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2002-02-08 05:12:21 +03:00
#! /bin/perl
# /u/sonmi/bin/
# this script is supposed to remove tinderbox QA if:
# QA has passed, there are 2+ newer QA dirs of the same machine and
# platform (32/64) and it is older than 2 hours
# QA has failed, there are 2+ newer QA dirsof the same machine and
# platform (32/64) with _identical failures and it is older than
# 2 hours
# directory is older than 48 hours
use Time::Local;
$verbose = 1;
2002-02-08 05:12:21 +03:00
2002-02-08 05:12:21 +03:00
@tbx_dirs = ();
$year, $month, $days, $hours, $minutes, $seconds;
2002-02-08 05:12:21 +03:00
@tbx_dirs = `ls -r $TBX_TESTDIR`; #sort first by host,
#then 64,
#then newest - oldest
debug ("found $#tbx_dirs directories ");
($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $days, $month, $year) = localtime;
debug ("$seconds, $minutes, $hours, $days, $month, $year");
$enow = timelocal(localtime);
sub debug;
sub warning;
sub error;
sub msg;
sub init;
sub check_tbx_dirs;
sub check_tbx_dirs
my $platform_idx=0; # counts directories per platform, newest
# to oldest (ignores incomplete)
my $passed_idx=0; # counts passed directories newest to oldest
my $QAstatus="unknown";
foreach $tbx_dir (@tbx_dirs) {
$tbx_dir =~ s/\n//g;
$fulldate = $tbx_dir;
$fulldate =~ s/^.*-(20.*-..\...$)/$1/;
$day = $month = $year = $hour = $min = $fulldate;
$host = $tbx_dir;
$host =~ s/-20.*//;
$no_bits = $host;
$host =~ s/64$//;
$no_bits =~ s/.*64$/64/;
$no_bits =~ s/^[^6].*/other/;
$year =~ s/(....).*/$1/;
$month =~ s/....(..).*/$1/;
$day =~ s/......(..).*/$1/;
$hour =~ s/........-(..).*/$1/;
$min =~ s/.*\.(..)$/$1/;
if ( -f "$TBX_TESTDIR/$tbx_dir/QAstatus" ) {
$QAstatus=`cat $TBX_TESTDIR/$tbx_dir/QAstatus 2>/dev/null`;
$QAstatus =~ s/\n$//g;
} else {
$efulldate = timelocal( 0, $min, $hour, $day, $month-1, $year-1900);
if ( "$host" !~ "$last_host" || "$no_bits" !~ "$last_no_bits" ) {
if ( $QAstatus !~ "QA running" ) {
$platform_idx = 0;
} else {
$platform_idx = -1;
$passed_idx = 0;
$last_host = $host;
$last_no_bits = $no_bits;
} else {
$platform_idx ++;
$passed_idx++ if ( $QAstatus =~ "QA passed" ) ;
debug ("$tbx_dir host $host date $fulldate bits $no_bits $year/$month/$day $hour:$min QAstatus $QAstatus pli $platform_idx pai $passed_idx");
if ( $passed_idx > $PASSED_NEWER_DIRS && $QAstatus =~ "QA passed" ) {
$ekeeptime=$efulldate + $ePASSED_TBX_KEEP;
#($s, $m, $h, $d, $mo, $y) = localtime($ekeeptime);
#debug ("$passed_idx > $PASSED_NEWER_DIRS ekeeptime ($s, $m, $h, $d, $mo, $y) == $ekeeptime");
rm_tbx ("Passed $PASSED_TBX_KEEP_HOURS + hours old") if ( $ekeeptime <= $enow );
} elsif ( $QAstatus !~ "QA failed" ) {
$ekeeptime=$efulldate + $eNOT_FAILED_TBX_KEEP;
rm_tbx ("Not failed $NOT_FAILED_TBX_KEEP_HOURS + hours old") if ( $ekeeptime <= $enow );
} else {
$ekeeptime=$efulldate + $eANY_TBX_KEEP;
rm_tbx ("Passed 2+ hours old") if ( $ekeeptime <= $enow );
if ( $QAstatus =~ "QA failed" ) {
$ekeeptime=$efulldate + $eIF_TBX_KEEP;
#FIXME - compare to the previous failure by filtering and
#FIXME diffing the results.html files (first grep failed)
sub rm_tbx()
debug ("DELETING $tbx_dir... (@_[0]) ");
system("rm -rf $TBX_TESTDIR/$tbx_dir");
#debug ("rm -rf $TBX_TESTDIR/$tbx_dir");
2002-02-08 05:12:21 +03:00
sub msg
my $i;
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#_ ; $i++ ) {
print "@_[$i] ";
print "\n";
sub error
msg ("ERROR: " ,@_ );
sub warning
msg ("WARNING:" ,@_ );
sub debug
if ( $verbose == 1 ) {
msg ("DEBUG: " ,@_ );
} elsif ( $verbose == 2 ) {
msg (@_ );