2012-05-15 20:20:30 +04:00
# -*- makefile -*-
2012-05-21 15:12:37 +04:00
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
2011-12-22 03:10:06 +04:00
2012-05-15 20:20:30 +04:00
# Dependency build overhead:
# o always create/update/hard link targets boomkarks.json & searchplugins
# o latest symlink will be correct for the current locale / local build.
# o logic is essentially FORCE for language packs w/o all the build overhead
# o phase 2: replace hard links with a user function able to derive path
# based on current locale.
2012-08-04 22:26:44 +04:00
2011-12-22 03:10:06 +04:00
topsrcdir = @top_srcdir@
srcdir = @srcdir@
VPATH = @srcdir@
2012-08-04 22:26:44 +04:00
relativesrcdir = @relativesrcdir@
2011-12-22 03:10:06 +04:00
include $(DEPTH)/config/autoconf.mk
include $(topsrcdir)/config/config.mk
2012-05-15 20:20:30 +04:00
include $(topsrcdir)/config/makefiles/makeutils.mk
# Separate items of contention
tgt-gendir = .deps/generated_$(AB_CD)
jar-maker = \
$(firstword \
$(wildcard $(MOZILLA_DIR)/config/JarMaker.py) \
$(topsrcdir)/config/JarMaker.py \
2011-12-22 03:10:06 +04:00
vpath book%.inc $(LOCALE_MERGEDIR)/mobile/profile
vpath book%.inc $(LOCALE_SRCDIR)/profile
vpath book%.inc @srcdir@/en-US/profile
2012-05-15 20:20:30 +04:00
2011-12-22 03:10:06 +04:00
$(DEPTH)/$(MOZ_BRANDING_DIRECTORY)/locales/Makefile \
-DAB_CD=$(AB_CD) \
2012-05-15 20:20:30 +04:00
# Default target, preserve existing functionality for:
# gmake -C $obj/mobile/locales
search-jar-default: search-jar
bookmarks = bookmarks.json
bookmarks-ts = $(tgt-gendir)/$(bookmarks)
src-bookmarks = $(srcdir)/generic/profile/$(bookmarks).in
GARBAGE += $(bookmarks) $(bookmarks-ts)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Note: Always symlink bookmarks.json to pickup the current build for a
# locale. Phase 2 edits should remove the common/symlink file and
# provide a user function able to derive the path.
## Searchlist plugin config
plugin-file-array = \
$(wildcard $(LOCALE_SRCDIR)/searchplugins/list.txt) \
$(srcdir)/en-US/searchplugins/list.txt \
plugin_file = $(firstword $(plugin-file-array))
plugin-file-ts = $(tgt-gendir)/$(subst $(topsrcdir)/,$(NULL),$(plugin_file)).ts
GARBAGE += $(plugin-file-ts)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# plugin-file-ts track searchlist file used ($path/list.txt)
# and time when the file was last modified.
plugin-file-ts-preqs =\
$(call mkdir_deps,$(dir $(plugin-file-ts))) \
$(plugin_file) \
# Detect locale changes. Force stale deps when searchlist file
# or content has changed.
$(plugin-file-ts): $(plugin-file-ts-preqs)
@touch $@
search-jar-common = tmp-search.jar.mn
search-jar = $(tgt-gendir)/$(search-jar-common)
search-jar-ts = $(search-jar).ts
GARBAGE += $(search-jar) $(search-jar-ts) $(search-jar-common)
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# search-jar contains a list of providers for the search plugin
SEARCH_PLUGINS = $(shell cat $(plugin_file))
$(call errorIfEmpty,SEARCH_PLUGINS)
search-jar-preqs =\
$(plugin-file-ts) \
.PHONY: search-jar
search-jar: $(search-jar)
$(search-jar): $(search-jar-preqs)
@echo "\nGenerating: search-jar"
2011-12-22 03:10:06 +04:00
printf "$(AB_CD).jar:" > $@
2012-05-15 20:20:30 +04:00
ln -fn $@ .
2011-12-22 03:10:06 +04:00
printf "$(foreach plugin,$(SEARCH_PLUGINS),$(subst __PLUGIN_SUBST__,$(plugin), \n locale/$(AB_CD)/browser/searchplugins/__PLUGIN_SUBST__.xml (__PLUGIN_SUBST__.xml)))" >> $@
@echo >> $@
2012-05-15 20:20:30 +04:00
.PHONY: searchplugins
searchplugins: $(search-jar-ts)
@echo "\nGenerating: $@"
search-dir-deps = \
$(plugin-file) \
$(dir-chrome) \
search-preqs =\
$(call mkdir_deps,$(dir $(search-jar-ts))) \
$(call mkdir_deps,$(FINAL_TARGET)/chrome) \
$(search-jar) \
$(search-dir-deps) \
$(jar-maker) \
$(search-jar-ts): $(search-preqs)
$(PYTHON) $(jar-maker) \
2011-12-22 03:10:06 +04:00
$(QUIET) -j $(FINAL_TARGET)/chrome \
-s $(topsrcdir)/$(relativesrcdir)/en-US/searchplugins \
-s $(LOCALE_SRCDIR)/searchplugins \
2012-05-15 20:20:30 +04:00
$(MAKE_JARS_FLAGS) $(search-jar)
$(TOUCH) $@
2011-12-22 03:10:06 +04:00
2012-05-15 20:20:30 +04:00
include $(topsrcdir)/config/rules.mk
2011-12-22 03:10:06 +04:00
2012-05-15 20:20:30 +04:00
libs-preqs =\
$(call mkdir-deps,$(DIST)/install) \
2011-12-22 03:10:06 +04:00
2012-05-15 20:20:30 +04:00
libs-%: $(libs-preqs)
2011-12-22 03:10:06 +04:00
@$(MAKE) -C $(DEPTH)/toolkit/locales libs-$* BOTH_MANIFESTS=1
@$(MAKE) -C $(DEPTH)/services/sync/locales AB_CD=$* XPI_NAME=locale-$* BOTH_MANIFESTS=1
@$(MAKE) -C $(DEPTH)/intl/locales AB_CD=$* XPI_NAME=locale-$* BOTH_MANIFESTS=1
2012-05-15 20:20:30 +04:00
@$(MAKE) -B $(bookmarks) AB_CD=$*
2011-12-22 03:10:06 +04:00
@$(MAKE) -B searchplugins AB_CD=$* XPI_NAME=locale-$*
@$(MAKE) libs AB_CD=$* XPI_NAME=locale-$* PREF_DIR=defaults/pref BOTH_MANIFESTS=1
# Tailored target to just add the chrome processing for multi-locale builds
2012-05-15 20:20:30 +04:00
2011-12-22 03:10:06 +04:00
@$(MAKE) -C $(DEPTH)/toolkit/locales chrome-$*
@$(MAKE) -C $(DEPTH)/services/sync/locales chrome AB_CD=$*
2012-05-15 20:20:30 +04:00
@$(MAKE) -B $(bookmarks) AB_CD=$*
2011-12-22 03:10:06 +04:00
@$(MAKE) -B searchplugins AB_CD=$*
@$(MAKE) chrome AB_CD=$*
@$(MAKE) -C $(DEPTH)/$(MOZ_BRANDING_DIRECTORY)/locales chrome AB_CD=$*
NO_JA_JP_MAC_AB_CD := $(if $(filter ja-JP-mac, $(AB_CD)),ja,$(AB_CD))
2012-05-15 20:20:30 +04:00
# emulate vpath to gather deps with a path
has-mergedir = $(if $(strip $(LOCALE_MERGEDIR)),1)
bookmarks-inc-array = \
$(wildcard \
$(if $(has_mergedir),$(LOCALE_MERGEDIR)/mobile/profile/bookmarks.inc) \
$(LOCALE_SRCDIR)/profile/bookmarks.inc \
$(if $(has-mergedir),$(srcdir)/en-US/profile/bookmarks.inc) \
bookmarks-inc = $(firstword $(bookmarks-inc-array))
bookmarks-preqs =\
$(bookmarks-inc) \
$(call mkdir_deps,$(dir $(bookmarks-ts))) \
$(src-bookmarks) \
generic/profile/$(bookmarks).in \
$(topsrcdir)/config/Preprocessor.py \
$(bookmarks-ts): $(bookmarks-preqs)
2011-12-22 03:10:06 +04:00
$(PYTHON) $(topsrcdir)/config/Preprocessor.py \
2012-05-15 20:20:30 +04:00
-I $< \
$(src-bookmarks) \
> $@
.PHONY: bookmarks $(bookmarks)
bookmarks: $(bookmarks)
$(bookmarks): $(bookmarks-ts)
@echo "\nGenerating: $@"
ln -fn $< .
2011-12-22 03:10:06 +04:00
2012-05-15 20:20:30 +04:00
export:: searchplugins bookmarks
2011-12-22 03:10:06 +04:00