.
(defun print-metagrammar (metagrammar &optional (stream t) &key (grammar t) (details t))
(pprint-logical-block (stream nil)
(when grammar
(print-grammar (metagrammar-grammar metagrammar) stream :details details))
;Print the metastates.
(format stream "Start metastate: ~@_M~D~:@_~:@_" (metastate-number (metagrammar-start metagrammar)))
(pprint-logical-block (stream (metagrammar-metastates metagrammar))
(format stream "Metastates:~2I~:@_")
(print-metastate (pprint-pop) metagrammar stream)
(pprint-newline :mandatory stream))))
(pprint-newline :mandatory stream))
(defmethod print-object ((metagrammar metagrammar) stream)
(print-unreadable-object (metagrammar stream :identity t)
(write-string "metagrammar" stream)))
; Find the longest possible prefix of the input list of tokens that is accepted by the
; grammar. Parse that prefix and return two values:
; the list of action results;
; the tail of the input list of tokens remaining to be parsed.
; Signal an error if no prefix of the input list is accepted by the grammar.
; token-terminal is a function that returns a terminal symbol when given an input token.
; If trace is:
; nil, don't print trace information
; :code, print trace information, including action code
; other print trace information
(defun action-metaparse (metagrammar token-terminal input &key trace)
(if trace
(trace-action-metaparse metagrammar token-terminal input trace)
(let ((grammar (metagrammar-grammar metagrammar)))
((transition-value-stack (value-stack productions)
(dolist (production productions)
(setq value-stack (funcall (production-evaluator production) value-stack)))
(cut (input good-metastate good-input good-value-stack)
(unless good-metastate
(syntax-error "Parse error on ~S ..." (ldiff input (nthcdr 10 input))))
1999-01-30 04:19:00 +03:00
(let ((last-metatransition (metastate-transition good-metastate *end-marker-terminal-number*)))
(assert-true (null (metatransition-next-metastate last-metatransition)))
(assert-true (null (metatransition-post-productions last-metatransition)))
(reverse (transition-value-stack good-value-stack (metatransition-pre-productions last-metatransition)))
(do ((metastate (metagrammar-start metagrammar))
(input input (cdr input))
(value-stack nil)
(last-good-metastate nil)
(when (metastate-transition metastate *end-marker-terminal-number*)
(setq last-good-metastate metastate)
(setq last-good-input input)
(setq last-good-value-stack value-stack))
(when (endp input)
(return (cut input last-good-metastate last-good-input last-good-value-stack)))
(let* ((token (first input))
(terminal (funcall token-terminal token))
(terminal-number (terminal-number grammar terminal))
(metatransition (metastate-transition metastate terminal-number)))
(unless metatransition
(return (cut input last-good-metastate last-good-input last-good-value-stack)))
(setq value-stack (transition-value-stack value-stack (metatransition-pre-productions metatransition)))
(dolist (action-function-binding (gethash terminal (grammar-terminal-actions grammar)))
(push (funcall (cdr action-function-binding) token) value-stack))
(setq value-stack (transition-value-stack value-stack (metatransition-post-productions metatransition)))
(setq metastate (metatransition-next-metastate metatransition))))))))
; Same as action-parse, but with tracing information
; If trace is:
; :code, print trace information, including action code
; other print trace information
(defun trace-action-metaparse (metagrammar token-terminal input trace)
((grammar (metagrammar-grammar metagrammar)))
((print-stacks (value-stack type-stack)
(write-string " " *trace-output*)
(if value-stack
(print-values (reverse value-stack) (reverse type-stack) *trace-output*)
(write-string "empty" *trace-output*))
(pprint-newline :mandatory *trace-output*))
(transition-value-stack (value-stack type-stack productions)
(dolist (production productions)
(write-string " reduce " *trace-output*)
(if (eq trace :code)
(write production :stream *trace-output* :pretty t)
(print-production production *trace-output*))
(pprint-newline :mandatory *trace-output*)
(setq value-stack (funcall (production-evaluator production) value-stack))
(setq type-stack (nthcdr (production-n-action-args production) type-stack))
(dolist (action-signature (grammar-symbol-signature grammar (production-lhs production)))
(push (cdr action-signature) type-stack))
(print-stacks value-stack type-stack))
(values value-stack type-stack))
(cut (input good-metastate good-input good-value-stack good-type-stack)
(unless good-metastate
(syntax-error "Parse error on ~S ..." (ldiff input (nthcdr 10 input))))
1999-01-30 04:19:00 +03:00
(let ((last-metatransition (metastate-transition good-metastate *end-marker-terminal-number*)))
(assert-true (null (metatransition-next-metastate last-metatransition)))
(assert-true (null (metatransition-post-productions last-metatransition)))
(format *trace-output* "cut to M~D~:@_" (metastate-number good-metastate))
(print-stacks good-value-stack good-type-stack)
(pprint-newline :mandatory *trace-output*)
(reverse (transition-value-stack good-value-stack good-type-stack (metatransition-pre-productions last-metatransition)))
(do ((metastate (metagrammar-start metagrammar))
(input input (cdr input))
(value-stack nil)
(type-stack nil)
(last-good-metastate nil)
(format *trace-output* "M~D" (metastate-number metastate))
(when (metastate-transition metastate *end-marker-terminal-number*)
(write-string " (good)" *trace-output*)
(setq last-good-metastate metastate)
(setq last-good-input input)
(setq last-good-value-stack value-stack)
(setq last-good-type-stack type-stack))
(write-string ": " *trace-output*)
(when (endp input)
(return (cut input last-good-metastate last-good-input last-good-value-stack last-good-type-stack)))
(let* ((token (first input))
(terminal (funcall token-terminal token))
(terminal-number (terminal-number grammar terminal))
(metatransition (metastate-transition metastate terminal-number)))
(unless metatransition
(format *trace-output* "shift ~W: " terminal)
(return (cut input last-good-metastate last-good-input last-good-value-stack last-good-type-stack)))
(format *trace-output* "transition to M~D~:@_" (metastate-number (metatransition-next-metastate metatransition)))
(multiple-value-setq (value-stack type-stack)
(transition-value-stack value-stack type-stack (metatransition-pre-productions metatransition)))
(dolist (action-function-binding (gethash terminal (grammar-terminal-actions grammar)))
(push (funcall (cdr action-function-binding) token) value-stack))
(dolist (action-signature (grammar-symbol-signature grammar terminal))
(push (cdr action-signature) type-stack))
(format *trace-output* "shift ~W~:@_" terminal)
(print-stacks value-stack type-stack)
(multiple-value-setq (value-stack type-stack)
(transition-value-stack value-stack type-stack (metatransition-post-productions metatransition)))
(setq metastate (metatransition-next-metastate metatransition)))))))
; Compute all representative strings of terminals such that, for each such string S:
; S is rejected by the grammar's language;
; all prefixes of S are also rejected by the grammar's language;
; for any S and all strings of terminals T, the concatenated string ST is also
; rejected by the grammar's language;
; no string S1 is a prefix of (or equal to) another string S2.
; Often there are infinitely many such strings S, so only output one for each illegal
; metaparser transition.
; Return a list of S's, where each S is itself a list of terminals.
(defun compute-illegal-strings (metagrammar)
(let* ((grammar (metagrammar-grammar metagrammar))
(terminals (grammar-terminals grammar))
(n-terminals (length terminals))
(metastates (metagrammar-metastates metagrammar))
(n-metastates (length metastates))
(visited-metastates (make-array n-metastates :element-type 'bit :initial-element 0))
(illegal-strings nil))
((visit (metastate reversed-string)
(let ((metastate-number (metastate-number metastate)))
(when (= (sbit visited-metastates metastate-number) 0)
(setf (sbit visited-metastates metastate-number) 1)
(let ((metatransitions (metastate-transitions metastate)))
;If there is a transition for the end marker from this state, then string
;is accepted by the language, so cut off the search.
(unless (svref metatransitions *end-marker-terminal-number*)
(dotimes (terminal-number n-terminals)
(unless (= terminal-number *end-marker-terminal-number*)
(let ((metatransition (svref metatransitions terminal-number))
(reversed-string (cons (svref terminals terminal-number) reversed-string)))
(if metatransition
(visit (metatransition-next-metastate metatransition) reversed-string)
(push (reverse reversed-string) illegal-strings)))))))))))
(visit (metagrammar-start metagrammar) nil)
(nreverse illegal-strings))))
; Compute and print illegal strings of terminals. See compute-illegal-strings.
(defun print-illegal-strings (metagrammar &optional (stream t))
(pprint-logical-block (stream (compute-illegal-strings metagrammar))
(format stream "Illegal strings:~2I")
(pprint-newline :mandatory stream)
(pprint-fill stream (pprint-pop))))
(pprint-newline :mandatory stream))